

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good morning, lovely ladies!

    Sylvia...Chattanooga, here comes Sylvia, try not to bump into her little toe. I hope your little toe heals quickly. Bruised or broken, either way, it hurts. Your hot pepper story made me chuckle. I can relate. A little too much of a good thing.

    DeeDee...Renovating a whole house is something we have done. We moved into a trailer in the driveway, with two small children, because it ended up being too big a job to stay in the house. Then when it took too long and winter was coming, someone offered us a small house. 10 months later, we finally moved back in. We were young, is all I can say. We have since renovated parts of our house, one part at a time. In the end it's worth it, but renovating always seems to take longer and is more costly than anticipated. HGTV makes it look easy.

    Kaybayly...I see on your profile that you are a wellness coach. Is that similar to a life coach? I've used a career coach in the past. She was practicing on me when she was studying and so it was beneficial for both of us.

    Mimi...you are in it to win it. Atrial fibrillation (afib) ablation sounds like something I need to read up on. Both my parents had/have heart disease. Many relatives on my mom's side have heart problems and died from it, so it behooves me to pay attention to my health.

    Jane... I hope you find a place that suits you.

    Alison...wishing you a great time with family. Do I need to remind you to find time for relaxing? The world will keep turning, whether everyone else is looked after by you or by themselves.

    Kayzoola..."athletic" resting heart rate is exciting. Well done!

    Pat in Ohio...I eat very little bread, but homemade bread sounds delicious!

    bjmcq...I love summer. I am a summer girl, although I prefer summers here over summers in Ontario. If we had continued to live in Ontario, I would have wanted a backyard pool.

    Heather...we've watched a bit of World Cup soccer. It's been fun to see my birth country show off their skills (I must buy some orange clothing). Especially on our new big screen tv, that DH just bought 'for my birthday' (yeah, right).

    It's overcast today, but the sun is supposed to appear. Tomorrow is my birthday and Tuesday is Canada Day. We typically celebrate my birthday on Canada Day and have a BBQ for the family.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    My daughter gave me a Fitbit Zip a few months ago. I put it in my pocket then lost it. Bummer. I’m thinking I should get another one – or maybe a different device. What do you like? Is it more important to sync with MFP or to use the device’s online system? (Or maybe you can do both?) Any suggestions?

    Another question...I got a smart phone (Galaxy S5) but don’t know how to do anything yet besides send messages. I guess I’m not the only one who doesn’t know how to use a smart phone as Verizon offers classes. (I’m signed up for one this week.) I’d like to get the app that lets me log onto MFP. Is there anything I should know about that? (Gee, I hate to be so dumb. Technology is not my thing.)

    Hi Viv (Wizzywig). Depressed and low energy…no fun. Have you had your Vitamin D checked? Low Vit D can cause depression. Exercise helps depression too. Something I need to work on. My spirits lift when I get more exercise but it’s not easy when you’re not a born exerciser. (Is there such a thing?)

    Cynthia, what a good job you’ve done. Staying on track seems hardest when the schedule’s upside down.

    Gmom, I wonder how many people find sugar addictive. Yours is one more experience that supports that idea.

    Thanks, DeeDee. Sitting on the deck, watching the sun come up…sounds like heaven.

    Cindy, I’ll be on vacation next week too. It’s so much harder to stay on track when your schedule is disrupted – and when there’re all kinds of yummy temptations around. Since I’m newly motivated (re-motivated?) to get on track, I’m going to stay with the plan of NO deviations from “no sugar” and “no gluten.” That my be hard (probably will be) but will be worth seeing if it helps. I do NOT want to get off track. Urgh. Good luck to you and to me.

    YannieJannie. Thanks for the warm hello. Hello to you too!

