Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today was a very lazy day. I did not exercise or take a walk today. It became a catch up on laundry, read a book, grocery shopping type of day. I think my body needed a day off and it has been a long time coming. Tomorrow, will make up for it. Kayaking in the morning then a workout schedule with my trainer in the afternoon. I could finish the night by swimming but not sure if I will be up for it.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Teresa, that's a great quote... I'll have to copy it down for myself. Thank for sharing!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    My mileage update!

    Goal: 130 miles (What was I thinking?! :laugh: )

    6/1: 2.52
    6/2: 1.48
    6/3: 1.50
    6/4: 5.38
    6/5: 5.83
    6/6: 2.58
    6/7: 5.47
    6/8: 2.73
    6/9: 1.73
    6/10: 5.89
    6/11: 1.24
    6/12: 1.78
    6/13: 1.68
    6/14: 8.78
    6/15: 1.00
    6/16: 1.04
    6/17: 2.99
    6/18: 3.01
    6/19: 7.00
    6/20: 2.94
    6/21: 2.09
    6/22: 1.50
    6/23: 1.30
    6/24: 1.94
    6/25: 3.24
    6/26: 3.33
    6/27: 2.17
    6/28: 3.20
    6/29: 5.65

    Total: 84.98
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    June 1 - 2.00
    June 2 - 2.06
    June 3 - 2.49
    June 4 - 2.67
    June 5 - 4.00
    June 6 - 2.34
    June 7 - 0.66
    June 8 - 1.41
    June 9 - 2.02
    June 10 - 1.84
    June 11 - 3.99
    June 12 - 1.00
    June 13 - 2.00
    June 14 - 1
    June 15 - 2
    June 16 - 4
    June 17 - 3
    June 18 - 2
    June 19 - 3
    June 20 - 1
    June 21 - 3.52
    June 22 - 2.85
    June 23 - 1
    June 24 - 2
    June 25 - 1
    June 26 - 1
    June 27 - 1.5
    June 28 - 1.57
    June 29 - 4.87

    Total - 73.31 / 75

    One day left...I think I can make it -- I have a trainer session. :bigsmile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/29: 1.3 miles
    I think I've made my goal of 100 miles. I'd really like to do the mileage challenge again. Because of the Dr. asking me to cut back, I will probably set my goal for 75 miles in July.
    Vacation drawing to a close. We'll be home on Tuesday. I hope I haven't gained too much.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • starlite19
    starlite19 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Im kinda new to MFP and need some more motivation to get moving and healthy. I like the support you have for one another here and would like to try to join in. I would like to lose almost a 100 pounds but a little less would be great too. As long as I am treating my body better than now, which is over eating on sweets, eating out and not exercising enough. I would like to to start eating home cooked meals more that include more veggies and fruits. Along with becoming much more active then my walking once or twice a week. So your challenge that you have here could make it more interesting for me and get me moving. At least I hope, I would like to become a healthier person and set a better example for my son who is 8months right now.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome, Starlite! :) My two boys are a big reason I started on this journey, too.


    June 1 - 3 miles
    June 3 - 3 miles
    June 6 - 4 miles
    June 7 - 2 miles
    June 8 - 4 miles
    June 9 - 2.5 miles
    June 10 - 2 miles
    June 11 - 1.5 miles
    June 13 - 2 miles
    June 15 - 1.5 miles
    June 17 - 2 miles
    June 18 - 3 miles
    June 19 - 1 mile
    June 20 - 2 miles
    June 21 - 1.68 miles
    June 22 - 2 miles
    June 23 - 2 miles
    June 24 - 1 mile
    June 25- 1 mile
    June 26 - 2 miles
    June 27 - 3 miles
    June 28 - 2 miles
    June 29 - 3.24 miles
    June 30 - 1.4

    Total: 52.72 miles
    June goal: 50 miles
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick mileage update and setting my July goal at 100 miles. Happy Monday everyone!

    June Mileage Goal: 80 miles

    6/1 - 4.20
    6/2 - 0
    6/3 - 0
    6/4 - 2.73
    6/5 - 2.17
    6/6 - 2.74
    6/7 - 4.24
    6/8 - 4.12
    6/9 - 2.74
    6/10 - Rest Day
    6/11 - 2.91
    6/12 - 2.91
    6/13 - 4.12
    6/14 - 9.01 miles (20,274 FitBit steps)
    6/15 - 7.53 miles (16,968 FitBit steps)
    6/16 - 5.06 (10,277 FitBit steps)
    6/17 - 6.98 (16,729 FitBit steps)
    6/18 - 5.00 (9,998 FitBit steps)
    6/19 - Rest Day
    6/20 - 2.80
    6/21 - 3.94
    6/22 - 3.94
    6/23 - 5.00 (3 mile walk and class)
    6/24 - 3.00
    6/25 - 3.94
    6/26 - 4.84 (2.84 mile walk and class)
    6/27 - Rest Day
    6/28 - 3.10
    6/29 - 3.40
    6/30 - 4.84 (2.84 walk and class)

    Total - 105.08
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning. Just a mileage update for now—I think with all of the walking at work I'll make or surpass my goal. Are we doing a mileage goal for July’s challenge? If so, Laurie, would you like a break and for someone else to keep track of everyone's stats?

    June Miles:


    Total: 53.30/55 Miles
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Welcome Starlite! :smile: I'm new to the group as well and so far the support has been great. I look forward to getting to know you.

    This is the start of my second week and I'm planning for it to be awesome!! :bigsmile:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Just popping in to say hi! I am still around but just taking a little break from things for personal reasons that I am not ready to discuss openly at the moment. I just want you all to know that I miss each one of you and think about all of you often. I hope you all continue to be successful!
  • Hi!

