

  • Lisalee15
    Lisalee15 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Lisa from mass

    I need to start logging again

    seem to gain weight every weekend

    lost my fit bit need to get another one

    whats everyone eat for breakfast
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kim, MFP has calorie buns for walking at various speeds so if you can calculate how long it takes you to walk a mile then you can use one of their entries….or you can use the calorie calculation for their entry and then use it in an entry of your own (“Kim’s super walk” or something )….I love my pedometer and it encourages me to walk more.

    :flowerforyou: Patty, here is a link to some great information and videos for line dance beginners…….
    also you can put the name of the dance with the words line dance in your search engine and you can find videos of the dances you are learning……I tell my beginning students to practice steps at home and get good at the steps then it will be easier to do them in the dances in class.

    :bigsmile: Bj, congrats on your walking success…listening to podcasts and music is one of the things that keeps me going on my long walks…..if I am entertained, I don’t get bored and so I keep on going……my walking has increased gradually over several years…I didn’t just get up one day and walk a zillion steps.

    :bigsmile: Cindy, your drawing is amazing….when I first saw it, I thought it was a doll because it seemed so three dimensional.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I loved reading and using SWSY because it told me what to do…..I’d read so much about strength training and didn’t know where to start and this was so simple.

    :bigsmile: Bodi, you keep on trying and you’ll be playing in no time….hugs from Brandy and Sasha:heart::heart:

    :flowerforyou: JaneMartin, I am so sorry that you have to face the stress of moving again….you have had a lot of challenges since I’ve known you.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, your river rock project sounds a lot like what I did in my yard the last two summers except that we didn’t buy any rocks. I dug out huge sections of the yard to use for flower beds that were mostly rocks in many sizes and used the smaller rocks to fill the areas around the house and the larger ones to edge various planting areas in other parts of the yard. I put down weed cloth under all the rocks. The good thing about it was that when it was done, it was done.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, sometimes I walk back and forth in our house at bedtime to get my step count to the next thousand. When we were RVing my hubby complained that it bounced the RV so I would go outside and walk back and forth not too far from our space…congrats on your good step count:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sparklenglitt, my hubby takes Metamucil at the recommendation of his doctor

    :flowerforyou: Lisa from Mass. I have a chocolate Isagenix shake with walnuts and flaxseeds for breakfast every morning…….I never vary so I don’t have to spend any time thinking about what to eat, it is just a regular routine.

    :bigsmile: Today I created a job chart for myself using Excel so I can mark off things that I keep meaning to do and forget…I do better when I can give myself credit for something….for years I have put a sticker on my calendar for days that I walk a certain number of steps---the number has gone up over the years as I walk more……my new chart will be for planks, weight training, yoga, cleaning the bathroom, working in the yard, and brushing the dogs’ teeth (the things I have as resolutions every month with little success)

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today
    4 minute plank----an hour of work in the yard
    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach." - Yutang Lin
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Did a segment of "10 Minute Tummy Toner" DVD, held my plank for 2 min 25 sec, then did 1 hr extremepump. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a workout on the treadmill.

    Welcome everyone new

    Nancy - I must have misunderstood.. So sorry. I guess I was thinking about the fact that I seem to remember seeing something on TV that if you desire munchies, you do something (I THINK it was pinch yourself but I don't remember where) and then the feeling will go away.

    Jacqueline - zumba in chairs? How interesting. Never heard of that. Now I have taken yoga in chairs. About the zumba, if you are licensed to teach zumba on land, do you have to have a special license to teach aquazumba?

    Kim - I never add in my exercise calories. I just found for me that what happened is that I'd wind up with more calories and then I'd eat "junk" to bring the calories up. So now if I go over on the calories, I know that I haven't added in my exercise calories so I can afford those extra calories. Which pedometer did you get?

    Feeling a bit blue today. The last time I talked to Bryan was in January. He did send me an email in late April/early May basically saying that he's moved (no address) and that they were waiting for their phone to be hooked up so email was the best way to get in touch with him. Still don't know their phone number. I predict that he won't tell us his address or phone number. I know that a "son is a son until he takes a wife" but I would like to at least know that he's OK

    Joyce - my father paid for my college

    Cynthia - good luck on your bike stress test

    Came home from exercise, and I bet you can't guess what we did?? Actually, the dumpcart that's attached to the tractor needed to be emptied so that Vince can disconnect it to use the tractor tomorrow to cut the lawn. Then he went in the pool while I was doing things in the house. Going to have dinner soon, and then mahjongg tonight. Before exercise I bought gas, was 2 cents lower than the price at Sam's. Not much...but something. Also, we finished taking the mulch that was under the deck up to the front of the house. The end of riverrocking under the deck is in sight...then it'll be the ouside of the fence and then filling in where it settled and then the side of the garage.

    yanniejannie - I love using my foam roller.