    Hi Geri. I know what you mean about it being harder to make friends when you’re older and not working. I moved to a smaller town about 10 years ago and have a couple of casual friends I enjoy but, still, except for family, have not made close friends with anyone. I’m enough of an introvert that I have to push myself to get out and join in. Sounds like you’re similar. I noticed you and Viv both are feeling a little down. Might be the sunshine (or lack thereof) in the UK. Good old Vit D can make a big difference.

    Katia, what you said about gluten and MS is interesting. A friend’s husband (only about 40 years old) was diagnosed with an aggressive form of MS almost two years ago. He went completely Paleo, no gluten, etc. and has not had a single flare of his MS since. Amazing really.

    I was interested in what you said about lactose. Butter actually has almost no lactose. I had a small amount of butter last night and got a fleeting stomachache. (I'd figured the stomachaches were from lactose intolerance, but maybe not, or not that only). Woke up with the same thing this morning too. I wonder if it's a problem with the whey in the butter. I’m going to switch to ghee (clarified butter, tastes just as good, easy to make) and see if that makes a difference.

    Renny, If the ablation cures my afib, I’ll have the same risks as someone who’s never had afib. That’s a nice picture. I do have other genetic risk factors for cardiovascular disease though, so I know it behooves me to work on eating better and exercising more. I don’t know of any old, fat people. Old, yes. Fat, yes. Old and fat, not so much.

    I think I remember a while back that your cholesterol results came out high. How are you doing with that?

    My brother-in-law takes a statin. (IMHO, the jury's out on statins, but that's another subject.) His doc wanted him to take a genetic test to see which statin drug would be most effective. That makes a lot of sense to me…much better than hit or miss. But, he doesn’t want to do it for “privacy reasons.” Huh?! I can’t see that genetic testing for statin drug effectiveness would be any more revealing of personal info than any blood test. I'll ask him if he still thinks the earth is flat. Similar thinking, I'd say. (I do like brother-in-law a lot however!)

    BTW, re heart stuff…this may be coincidence…or not. I took my blood pressure yesterday morning (after having eaten a lot of salt the previous day) and it was 130ish over 90ish. Yikes. Way too high. I cut out added salt yesterday. When I measured my blood pressure this morning, it averaged 110 over 76. Nice. I’ll stay off salt for a while, check my BP from time to time, then go back on salt and check it again. Interesting, huh?

    Not BTW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning……Jake is participating in a computer conference call this morning with six other people….they started by spending 15 minutes dealing with various technical issues making sure that all of them are connected to each other. My job is to be quiet and sit still so I don’t disturb them and answer the phone and make sure the dogs don’t bark….you know how hard it is for me to sit still. This will save all of them from having to drive an hour or two to Tacoma for the meeting so it’s probably a good thing for them.

    :flowerforyou: Jake’s daughter and her husband and children will arrive here sometime this afternoon. They have an 11:00 reservation on the ferry from Whidbey Island to Port Townsend…then they’ll possibly have lunch in Port Townsend and wander around there for awhile (it’s a very charming town with lots to see)….then they’ll drive the 45 minutes to our house. We’re not boarding the dogs until tomorrow so we’ll have a chance to see what happens when boys meet dogs. We have absolutely no plans for what we’ll do when they’re here or what we’ll eat. The restaurant I want to go to most is closed on Sunday and Monday. We decided that we’d rather make a plan and go to the grocery store after they get here instead of buying a lot of stuff and finding out that they won’t eat what we’d planned. I plan to relax my food requirements a bit but no go over some of the absolute lines I’ve set for myself (no beef, pork, dessert, etc.) The weather is gray today but promises to be sunny starting tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I’m glad to see your smiling face again and here your thought provoking words…..It helped me so much to surrender to the idea that there were foods that I just don’t eat…I have a friend who says when offered things like dessert says “that’s not my food”….I have another friend who is part of Gray Sheet Anonymous (a variation of Overeaters Anonymous) and she has strictly abstained from white flour and white sugar and probably some other things) for years I pretty much don’t eat bread or pasta or cereal (except oatmeal) but I don’t stay strictly gluten free.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, when I feel low, I start by drinking water and then by taking a nap……one or the other usually works, and if not, most moods are usually temporary.

