

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Cynthia – that could be scary! University bennies in CA would be usually better than private… what is the trend there? Would it be worth retiring and then job hunting??? :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Alison – you need to ditch that whole gang and take a just Alison vacation!!! You are so good to them:smile::smile:

    Heather – what a shame that there are folks who would let your weight affect your relationship… I know it goes the other way –folks avoid/ignore heavy people thinking they are uninteresting… so sad… I am glad you are not letting it affect your commitment to your new lifestyle.

    Laurie – some others pre-log too, and say it helps – I have not tried it…..

    Carol – 80 at 9am yuck! I hate hot weather too… most of the time in the part of CA I am in it says under 90 but I would like it to stay under 80

    Your son will miss you, he just may not be able to use the words, and climbing in bed to do a list was his way to say that he will.:happy:

    Kathy in Tavares – welcome

    Margaret – I love the line you do on your posts with what you are doing today for a better tomorrow.. it is uplifting…

    Katla - Sad about 4th of july plans, my previous dog:heart: was afraid of loud noises, and fireworks were awful for her- I was able to get from the vet a sleeping pill and a bit of peanut butter and she would sleep through the crazies! Which meant I could take her with me… in the last 2 years of her life she was profoundly deaf and we loved the fireworks together:love: – that was the best part of her losing her hearing.

    So the new pedometer and I have having adjustment issues... the reset button is on the front and has to be held down for 2-3 seconds to reset, but I carry stuff on my hip a lot (more than I realized) so that resets it... trying the bra, but the dog reset it after cuddling in my lap the other day.... :grumble: :grumble: It is fun to see the steps go higher and higher...

    Yesterday was 15,680...

    Kim in Cool N. California (Sunday-monday it is supposed to be over 100)
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello--after having some success with weight loss this winter, I've gotten lazy the last couple months. I'm finally ticked off at myself enough to get going again. My July goal is to log in every day. If I can do that, other things should fall into place!

    I've been trying Zumba this past month. I enjoy it very much, however my foot that I had surgery on 2 yrs ago is starting to hurt again. So I'll have to decide if it's worth it.

    Never thought about SAD affecting people in the summer, but I suppose summers in the South keep people indoors just like winters up North. I don't think any of us get enough of those perfect days when you can enjoy having the windows open!

    I'll try to check back with all of you more often, at least to scan through your comments. It helps keep me motivated. Enjoy your day! :flowerforyou:

    Kay - Wisconsin
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    I am going back and reading the end of June so I can “hear” all the news I missed, I saw the hanger steak comment from Heather… and in CA a hanger steak is called a skirt steak…

    smiles Kim in N. California
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    I really love Chattanooga! We went to dinner last night in the downtown area, then hubby's sisters and their hubbies went back to the hotel and Bill and I walked down by the river and across the foot bridge. It was beautiful! They have electric shuttle busses that take visitors all over (free), so it was fun to ride around and see the lights and all the shops. We even stopped at Ben & Jerry's and I got a kids scoop of cherries garcia. What a treat!

    Well, gotta go get ready for another day. I hope everyone has a great day!


    Good to know. It's always been a pass through or half way stop off 75 on the way to Florida. Perhaps I should consider it as a destination or "extended layover" in the future.
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I’ve decided there’s no catching up on responding to posts so I’ll just go from here. Some days I may have time to say “hey” to individuals and sometimes not. That will have to be my MO .

    I realized my talking about the Bay Area and my parents in one breath and my rural lifestyle in another might be confusing. I split my time between the Bay Area and the Sierra Foothills, an hour or so below Tahoe. Most of my family is in the Bay Area. That’s where I am when I mention my folks.

    In the foothills, I share a good-sized house with my daughter and her family. I have my own self-contained apartment there, including my own entry and porch, My granddaughters (7 and 9 – almost 8 and 10. Yikes. Where does the time go?) come over to "grandma's house" often to hang out.

    My daughter and her family are the ones with the animals (goats, chickens and dogs). So I get to enjoy the rural lifestyle without all the work. I do have my little dog though but she’s low maintenance. I have the best of both worlds.

    I’m half way through the food-shopping for our Graeagle (up in the Sierras, an hour or so past Truckee) trip. We’ll have 12 to 20 people up there, depending on the day.

    I’ll shop for the perishables today and put them in a cooler with lots of ice. Meat and dicey things like that will go in the fridge until we leave. It’s about a 5-hour drive.

