lost 34.4 pounds (underwear pics, sorry!) 165.5 to 131.2



  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    hi everyone, this is my first post but i've been stalking this board since that start of my journey Aug 11, 2010. i'm 24, married for 1 year and finally realized i want to be the HOT WIFE and not the frumpy wife. i'm 5'7.5 and started at 165.5 pounds. i'm now at my GOAL WEIGHT WAHOO!!!!! (actually i'm about 4 pounds below) and i feel awesome. i couldn't have done it without myfitnesspal! and reading all of your success stories and pictures (that's definitely what kept me going!). so, here are my pics (i figure undies are no worse than a bikini so ehh)

    This is SO inspiring to me...I got married & after only 1 year I gained 25lbs!!! Ish. I felt so uncomfortable in my body & ashamed to be seen by my hot husband...so far I have lost over 30lbs & have 17lbs to go to reach my goal weight! Thanks for sharing your pics & motivating story :flowerforyou:
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    Hey Hottie McSMokin! I'm in your boat, soon to be in your league! just started my weightloss journey 167 wanna be 125-120 (5'6") married 1 year to a friggin rockstar look alike and ready to beat every girl who vies for his attention (he is loyal no end but a girl can't help but be jealous when she has a few pounds to lose). anyway, what's your maintenance plan? I'm doing weight watchers lost 18 so far (started in nov) need to lose about the same to get where I wanna be and then doing the increase daily calories by 100-200 to maintain. Anyway, thanks for posting you have totally renewed my spirit! I was like in a slump thinking about having to lose the rest but now having seen your results and that you did it in just 4-5 months makes me totally realize it's doable and I'm on my way! Thanks for posting and you are welcome to friend!
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    You look great! Good job!!!
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    Hey Hottie McSMokin! I'm in your boat, soon to be in your league! just started my weightloss journey 167 wanna be 125-120 (5'6") married 1 year to a friggin rockstar look alike and ready to beat every girl who vies for his attention (he is loyal no end but a girl can't help but be jealous when she has a few pounds to lose). anyway, what's your maintenance plan? I'm doing weight watchers lost 18 so far (started in nov) need to lose about the same to get where I wanna be and then doing the increase daily calories by 100-200 to maintain. Anyway, thanks for posting you have totally renewed my spirit! I was like in a slump thinking about having to lose the rest but now having seen your results and that you did it in just 4-5 months makes me totally realize it's doable and I'm on my way! Thanks for posting and you are welcome to friend!

    Hey, sent you a fr! My plan to maintain is to continue to workout 3-4x weekly (30mins to an hour of cardio and intermittent use of the weight machines... Depends on my mood!) and to log everyday into MFP as I know I'll fall back into the same chubby boat if I don't. It's amazing how many calories are in food! I also plan to continue to eat fruits and veggies, and to not freak out if I screw up every now and again. Hopefully I continue to look slim and only get more toned!

    I wish my friends were as encouraging as you guys are. People were telling me to stop 15 pounds ago when I knew I could do it
  • Wow you look absolutely amazing! Well done and congarulations

    I'm 5'6 currently 186 would love to get somewhere near your figure i've never been slim, i want to be the hot wife/mama too :D

    Your definately an inspiration , thank you xx

    I agree with everyone else here! Wow! AMAZING!

    I'm 5'4 and 150 and I'm looking to lose 30 lbs. I would love to have your shape. You're totally my inspiration.

    Thanks for sharing you're success!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Hey Hottie McSMokin! I'm in your boat, soon to be in your league! just started my weightloss journey 167 wanna be 125-120 (5'6") married 1 year to a friggin rockstar look alike and ready to beat every girl who vies for his attention (he is loyal no end but a girl can't help but be jealous when she has a few pounds to lose). anyway, what's your maintenance plan? I'm doing weight watchers lost 18 so far (started in nov) need to lose about the same to get where I wanna be and then doing the increase daily calories by 100-200 to maintain. Anyway, thanks for posting you have totally renewed my spirit! I was like in a slump thinking about having to lose the rest but now having seen your results and that you did it in just 4-5 months makes me totally realize it's doable and I'm on my way! Thanks for posting and you are welcome to friend!

    Hey, sent you a fr! My plan to maintain is to continue to workout 3-4x weekly (30mins to an hour of cardio and intermittent use of the weight machines... Depends on my mood!) and to log everyday into MFP as I know I'll fall back into the same chubby boat if I don't. It's amazing how many calories are in food! I also plan to continue to eat fruits and veggies, and to not freak out if I screw up every now and again. Hopefully I continue to look slim and only get more toned!

    I wish my friends were as encouraging as you guys are. People were telling me to stop 15 pounds ago when I knew I could do it

    Thats what I love about MFP, everyone understands that everyone has specific goals they want to hit! I'm overweight by BMI but all of my friends "in real life" tell me I dont need to lose anything. They just dont see what I see. Everyone here understands what its like to want to get at a healthy BMI and a goal weight thats comfortable for you. Everyone knows what its like to want to just lose one more pound to hit your goal!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    you look awesome :)
  • well you look absolutely amazing. I can honestly say you are not the frumpy wife! You are the wife that the frumpy ones look at and envy. I envy you right now, but girl it's on! lol :) ..Hopefully by springs I will be on your level! congrats again!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    You look amazing!!! I am hoping to lose about 40lbs (and then more if I can get there) and you are such an inspiration to me!!! Thanks for posting the pictures!!! What did you do to get there??? I know what you plan to do to maintain but how did you get to that in such a short amount of time!!! I am only 5'2 and at 167 right now and want to be at 135 or less by wedding day and then I want to maintain and never be up to 180's again (like I have been!!!) soo please share any stories you can and always keep posting!! such an inspiration!!!

    and YES this place is amazing!!! I have friends that tell me to stop now and I am like umm no im chunky but they will say "oh you dieted all week and worked out very hard you deserve one day" and granted I may and I take my sneak snacks or my tastes to ful fill my craving I never want to consume what I have in the past!!! It was not good!!! All I can say is I am glad my metabolism does something for sure!!!! :)) but enuff rambling!!! I am FR you and congrats!!!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    WOw. I would love to look like your before and after. Lol
  • That's a great job! You look amazing!!! I started at 163 (maybe 164, not sure, I go with 163, because it's 1 pound difference) and am currently down to 157 (as of yesterday morning, 6 pounds gone!) and hope to get down somewhere around 125-130! But I'm 5'3, not 5'7 lol Feel free to check out my "before" pictures.

    I'm doing P90X and watching what I eat and calorie counting, but not being super-strict on diet (hard to do when you cook for yourself and a husband)

    I'm 5'5 and I'm at about 157 now and have the same goals as you ladies, it is nice to see someone who's down it and i've started on my fitness pal because I definitely want to make it a lifestyle change, I've heard of that P90X so I'll be curious to hear posts on how that is going. I'm trying to just make healthier alternatives to some of my favorites and work out more, my main thing is to get in better shape so I can keep up and do fun things with my toddler. Thanks again for posting your success story!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You look great! What a big difference!
  • pammilou
    pammilou Posts: 96 Member
    You look amazing! I'm so jealous of your stomach :) Congratulations!

  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    great job! you look amazing!
  • I envy you! HOT WIFEY!
  • hello congrats you look great keep it up
  • ksimms
    ksimms Posts: 31 Member
    I too thought you posted the after pics first! You look amazing, you should be beyond proud of yourself!

    I'm starting at 165 and trying to get to 135, I'm 5'6, so you are truley my motivation!
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    holy mother of goodness... holler at your boy :P
  • Wow you look great. I'm 5'6 and I weight 129 right now but you look amazing!
    What kind of exercises did you do?
  • lmvolk
    lmvolk Posts: 51 Member
    You look great honey, but posting this is a bad idea... all kinds of trolls and stalkers out there and you shouldn't let yourself be set up for that kind of stuff. I know you are proud and deserve to be but keep it for your husband
This discussion has been closed.
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