    :bigsmile: Renny, I’m glad you had some good news about your mom.

    :flowerforyou: Gloria, I agree with you, the longer I stay away from foods that create cravings, the less I desire them…..people say that I have so much will power when I say no to treats, but after five years on no desserts, it’s simple for me.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I get tired just reading about your remodeling adventures..you deserve a break.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Carol – I have used the ‘come to Jesus meeting’ phrase before and it made me smile to see that you say it, too! Oddly enough, it was almost always directed toward a child as well! The one in particular has a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks – he’ll be 36. Where does the time go?

    Anamika – nice to see your post. It is so interesting to hear your stories.

    Many of us seem to be recommitting to healthier living and I must do the same. I’ve let work run my life of late and have to get back to a more balanced routine. When I next go to the Y they may ask for ID! :wink:

    Thundershirt report – it does seem to work for our dog. After church we had to stop at the grocery store and could see building clouds to the south, so we put her shirt on her when we got home. It hasn’t stormed at this point, but the thundershirt really does comfort her and we have not used her medication over the past few weeks. The 4th of July holiday will be a litmus test – the fireworks really upset her.

    Statins – if I said this before, forgive me, but I can’t recall and I see more talk about statins again. My experiment with my heart doc of taking half the original dose worked and I am cleared for just 10mg a day at this point. NOW I plan to try taking the 10mg one day and 5mg the next to see if I can wean it down more and still keep the numbers where the doctor wants to see them.

    Those with sodium concerns – right there with you.

    The admin we’ve started at work is doing pretty well, yet forgets to follow the instructions provided for invoicing. As we’re working I try to give her the opportunity to come up with the answer on her own, but she tries random guessing versus referring to the directions. I’ll pause and ask her where she is in the process / instructions and then she’ll go to them. I think I’m not a very patient teacher these days. On the flip side, she did a terrific job on the expense report for the boss without much direction. It is just a matter of learning the industry language and becoming familiar with who is what type of player – insured, carrier, broker, etc.- time is the big helper there. I’ll just be glad when she can come in and do her thing while I do mine. No desire to be a supervisor again…been there and don’t miss it!

    DH and I have a big goal of paying off the mortgage in the next 5 years and thinking of putting a reverse goal thermometer on the fridge to be reminded on a daily basis. When I was annoyed about work the other day he said, ‘Just $96,000 more to go, honey!”.

    Churches / making friends – some of you will recall that DH and I joined our church a couple of years ago. We still haven’t gotten to where it feels like home or that we have friends there. Some of our own fault, certainly, but recently someone else said they had heard that about our congregation. Where we have participated other members didn’t talk to us unless we initiated the conversation. Today the lay readers had a training session and several points we already felt came out from other new/more recent members, so at least our experience was validated. One of the others kept saying the church’s programs need to transition from a small church ‘mentality’ to that of a larger church, which flows over to many areas. That transition is tough, having gone through it at another church. I had not considered it before. Otherwise we are pretty much just at work or with long-time friends, so not making a lot of new ones either.

    Well, I need to get some things done and quit sitting!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Cindy, thanks for the tip on Joes Crab Shack. What is in a cob salad that makes it a cob salad?