    I’m excited about the trip. I hear their fireworks up there are spectacular. My daughter says they’re the best she’s ever seen – and we lived in the Bay Area where the fireworks can be pretty nice. I love fireworks and haven’t seen them in a couple of years.

    Several of you have commented about dogs. I think mine will be all right, staying in the cabin. It’s far from the fireworks although there are often some yahoos setting them off themselves.

    There will be other dogs in the cabin, so they can have a barkfest together. I am sensitive about this issue though as, a few years ago, my brother’s dog got out of the house, scared by the fireworks, and was killed on the road. Loud noises are no joke for a dog. Hmm. Thinking about it, I’ll look into the thunder jacket someone mentioned.

    Cynthia, thanks for the info. I’m a total noob with smartphones so “go to the app store”…that makes sense, lol. I was looking only at MFP’s apps on the MFP site. I’ll broaden my horizon.

    I hope everything works out with your job. Sounds a little dicey. It’s no fun being at the mercy of “someone else” making decisions that affect your life.

    Heather, as one who is known for raving on about things, I sympathize with you about your experiences with DSIL and friend who are having a hard time losing weight. The whole subject is so interesting to me, and there is constantly so much new information, that it’s hard to understand why someone would not be interested.
    I know, for myself, I had (and am having) to find my own way, as I’m ready. Other people are learning just by your example, even though you may not be able to see that all the time.

    Carol, it sounds as though your son is at a perfect age for you to have some freedom in your decision-making. Their independence is hard to adjust to too but, oh, the freedom!

    Katia, I second the motion about light and vitamin D for SAD. My sister has SAD and light helps her tremendously. A friend does not have SAD but moved to the Pacific Northwest from the Bay Area. Her Vitamin D levels took a dive and affected her normally sunny disposition. (Hmm. That’s funny somehow.) Vit D is easy to test for and important, not just for how you feel, but for health.

    I'm off to Curves (women's gym). Something new for me but, with Silver Sneakers (part of my medical plan), it's free. How can I resist. Urgh. I can't. I'm a little nervous because I am in such bad shape but there's only one way to improve. So, here goes.

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Today I weight in at 233. I'd like to lose 75lbs by the end of 2015 and arrive under 200 by the end of the year. My 11 yo son is away for the summer with his dad, so my intention is to use these next two months to work on myself.

    Goals for July would be:

    * Exercise 4 days each week.
    * Stick to a plant-based diet as much as I can.
    * Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night.

    How exciting to have that time to start on some lifestyle changes. I'll be looking forward to hearing about the look on your son's face when he sees you after the summer.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi Friends,
    What a blessing it was to spend the entire month of June at home, especially the one week I took as a stay-cation. Took myself on day trips to nearby lakes and rivers which I have taken for granted for years. Got a charge out of stand up paddle boarding, which uses a lot of core muscles. Loved it! Cooked a lot of wholesome meals and made exquisite variations of infused waters (mint and melon together is especially refreshing). After months of reading Michelle post about it, I finally tried a deep water exercise class. What a GREAT workout. End result is I am tanned, rested and down 1.5 pounds. :happy: :happy: :happy: :glasses:

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills where's it's a beautiful 70 degree day

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,976 Member
    Bump! Don't want to lose this thread!

    Rita from CT
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,898 Member
    Hello to all: Back to do goals.

    June goals were to average 8,000 steps per day. Missed by quite a lot. Too much sitting and not enough moving. This definitely needs to improve. Water exercise 2x/wk. Made it everyday except when on vacation and this week when the pool was closed for cleaning. Not so good at skipping desserts until this last week then I did pretty well.

    July goals: Water exercise 2x/wk.
    Try to get in 8000 steps on days I am not in the water and 5000 on days when I am in the pool.
    Finish cleaning and organizing files before DGD arrives on July 14.
    Start each day with a daily goal similar to the ones Margaret does. I love how she does that.

    Gorgeous day here today, sunny and 73*. I need to get busy and take advantage of it. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • moparjer
    moparjer Posts: 125 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm here for July challenge as well! I work full-time so don't have time to check-in too often but will try to add extra exercise and try to drink more glasses of water this month. We're starting a "Healthy Challenge" for work on Monday. This will force me to go for 8 glasses a day! Thank you for being here for support - I couldn't do it on my own!

