Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Meag - I am right there with you!! Hooray for online!! I feel like my boy is the one that I have waited my entire life to meet. Like he is the one that I had to go through all of the bull**** for. And I think it was soooo worth it!!
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    QOTD 1: I wake up at 4:45am and work out for 45 minutes before going to work from 7:30-4:30. The time in-between...I drop off the little one at daycare. I love mornings!

    QOTD 2: I met my hubby while taking a golf class. I was taking the class to learn a new sport and he was taking it to get better at golf for his company tournament that was coming up. I asked him for his number so we can go to the golfing range and that was 4 years ago.......
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    In case you guys are interested I have a blog that I update daily.
  • bellatiamarie
    bellatiamarie Posts: 14 Member
    thanks for all the advice/encouragement/welcoming words... and i've realized that all you ladies are absolutely right! i should probably reassess my goals for the month... the only reason i came up with that number is because i've done it before.... but because i want to be realistic this time around and do what's best for my body, i'll lower that number to 10... so i've already achieved that goal! yaaay! if more comes off, then that's great as well and hopefully i can keep the 10 off... but because i'm coming off a 7 day fast and need to allow my body recovery time, i'll take it easy! thanks again ladies!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Gonks-7 miles is awesome!! great job!

    Meagan-great job kicking *kitten* in your spin class!!

    Meag-does your gym offer a bootcamp class?? i heard that kicks *kitten* and it would definately include the strength training that you are looking for :)

    Aly-great swim and I am glad that you seem to be on a roll right now!

    Guam-I dating is the way to go! especially when you live in a big city! and great job on the workouts so far!

    Seripha-I have heard of that cleanse and actually know someone who did it! she said it didnt make her "go" but she also had a stomach of steel so let me know how it works for you!?

    Lou-i definately felt like i had to do something...I know it is ok to have a cheat meal sometimes but what i want to learn is that if i have something planned i should stick to it for better results and to "understand the whole life change thing"! i am so happy that i did the workout as a reminder of why I am doing this whole process!

    Bella-again WTG on the loss for the month! i kinda figured that 15lbs was your goal including that 10lbs that you already lost but i think it is great that you changed it down to the 10 because you never know what is going to happen due to that fast!! any extra loss will be considered a pleasant surprise!!

    QOTD-i met my now ex at best buy when i was 16 and working and a cashier...he was my customer! we were togethor for almost 12 years :) now i am with the girls on the online dating thing!!

    AFM-2/3 on workouts done, everyday over my water goal so far, and today was my WI day...I lost 2lbs! that puts me at a total of 3/8lbs lost for the month so far :) i am very happy with my results!
  • Roobean33
    Roobean33 Posts: 104
    Awwww, I love all the love stories! I love how random life is!

    Guam - You saying you feel like the boy is the one you've waited for made me so happy! I love being in a relationship that is no drama and feeling understood and loved! I wish you two all the best! And I agree on your online seems like the best way to go these days.

    TJ - Love your cut and love that you donated! You are so sweet. Great job on your loss!

    Bella - I think your new goal is excellent and I hope you continue to see fabulous results!

    Laura - Cute story! Way to ask for his #! You have guts...I'm such a scaredy cat lol

    Meag - Sorry you got locked out and your brownies weren't as delicious as they appeared. Great job sticking to your workouts regardless. Nothing stops you!
    Mary--OMG I want to join CrossFit so bad!!!!! Once I actually start working again I am definitely going t
    o do that. I can't wait to hear all about it!

    GIggle! I was so excited to see this. All I can say is, if you want to go to the next level, I think it's worth it. I have always done a sport where a coach tells me what to do and makes sure I do it. They push me past where I would push myself. I'm working/competing with others who are trying to complete the same workout. I thrive in that environment. CrossFit does this. So far, I love it. I think you will too!! It would be so nice to have another CFer around

    Aly - Checking your blog. :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Mary- Thanks for reading the blog! I am feeling super good now!

    Selfish moment- I did my 2 mile marker and I did it in 18:47 Minutes!!! That is faster than my previous one by 4 minutes! So stoaked! Riding high on this workout high!!! Go Me!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mary- Thanks for reading the blog! I am feeling super good now!