    Mimi, I have a fit bit one and I kind of wish I had the one that goes around your wrist but to me it doesn't look enough like a bracelet that I wouldn't like it so I do like my FitBit one. My cat tends to chew on the little clip so I just put it in my pocket and at night use the wrist band that is provided with it. MFP suggests that you do not monitor your food on the FitBit site. After you sync it with MFP you log everything into MFP and it registers over on the FitBit site. As far as the smart phone, you are not the only one who is challenged. my dear youngest daughter is the one here in town that is stuck with me. When I am out of town I try to have my other daughter answer them all so the younger one doesn't get to overwhelmed. I knew NOTHING about a smart phone. And I still don't use it to the capacity that most people do. The MFP and FitBit apps are free downloads. I was told by some one here that in order to use the message board you have to use the internet browser on your smart phone and access MFP that way. The rest of the stuff just use the app. I don't think you can get the reports on the app though. I haven't tried it by using the internet on my phone. I never could figure out how to initiate the sleep cycle on my Fitbit itself so I use my phone to do it and it works just fine for me.

    Well I was so looking forward to going to church this morning and not being dizzy since I didn't take my natural sleep aide last night. But no such luck. I got to church fine since I had no dizzy spells a home. But it's the standing still for a prolonged time that does it. And this morning the order of worship was changed just a little bit. I am OK during the first congregational song, sometimes a little dizzy but I am able to sit down as soon as the song is over. But today right after that song the chairman of deacons came up and we as a church read aloud the church covenant. Then we sat for just a teeny bit and then stood back up to sing the choir special, congregational song and then offeretory prayer. After the first song the person standing next to me turned and whispered was I OK. So she sensed that I was a little pale and breathing hard and gripping the pew in front. I wish I could have taken my B/P while in the choir but it's one of those automatic wrist cuffs and it makes to much noise. So I have no record now of what my B/P was during this spell. But I guess that's what this test is all about. I have to be in a standing position on this tilting table for 45 minutes. Of course I won't be singing. Everything I read about it says I have to be still and quiet.

    Take care dear ladies, Joyce, Indiana
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Checking in. I fell off the wagon yesterday. We had the grandchildren for a few hours while my DD and DSIL went to the movies, and I was exhausted! I sent DS to Hardee's for burgers and fries instead of cooking the meal I had planned. I had a small Diet Coke with the burger, then the next thing you know, I am grabbing a handful of DH's candy and stuffing my face. Mimi is right. It is all or nothing for a food addict. I am still under my calories for the week, but blew Saturday out of the water. I'm back on track today.

    I spoke at a local senior apartment complex this morning - two services. The residents for the most part are very sweet and complimentary. I love going there. They like me because I bring them a printed order of worship to follow that has the scripture printed right on it. I am also very aware that many are hard of hearing, so I use the microphone as well as my teacher voice. I came home from there. DH and I did our 3 miles then ate a little lunch, then took a nice nap in the recliner. It has been a good day. Yesterday was good, too, with the sweet grandchildren. The only damper to the whole weekend was my binge into the candy.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Thanks for all the love and support.Trying not too stress too much.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Went to church and had a nice sermon to hear.
    Did get my walk in,tho I don`t do real well with the humidity and heat.
    Going to Violet`s for 2 days.
    Have a good rest of the day.
    HUGS to you all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    Katie - I hear you on the grandchildren! I am soooooo tired.:yawn: Everything aches. I also ate a bit too much today, but not over my TDEE. It would have been ok if I had been able to do my normal amount of exercise, but 30 mins walking is not going to cut it!:noway: With me it is never sugar that tempts me. I have always been very grsteful that I have not got a sweet tooth. Even as a child I much preferred savoury tastes and my two boys were the same so it is obviously a genetic disposition. Yes, you've guessed it, it was the cheese in the fridge that called my name! First I had an oz on Ryvita, then when DH was upstairs watching the football the remaining oz sent out its siren song. It was looking so lonely just lying there in the box. And it was the most delicious, sharp and tasty strong cheddar! :embarassed:
    But the real damage over TDEE was yesterday. I will delay a weigh in until Tuesday to see if I can get rid of the cheese's sodium. Back to exercising tomorrow even though I will have to do it without DH as he is going off early to a cricket match in London. I have a big food delivery between 11 and 1 and will start some of Wednesday's prep. Get the desserts done.

    Anamika - great to hear from you!:flowerforyou:

    Vicki - so sorry to hear of your family worries and troubles. There's always something, especially if you have a big family.:frown:

    I am thinking of my DS#1 who I hope managed to get himself off to his break in Scotland. His anti depression meds weren't working too well so the doctor changed them. I just hope he summoned the energy to get away as he often cancels when he is feeling bad. I would love him to turn the corner soon.:brokenheart:

    We feel really blessed to have spent the weekend with the grandchildren. My DDIL came home a bit unenthused about the hen weekend she had been on. She felt she'd spent a lot of money on something she didn't really enjoy and I know she missed the lovely baby in my profile picture. I had the priviledge og carrying her around most of the weekend and nuzzling her lovely head. What big grins she gave me! DGS had some wonderful play sessions with his "friend Johnny" - my DH. The living room was a sea. The cushions on the floor were islands with different names and DGS was pushed around in a plastic box, his boat, by DH. I'm amazed his back didn't give out - I can certainly feel mine this evening! ! ! !

    I am very, very grateful for their presence in our lives.:love::love: :love:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Sunday Evening, out of my funk. Spending time with grands changes everything. My kids threw a surprise party for me yesterday for my 60th. My girl friend from high school was able to get away and come for a while.She is dealing with a mom with early dementia and her father passed a few months ago. So was glad she came. Today 2 of my friends and their husbands took me out to brunch. SO as usual I have had a birthday weekend :) Not counting till tomorrow as I have had tons of wine, mimosa's and food. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes, have a good week, and stay on track
    Sherry SO CA
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Gmom, I wonder how many people find sugar addictive. Yours is one more experience that supports that idea.


    Hard to tell because most are in denial. I think the obesity and type 2 diabetes stats pretty much confirm what we already believe. :frown:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi girls. I have been sick most of the weekend, but getting better. I think all this rain is giving me awful headaches. I'll see you tomorrow. Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake's daughter, husband, and sons arrived today...we went to dinner at Black Bear Diner and had a great time.....they came back to the house for a quick visit and Sasha did OK but she barked a lot so we'll continue with our plan to board the dogs so things will be calmer tomorrow when we all get together. for the day.

    :flowerforyou: Be on the lookout tomorrow evening (PDT) for the link to the new thread.....be thinking about your goals for July.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I spent the day with my mom planning the menu and shopping for our vacation in Graeagle (total of 12 people, more on some days). We leave on Thursday. I keep thinking about how often a little jog in my routine has turned into a big deviation in staying on track.

    I’ll take full advantage of being one of the planners to make sure the menu includes things I want to eat. It’s still a scary prospect.

    Sylvia, Renny’s comment about your hot pepper salsa reminded me of a recipe I put in our family cookbook, which was printed up and distributed to everyone in the family and a few friends. (It was a work of art, if I do say so myself!) In a recipe for a cheese ball, instead of telling the readers to add ¼ teaspoon of red pepper powder, I specified 14 teaspoons. I didn’t send an email out to correct it, either, figuring anyone who actually put in 14 teaspoons deserved the surprise!

    Thanks, Joyce. The FitBit is looking pretty good.

    I’m glad someone else in the world finds the smart phones a little intimidating. The hands-on class at Verizon should help. Watching the videos on YouTube just doesn’t cut it.

    Katie, good for you for hopping back on track so quickly. Wonderful job.

    Heather, lucky you not to have a sweet tooth. I’ve got a sweet tooth and a savory tooth! I can relate to the siren call of the cheese and other dairy products. Your grandbaby sounds so sweet. And you sound like a wonderful grandma.

    Happy birthday, Sherry!

