

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a quick pop in--have lots to accomplish this morning and the boy child is being difficult!

    Moondoggz- I have one quick suggestion for finding 'more food for less calories'. There is a website that shows pictures of all different kinds of foods and the quantity of them that equals 200 calories. I'm on my tablet so I can't cut and paste the link. It is at wisegeek.com and it is a blog(?) called What Does 200 Calories Look Like. It was enlightening!

    Heather - Even though I knew that Sri Lanka was part of the British Empire, it still sounds incredibly exotic to me. Of course, England sounds exotic to me! :laugh: :tongue: Going to Boston and walking through thee section called Little Italy was incredible. I've never been to a place where folks were just casually having conversation in another language. (I hear Spanish a lot, of course.) There was an amazing bakery there, too! (Gotta keep my priorities straight, you know! :wink: )

    JB - You made my mouth water and made me very tired just by reading your post. Sounds as if you will be eating deliciously for a while! I, too, would love to see what quinoa looks like on the plant.

    Beth - Happy birthday!! I hope it's a surprise party with delicious low calorie treats and great presents.

    Dang! That's as far as my memory lasted. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a great day! Gotta go make up a bed for my friend to sleep in tonight.

    Carol in blessedly cooler NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Good morning --- it's 7:30 and I have walked the dog, but no coffee:cry::cry: Yet! it is calling me - just had to leave this quick note; will go back and read and comment after coffee!!!

    Today is check in for me... and I skipped last friday - I was so busy I never even remembered!!! So I have been pretty good this week (making up for the week before) and gained 1/2 of a lb - actually I feel really good about that because I think the week before I gained about 3 --- so the net is great. BUT the weird/interesting/odd thing is my measurements bust/hips/waist all went down and down by between 1/2 and 3/4 of an inch each... So cool!!! just not what I expected.

    Just re-proves to me the scale is only part of the whole picture!:drinker: :glasses: :love:

    more later-- Kim in CA
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    We grow fruit and veg here organically, taste sensation. We have a small orchard of apple, pear, cherry and plum trees; blueberry, redcurrant, gooseberry, raspberry and blackberry bushes and 4 rhubarb plants.. We grow potatoes, carrots, salad stuff, zucchinis.

    We retired to Tasmania in 2005 after 25 years as cancer research scientist at Peter MacCallum Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria. We sold our big house for a cute smaller house made of Western red cedar, which is cosy and we love it.

    Wow, what a change of lifestyle! How awesome, and inspirational, to totally reinvent your life:smile:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :drinker: Happy 4th of July to our US friends enjoy your day

    been busy picking strawberries our local fields are finally ready and was well worth the wait, my friend and I picked 6 baskets
    now to clean and preserve them, pop a few in the freezer for smoothies I feel like Michele and Heather this am cooking and freezing lol!

    have stayed on track this week only down half a pound so will wait to add it to my ticker, have been moving more and inches are showing a better improvement so onward and (downward) I will go

    Welcome to all our new friends enjoy visiting and learning with us

    Best wishes to all have a safe and happy weekend

    juanita in sudbury
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning ladies,
    and to you in the United States Happy Forth of July... God Bless America
    Older DGD still snoozing, life is tough isnt it?
    we had the top of one of the tree's in our yard come down last night in a nasty storm DH is out cutting what he can cut ,then the tree guy will have to do the rest...
    made blueberry pancakes for DH and the kids this morning, and made more fudge and blueberry muffins to send home with the kids...
    going to be a quiet day today,, will probably take the girls to the beach tomorrow so that will be fun...

    Hope everyone is enjoying the long holiday weekend. going to have a stormy afternoon here today
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy 4th! :heart:

    Big gardening day in store, time to catch up with the weeding. Storing produce - well, my fridge is always packed full of greens & things, and what we don't use goes in the compost. I give a lot away to neighbors, students, and to the senior center, plus we trade and share a few things with neighboring gardeners. We're not allowed to sell produce grown in the community garden since it's a non-profit organization. Giving is more fun, anyway. :smile:

    Potatoes are stored in old milk crates in the garage and covered with towels to keep the light out. I braid most of the garlic, hanging a few braids in the kitchen and the rest on hooks out in the garage. We'll save a lot of bulbs for seed come fall when we plant again.

    I do lots of freezing - carrots, parsnips, peas, leeks, spinach, raw bell peppers, roasted peppers, tomatoes, scallions, marinara sauce, roasted winter squash, corn, and kale. This year I made a batch of cauliflower puree that I froze for soups. In the summer when it's time to defrost the freezer I take all of last year's frozen goods and make a giant pot of soup which I freeze again in small batches for easy lunches.