    Margaret - we have some pine trees on the side of our property. Personally, I'd like to see them taken out only because that is where the drainage field for our septic is and pine trees don't lose their leaves in the winter. We exposed one drain in case we have a rainstorm while we're gone (Vince is on the cautious side). There is so much mulch that got between the rocks from one rain that I think we're going to have to take all the rocks out, put them in the sifter and then hose them down.

    Sylvia - sounds like a wonderful walk! Wish I could be there. I'm the same way, measure food in measuring cups but have not gotten a scale. Apple cider vinegar for heat rash? What will they think of next?

    butterflies - welcome!

    katla - prayers for your son

    Kathy - care to share that recipe for the veggie burger? Best wishes for your daughter.

    BJ - good for you getting that treadmill!

    Heather - I think of yoga and sometimes pilates as my "active recovery" days.

    Bodi - keep up the good work

    Diane - welcome back

    kayak_kutie - I don't actually "cook" my corn on the cob in the microwave, however, I do put it in the microwave for a few minutes and then the silks just come right off.

    Patty - may God keep Sam and Viv safely in His arms. Just read the update. See, God did keep Viv in His arms! So relieved

    Carol in NC - that's great that your son dosen't see the doc for so long

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sparklenglitt, sometimes bowels can become kind of complicated especially as we get older. a lot of us have conditions that directly or indirectly affect the colon, I have MS that does. Sometimes it takes an act Congress to get my bowels to move and some of them are so difficult that Ia m actually tempted to give them names because of the amount of labor and pain it takes to have them and they aren't hard constipated. After months of trying out different combinations of medicine, because Lord knows I eat enough fiber, I finally settled on 2 Colace twice a day and 3 Fibercon in the morning with a lot of water. The Colace and Fibercon are generic of course. But I am generally fairly regular with this routine and it's not difficult. Now with MS, both bowel and bladder habits keep me on my toes. I may have a nice warning, I may not. god keeps me on my toes with it. I think He is wanting me to think about taking up sprinting in track.

    I am so glad that Viv was found. I can't imagine what she or her family was going through getting lost in such a big city. Hats off to those who found her.

    I sure want to go get Charlies box of Life cereal and eat it dry but I am so far OK.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :grumble: Bump for later.

    Happy Tuesday dear ladies :flowerforyou:

    Sunny York UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to mark my spot. :flowerforyou:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for Viv and her family. I can't believe she was found over 24 hours later, had been out all night and was OK. Having alzheimers at such a young age has to be horrid. I personal train her and she is such a sweet natured laid back person. I have to say I cried with relief when I heard she was found.
    I didn't get to bed until late and am dragging this morning. I have to pep up because my ab class is today at noon.
    I need to get started here at work so thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. Have a healthy and good day.

    Jen NY, I love working out in the pool. There are all kinds of ideas on line.

    Barbie NW Washington, Thanks for the link, I want to practice but I get the steps mixed up. I need the practice so I won’t forget

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    morning ladies,
    well here I am, stressing more than ever, and to throw a wrench into the monkey works, my dog Homer I think has infected front teeth, now 3 days before we leave on vacation, I have to squeeze him into a vet appt, and then if need be have those teeth extracted, which means they need to knock him out.. and they usually do that on thursdays, which is fine, he could be at the vets while I do all my running, but leaving the next day with a dog coming out of anethesia wont be easy... well I am putting the cart before the horse.. well off to the showers and then dressed in case I need to take him down to the vet at 8 am.. if not I can get other stuff done...:noway:
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Sorry I haven't been here lately. I decided I needed to step back and gather myself. I was beginning to beat up on myself a little bit because I couldn't seem to get it together. I'm still grieving, but I'm a little more together and moving forward. I never realized how much I would be affected by the passing of my Mother-in-law. Although sweet and not demanding, she consumed a tremendous amount of time and attention and we loved having her with us … even when it was difficult. After she passed we were overwhelmed by the hole left by her absence. We are still struggling with her not being here, but we are both doing better.

    I have gained weight during these few weeks. How much? I don't know … haven't been able to face the scales yet. I do know I have though … some pants are tight that had gotten comfortable. I'm taking it one day at a time for now I've made it through 4 days now without falling off the wagon. I'm back to riding my bike and making plans for the rest of the summer. I know I will continue to grieve, but I do believe I'm finally moving forward.
  • jmsic
    jmsic Posts: 10 Member
    I'm so glad she is ok!
  • jmsic
    jmsic Posts: 10 Member
    it takes time, but time does make it easier. Just continue to take it one day, one meal at a time. It's not about falling off--but about getting back on--as often as you need to!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 463 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I wanted to wish you a wonderful day. I have an early Dr visit, just a check up. I won't workout today, Hubby is always excited to get me out of the house, I am a real homebody. We will go "play" somewhere when I get out of the Dr office.

    Thank you again for the lovely comments on my drawing! I finished her yesterday adding the background. She is on my profile photos. Thank you for letting me share one of my great loves with you.

    Patty, wonderful news about Viv, so relieved!

    Hugs and Best Wishes to all!

    Cindy in OK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Robin: so glad Bodi’s doing better! Would it be easier on your back and on Bodi to hold him with a harness?

    Rita: glad to see you!

    Meg: get splash guards for your windows. :laugh:

    Joyce: good you have an appt. Hope Sylvia can be seen soon as well!

    Patty: glad your friend is safe.

    Gloria: enjoy the last few vacation days! :glasses:

    Sylvia: thinking of you. Great walking! When’s your appointment?

    Carol: hope things will calm down for you. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I have never heard someone as humorous about bowel movements as you!:bigsmile:

    Alison: when are you going to get a break? Kudos to you for keeping an eye on Homer and noticing a problem. :heart:

    Well, the bike stress test was good!! The arrhythmia is apparently benign. I can decide for myself if I want to take the beta blockers or not (depending on how freaked out I am by the weird feeling, haha). And I'm apparently 1-1/2 times as fit as the average person of my age. Me! :drinker: Thanks for the good wishes, everyone. We're relieved here, although I find it hard to just relax when I feel that fluttering in my chest. The cardiologist said adrenaline influences the arrhythmia. Doesn't help that my job may be up in the air and that my guy is moving in (that's a good thing, but there's a lot to do before the house is ready).

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: Patty, after my first line dance class almost ten years ago, I remembered one step so for the next week every time I heard music, I practiced that step (yes, my husband was embarrassed by my dancing at the grocery store) so the next week I could learn another step and before long it was easy for me to learn sequences of steps which is what the dance are built on. Keep on practicing and before long you’ll be able to take the step sheet of the dance and practice the whole dance at home.

    :flowerforyou: Alison, take a deep breath and stay in the moment.

    :flowerforyou: Bonnie, be kind to yourself, celebrate your successes and put the stick down and stop flogging yourself for your non-successes.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, good luck at the doctor’s office and have a fun day

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia, have you looked into stress reducing activities like yoga or meditation? Also staying in the moment is a great anxiety reducer.

    :laugh: The dogs are staring at me now that my breakfast is finished. It is a cloudy day but no rain this morning, just the kind of weather they like for a long walk.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Patty so sorry about Sam . Adding my prayers,\.

    Michele wish that vacuum worked on the rock you didn't want. I hope you are taking frequent breaks. and heavy duty work gloves. It will look fabulous when you are done.

    I am off to help my aunt move her hosta today . She is hosting a family party, so I am helping her do some yard chores in anticipation.

    Had a massage last night. I have missed them. The woman who I like had taken a month off for a break.She definitely helps me with my leg and feet issues.

    Today I will help in the gardens, so we are ready for the family party.

    2014 word: contentment
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Saving for later :tongue: :heart:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Like Meg,
    I posted last night, and do not see it here...hmmmm sometimes the site gets lost and comes back...or I forgot to hit the right button!

    Today I have preplanned my dinner at an Italian restaurant to stay in my macros and cal count; and pre-set goals for treadmill.
    everything else done is a bonus!

    Here is my repost: :flowerforyou:

    Good day Vitamin F’s!

    I am hoping everyone’s gardens are back on track….so many things are late this year due to the cold spring. Lavender, peonies, flowering shrubs….but at least most of them are still here!

    Thanks for the encouragment about the treadmill; DH has also started a regime, and he seems to be making a good attempt, which is amazing since he eschews all exercise. He has had an excuse since a hip replacement, but it has not been good for his health. So we are walking our way to an improved state of moving and health!

    Today was warm, then rainy, but that is ok, given the dryness….

    Robin – good news about Bodi’s slow, but improved progress!

    MollyW – good joke, so glad to see you picked on Chicago instead of Canada!
    Apple Cider? Who knew? Will keep that in mind, I use it for my coleslaw mix now.

    Heather/City – yes, the soccer seems to suck all the energy out of normal life these days! Take heart, now Wimbledon is on too! Will that be better or worse?

    Rita – take heart, things will get better.

    Joyce – stay healthy as you can!

    JaneM – You seem to have a lot of energy for playing with your granddaughter….was it always that way?

    Cynthia – I will find that Fitbit piece to have a laugh at myself…..while I have the Fitbit One, ( not the flex), I have problems with it registering stairs…( ok I gimp up them)…but it is not registering even my inclines. Still, it helps me count and set goals……so I am happy so far.

    Dee – I am hoping you have a better day and fixed electrics!

    Grandmaille – have a wonderful vacation, don’t stress about work while you are gone!