    Barbie, I’m glad your visit got off to a good start. Enjoy.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi - glad to report that I am feeling much better today, even DD said I was very grumpy/snappy yesterday which is unlike me - but as I said I blamed the hormones (Menopause sucks!!!) Think she got her own back on me though as on our dog walk later in the evening she tripped me up twice :noway: :noway: - the first time she stood on the end of a stick that caused the other end to raise up and tripped me over. Not quite sure what happened the second time about 5 mins later - the same thing I think and over I went again (good job I didn't hurt myself too much) She swears it was an accident - but I'm not too sure :huh: :huh: :huh: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Feeing a little excited today because I am going away for a few days with my mum and dad. Mum's scooter has been ordered and will be delivered to the hotel. I've explained that she needs a walk in shower, not one over a bath or a shower on a base. It will be interesting to see what type of room she and dad end up with. Maybe this year all will go to plan and the room will be okay for her.

    :heart: :heart: Love to all - but I'd best go and get ready, we are not setting off until about 9am - 9.30 am but I don't want to forget anything and want to be all packed and ready in good time.

    Viv (York UK
    soon to be in Sunny (?) Scarborough :laugh: )
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Viv, could be that if they don't give you the room you want that you might a free upgrade. Have fun. Sounds exciting.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: sorry about your toe; is it better? I have to share my broken-toe story. When my brother and I were teenagers my mom kicked my brother in the behind and broke her toe! My mom is a pacifist and totally not abusive; my brother was being annoying, walked away and my mom kind of stuck her foot out to push him…”hit” him at just the wrong angle and broke her big toe. All three of us think it’s a funny story. We trot it out now and then. :bigsmile:

    Geri: can you think of other ways to make friends?

    DeeDee: now that my guy is moving in here we’ll be renovating about half the house. Already not looking forward to that! :noway:

    Mimi: you can use both the sites (Fitbit and MFP). I started out on Fitbit, read good things about MFP and came over here, but I still have a couple friends on Fitbit. Blood pressure advice: take it with you to the doctor next time and compare the reading with theirs. My blood pressure device was consistently measuring too high and freaking me out. I ditched it. Also: “they” are accepting slightly higher blood pressure readings as we get, ahem, older. So see what the doctor says.

    Joyce: I have the Flex (the bracelet one). If I am getting “dressed” up I take the tracker out of it and put that in my bra. You can also find dressier things to put it in (on Etsy, for example).

    Meg: better today?

    Normal day today (I hope); some work, and taking my dog to the vet for a weird-looking skin problem on his elbow.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    Phew, trying to make up for the weekend by burning some extra calories this morning. 615! ! ! That is a record, apart from my city break holidays when I walk around for hours on end.:laugh: Feels sooooo good. :bigsmile:
    When I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom I was so stiff - back, legs, shoulders. That lovely DGD certainly takes some heaving around. Even just sitting with her on my lap is a workout! Nice to work out the muscles.:bigsmile:

    When I got home yesterday there were three messages from friends on my ansaphone. One was a drunken one from my friend who broke her hip. Then she phoned me on my mobile, even drunker. Oh dear. She is mostly in a wheel chair and moves with sticks and is in a lot of pain. Clearly getting depressed and turning to alcohol, her drug of choice, which is one of the reasons I don't travel to see her any more. I think I have grown out of drunken midnight conversations. :brokenheart: But she is a very old friend and loves me very dearly so it is hard. Luckily she lives in a remote part of Wales do I have a good excuse.:embarassed:
    Of course, the alcoholism and poor nutrition, as she was always calorie restricting and virtually vegetarian, may have had something to do with breaking her hip.
    Eat well ladies and do your strength training! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DH off at cricket. I was on the rowing machine as he was leaving and he came in to kiss me goodbye and said, "Don't eat too much!" How well he knows me. His absence usually sends me to the fridge, but today I feel strong and determined to get back on track. I won't have my usual 6pm aperitif which is a big resolve buster, so I hope to do ok today with you ladies looking over my shoulder.:laugh: There is an avocado looking at me from the fruit bowl (:heart: ) so I will fit that in to my sensible eating today. :bigsmile:

    Katla - I wrote hanger steak because I thought that was the American name for it. I call it by the French name, bavette. It is a little tougher than some cuts, but very tasty.

    Must get washed and dressed now for the delivery man.:laugh:

    Heather in sunny and warm Hampshire UK
  • kaybayly
    kaybayly Posts: 11
    Hi everyone,
    hi city jane. sad to hear about your friend, but I think you are right that a combination of poor decisions have brought her to this spot. It is sad watching those around us age, when we have decided not too. I congratulate you on your amazing weight loss. I am just on the beginning of my journey and so it is great to see those who are achieving.
    That goes for all on hear. This is a wonderful supportive site and a number have lost some great weights. Well done
  • kaybayly
    kaybayly Posts: 11
    Good morning, lovely ladies!

    Sylvia...Chattanooga, here comes Sylvia, try not to bump into her little toe. I hope your little toe heals quickly. Bruised or broken, either way, it hurts. Your hot pepper story made me chuckle. I can relate. A little too much of a good thing.

    DeeDee...Renovating a whole house is something we have done. We moved into a trailer in the driveway, with two small children, because it ended up being too big a job to stay in the house. Then when it took too long and winter was coming, someone offered us a small house. 10 months later, we finally moved back in. We were young, is all I can say. We have since renovated parts of our house, one part at a time. In the end it's worth it, but renovating always seems to take longer and is more costly than anticipated. HGTV makes it look easy.

    Kaybayly...I see on your profile that you are a wellness coach. Is that similar to a life coach? I've used a career coach in the past. She was practicing on me when she was studying and so it was beneficial for both of us.

    Mimi...you are in it to win it. Atrial fibrillation (afib) ablation sounds like something I need to read up on. Both my parents had/have heart disease. Many relatives on my mom's side have heart problems and died from it, so it behooves me to pay attention to my health.

    Jane... I hope you find a place that suits you.

    Alison...wishing you a great time with family. Do I need to remind you to find time for relaxing? The world will keep turning, whether everyone else is looked after by you or by themselves.

    Kayzoola..."athletic" resting heart rate is exciting. Well done!

    Pat in Ohio...I eat very little bread, but homemade bread sounds delicious!

    bjmcq...I love summer. I am a summer girl, although I prefer summers here over summers in Ontario. If we had continued to live in Ontario, I would have wanted a backyard pool.

    Heather...we've watched a bit of World Cup soccer. It's been fun to see my birth country show off their skills (I must buy some orange clothing). Especially on our new big screen tv, that DH just bought 'for my birthday' (yeah, right).

    It's overcast today, but the sun is supposed to appear. Tomorrow is my birthday and Tuesday is Canada Day. We typically celebrate my birthday on Canada Day and have a BBQ for the family.

    Vancouver Island, BC

    Hi renny, yes I am a wellness coach. It is really fun. I help people set health goals and encourage them to achieve them. A person does a survey of 8 areas of health and see where they are not doing as well as they would like. It is similar to a life coach, but concentrating on health issues rather than money but of course everything crosses over. It is a big motivator to lose my own weight as I feel I can do my job better when I look how I think I can look
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Busy day ahead. Already watered and weeded a bit.

    Lunch today with the ladies from the exercise class...........one is celebrating---can you believe it???????
    50yrs!!! She was the original leader and has been coming since her 30's. So we are going to a rather more upscale place than our usual! Planning on picking up Gwen and DD is going also because they want to see her as she's known the group since she was in elementary school.

    Another bear in a backyard near me...........advice given in the local paper is to think of them as large raccoons, they are not dangerous to humans, just destructive. Hmmmmm, not sure I can manage quite that mindset.

    Meeting for planning a 5K race tonight and tomorrow we are off to Chincoteague so prep for that needs to be finalized; hopefully the weather off Florida will behave.

    Off to shower, best to everyone, especially those in the path of the tornados or flooding.
