People claiming to be full in tiny calorie amounts



  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I try to eat around 1200 calories a day, did I used to, of course not, yes, that's part of the reason why I was overweight, so I cut my calories and started working out, now I'm completely full on 1200 calories and I have found that the times when I tried to eat more calories than the 1200 that even once I've reached 1500-2000 calories I get even more hungry and end up going overboard, not sure why but when I stick to my 1200 I can eat that and be completely satisfied.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    You say you eat to the point of being full where you feel uncomfortable, but still feel dizzy and obsessed with food until you hit some magic calorie number. That sounds psychological to me.

    And on this site I actually find there's a lot of encouragement to eat a lot of calories. I find myself thinking whether I should put mine up pretty often, and I normally eat at least 1500, just because there's so much advocation of high calories, then I think why change what's been working for me for months.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I think it would surprise you how easy it is to be satisfied on that few calories, especially if the person is a "grazer" and doesn't split their eating into meal segments. I know the timing of your food doesn't matter for weight loss, but it will matter for satiety.

    That being said, most of the time, yes, it is a load of carp and the person is lying to everyone including themselves and trying to force themselves to eat less because they think it's an insta-cure for being overweight.

    ETA: Don't ever feel insecure or guilty about what you eat. Eat what fuels you, what works for you, and what makes you happy. Eat for results, not because you have anything to show.

    Proud grazer here! I don't know how people can do meal segments lol, but I never have been able to. I eat about 8 "meals" a day and then I eat dinner. I eat about once an hour until 6 pm most days. It makes 1,200 calories look like a lot of food.

    Same here! I am a grazer/snacker big time. When I do sit down to one big dinner I just get too full too fast and I become uncomfortable. I snack on something like every two hours or so all day long right up to about 7 PM and then I shut it off. I never get too hungry, sometimes go to be just slightly hungry, my metabolism never tanks and is running right through the night.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    And while this site has been a real savior for a lot of people, I find that being on this site, unless you have a lot of will power and can keep yourself in check, causes you to think about food like 24/7. Wake up thinking about logging breakfast, eat, log breakfast and think about the next time you'll eat, what you'll eat, how many calories, eat, log, think about the next time, eat, log, think about the next time LOL! Dont' make food and calories the center of your life. Learn to listen to your body, eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full (even if it tastes good).

    Another comment about having a full belly but still being hungry. That happens to me too sometimes and it's very hard to explain. I say my belly is full but my body is hungry. It's not a "real" hungry signal like no stomach grumbling or anything like that, just an overall huger.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    The only thing I find more annoying is the "We're all different" crowd. Apparently each of us is a unique snowflake with our very own unique set of laws for thermodynamics, chemistry and biology. Our bodies work in such wildly divergent ways that it's pointless to even look at things like studies, or give advice which has worked for large populations of humans. Because we're all different. What works for you cannot possibly work for me. Harrumph!

    I only partially agree with your statement. The same laws for chemistry, biology, and thermodynamics apply to everyone, but it depends on the person's baseline biochemical and physiological levels to begin with. For example, time and time again I have had blood tests that have shown that my testosterone levels are too high for the average female. So, it has caused me to have broad shoulders, store my fat at my belly and not as much my hips/thighs, and gain muscle faster than the average woman (all typically masculine traits). I also had to take hormone pills to even get my period. So, chemistry and biochemistry in my example worked exactly the way it should- the way my genes told it to. But everyone's genes are different and that's why we all have different starting points, different chemical balances or imbalances

    Have you studied chemistry, biochemistry, or thermodynamics? Genetic mutations happen all of the time, that's why we look different and have different fingerprints. And it's the genes we all have that dictate our body chemistry. While there is no bypassing chemistry, biochemistry, thermodynamics, or physiology, individual differences DO in fact cause us to react differently to different stressors we subject our body to.
  • MikeLAdams
    MikeLAdams Posts: 40
    You can be full on a lot fewer calories than you are used to with these dietary choices:
    1) Limit your intake of high calorie items such as processed carbs, fats and sugary liquids
    2) Instead eat a lot more fruits, veggies, beans, 100% whole grains, and nuts.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm "taking a long walk on the beach with it" and yet I still lost all my weight.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Some people are just lying to themselves or have screwed up their systems.

    But it also depends on your age and what you eat. When you get older you need a lot fewer calories.

    I am 55 and tall (5'10") and when I was on a 500 calorie deficit MFP eventually gave me only 1230 calories. And I was often under AFTER I ATE BACK MY EXERCISE CALORIES. Sometimes without, but usually with. But my metabolism is slow and I'm very careful to eat things that keep me full and avoid things with lots of calories that make me hungry.

    I am now maintaining on only 1440 net (after exercise) and am still almost never hungry. And very rarely hungry and often feel stuffed. But again, I'm very careful to eat things that make me feel that way. And when I get hungry, I eat immediately, which seems to help a lot.


