Got 30-35 lbs to lose ? Join my group and we can do it toget



  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    You are definitely right. There is no fun way. I think that every morning when Jillian Michaels is on my tv annoying the crud out of me. :laugh:
  • melanie76
    melanie76 Posts: 13 Member
    I know that I am really late, but I just joined today and would love to be apart of this group. I am already so inspired by everyone on here. I just know that I can do this with a little motivation. My starting weight is 179. I would love to get to 145 by May 1st or sooner!
  • mayita72
    I want to join I need to loose 30 lbs, I need the motivation and to be accountable, I really do it for a month and then I start losing control and gain all the weight I lost, I've lost the same 5 pounds a million of times and I am heavier everytime I start over........
    Thanks for having the idea to do this group.
    I can help with recipes.....I love to cook.....:flowerforyou:)
  • Giantpanties
    I Definitely wanna be apart of this, I think its a great idea
    My names Christine im 22, I currently weight 163.4 I would love to get down to 130 by the summer

    Would appreciate all the help i can get
    I'm new to this

    Thank you All :)
  • BecciL
    BecciL Posts: 49
    Can I still join ?? I actually just started my diet and exercise program today , and my first weigh in, I have 35 pounds to get rid of
  • Lmak5
    Lmak5 Posts: 5
    This group sounds great - I just got started this week but I'd love to join...

    Starting Weight - 160.0
    Current Weight - 158.0
    Goal Weight - 130.0


  • BecciL
    BecciL Posts: 49
    Ok So my Name is Becci, Des Moines,Wa Starting weight is 155
  • hopeandj
    hopeandj Posts: 42 Member
    I want to join! My weight is 176 and I'm working on 145 or less...just depends on how I feel/look when I get there!
  • HotMamaof2Boys
    My name is Kimberly and I am currently 178 lbs. I want to be 145 lbs. That is my ultimate goal. It is where I was when I got married.
  • beth230blue
    beth230blue Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in for joining too. I have about 40 to lose and would like to get if off by summer. I'm trying to stay to 1500 calories a day, am currently not drinking alcohol (for a bit) and doing interval training on my treadmill and hot yoga about 2 times per week. So far I feel great. But let's see how fast I get results. :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Good Morning SlimPossibles !!!!

    First off I would like to welcome our new members.... jugar, stackabills, melanie76, mayita 72, giantpanties, Beccil, lmak5, hopeandj, HotMamaof2Boys and beth230blue ! Welcome ! The journey begins !!!

    How are you all doing ? Exercising , eating right and drinking all your water ?

    Our journey together is not an easy one, but nothing good in life comes easy ! And the changes we make today will affect our future.....So far my weight loss has brought me energy and motivation, flexibilty and I am proud of myself.... ! I am earning my weight loss pound by pound and my future looks soooo much brighter.....

    YOU ALL CAN DO THIS !!!! Wake up and remember why you are doing this ! Remember how good you feel when you are thinner ! Remember as hard as exercise is and how much you sweat that afterwards you feel energized and proud that you accomplished something !


    For all you you the next weigh in is next Monday, january 17....please send me your weights so I can update the chart.

    I do apologize for not posting the chart, but new members keep coming and the chart has been updated daily.....I will post it this weekend ....update it on Monday with the new weights and then re-post it !

  • ninjanewby
    I am 180 pounds 5,5 and looking to go down to 145 I am experienced wight lifter i can tell you any exercise to work any muscle i lack in the department of cardio iam a great cook and an even better eater lol I am also good at investigating to find answers

    so iam game for your group just messege me back on how to add you to my friends list
  • HW2Hottie
    HW2Hottie Posts: 100
    Good Morning and thanks for the motivation. I am exercising well, but not getting nearly enough water I think, mostly because it is so cold here (ok for the record I am in Texas) and that I am not used too. I am drinking alot of tea though which is good so I don't get dehydrated. I need to watch my foods more which is difficult with picky little eaters but I am getting there.
    Thanks again!
  • meadows654
    Good Morning SlimPossibles !!!!

    First off I would like to welcome our new members.... jugar, stackabills, melanie76, mayita 72, giantpanties, Beccil, lmak5, hopeandj, HotMamaof2Boys and beth230blue ! Welcome ! The journey begins !!!

    How are you all doing ? Exercising , eating right and drinking all your water ?

    Our journey together is not an easy one, but nothing good in life comes easy ! And the changes we make today will affect our future.....So far my weight loss has brought me energy and motivation, flexibilty and I am proud of myself.... ! I am earning my weight loss pound by pound and my future looks soooo much brighter.....

    YOU ALL CAN DO THIS !!!! Wake up and remember why you are doing this ! Remember how good you feel when you are thinner ! Remember as hard as exercise is and how much you sweat that afterwards you feel energized and proud that you accomplished something !


    For all you you the next weigh in is next Monday, january 17....please send me your weights so I can update the chart.

    I do apologize for not posting the chart, but new members keep coming and the chart has been updated daily.....I will post it this weekend ....update it on Monday with the new weights and then re-post it !


    I just want to say that you totally rock for doing this and your optimistic, sparkling personality is very inspiring. Thanks for the uplifiting words of encouragement and your effort in putting this all together.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I just want to say that you totally rock for doing this and your optimistic, sparkling personality is very inspiring. Thanks for the uplifiting words of encouragement and your effort in putting this all together.

    Thanks so much for your kind words meadows654 ! Everyone here inspires me and as I group I really believe we put more chances on our side to succeed ! I thought putting together would be great inspiration ! When I started this group I hoped some people would join....and tit has far surpassed my expectations.....we are 59 SlimPossibles and counting....isn't that amazing !

    I want to thank each and everyone of you for joining! We are going to be so successful together !!!
  • ninjanewby
    Heres a really nice site to let you in on some info on healthy foods / recipes for free
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Heres a really nice site to let you in on some info on healthy foods / recipes for free

    Awesome....definitely going to check it out ! Love good foods and new ideas smile:
  • Tinkerbell09
    I agree with others. The motivation and support of this group is wonderful. Just what I need to help make this attempt of losing weight work! I stopped smoking in 2008 and had my daughter in 2009 and I never thought I would be able to do either of those things. I need to apply the same self motivation and courage I used to get me through those examples.

    I keep telling myself that Nothing Tastes as Good as Being Slim!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Good lunch time, everyone --

    I am sticking to my plan today, and just about to walk to a meeting a good 15-minute fast walk away -- not great exercise, but better than nothing! The return will get me to 30 minutes, and hopefully I'll go to the gym at the end of the day. My stepfather died last night, so I have travel arrangements and too much talking on the phone on the way, but he was an amazing old guy who made it to 93 fit and healthy, and did not have a long and painful end. We should all be like him! No one knew he was so old -- I danced with him at my niece's wedding in August. He cut a fine figure...

    So have a great one, all -- I'm logging everything and the weight is beginning, slowly, to leave. Eeee Hah!
  • steve1126
    I'm in Texas too, although I moved here from CT. so I'm a little more used to the cold weather than you are. I sometimes force myself to keep drinking water, but even if you're drinking tea, the water content counts! Try a glass of water with each meal, that should help increase your water intake.