    Meg – did not think there could be that much rain in your area! Would make everyone crabby… sun will be there shortly!

    Moe – good luck, hope your friend is found soon!

    Gloria – glad you are enjoying your friends in Fla…..

    Barbie – your walking goals still amaze and inspire me.

    BJ, SWOnt
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    DH went to our huge supermarket to buy some supplies and as a sign of true love he brought me back some beetroot to roast. They are in the oven now. I loooove beetroot, DH loathes it, so he must love me loads!:laugh: :love: :love: :heart:

    Went to my lovely yoga class. An older lady who has been absent for a few weeks with health problems came back today and did the best she could.:love: Our teacher is so brilliant, it doesn't matter how much you can manage. When I hurt my knee I did it sitting in a chair.
    I always feel I haven't burnt enough calories on yoga days for my "healthy" appetite :tongue: so I found the Leslie Sansone U tube session and did that. My ankle weights arrived so I had a little go with them, but I did knee work on my bad leg with them doubled up. Will have to investigate heavier ones. It's nice to have new things to do. I could feel my knee protesting a bit at some of the LS moves, but I hope it will recover quickly. If I can get it a bit stronger I might give one of the local dance classes a go.

    I sent off my form for the First Responder. I will have to see if I can easily fit it in to my lifestyle. You can choose exactly how much you want to be available, and when, by logging on. Anyway I have taken the first step.:happy:

    So glad Viv was found. :flowerforyou: Two things really scare me - a recurrence of my breast cancer and Alzhiemers.

    One of the new ladies at yoga seems nice. I will try to make "overtures" to her.:laugh: I do find all that quite difficult, like being at school and not wanting to upset other friends.:tongue: But making friends doesn't happen by magic at our age - you do have to make an effort.:flowerforyou:

    Tandoori monkfish for dinner tonight. DH also bought some fresh peas which we have podded so they will mix with a bit of rice. Tomato salad and a yoghourt raita. I am STARVING already, so it looks like a Diet Coke day to fill me up with bubbles.:laugh:
    We have stewed apricots for dessert.:love:

    DDIL sent us a fabulous postcard from Portugal which is a photo of them in the pool and a personal message on the other side, just like a normal postcard. She does it on her iphone. Has anyone else come across that? Such fun - I must investigate if I can do it on Android. :bigsmile:

    Love to all. I have spent the whole day dressed in sleeveless tight lycra fitness gear. Feels wonderful! I thought I might get a few tuts at yoga, but no one batted an eyelid. :blushing:

    Heather in sunny and hot Hampshire UK
  • Pamala28
    Pamala28 Posts: 18 Member
    Heather, you mentioned diet cola. I've always been a water drinker. Since I joined MFP I have been craving diet cola. I allow myself no more than one glass a day as I avoid caffeine.

    My fitbit arrived and I must say WOW! It gives me a lot more extra calories to eat than I was giving myself. I'm not going to eat them all.

    I knew I was busy at work, but not that busy!

    I hope all is well where you are.

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies –

    I haven’t checked the message board for a few days and see I have at least 12 pages to catch up on!!

    Well its been a busy few days with medical appointments. I saw my Primary Care physician on Weds., went over my labs and had an EKG. Everything looked good and within range except for my cholesterol. It has always been borderline high, but now it has reached a point where they prescribed Lippitor (the generic). She also recommended a back x-ray for the lower back pain I have been having, as she thinks I might have a herniated disk and wrote me a script for 4-6 weeks of Physical Therapy. On Thursday, I had an appt. with my GYN for excessive bleeding (going on 5 weeks now) and he took a biopsy and scheduled me for an ultrasound. I had the ultrasound done yesterday, so am hoping to hear back from him later this week on the results. So in the last week I have seen more doctors and had more tests than I usually do in a full year. I’m wondering based on symptoms if it might be fibroids?

    :smile: Lucy – hope your weekend in DC was nice. I think I do something wrong with my hydrangea as it never blooms. I’m guessing I prune it at the wrong time of year.
    :smile: Sylvia – love your jokes!!
    :smile: Meg – I did see that dual tornado on the evening news, how scary. Glad it wasn’t too close to you.
    :smile: Barbie – thank you for your tip about logging your plan for the day and sticking to it, great idea.
    :smile: Michelle – I love oatmeal raisin cookies, I couldn’t make them as I would be the only one who would eat them. 
    :smile: Patty – sorry to hear about the stress of your job. Do you have an updated resume ready?
    :smile: Kathy in Southern NJ – thanks for your words of inspiration.

    Hope everyone keep cool during these warm summer days.

    June’s Goals:
    Step goal 15,000 = A (missed 1 day)
    Cardio 6x/week = +
    Logging = B- (missed 2 weekends)
    Strength Training = B- (haven’t been consistent)
    Back Exercises = A- (been good doing it 2x a day)