    I make cases of jam with the berries to send for gifts at holiday time, and I always bake a few pies. I package lots of the berries in small bags to add to my smoothies and oatmeal. Every year I make boysenberry brandy and raspberry vinegar. :love:

    And then comes canning. I processed 100 jars last year :noway: pickled beets, pickled hot peppers, corn, green beans, tomatoes, applesauce, dilly beans, chunky salsa, taco sauce, roasted red peppers and diced green chilies. We store everything in the garage. I'm always going out there to grab a jar of something! :wink:

    In the dehydrator we dry halved plum tomatoes and store them in the freezer. We let many of our Anahiem chilies turn red, dry them, and grind them into chile powder. We make our own red pepper flakes from cayenne peppers.

    Hubby helps with lots of the harvesting & processing. He'll shuck the corn, roast, peel & seed the peppers, slice peppers for drying and do the grinding. He's also a great help with braiding garlic, and has been known to blanch & peel 10 gallons of tomatoes to help when I'm making his favorite salsas and taco sauce. He's also a fantastic gardener, and loves it like I do. So you see, this craziness is not all my doing. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day everyone! It's going to be a beauty here, sun's out nice and bright. I'm dreading tonight with all of the fireworks...my poor doggies hate it. I'll be cranking up the stereo, boy howdy. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb in Portland who will take some photos of the quinoa plants :glasses:
  • avalisa1
    avalisa1 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new to this blog. I'll be 50 in August(that doesn't seem real). I'm very discouraged lately. I lost 65 pounds on a very strict diet. In the 6 months since I hit that weight loss, I have gained back about 30. It didn't help at all that we just returned from two weeks of vacation. I pray that I will at least get back to where I was a few months ago.

    Rondaoaks, OMG, I have SO been there, done that! I hit the big 5-0 last September. Having lost almost 100lbs, I've now gained back agout 35. I'd hoped to be "fit by 50" -- obviously I "fit" a little too much celebrating into the past year, but chin up! As much as I dreaded this number, it hasn't actually turned out to be half so bad! It also helps that having a little weight on actually fills out the face and belies the years! ;-)

    Still -- I'm back. I joined the group yesterday and thus far, find the posts a little bewildering. How does everyone know everyone else's name and keep up with all the posts?!! Here's to finding new ways to keep us on goal!

    gmom & hearthwood -- thanks so much for the welcome!! As I saw a movie yesterday with the same daughter and my Movie MeetUp Group, I started strong, but ended the day horribly as I was starved by the time I got to the theater. D noted that perhaps attempting to restart a fitness regimen on 4th July weekend may have been a bit ambitious . . . . :sad:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Anamika: Thanks for your good wishes. In our neighborhood, the 4th of July is literally a blast. :explode: I wonder about this year, though. I haven’t seen them installing the fireworks on the island across from our house where they’re set off. I may have banished my poor dog to the vet’s office for nothing. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Moondogz: I agree with you. To be successful, healthy eating MUST become a way of life, day in and day out. There is room for celebration once in a while, though. Celebration does not mean having a total pig out. :noway: :flowerforyou:

    Kim in CA: Smaller measurements show that you are definitely on the right path. :bigsmile: Congratulations on a terrific NSV. :flowerforyou:

    Juanita: Congratulations on your success. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we went to a fish sale and bought steamer clams that we’ve already eaten, and salmon to smoke. The salmon is currently in it’s brine and we’ll smoke it later today. We also bought some to grill and eat. Guess what is on our 4th of July menu. Cheers! :drinker: :heart:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 472 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I'm wishing all in the USA a very happy July 4th. Hubby and I celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary this week. We always say a Bill Cosby line to each other "I love you more today than I did back then." I was pretty crazy about him back then too!

    My workout today is yoga, strength training for upper body and then treadmill.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful day. Be good to yourselves!

    Hugs to all struggling and big congrats to those with victories.

    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everybody, and happy 4th to those of us who live in the US. Well, happy 4th to the rest of you too. I'm sure you can find something to celebrate! I hope those of you on the east coast of the US and Canada stay safe and dry!

    We had fireworks going off in our neighborhood last night. They don't bother Molly, but Bruno was a little rattled. He wasn't sure what to think, this being his first 4th of July. He climbed into my lap and stayed there most of the evening just for a little security. Both dogs love hubby best for the fun stuff, but if they are scared about something they come to me. Somehow that makes me happy to know they feel safe with me.

    I'm a little sunburned from the pool outing yesterday, but not too bad. It was worth it. Monday the new session of swim lessons start and the little guy is going to take classes too. He wanted so badly to do the slides and stuff yesterday like his sisters.

    We are enjoying slightly cooler than average temperatures for the next few days. I'm certainly not complaining.

    Welcome to all the new ladies! I can't wait to get to know you all. Please post often! If you are serious about weight loss, this group is just the support team you need.