    Melinda (from Eastern Oregon)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Good morning ladies. Well I am feeling alittle down this morning. Last evening I went on an eating binge. Not sure why and then today I just feel down.:sad: But I am Thankful for a new day and new start. Today will be better. Seems that is happening alot lately. I have to get a handle on it. So afraid of ending up back where I started.

    Carol--Congrates on the loss!!:flowerforyou:

    Joyce--I agree posting about our lives and up and downs help us and reading about how others handle things helps me. Congrates on the loss. Thinking of you this morning, said a prayer.:heart:

    Welcome Karen & Cathy! We enjoy having new people join us, this is a great group for support and friendship.:flowerforyou:

    Juanita--Congrates on your loss!:flowerforyou:

    DH and I are working the fireworks stand for the Cosmos group tonight 7-10:30. I have never done anything like this before. Should be interesting. Getting me out of my comfort zone for sure.:blushing:

    Cynthia--how scary about your job. I know they are contracting out alot of things at the hospital where I work and I just pray they do not get to my dept until I can retire in 10 years or more. Having to start over at the bottom would be terrible. Good Luck.:flowerforyou:

    Allison--So sorry to hear about your trip. Know you worked so hard to get everything ready. I do hope you enjoy the time with the girls and know that is the important thing. :heart:

    Heather--I understand what you mean. I have a sister who lost alot of weight after by-pass surgery and she kept wanting me to have it. She has gained most of it back and not that I am losing she is not happy and we have grown apart. Not sure what to do to change that as I will not let myself gain the weight back.

    Katla--sorry your 4th plans fell apart. I work 6a-6p and then we can sit in our driveway and watch fireworks. Tomorrow evening we will to to DS in Phillips and have BBQ and then to the ball park to watch fireworks. Have done that the last several years and they do a very nice display. We take our DGD from here with us and have two that live there. I got some glow braclets and wands and swords so they will have fun.
    Well ladies have a good rest of the day. Remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • TatianaMacKenzie
    TatianaMacKenzie Posts: 23 Member
    Hello! Trying this for the first time!

    START DATE: 1 JULY 2014

    Phrase of the Month: I can do this one day at a time.

    Monthly goals: Track every day. Move every day: minimum of 30 minutes exercise every day x 7 days a week. Revamp exercise programme to include swimming 1 x week. Add yoga 1 x per week. Lose 5.5 pounds in July. Study Spanish for 1 hour x 5 days a week. Try one new recipe each week (try to find low cal and satisfying dessert recipes!). Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

    Week 1 Exercise Goal: 3500 calories burned

    Day1: 861 calories burned (145 minutes of biking and working in garden)
    Total: 861
    Left to go: 2639

    in the Niagara Peninsula, Canada (wine country!)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I survived it. It's done a little differently than the internet told me about. I didn't have to stand 45 minutes, just 20. First of all neither one of us slept well. I was sleeping well until I got up to go potty at 3. I put slippers on and keep my eyes half closed and it usually doesn't take much to go back to sleep. Slippers are so that my feet don't have the shock of walking on the cold hardwood floor. But I noticed Charlies light on so I went in the check on him since I smelled what I thought was diarrhea. Remember the last time he had diarrhea he ended up in the hospital for 8 days, 2 stents and a new diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. So I checked on him. I think I slept a little after that and got up at 6:15. We were going to get up at 6:45.

    Got there and they couldn't get my IV in. Took 4 tries, 2 nurses. They both asked me if I don't get enough water!!!! So the process started. I guess I should say first that the bed that this is done is not a sleep number bed and I couldn't have a wedge for my knees. OUCH. Doctor comes in and she stars the test. Put me at about 90 degrees and I just stand there and yack. My starting B/P was 200/110! I was really nervous. So it stabilized down to around the 150, 160 range with no problems so at the end of 20 minutes she laid me down, ouch, and gave me a spray of nitro to as the doctor said 'aggravate my B/P'. Stood me back up and B/P doesn't change. after about 3 minutes, my fingers start tingling, then my arms heavy and I tell them that it's coming. The doctor could see my head bobbing, eyes kind of glassy and B/P 79/40. So they put me back down but with y head lower than the regular level, opened up the IV and I was OK. When I went home B/P back to 140. Pulse was in the 50s the whole time until they gave me the nitro and it went n the 90s.