    I have been on here for a month or so, but finally joined the boards a week or so ago. I would like to join if that is possible! I have about 92 lbs to go and need all the help and support I can get. If someone can let me know what I need to do to get started, that would be great! :-)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Forehead, you are in. All you have to do is post. Come back often and share with us. We are here for each other and there is plenty of room for everyone.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.


    A hug can speak louder than words. A simple hug can change a person’s day, emotions and even their life. While everyone enjoys a hug, National Hug Holiday Day was created to remind people to give an extra special hug to someone who is having a bad day, is sick, lonely, sad or elderly. This simple act will bring love and warmth to a person in need.
    National Hug Holiday Day was created by the “Hugs for Health Foundation” for the belief that hugs, friendship and volunteer support are vital components to an overall senior care plan. Although it’s premises was towards the elderly, this holiday has turned into a day to give any needing or willing person a genuine hug.
    The Hugs for Health Foundation’s Hugger’s Creed: “We believe HUGS nurture the human spirit, promote a more positive outlook and enhance the quality of one’s life”
    To celebrate this day to the fullest, venture out and give someone/anyone a warm, sincere and loving hug and enjoy the benefits for yourself, too!

    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon

  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Total: 161.17
    Goal: 200 miles

    Well...I missed my goal, but I met my original goal of 150. I'm exhausted.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Monday Check In: I've been Bad Bad Slacker Jenn this month with my eating, with my walking, with keeping up with the thread. I've let stress and this crazy month get the best of me, but thankfully I've not added a ton of extra weight to my list of ills. I've been playing with the same 5-7 lb all month long. I'm planning on doing an official weigh in for tomorrow, take that number and go from there whether it be good, bad, or ugly. I've mostly logged my indiscretions at least. :blushing:

    One good thing I've done this month was to get one of those 72 oz water jugs and attempt to drink at least that full every day. Most days I've succeeded since I got it, and I feel like that has definitely helped me not to rebound the weight back up drastically.

    My goal for July is to get off this pity party bus I've been on, put on my big girl panties and do something productive! If we are still doing the mileage next month, I'm going to roll over my goals from this month and make an effort to actually get it done!

    @ Laurie - I've actually counted up my miles as of last night and have 66.73 so far for the month according to the FitBit. I've had some issues with putting it down and the battery died on me a couple of times before I realized it, so I know I've got more in, maybe not much more, but that's what's actually been tracked. :smile:

    I hope everyone has had a Fabulous June and have plans for a Fantastic July 4th weekend!

    Jenn :flowerforyou:

    JUNE Mileage Goals:
    10/30 – 7,500 Steps /Day
    8.66/20 – Exercise only miles (5/week)
    66.73/95 – At least 95 Miles total for the Month
    JULY Mileage Goals:
    0/12 - Glasses of Water / Day
    0/30 – 7,500 Steps / Day
    0/20 – Exercise only miles (5 miles / week)
    0/95 – At least 95 Miles total for the Month
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Been SOO busy. Finllay got caught up, only to probably fall behind again! I leave for my dysfunctional family vacation on Wednesday afternoon. I am hoping to maintain while I am away. My brother's girlfriend eats a Paleo diet (at least she did the last time I saw her) so I am thinking that meals will be very good! She dapples with catering (of sorts) so it's always good eats! My biggest concern will be the amount of alcoholic beverages we parttake in during the week. I really am not going to stress too much though. I am going to enjoy myself to the best of my ability and if that means a need for inebriation, well so be it!

    June Miles – Goal 60 miles:
    6/01 - 0.80
    6/02 - 1.52
    6/03 - 1.35
    6/04 - 1.26
    6/05 - 1.40
    6/06 - 1.76
    6/07 - 0.34
    6/08 - 1.94
    6/09 - 1.69
    6/10 - 1.03
    6/11 - 0.07
    6/12 - 0.89
    6/13 - 1.59
    6/14 - 1.09
    6/15 - 0.08
    6/16 - 1.38
    6/17 - 2.37
    6/18 - 1.82
    6/19 - 2.66
    6/20 - 1.29
    6/21 - 1.74
    6/22 - 0.56
    6/23 - 1.06
    6/24 - 1.37
    6/25 - 1.49
    6/26 - 0.05 (left my Fitbit at home!)
    6/27 - 0.77
    6/28 - 0.03 (left my Fitbit at home!)
    6/29 - 0.01 (left my Fitbit at home!)
    6/30 - 1.26

    I will hold my same goals for July (60 miles) if we do the same thing again. (In case I don't make it back for a while again!)

    Keep up the good work everyone and welcome to the newbies!!
  • jayacaze
    jayacaze Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone, My name is Jamilia. Im renewing my fitness quest that I started some time ago, but wasnt able to continue until now. Its seems Ive missed all the June fun. Whats new for July. I look forward to participating and getting this weight off at the same time!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to the new people. You have found a great group of people here so come back often and visit.

    Kelley if you would like to handle the challenge this month you are welcome to do so. A break would be nice but I can continue if needed.

    Speaking of the challenge: I am good with miles again but I was also thinking about tracking physical activity in terms of minutes per day of being active. The Physical activity would include any type of movement, pacing the hallways (not just once but multiple times). What do you think?

    I will post the final status reports by Wednesday, provided I have all the data for June. I will be dropping a few people from the challenge since I have not heard from them since week 1.

    Today, I had a great workout and exercised for over 3.5 hours. I went kayaking this morning and that was relaxing. Then this afternoon, I had a session with my trainer and she made me work for the whole 60 minutes using the AMT machine, spin bike, ball and running drills, AMT again and walking. That was not enough for her so she opted to have workout for another 45-60 minutes afterwards. That workout included more spin bike, row machine (15 minutes each) then walked to cool down for about 30 minutes. It was a long afternoon with total miles completed of 18.2.

    Have a great night.