    JB, it sounds like you know really what to do with peppers! Do you have any suggestions for me? I have four "salsa pepper" plants that are going gangbusters! It doesn't take many to make salsa. I found that out already. Do you take the seeds out? I have four cayenne pepper plants but am not sure when I'm supposed to pick them. They look so tiny, but they are bright red. Is that when you pick them?

    I've never done canning, but might look into it. In the meantime, I'm planning to give away as many as possible. Hubby has a lot of co-workers from the middle east and apparently they like spicy food. My habeneros have some teeny tiny little pods starting, which I assume is the pepper but I haven't tried to pick any yet. Do they turn colors? I'll have to google this stuff and see what I can find.

    Here is the joke of they day:


    So there's this man with a parrot. And his parrot swears like a sailor, I mean he's a pistol. He can swear for five minutes straight without repeating himself.

    The trouble is that the guy who owns the parrot is a quiet, conservative type, and this bird's foul mouth is driving him crazy.

    One day, it gets to be too much, so the guy grabs the bird by the throat, shakes him really hard, and yells, "QUIT IT!" But this just makes the bird mad and he swears more than ever.

    Then the guy gets mad and says, "That's it. I'll get you." and locks the bird in a kitchen cabinet.

    This really aggravates the bird and he claws and scratches, and when the guy finally lets him out, the bird cuts loose with a stream of invective that would make a veteran sailor blush.

    At that point, the guy is so mad that he throws the bird into the freezer.

    For the first few seconds, there is a terrible din. The bird kicks and claws and thrashes. Then it suddenly goes very quiet.

    At first the guy just waits, but then he starts to think that the bird may be hurt. After a couple of minutes of silence, he's so worried that he opens up the freezer door.

    The bird calmly climbs onto the man's outstretched arm and says, "Awfully sorry about the trouble I gave you. I'll do my best to improve my vocabulary from now on."

    The man is astounded. He can't understand the transformation that has come over the parrot.

    Then the parrot says, "By the way, what did the chicken do?"


    Have a great day!

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning everyone,

    Laying low here today. I'm not much for crowds, noise and/or confusion and am thankful my son takes after momma:glasses:
    We originally planned to hustle out to the parade but got distracted by A Dolphin Tale on TV this morning. First chance we've had to see it since going to see Winter and the "new and improved" Clearwater Marine Aquarium. He didn't really want to go to the parade and I wasn't fighting.

    Ran out for a little bit of food, straightening up around the house and working on some very neglected weeds in the yard today. Had the "solar" (aka bubble wrap) on the pool but the water temp still dropped with the cool nights. Hoping it warms enough for an afternoon swim.

    Happy day to all!

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Happy 4th July all you US folks, it's business as usual over here in the UK. And in my neck of the woods in the north west of England, it's raining, again!

    But it's Friday and I weighed in this morning and I'm off the starting blocks - 3lbs off. July has started well.

    On the down side, I'm working very hard at the moment in a stressful job - and the pace is pretty relentless. I think the only way I can handle the stress is to stay fit and healthy (and to fantasise about retirement!).


    Manc Lass, Manchester, England
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Fourth of July to all us Yanks! We plan to stay in this year and watch movies. Benny Beagle was tearing the house apart last year and every time someone went inside for some reason he tried to bolt. So we got him a thundershirt and we’ll see how it works. Gorgeous weather here though for the fireworks!

    Gloria: great attitude. I don’t think you are the only city with crooked politicians!

    Sylvia: hope everything gets straightened out for DS!

    Carol: I go nuts over hotdogs too! It’s funny how we get attached to something like that and it is such a treat!

    Karen: I’d say your carbs are too low! I don’t know what kind of endo problem you have, but the recommendation from both the American Diabetes Association and the American College of Endocrinologists is 45 per meal and 15 per snack. I’d add protein too, especially to the snacks. Protein keeps your blood glucose up for a longer time than carbs. I’m so sorry about your fur baby!

    Barbie: sounds like a peaceful 4th!

    Jb: well after reading your post I need to go eat lunch! What a yummy report!

    Michele: I love the morningstar spicy bean burgers!

    LEstan: your home sounds beautiful!

    Ann: OMG bears!

    Cynthia: where did you find the dog sleeve? Benny is licking his paw so much it’s bleeding. This is despite steroid spray and bitter spray. He has to be watched every moment.

    Anamika: nice to hear from you!

    Heather: well your trip sounds like it will be wonderful! I am a horrible pre-traveler! I get very anxious and cranky and tearful about leaving the pets. We have a wonderful house sitter who stays here so it’s not like they’re in some cage somewhere, but it’s still enough to make me a wreck!

    Beth: great idea, going on strike! My mother did that once she started working. I was in high school. Looking back on it now it was very funny but at the time it was pretty stressful. But it worked!

    Well I’m off to make my mom’s potato salad recipe. Not healthy, but I’ll have a small portion and smile. Take care all especially those in the path of the hurricane! Meg from Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy 4th.
    Gonna see all 4 grand babies today as well as my siblings.
    Had a nice dinner last night with my daughter from In and her kids.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy 4th to all!!!

    We are still under a tropical storm warning but the worst passed during the night, the usual tree bits need to be cleaned up; house and neightborhood survived..........neighboring town had a small tornado. Our tv is still spotty; it's a dish on the roof; wind dying down and sun peeking through. Couldn't have been too bad here, I slept OK, except for being up between 3 and 5.......which is pretty good for me.

    DD closed in her room with a migraine today.

    Today is my bestest and oldest friend's birthday...........met her in kindergarten, spoke to her this am, they are on the way to her daughters home.

    Kim..........that gelato sounds devine........ one of my (many) weaknesses..........we have a place here that makes some really good gelato, alas, full of calories, I'm sure!!!

    Anne CarolOne..........OMG!!! You have bears too? What kind???..........I suspect more dangerous than the young males (black bears) we've been dealing with who are just kicked out by mama bear and "looking for love in all the wrong places" as the song goes. Our newspaper says to think of them as overgrown raccoons.

    Katla..........YES!!! Flicka and Fury and Trigger and Silver.............my faves too!!! Believe me, the Misty story is alive and well and probably responsible for most of the tourism on Chincoteague..........the permanent stallions with their harems of mares are still named, but now it's names like "Surfer Dude"
    a gorgeous guy with a blond mane and tail who has quite the following! He is so used to the routine of the pony swim that last year he took his group across the channel three times early in July and they all had to be removed from a campground back to his island to wait for the official day!

    Avalisa1..............LOL!!!!!!! We are living parallel lives.............I also have a 21yo DD, just graduated from college, living at home and cooking and baking up temptations
    last night it was a spice cake
    she's addicted to the recipies on pintrest and wants to try every one of them.

    Renny.......... Your mom---amazing!!!!

    Heather............I think what I admire most about you is your desire to travel........there are few places in other parts of the world that I would make such an effort to see, especially the way things are today. Hats off to you and your adventurous spirit!

    Juanita...........I am envying you those strawberries; ours are long over.

    jb..........Gardener extraordinaire!!!!!!!!!! What a variety!!! Your efforts are amazing; what a surperb green thumb! (Wish I was a neighbor!!!).

    Sylvia............Loved today's joke! Glad you had fun at the water park; we have one just a few minutes away; used to get season passes----loads of fun!

    Hello to everyone else.........stay safe and strong in your diet resolve!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Katla and Yannie Jannie - I was brought up on all those old TV shows too. Was mad about horses and dogs, but we only had cats as pets. I took horse riding lessons when I was 11 -12 but the reality didn't live up to the fantasy and my mother said I could either have the lessons or the money. I took the money! Clever mummy!:laugh: But I fondly remember Rin Tin Tin and Trigger. I was also hooked on Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and I Love Lucy. I must have been about 7 years old.

    I have all sorts of fears and thoughts about travelling, not the least about the awful human rights records of these countries, but the people are so lovely and I feel that one's fears should not dictate one's life. I go despite my fears and reservations. When I am there I am sooooo happy. It feels as if that is what I was born for. Just like I feel about my dinner parties! ! ! ! :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Heather, waiting for the rain to arrive in Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Regarding peppers, DH got the notion that he wanted to try drying foods last year and went out and bought a food dehydrator. We had sweet red, yellow, and orange bell peppers from the store that we cut into strips or chunks and dried. They're now in jars and I add them to soups and things. They made a pot of brown rice into something special just recently. Dried, they take up very little storage. I keep them in glass or plastic jars in the pantry and/or refrigerator. We bought a Nesco at Walmart for not much money. It stores easily in its box and has stacking round trays that fit into the dishwasher to clean. We plug it into a timer and have had no failures.:bigsmile: On the down side, he also dried blueberries and they were awful. I think he left them in WAAAY too long. We freeze them for storage, now.:flowerforyou:
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Yea I agree about the pigging out and that is actually my point. I think that eating in moderation and knowing that in life there will be days, even for people that don't have food issues, one might eat more or less. When I get into diet mentality, is when I personally lose my way. When I remember this is a life long journey and it will have it ups and downs, it is easier to navigate the day.
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    I had no idea golf burned so many calories and that is with a cart, AMEN brother!:love:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, Molly once had an issue with chewing a hotspot on her foot and I made her a sleeve out of a tube sock. She hated it, and tried to get it off, but it lasted long enough to help. By the time she got through it her foot had healed a little. Another time I made her a homemade "bite not" collar using a butter tub that I cut apart and covered with fleece and made a Velcro closure. That worked pretty well for an area farther up on her leg. It kept her from bending her neck.

    Here's what it looked like.