    Selfish moment- I did my 2 mile marker and I did it in 18:47 Minutes!!! That is faster than my previous one by 4 minutes! So stoaked! Riding high on this workout high!!! Go Me!

    awesome job on cutting 4minutes off of your time!! that is so great!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning all!
    Ack it's early and it's going to be one longgg day! Up til 2:30am, wake-up at 6:40am, and then working til 4am tonight.... Fun! I'm going to be really pleasant at work tonight, I bet :ohwell:

    Giving Bootcamp a try this morning at 9:15. Then doing my scheduled 3 mile run, I hope. Maybe by posting it here I'll feel compelled to get it done and not give in after my class. I really want to log those miles! Hoping I can burn enough calories to sustain all my eating for the day. 21 hours awake = lots of time to eat loads of food.

    Aly - Great run!! Very speedy and what a way to break your old time - 4 mins over 2 miles is EPIC! Grats! Just checked your blog... Make the pork in the oven! Just pan-sear it in a little oil, baste with your fave BBQ sauce (a few tbsp goes a long way) and then pop it into a 400-425F oven for 15 mins and BAM - delicious! Looks like a great meal plan though. Enjoy your swim today :bigsmile:

    Roo - Thanks girl :happy: Glad you are loving CrossFit so far and that you find the classes and instructors motivating. I always found that having an "audience" and instructor pushed me to work extra hard. I know it's silly, since I am there for me, but it always gave me that extra little motivation. Whatever works! Now that I run, my motivation is usually something along the lines of my inner nine year old "double dog daring" me to push for the last 30 seconds or the last half mile -- "I bet you can't do it,k Meag. Go on, quit. You know you want to" hahaha Keep it up, Roo! :happy:

    Tara - Thanks for the suggestion. My gym offers a very limited # of classes but apparently they added bootcamp this month! I just checked the schedule last night and it's being offered this AM so I'm going to give it a whirl. Let's see how it goes! Great job with your monthly goals so far - we're only half way there, lady!

    Bella - Glad to see that you are really thriving with your weight-loss goals - And that you are happy with your 10lb loss for Jan. It's truly a remarkable loss. Hope you see some more results this month, but even just maintaining would still make for an EXCELLENT result for Jan. Grats!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    QOTD: My hubby and I met in college we worked together at a grocery store. I was a cashier and he worked in different departments stocking shelves. We had talked only a few times here and there and one day we were short on baggers so he had to fill in and we started talking...weeks went by and nothing :angry: Finally about 2 months later he finally asked me out on a date :bigsmile: We have been together ever since! This July will be 8 years married with 2 of the most wonderful girls I could ask for!! He is my best friend and a very caring, compassionate person who NOW finally realizes and fully supports my addction of running :bigsmile:

    Meag-good luck with bootcamp today and getting in your 3 miles!

    Aly-way to shave 4 minutes off your time!

    Bella-way to go on committing to losing weight in a healthy way!

    TJ-love the new do! and great job on your loss!

    Sorry to those that I didn't get too....will check back in later.

    AFM: Yesterday was a total wash! My youngest daughter got a ROUGH case of a stomach bug on Tuesday night...she was throwing up every 15-20 minutes from 10:30 pm to 5 very little sleep!!! My hubby stayed home with her and I went to work-dealing with 24 7-8 year olds with very little sleep is NOT EASY!!! I was way under on my cals. I couldn't eat anything in the am-just didn't feel good. By lunch I was hungry (which is where most of my cals were spent). By the time I got home I was "spent" had a couple bowls of cheerios put the girls to bed and was in bed myself by 8:30. So I also didn't get in my 3 would've been a worthless attempt so no real loss there!

    I'm home with her again today just to make sure she's alright (as she's running around the house chasing our dogs :laugh: ) so I will definitely get my run and strength in today-plus cleaning and disinfecting the house to try and ensure no one else gets it!!!

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey all- was snowed in yesterday so was stuck at home with no real computer access. Did get on and read all the great posts through the fiancés phone but its too annoying to respond on it so I am going to play catch up today.

