Shirt or no Shirt?



  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Why do you feel that you need to work out in just a bra?
    So she gets looks from guys (and some gals I suppose).


    Is that the reason why she wears it? If so, then maybe she should honor her husbands request. Maybe he knows best.

    Also how would she feel if he ran around the neighborhood in his underware?
  • JamieJam1102
    JamieJam1102 Posts: 308 Member
    Why do you feel that you need to work out in just a bra?
    So she gets looks from guys (and some gals I suppose).


    Is that the reason why she wears it? If so, then maybe she should honor her husbands request. Maybe he knows best.


    Tell me you aren't serious.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Why do you feel that you need to work out in just a bra?
    So she gets looks from guys (and some gals I suppose).


    Is that the reason why she wears it? If so, then maybe she should honor her husbands request. Maybe he knows best.

    Also how would she feel if he ran around the neighborhood in his underware?
    But it's not underwear. It's the equivelant of a man putting on a lycra shirt or something.
  • But it's not underwear. It's the equivelant of a man putting on a lycra shirt or something.

    !!!!!!!! QFT.
  • mrsmoulton
    mrsmoulton Posts: 12 Member
    I hardly think a sports bra is considered barely clothed. It's hotter than hell outside. If you feel comfortable in a sports bra then wear it. It's not like you are naked. You wear less at the community pool and all the neighbors are there too.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Well I don't know how deep his wallet goes but I'd drag him w/ you on a lululemon shopping trip and find their lightest tank tops (really can not FEEL when I'm wearing them and I live in Phoenix) and ask him how many $60 tiny pieces of fabric are worth it to him. Worst case you get some new tops that are easier to run in, best case, he caves.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Is a sports bra or even a bikini appropriate to wear as you run through your neighborhood? It's more than just the hubby we are talking here. Do you have a Homeowner Association that frowns upon barely clothed ladies or men running through the neighborhood? Do you have a hyper conservative mother in the neighborhood that will cause trouble cause you exposed your body to their young 8 year old boy as you jogged by their house? Just something more to think about. Carry on as you feel comfortable. :-)

    Does that world really exist? How depressing

    It does. It was. I moved.
  • Well I don't know how deep his wallet goes but I'd drag him w/ you on a lululemon shopping trip and find their lightest tank tops (really can not FEEL when I'm wearing them and I live in Phoenix) and ask him how many $60 tiny pieces of fabric are worth it to him. Worst case you get some new tops that are easier to run in, best case, he caves.

    Bahahaha, yes, that's perfect!
  • dob49737
    dob49737 Posts: 64
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I really, really do not understand what is so scandalous about a sports bra, or exposed midriff for that matter.

    I wouldn't say it's scandalous, but it will get you looked at, and some people are okay with that, and others, like me, really don't want to be stared at by strangers. I was out walking once on a local country dirt road in shorts and a tank top and two guys in a panel van slowed waaaay down and stared at me... woods both sides, no houses nearby. I did not like that at all. Never went walking that way again.

    country dirt road?

    perhaps did you think they slowed WAYYYYYYYYYY down so not to dust you?

    that's quiet normal and polite behavior.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    You know what, running in a sports bra is not a big deal. It's better than heat stroke.

    People are going to stare, who cares?

    When the humidity gets up there, it's awful. When I peel off my shirt and tuck into my running skirt, it feels much much cooler. It does make a difference. Really it does.

    And no, I'm not some perfect skinny super model. I'm a real woman with a real body. I just don't want to keel over while running in almost 100degree temps with 85-90% humidity. :laugh:
  • congruns
    congruns Posts: 127 Member
    My wife doesn't want me to run in the a nude 5K
  • LanceKarcher
    LanceKarcher Posts: 43 Member
    There was a Seinfeld episode related to this topic. Also a definite public service component to this issue in that you may be avoiding a whole lot of traffic accidents by modestly covering up a bit. Public safety should be considered and not taken lightly.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Why do you feel that you need to work out in just a bra?
    So she gets looks from guys (and some gals I suppose).


    Is that the reason why she wears it? If so, then maybe she should honor her husbands request. Maybe he knows best.


    Tell me you aren't serious.

    He knows her better than any of us. Maybe he feels like she is flaunting. Who knows?
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    has he seen you in it? girls work out in sports bras all the time at my gym and it aint even flashy. those things are huge, should just be called a support top.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Stupid question alert: Is it OK for me to run (in my neighborhood) in shorts and a sports bra? My husband says no, but maybe he just doesn't want people to "see" me lol. BUT it's freakin' hot. Today it is in the 90's and wearing clothes just sucks lol... If your husband/partner didn't want you to run in just a sports bra, would you put a shirt on?

    I would respect my husband and put on a t-shirt. I've been married for 20 years; it's a small thing to ask for you to be modest when you run.

    Do you love him, or do you love getting your own way? :love:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If it bothered my husband that much, I would respect his wishes.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Definitely agree! I pick my battles. I'd rather win the remote war!

    We found a solution for the remote war. For a one-time $5, Time Warner gave us a second remote.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I wouldn't run or walk in my neighborhood in just my bra - sports bra or otherwise. Respect your husband, and yourself, and put some clothes on. No, I'm not really a prude...
  • Everyone who is telling you to "respect yourself" is living in the late 1800's. Showing your stomach has **** all to do with self respect. At the end of the day, it's none of your husband's concern what you wear. Put on what makes you feel good. The only person who controls how much or how little of your body you show is YOU.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    Everyone who is telling you to "respect yourself" is living in the late 1800's. Showing your stomach has **** all to do with self respect. At the end of the day, it's none of your husband's concern what you wear. Put on what makes you feel good. The only person who controls how much or how little of your body you show is YOU.

    Damn straight. My gf hates that I want to go-go dance in a banana hammock at a gay club, but the way I see it is I should do what makes me feel good. They are just seeing what they would see at the beach anyways. Screw her wishes. This ain't a relationship, it's a cohabitation. Oh wait a second...
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    See my boyfriend would actually encourage me only wearing the sports bra. I am not into that for myself, but I am not a big fan of the sun (always makes me itchy just being out there in it) so that is probably why. I say do what you feel comfortable with (and if you are more comfortable avoiding an argument that works too) but you know, it is Florida so just be sure to protect yourself from the sun.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I really, really do not understand what is so scandalous about a sports bra, or exposed midriff for that matter.

    I wouldn't say it's scandalous, but it will get you looked at, and some people are okay with that, and others, like me, really don't want to be stared at by strangers. I was out walking once on a local country dirt road in shorts and a tank top and two guys in a panel van slowed waaaay down and stared at me... woods both sides, no houses nearby. I did not like that at all. Never went walking that way again.

    country dirt road?

    perhaps did you think they slowed WAYYYYYYYYYY down so not to dust you?

    that's quiet normal and polite behavior.

    NO, not the way they were looking at me. It was a very unsettling experience.
  • rdavidson180
    rdavidson180 Posts: 11 Member
    My own personal experience says cover up in a very light loose shirt to keep the direct sun off your skin to stay cooler. This is from working in oilfields from Texas to Alberta. I have found the same in fitness or backpacking in the western US. But we really aren't talking health though are we? I would respectfully decline the advice.
  • thursdaystgiles
    thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
    my mind is freakin' blown by some of the responses here. I can not even remotely understand the people who seem to have a problem with a woman running/exercising in a sports bra. Seriously? SERIOUSLY??? You know what I see in every neighbourhood I've ever lived it? From the gated community I grew up in, to college areas, to the ghetto when I was first on my own to the nice, middle-class suburb where I live now? Teenaged girls walking around in short shorts with tiny tube tops. Women and teenaged girls sunbathing in bikinis. Women jogging in sports bras. This was also the norm in every health club I've been to. Not all women but easily 4-5 at any given time in classes or on the treadmills, in sports bras. It's absolutely ridiculous for anyone to have a problem with this. Any sports bra on the market is going to cover at least as much as a bikini, and no one blinks an eye over that. This is just more of the puritanical, backwards, hypocritical bull that goes on when women breastfeeding in public. 98% of them manage to show less skin than a bikini or low top, but somehow it's ~different if it's labelled underwear or if there's a kid nursing. Grow the heck up, people!

    For me personally I only wear a shirt because I'm uncomfortable with my body. As soon as I lose another 30lb, I'm going to be running in my sports bra, too. I just want a flatter stomach.
  • To EmpireBusines: I get the feeling you're being sarcastic (which isn't a very mature way to weigh in on an argument). Being in a relationship doesn't give you a monopoly over your significant other's body. If my girlfriend wanted to parade down the streets of New York City wearing nothing but a propellor hat, I'd be at the end of the block, cheering her on. You are just one of many guys on this board who are under the misconception that dating someone gives you power over how much skin that person shows. Sorry, but that's not a healthy relationship; that's misogyny. If some creep ever asked me to cover up for his sake, I'd laugh and tell him to hit the road. OP could go jogging completely topless and it would be no one's business but her own.

    Also, before anyone comes back with the BS argument that we should cover up sexual organs in public, breasts aren't sexual organs at all. They're secondary sex characteristics. You know what other things are secondary sex characteristics? Your facial hair and your Adam's apple. So if we're going to mandate that secondary sex characteristics should be covered up, all you guys can go ahead and put paper bags over your faces now.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Is a sports bra or even a bikini appropriate to wear as you run through your neighborhood? It's more than just the hubby we are talking here. Do you have a Homeowner Association that frowns upon barely clothed ladies or men running through the neighborhood? Do you have a hyper conservative mother in the neighborhood that will cause trouble cause you exposed your body to their young 8 year old boy as you jogged by their house? Just something more to think about. Carry on as you feel comfortable. :-)

    First, I would never move somewhere with a dress code. This is the most ridiculous thing I've read all day.
    Second, the FAT conservative mom (because in my mind she is a sad jealous overweight women) should be happy that her son his seeing people exercising and shouldn't waste her energy on some random women she doesn't know running in a sport bra.

    But you do live somewhere with a dress code. Can you really go and have a run topless? How about a little shopping at Target without pants?

    The only reason to ask a bunch of random strangers on a fitness site is to get confirmation to dress as you like - there can be various reasons between two people that are in a relationship to consider how the other person dresses - these might include (what we generally consider) unacceptable reasons such as dominance and misplaced jealousy. But this might also depend on a bunch of personal reasons (of religious, relational and even neighborhood rules...) this is really a thing to clear out with the hubs.
    It really isn't clear why he thinks it's inappropriate in the OP post.

    Because we conform to social rules of dress constantly it's somehow unacceptable for a SO to voice their preference?

    Gosh, I must be bored today.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    To EmpireBusines: I get the feeling you're being sarcastic (which isn't a very mature way to weigh in on an argument). Being in a relationship doesn't give you a monopoly over your significant other's body. If my girlfriend wanted to parade down the streets of New York City wearing nothing but a propellor hat, I'd be at the end of the block, cheering her on. You are just one of many guys on this board who are under the misconception that dating someone gives you power over how much skin that person shows. Sorry, but that's not a healthy relationship; that's misogyny. If some creep ever asked me to cover up for his sake, I'd laugh and tell him to hit the road. OP could go jogging completely topless and it would be no one's business but her own.

    Also, before anyone comes back with the BS argument that we should cover up sexual organs in public, breasts aren't sexual organs at all. They're secondary sex characteristics. You know what other things are secondary sex characteristics? Your facial hair and your Adam's apple. So if we're going to mandate that secondary sex characteristics should be covered up, all you guys can go ahead and put paper bags over your faces now.

    So your response to the clearly sarcastic post is that OP is OK to go topless, and then start ranting about covering up adams apples? Not sure if serious, so I think that gives you the Win!

    These posts that suggest someone cant have an opinion about their own partner are ridiculous. Of course she will make her own decision in the end, but if strangers on a website have an opinion about what she does, why wouldn't her own husband who actually gaf about her.
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Go for it, I would if I didn't have a stretch marked stomach.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I would wear a shirt, but that's the kind of relationship my husband and I have. He respects my feelings enough that he wouldn't ask unless it was important to him, and if it was, I'd respect that.