    I am usually on the maintenance list and I have the opposite problem. There the whole schtick is - I eat THOUSANDS of calories every day. If you're only eating a little you must be messed up. We really are all different.
  • swimnurseteacher7
    swimnurseteacher7 Posts: 24 Member
    I am taking a supplement which controls my hunger. I am not hungry. I am not thin and I am eating a small amount. The water I drink (from 8 - 10 cups per day) has me feeling very full and it is true that it is a struggle to get more in. This is not a lie. I am sure that without the appetite suppressant I would probably be hungry. I am not light headed and I do have lots of energy. Don't berate yourself because you are on a different path. But it is absolutely true that there are medications available to help with hunger and they work. You just need to see your doctor to find one that is safe for you if you decide you nwant or need that type of help.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    don't have time at the moment to read the entire thread, however, for me...

    it's psychological...

    when I am in those extremely high anxiety moments, yes, I get the extremely full feeling on very little calories. I have to literally force myself to eat. Sometimes I can't. it's how I began to lose my weight, extreme anxiety.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    I am a disgusting un womanly pig because clearly I seem to be unable to eat less.

    I am one of those, we should form a club.

    Eating 1750 cals a day (750 cals deficit) and steadily losing weight at a pace of 1.5 lbs per week.

    With all the exercise I get, I'm often between 1900-2100, and I'm perfectly fine with it, because of the previous "steadily losing weight at a pace of 1.5 lbs per week".

    I eat a lot of good food (grilled shrimps with veggies! chicken with salad! lean pork chops with sweet potatoes! fish, all kind of fish!), and I throw in some treats (chips, yes please! one piece of chocolate a day! steak, I love my steak! cheese, I can't live without cheese!). I will never eat brown rice and broiled chicken twice a day to lose weight. Never. I kind of feel sorry for people that do this, but maybe they love food less than I'm loving it.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    In one case, the person in question is using amphetamines, "phentermine" aka "speed" aka "legal meth" whatever you want to call that(no judgment here). In another the person was more than likely not logging accurately and eating more than they thought.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    ...I am utterly ravenous, obsessed with food until I've eaten at least 1800-2000 calories. I'll feel lightheaded, unable to think properly, tired, demotivated and obsessive.

    Hmm, this reads to me like someone who might want to review their relationship with food. Not saying get a shrink, but there's a little funk going on there that needs to be addressed.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    And on this site I actually find there's a lot of encouragement to eat a lot of calories. I find myself thinking whether I should put mine up pretty often, and I normally eat at least 1500, just because there's so much advocation of high calories, then I think why change what's been working for me for months.
    Yeah, it's like a badge of honor here... how many calories you CAN eat and still lose weight. It's a little caveman-like-- "Me big, go gym long hours, eat bacon, lift, me macho! You bad who do yoga and eat salad! Bad, lazy, old, little female!" :laugh:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think you can train your body to survive on less.....however when I did this it was unpleasant for me and I starte obsessib bout the next meal. Here I am now though, 4'11 and 101lbs and loving every single one of my 2000 kcal diet and still not even putting any weight on, even though I'm just preparing for a bulk.

    this^^ although I can't afford eating 2000 a day or I am getting bigger. :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    But regardless of the reasons, I agree it's super annoying. The only thing I find more annoying is the "We're all different" crowd. Apparently each of us is a unique snowflake with our very own unique set of laws for thermodynamics, chemistry and biology. Our bodies work in such wildly divergent ways that it's pointless to even look at things like studies, or give advice which has worked for large populations of humans. Because we're all different. What works for you cannot possibly work for me. Harrumph!

    QFT. Unless there is a medical issue at play, across the board bodies are bodies.

    I guess on this particular subject, I am in the "we are different" crowd. Otherwise, how would you explain those how claim to feel full eating "A LOT" of protein within 1300 calories? I eat a lot of nutrient dense foods, but still can't find "A LOT" of protein within 1300 calories and done for the day...I become to believe I am just a big eater, at least comparing to some on this thread. :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I feel the same way. I think they literally accept the fact that their stomach feels full. Sure, my stomach feels full, but it feels sloshy and my body still knows after digesting that it didn't get as much as it really wants and needs. Full stomach, yet hungry.

    this, too
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    In another the person was more than likely not logging accurately and eating more than they thought.

    Agreed. I see this happening a lot on this site.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Losing weight is pretty easy, I've lost and gained more weight than I currently weigh (and I weigh a LOT). It's not deciding one day that it's just too damn hard to live like this that I find hard, thinking to yourself "what good is being thin if the price is to never think about anything but diets and nutrition and exercise and never get to take an interest in other things because all you can focus on is food and avoiding food and how to get rid of the calories it comes with" and deciding your hobbies and your relationships matter more than the numbers on the scale. That's where I've gotten in trouble.

    I have this issue too! Right now I'm of the mindset that I'll get the weight off relatively fast (0.5 lb/week since I'm getting closer) and then track, but definitely eat more calories! I suppose I'll see how that turns out for me when I get to that point. I definitely find myself always thinking about it and I do wish I could stop...
  • Swilla_Swole
    Swilla_Swole Posts: 333 Member
    First off, don't judge your unique self with what other people are doing. We all are different and exist on and in various conditions.
    Secondly, if a "fat" person is saying they are full off of 1200/1000/800 calories diet is either full of you know what or has had lap band surgery or some other medical procedure. And they are gaining weight on top of it?! BULL SHIP! As a matter of fact ANYONE who says they are full off of that type of diet is in need of some serious help. I GUARANTEE THEY ARE NOT HEALTHY, physically nor emotionally.
    Thirdly, I will say, and speaking so because I am one, fat people can survive on a very limited caloric intake. The reason why that is possible is because of our fat stores. But that would still give someone hunger pangs and never the disillusion of the feeling of being full.
    Lastly, I reiterate, those people saying that are full of BULL SHIP!