    *** I don’t know if anyone else does this, but I know that when I have been MIA on posting for a while and want to try and respond to everyone I do it in a separate word document. Haha DORK right here I know but I know I will NEVER remember everyone. It makes it so much easier and then I just copy and paste… hehe My secret has been revealed.

    Bella- welcome to this amazing group! As you have already seen we are all SUPER supportive but also not afraid to put our $.02 in even when it may not always be welcome. So rock on for hearing the ladies advice for exactly what it was- total and complete support. Some people would take it as criticism. We just want everyone here to succeed and be healthy as much as possible- hope you enjoy this group as much as I have over the past few months. Truly inspiring!

    TJ- I like that you are always planning for your eating. Its what makes you so successful. Don’t beat yourself too much though lady! Just keep trucking along like you have been you are a rock star! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new hair cut and love even more that you did it for locks of love! More amazing results too!!! Great job

    Mary- oh man! I have been hearing all about this CrossFit business. I think I would LOVE to do something like that. It sounds sooo intense and yet so amazing. I am with you on the whole coach thing. I think at this point that is something I need to work through- being able to push myself and work for it because I want it not because someone else is there for me BUT that is totally just because for so long I didn’t to that after I left sports. I think that eventually though I would like to find a CrossFit gym. Sounds like such a Kick *kitten* time!!!!

    Meag- sounds like you had a crazy few days! But sooo glad the interview went well! You may have said this already but what type of job is it for? OMG Crock pot salsa chicken sounds AMAZING… recipe please. J and I were just talking about trying to find our next crock pot dish. How did it go with the boy and your brother and everything?

    Gonk- I LOVE when you rant. I know it was on your status and not in here but it was a great rant. It is really hard to hear people try to find all the quick fixes. I am totally with you. I have been guilty of trying some myself in the past but it has NEVER stuck. I am trying so hard to just do this the right way. Even though it can be long and frustrating- I still firmly believe that it will be worth it.

    Megan- sounds like you had a crazy day also! Busy busy bees we are! You are rocking some awesome workouts lady! Keep it up

    Aly- I say just register! Why not? Sounds like a great swim workout too! I am going to go check out your blog also. I am slightly obsessed with blogs. It rates right up there with MFP among my obsessions. Could be worse right?

    Guam- how do you like kickboxing? I’ve never tried it. I need to start adding some more classes in to my schedule so I don’t get so bored with the same routine.

    Seripha- I too am a little skeptical about the cleanses BUT since you don’t have to change your healthy eating habits at all it doesn’t sound too awful. Maybe it will help with the IBS good luck

    Skip- its so funny how different amounts of snow seems like SOOO much depending on what area you live in. Even just within the state I live in its craziness… haha oh well.

    Melissa- stomach bugs are THE WORST! So glad she is feeling better and glad that you decided to just go to bed your body needed that sleep soooo bad!

    QOTD Monday?- I usually am up my 745 or 8am to catch a ride to work with someone now that the weather is nasty.

    QOTD Tuesday- The fiancé and I met 5 years ago from this past new years. We met a mutual friends New Years eve weekend party. She was my best friend dating his best friend (they are married now and we were both in their wedding and now they are both in ours... awwwww). We had never met prior because J had moved away. He happened to come down for the party though and we just kinda connected- nothing romantic though. He was carless at the time and I was going to college about 5 hours away (his place being the halfway point) so I offered him a ride home on my way back to school. We ended up getting stuck in a snow storm and eating crappy gas station food talked about our lives and still nothing more than friends. Valentines day he sent me a text wishing me a happy day- I responded and he said don’t feel special I sent it to all the girls in my book.(I later found out that he just said that cause he got nervous) haha dork. Anyway we met again at the same friends graduation barbeque and big camping weekend and then another big campout a few weeks after that. Kissed and have been together ever since. First year was long distance and then moved in together after that. We got engaged on our 4 year anniversary- I ruined that surprise too! Hahahaha ooops. We were supposed to go hiking and camping and have it happen by a waterfall that he first told me he loved me at BUTTTT I broke my foot the week before at a friends wedding and was in a cast up to my knee. Oh well! Hahaha it’s a good story to tell at least

    AFM- stayed home yesterday in our snow storm. Wasn’t really an awful one we have had worse about 12 inches yesterday. It was just the timing- it didn’t start until the early morning hours so the plows just couldn’t keep up with the snowfall. Roads were awful- plow didn’t get to my back road until almost 3pm yesterday. But we made the most of it. It was the perfect mixture of relaxing and activity. J and I went out and shoveled his car out in case we did need to go anywhere… WHAT a workout!!! LOVED it then we decided to let the pup out and come play in the back yard with us. He had SUCH a good time its his first winter with us and we think his first real winter at all (he was in a shelter for the first 2 years of his life) so he romped around with him and then took him for a walk down our country road to see if the main road was driveable yet. It was just so beautiful being on a back tree lined road completely covered in snow while the snow was still coming down. So peaceful. Then we went inside played some wii tennis together and relaxed the rest of the day!

    Tonight is my first night of running since Monday night when I accomplished my 5min goal and then some. Any suggestions from you veteran runners and those on here who are doing C25k or something like that to increase my time so that I can run a mile straight by the end of Jan. That is what I am shooting for now! YIPPEE!!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Cait- I just might have to start using your strategy so that I can keep up with everyone's posts! Your snow day sounds awesome and I am a little bit jealous! We only got 1.5 inches so nothing exciting, just makes for people driving poorly- oh yeah!

    Mary/Meag- I need to know more about the CrossFit stuff. I have never heard of it before. Is it a class? special exercise? What do you do!!

    Melissa- I bet you were sooo exhausted yesterday running around after all those kiddies after being up all night with your daughter. I would have done exactly what you did, get home, eat dinner, and get everyone for bed then crash myself. I hope that you are able to have an enjoyable run today to help destress from your crazy day yesterday!

    aly- 4 minutes off of your time!!! AWESOME!!!!!! That is super amazing and you should be bragging about it!

    I know that I missed some people, but I will do my best to catch up again later today.

    AFM- Did bootcamp again this morning, oh man does it kick my butt! Got in some serious calorie burn which makes it all worth it. My MIL gave me the Polar FT60 HRM for christmas and I really love it. Any who gotta run back to work but I hope you ladies have a great day!!!

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    EEEEK!!!! Just found a run in March that I think I am going to register for. Its only $15 and its only 2 miles... I know I know sounds wimpy to most of you veterans out there BUT its motivation for me AND my dad is going to do it with me. Which is huge motivation for him. He has been working really hard to get back in to shape over the past year- lost over 50lbs and is ready to start running again. So it will be cool for us to do it together!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today I am feeling good, other than waking up with a headache. I don’t think I hydrated enough last night after my run/core training. Today I am going to drink water non-stop and try to see if I can get through the day without taking headache medicine. It sucks that I have been taking it almost every day ☹ Peeked at the scale this morning and it said the same as last week. I am not going to let it discourage me. My official WI day is tomorrow and who know what can happen. Even if it stays the same at least it will show that I didn’t gain this week. I did splurge on food this past weekend as well so it would somewhat make sense. Still not going to let it get me down. I am determined to lose this weight, why does it have to be so hard? I wonder if I need to shoot for lower calories or something because dang!

    Advice? Anyone??

    Finn- 2 miles is nothing to shake a stick at. When I first started I had a hard time running just a mile. We all have to start somewhere. Don’t worry you will be tackling longer races before you know it. Watch out it is an expensive but rewarding addiction heh. I am jealous of snow, I live in the SF Bay Area in California, and I have never lived somewhere that snows. But I am sure it would be tough at the same time.

    Mkingraham- I have a girlfriend that swears by bootcamp. I am toying with the idea of trying it this spring/summer to see if it helps me get the results I want. Do you do it with a bootcamp company or at a gym? How do you like it?

    Melissa- I am sorry about your tired day yesterday; I hope you got some good sleep and can conquer your awesome workouts! I hope I can do all that you do when I have kids of my own one day.

    Meag- Good luck with your long day today, I feel that if you are awake that long shouldn’t you be able to eat extra calories? I mean you are burning more than the average person who is having a 14-16 hour day awake? Just a thought. I also think I will cook the pork in the oven, it seems just as quick since we have to cook the veggies and everything anyways.

    On the topic of WW- Thanks everyone for supporting me no matter what decision I make. I am not sure I am ready to pay for WW yet if I don’t have time to go to the meetings. The rest of January is going to be me working my butt off and cutting back on alcohol to see if that helps my metabolism. I also want to hit my goal of taking at least 1 yoga class, I think I will shoot for that this weekend if possible. I am dying to lose these 3.5 pounds this month. Please weight loss gods help me!

    QOTD- What is your next clothing purchase going to be? fitness or other.
    I am debating about getting some more shoes since I have a gift card for nordstroms. I wanted more scarves, and of course other clothes, but I am not letting myself buy new clothes until I hit 165, this is going to be tough since I have a shopping addiction as well hehe.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Bella - congrats with the 10 pounds!! Hope the rest of the month goes well also!

    Tara - :heart: the new haircut!! And that you donated your hair too!! I had my daughter donate her hair to Locks of Love also!! I :heart: opportunities to do good! Congrats on continuing to lose!! You impress me each and every week!!

    Mary - awwwww...thanks!! Everytime I hang out with him, I fall more and more everytime. :love: Kinda feel like its a dream and I will wake up eventually! Cross Fit sounds like so much fun!! I love being pushed to my limits. I kinda need someone to do it for me and always feel that if I am actually at the gym, rather than home, I have to push even harder.

    Aly - checked out your blog yesterday. It will probably become one of my everyday obsessions as well.

    Meag - hope you have fun at bootcamp! The boy and I were talking about it last night cause he has a friend that does it. I think I would pass out after. Kickboxing kicks my *kitten* as it is! :sad:

    Melissa - sounds like your little one is feeling better since she's chasing the dog! Poor thing though. My 2 kids and I all got it about a month ago and then I thought my daughter and I were gonna get it again about a week ago. Luckily we escaped a 2nd round.

    Cait - I actually grab a piece of paper before I start reading posts and make notes as I go. Then will elaborate when I get to actually typing it out. I :heart: kickboxing!! It pushes me and I usually feel it for a couple of days. And after months, I have started making friends which will keep me coming back cause they now they have noticed me and will probably notice when I am not there. I need all of the accoutability I can get. I love making salsa chicken in the crock. I throw in some boneless skinless chicken breast, pour in a jar of salsa, and cook all day. We usually will shred it, throw it back in the crock to moisten the chicken, and make tacos. Your story about the tree-lined, snow-filled streets makes me wish I lived in a state that had more than 2 seasons. We have warm and hot!! The race sounds perfect...nice price! Nice distance! And with your dad!!!

    seripha - how is the cleansing going? I have thought about doing something like that as well. I will wait to hear how it turns out for you.

    AFM...ended up getting tickets to the Ducks game last night. Amazing experience for my first NHL game. Great game!! Plenty of fights!! And with my boy!! But that threw a wrench in my daily plans cause we got there and had pizza. But it was a great night so I am not complaining. The boy has signed up for a weight loss challenge at work. The guys that orchestrated it didn't really want him to join because he won last year and had actually kinda given up the last few weeks of the challenge. But they ended up letting him in again this year. And we all know that boys usually just have to change one aspect of their diet and they can drop 10 pounds easily. He did mention last night that when he hangs out with me, he slips up on his diet. I told him that I was the same way so hopefully we can start making healthier choices when we go out. Didn't get W1D2 of the push-up challenge in last night cause I was running around so that I could make it to the game before it ended. I am gonna be super tired tonight after being out late with the boy the last 2 nights and have to drive an hour to pick up my son and then an hour back. Even if I just do push-ups today, I will be okay with that.

    Hope everyone's week is coming along nicely!!:bigsmile:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Aly - I think we manage to post at the same time just about everyday!! I hope the weight loss gods hear your cry and help you out!!

    QOTD - well I just bought a dress that I was planning on wearing to the boy's cousin's wedding. I tried it on and loved it. Sent a pic to my best friend and we decided that it had far too much cleavage to be meeting the boy's family for the first time. So I left the store without it. But I loved it and it was only $20 so I went back the next day and decided that if I could find the dress again that I would buy it. And it was there!! Still thought it was too much cleavage for the family so I told the boy that I would wear it to a wedding that we are going to in March for my friends. Other than that, I am trying to steer clear of buying clothes because I want to lose weight and buy clothes in my "new" size!! :bigsmile:
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    LAME SAUCE. I went to go click on Aly's diary to see her food and then my entire post was gone. >.< Well here's an abridged version.

    Guam - I'll let you know how it goes. I'll do 2 weeks and report back. I don't expect to lose any weight with it, but I'm hoping to be a little more "regular" if you know what I mean :) Coolio re you and your boy starting to make healthier choices together. I often find that I don't when I'm with my bf. I think this is because I usually feel good about myself when I'm with him and trick myself into believing I can eat whatever he is eating. It's not the case. He's 6'3" and built like a viking. I'm built like a viking, but I'm only 5'6". I can't eat the same stuff.

    Aly - It sounds like you've hit the dreaded plateau. I took a look at your food diary and it looks like you're eating really well. I can't see what you're doing for exercise though. The only things I can throw out there is maybe changing out your work out schedule during the week - do things on different days so that when your body is expecting a run all of a sudden it gets a swim and it's like "WTF?". The other thing is sleep. How much sleep are you getting?

    Finn - Yay for cheap races and running it with loved ones!

    AFM - I'm in a totally horrible mood. The boy was having bad sleeps with his pillow so I let him use my super nice memory foam one and SLEPT HORRIBLY. So badly. Woke up in a bad mood. Wearing clothing which makes me feel fat and unattractive. My hair is not nice - didn't get to shower today because I slept as long as I could. Feeling a little guitly from last night's chinese food. I was under calories and I rarely eat chinese food, but I know I would have been happier if I had just made my stirfry like normal. Tore a HUGE hole in a pair of my favourite tights when I was getting them on.

    Worst thing about it is that I have to be on an expert panel tonight for my professional association. I want to look professional and feel good when I'm up there but right now I'm totally not. Kind of just want to cry.

    I think I'm going to try and work out this afternoon and have a shower to at least fix my hair issue. :(
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK I'm going to lie in bed since I feel like total awful today. Seems like a common thread... Sorry to hear so many people are having bummer days around here :ohwell:

    Just wanted to say the following things:

    Cait - That race sounds superb and I am really excited for you! 2 miles is awesome -- give yourself some credit! And it's so nice that you are racing with your dad. I am sure it's going to be a wonderful memory for you and a great first race to start off what while undoubtedly become a long, fulfilling running career! We all start somewhere and 2 miles is 2 miles farther than you could run just a short while ago so be proud of yourself :bigsmile:

    Seripha - Hope you're day improves! Wish I had some motivating words to impart but I am barely holding things together on my end today...

    Didn't make it to bootcamp today because I'm an idiot and drove to the wrong gym. 5 hours of sleep and I guess I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. So I missed my class but supplemented it with 15 mins intense on the Arc Trainer, 27 mins of weight training and 40 mins on the treadmill (3.5 miles total). Good enough.

    Then just a super frustrating day and topped it off with a phone call telling me I didn't get the job I interviewed for... Brilliant. Argh.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    seripha & Meag - sorry to hear that your days aren't not coming along as planned! I hope that things will turn around for both of each of you...even if its slowly!! *hugs*
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Seripha- I think you are right, I am going to see if I can make it to the spin class tonight instead of swim and see if that helps shock my system a bit. I pretty much exercise 6 days a week, either swimming biking or running. I wanted to start getting in the strength but right now it is a stretch. I am going to switch my days completely next week and see how that goes. It is only my second week really hitting it hard after slipping a few times. I am sure it will happen it just sucks that I am trying so hard and not seeing it happen just yet. O well going to push forward and focus on non-scale achievements.

    I hope your day gets better, I am sure a workout and a shower will help things get into a better perspective. Tell me again what you did to get from 170 to where you are now??

    Meag- Sorry you are feeling crappy too! I hope you feel better, get some rest and let your body heal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
This discussion has been closed.