    So now I am up from my nap, didn't sleep much, was cold and hurt to much. We did go ahead and stop off at McDonalds for my Egg McMuffin. I now know that they no longer taste good to me.

    Caorl, I remember when my girls went to college I was super college Mom. I was so excited and just wanted them to have the best dorm room, on a budget, and the best experience. I also thought about all their needs at home and that they didn't have Mom at home so I had to send me in a box. we all have sinus problems so I had a medicine cabinet with Tylenol, Aleve, Sinus med, cough medicine, bandaides, Neosporin, etc. Also they didn't have Mom or Dad to fix things. So they had a mini tool box. They actually come ready made for college students. And Mom made a small sewing kit that also had stamps in it. Our girls were very popular around the dorm when it came to those needs. They weren't the most popular kids on campus for other things but I knew I was sending them off with things that could help them fix simple things, not have to call Mom and drive down to the local KMart for little illnesses and also sew on a button or fix a small tear. I still have each of those boxes of supplies, well not the medicine but I have the box they were in. I know boys are different. they don't even care about a clean pair of socks at times.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Missingmom
    Missingmom Posts: 1 Member
    I work on my feet all weekend long. And then when I come home i'M TIRED. DURING THE WEEK i STILL FEEL TIRED ANY SUGGESTIONS???
  • shortyblueyes
    Hello! I am 51 and have decided (with my doctor's prodding) to start taking care of myself now that the nest is empty. Have spent too many years taking care of others and letting myself go. Time to get back on track! Today is my Day One.
  • shortyblueyes
    Allow yourself time to rest, eat things like bananas and fiber bars to give you a boost of energy.
  • moparjer
    moparjer Posts: 125 Member
    July 2nd: 20 sit-ups, 50 jumping jacks, 25 squats.... A start! Won't count all the walking at work, as this is almost a daily thing!
  • ridewithless
    ridewithless Posts: 20 Member
    Sign me up. Need to lose 10 lbs, willing to do it in 10 weeks. Need to:
    -log in daily and keep food journal
    -exercise 5 days a week
    -cut back on the vino (empty calories)
    -enjoy the moment

    Cheering you all on this journey!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Wow what a chatty group we are! Four pages already. Sorry I have not been able to keep up. Today I came home from work so angry that I was literally in tears. Won't get into it here, but this is very unusual for me. I left early and thought I'd buy some jeans for our camping trip....thought that would make me feel a bit better and it's healthier than food and I REALLY wanted donuts!. Went to a couple of stores, and that was a bad experience too! Each pair I put on fit through the hips and legs, but the waist stuck out at least 4-5"! Plus none of them totally covered my rear! They hit me right in the middle of the fattest part of my a**! Yuck! All ugly!

    So I compromised with myself. I had been craving a concrete mixer (like a blizzard) from Culvers, so I went and got a small cheeseburger and water, plus a small mixer. No fries....I hate fries. Or usually I hate fries. They have to be done a very specific way for me to like them, so I usually don't get them. So it's way over in calories and carbs, but it was way better than it could have been. The craving was not from being angry; I have been wanting one for about a month, and I did resist the donut binge, so I thought that was at least reasonable.

    Tonight I have to take DD#2 to get her senior pictures done. The appointment is from 7-9 and he wants to do a bunch of outdoor sunset type photos. I'm kind of cranky about spending my evening like that. Poor DH; he has some kind of awful rash on his foot which is red and weepy and swollen and ITCHES so back to that same doc he goes. He's on steroids; not sure what is causing it, but he was doing yard work wearing sandals, but only one foot is affected. Now it's on the hand he scratches with! we have no poison ivy or anything like that at all in our yard.

    Interestingly, he is also taking the dog to the vet tonight because he has something on his front paws he keeps licking and chewing at! Hmmmmmmm interesting!

    OK I'm outta here. I'll be in a better mood tomorrow! Take care, Meg
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.
    Am a little upset to say the least.Looked at a place,talked to the landlord,filled out application,come to find out his girlfriend decided to rent to her friend.Why even advertise?I was so pissed.Guess it wasn`t to be.Called places and sent emails,No one gets back to you,very frustrating.:explode: :mad:
    The weather is cool today,only in the 70`s.Made some cards for the sick kids,trying not to eat over all this stress.
    Welcome new ladies.:drinker: :flowerforyou: