*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion: Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!!:happy:

    Just stopped to say hi and bump the topic.
    Also I would like to share something that has helped me a lot since I started here.

    I read in one other topic (about overeating and binging) someone wrote:

    "In the book, "You! On a Diet" it says, (and I paraphrase) if you slip up (say eat 1/2 a cake or go for an extra slice of pizza) simply make a "U-Turn." It likens it to the GPS system in your car... if you miss a turn, it doesn't say... well, you've screwed up now, you might as well go all the way in the wrong direction. No. Instead it says, at your next possible opportunity, make a U-Turn."

    So keep it up and if you make a mistake and get side tracked just make a U-TURN at your first opportunity.

    We can do it!!!
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    Good morning!!!! Oh sorry Good Afternoon!!!!! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    Word of warning-- don't underestimate soup cans!

    I only lost 1 pound last week, and I know it was because I didn't exercise very much at all, so this week, I vowed to pump up my work-outs. With that said, I downloaded Jillian's 30 day shred (message me if you want me to give it to you to download) and we're supposed to use 3-5 pound weights for the arm exercises. I didn't have any weights, so I decided to use giant soup cans, thinking I probably wouldn't get as hard of a workout.

    I was COMPLETELY wrong on that one-- my arms and chest were aching for 3 days! Basically this is a cautionary tale, or a good workout tip. If you don't have weights and want to kick up your cardio-- try soup cans. :smile:

    (Just don't underestimate how heavy they are! :bigsmile: )

    Have a great rest-of-the-week everybody!
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    Hey Snowshiners :-)

    New column has been added to the spreadsheet for total percentage lost, and our core group is now solid.

    Check out this thread for a list of the top % lost for the past week:

    We've got a few more days to get on that list for next week!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    well i have some bad news!!! I thought i was doing so great this week and what happens? i give in and go out to lunch with my BF...Logan's Roadhouse=lots of calories!!!!! I used 944 calories on lunch alone!!! I must say I am a little disappointed with myself for wasting so many calories on lunch!!! I am almost up to 1200 cals already!!! I think I am just going to get in an extra zumba workout tonight to burn a few more calories!!! Hope everyone is having a great day :)
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    So, here we are two days from the next weigh-in, and I'm not feeling all that optimistic. Let me start by saying that I haven't done anything wrong. :smile: I've been making smart food choices, staying under my calories, and working out. I even spiced up my usual gym workout with doing some things at home: Wii Zumba, Just Dance 2 , and Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Yet, I'm up over 2 pounds since Friday! Grrr. The gain seems to coincide with starting the 30 DS and making my muscles so sore. (Curse you, Jillian MIchael's! Lol) Maybe it's just water weight. I remember when I first went back to the gym I had a temporary gain. So, maybe these new exercises are causing my muscles to retain water? Not sure what is going on. I thought it was hormonal, but I should have dropped back to normal by now.... Oh, well. I guess all I can do is not let it sidetrack me. I have to keep doing what I'm doing and not worry about where my name will be next week on the S to S progress list.

    Good luck, everyone! I love reading how everyone's doing. Congrats on making positive changes this last week and a half and sticking with them!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Ok...so I need to PUSH it this week with exercise! Between today and tomorrow...MAJOR calories to burn being that I had a slice of cake for my birthday yesterday. No worries though...I am going to push through it and see a loss this week.

  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member

    Check out the post that I put up about the recipe I made last night! It was delicious and totally diet-friendly. :smile:
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I hate when vendors show up - with donuts! So instead of denying myself I took one back to my desk, seperated a quarter of it, and threw the rest away so I wouldn't eat the whole darn thing! But first going to drink a whole bunch of water :drinker:

    That happen at work to me too today but I ended up eating two! One after breakfast then one a bit after lunch. Ugh and did I mention the pop tart when I got home? But I worked my butt off on the elliptical and did Just Dance 2. That time of month is rolling in! :sad:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I hate when clients want to take you to lunch! Yikes, ate tacos, rice and beans...should have looked it up before. I looked it up after and BAM...1400 calories in one damn meal! I was horrified! However, I went home and worked my little tush off...did 95 minutes of Zumba and Jillian's 30 day shred! Burned that whole dang meal off! And I haven't eaten anything else...just lots of water...and I still have cake in the fridge that I would love to eat...but NO! I am just going to read some of my new book I purchased and go to bed.

    Tomorrow I will be back on my usual 5-6 small meals a day. So I am hoping and praying to see a loss this week of at least 2lbs...4o I am just crossing my fingers for now and going to work my butt of tomorrow morning!

    Goodnight everyone! Another day to pursue excellence tomorrow!
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    Long day of commitments but did fairly well today. Got a work out in but not until 9:00 pm and that seems to mess w/my sleep when they are that late at night. Contacted a personal trainer today and after our conversation, I will be joining one of the local fitness centers where she will set up my program and then I will meet w/her every 2 weeks for additional accountability. My goals will be increasing core strength and overall fitness and flexibility. I'm excited at the prospects.

    Better planning of meals could have helped today. Forgot to pack a lunch so picked up Mickie D's. I had a southwest salad and fruit and walnut salad, but a coworker asked me to pick up a medium fry and chocolate shake for her. That was just mean!!!! :devil: Actually, I passed with flying colors. I also had a dinner meeting w/pizza as the only option. A packed meal could have helped. Hopefully, I'll be more intentional for future meetings and plan ahead w/my own food or with a healthy option to share.
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    I hate when clients want to take you to lunch! Yikes, ate tacos, rice and beans...should have looked it up before. I looked it up after and BAM...1400 calories in one damn meal! I was horrified! However, I went home and worked my little tush off...did 95 minutes of Zumba and Jillian's 30 day shred! Burned that whole dang meal off! And I haven't eaten anything else...just lots of water...and I still have cake in the fridge that I would love to eat...but NO! I am just going to read some of my new book I purchased and go to bed.

    Tomorrow I will be back on my usual 5-6 small meals a day. So I am hoping and praying to see a loss this week of at least 2lbs...4o I am just crossing my fingers for now and going to work my butt of tomorrow morning!

    Goodnight everyone! Another day to pursue excellence tomorrow!

    I'm meeting someone at a Mexican restaurant tomorrow evening. Thanks for the head's up! I better do my homework.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I hate when clients want to take you to lunch! Yikes, ate tacos, rice and beans...should have looked it up before. I looked it up after and BAM...1400 calories in one damn meal! I was horrified! However, I went home and worked my little tush off...did 95 minutes of Zumba and Jillian's 30 day shred! Burned that whole dang meal off! And I haven't eaten anything else...just lots of water...and I still have cake in the fridge that I would love to eat...but NO! I am just going to read some of my new book I purchased and go to bed.

    Tomorrow I will be back on my usual 5-6 small meals a day. So I am hoping and praying to see a loss this week of at least 2lbs...4o I am just crossing my fingers for now and going to work my butt of tomorrow morning!

    Goodnight everyone! Another day to pursue excellence tomorrow!

    I'm meeting someone at a Mexican restaurant tomorrow evening. Thanks for the head's up! I better do my homework.

    My family went out for Mexican on Saturday. I got chicken fajitas and only ate one tortilla. I skipped the cheese, sour cream and guacamole and skimped on the chips and salsa. The chicken fajitas with red and green peppers and onions were great on their own!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Woo hoo!! My water weight is gone!! I'm down 1.6 lbs from Friday! Can't wait for tomorrow's weigh in after my last chance work out! :smile:
  • The gain seems to coincide with starting the 30 DS and making my muscles so sore. (Curse you, Jillian MIchael's! Lol) Maybe it's just water weight. I remember when I first went back to the gym I had a temporary gain. So, maybe these new exercises are causing my muscles to retain water?

    Yes, I think that is exactly what it is. Your muscles are retaining water to repair them from the workouts you have been doing. Just keep trucking along and that water will disappear in a few days.

    I woke up today and thought I would peek at the scale. I am surprised that it is actually down a little. I so expected a gain or maintain this week. Hopefully it will still be down by tomorrow. I don't expect a huge loss, but I will take anything I can get this week. Next week I will stay on target ALL WEEK!! Weekends usually kill me and I have another long weekend (off Monday). I'm even going to try to start getting in some kind of exercise daily.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Today was my scheduled weigh in day and was nervous as I didn't get to work out yesterday as I ended up pulling a double shift at work... 16 hours! 07:00- 23:00. I should have been exhausted but still had energy when I got home. I don't think I would have felt that good if I had attempted to work that much before recommitting to myself that I am worth it. While I was at work I stood and walked when I could to "sneak in" some extra calorie burning. So I am down 2 lbs this week, which is awesome!
    What worked? Staying within my calories, doing some form of exercise six out of the last seven days I guess contributed to the victory on the scale.
    This week my goal is to increase my water intake, not so good at the moment. (Lots of room for improvement!) I will also be active everyday.
    We are doing really well. Congratulations to us all!
  • So I am very interested in WI tom. Its TOM so IDK how its going to go I woke up this morning bloated as all heck. I feel like a teenager again. Drinking lots of water avoiding eating all the chocolate out of the work kitchen. I ate very well this week though :) and I am planing on having no cheat days anymore. I am allowing myself 1 day to have a little extra calories on the weekend about (250 extra). This weekend is my 3 yr anniversary with the bf so we are going out to eat. I plan on getting fish and two sides of veggies instead of a carb. So thats where my extra will come in. I also did not get to workout 2 days because I donated blood and was weak. Zumba'ing tonight. :) hopefully I will have a loss even if its a small one.

    Also, those of you who had so much success the first week, let hear some tips!? What did you guys do, what did you do differently from the weeks before.
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    The gain seems to coincide with starting the 30 DS and making my muscles so sore. (Curse you, Jillian MIchael's! Lol) Maybe it's just water weight. I remember when I first went back to the gym I had a temporary gain. So, maybe these new exercises are causing my muscles to retain water?

    Yes, I think that is exactly what it is. Your muscles are retaining water to repair them from the workouts you have been doing. Just keep trucking along and that water will disappear in a few days.

    I woke up today and thought I would peek at the scale. I am surprised that it is actually down a little. I so expected a gain or maintain this week. Hopefully it will still be down by tomorrow. I don't expect a huge loss, but I will take anything I can get this week. Next week I will stay on target ALL WEEK!! Weekends usually kill me and I have another long weekend (off Monday). I'm even going to try to start getting in some kind of exercise daily.

    Thanks, Brandy! :smile: I feel a little better now. Hope to see a loss soon.
    Good luck with the weigh-in and with the long weekend. Weekends are a little tough for me as well. By the way, I love the rewards you've set for yourself when you meet your mini goals. That's a great idea!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I am going to see what effect taking the day off from exercise the day before weigh-in has. I have noticed that the day after a big workout I never lose anything, so lets see if a healing day leads to losses.

    I have been preparing healthy snacks ahead this week and it's helping. I cut and peeled a bunch of fruit a couple of days ago, and roasted veggies and chickpeas yesterday for more savory snacks. It is not such a temptation to eat junk when I have easy, nutritious snacks available.
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