Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Sat. Success: This last week was great for my health. I ate healthy for the most part and got some exercise at the gym and lost a couple of lbs. yay!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone, I hope you had a nice July 4th. Mine was quiet, mostly a project around the house (going through old files and packing up a box to take to shredding place)—one of the big fireworks celebrations is at the park by my house so watched those, great as always. No measurable activity/walking since my Fitbit was charging.

    @Karen~Welcome back, sounds like you had a great time!

    @Beth~Its so good to see you, sounds like you had a rough year with work. Hope you can get back to the activities you enjoy this summer (i.e. swimming with the fish :wink: ) and release some of that stress. Where in upstate NY are you looking for farmland? I’ll be on the New England coast in October for a cruise; I’m looking forward to seeing Autumn again! :laugh:

    AFM~I’m trying to get back into the swing of things—I have a little more mobility in my hand (even with splint) so can manage a little better in the kitchen now, found a couple of easy things to get ready for the week ahead. This afternoon I’m meeting friends for lunch and a movie, plus get some running around done. Really hope my schedule/hand allows me to get back to the gym this week too!

    July Mileage:


    Total: 9.92/100 Miles
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Yesterday was a total bust. I got up super early to go to a sunrise 4th breakfast after two hours or so of sleep and I was totally out of it and forgot I'm tracking again. Ugh. I don't even know what I ate, but I'm certain it was a LOT! Today's been going well though.
    @Toots...glad the adoption is going ahead. I hope it gets completed fast enough for his health to be addressed soon enough. It is expensive. We paid about $18K to adopt Emma and she was within the state. Glad your husband is doing better.

    Was it a private adoption? It really shouldn't be so expensive to give a child a home!

    We went through Lutheran Social Services. The cost was originally quoted at about $12K, but we did have some added expense because Emma is 100% Native American from two different tribes, so there were some extra lawyer fees/filing fees etc. Totally worth it, but it is sad when there are so many children that need good homes and the cost is so hard for "average" folks to come up with. The nice thing is there are some tax breaks that help you recoup your money, but unfortunately, for us, it spanned two years so we had quite a time frame between spending the money and getting some of it back.

    Yeah, we will get the tax credit too, but I wish it was still the version that just handed cash instead of credit. Sigh.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Beth-It is great to have you back. Sorry that year so was hard. I am sure that you will make great progress with the weight loss as you are doing all your favorite outdoor activities again. I love hearing about your open water swims. Thanks for the information on the hiking poles. I will need to look into them before I go hiking again. If you are interested Karen, Susan, Nettie and I will be in New York the last weekend in September for the Tunnel to Towers to 5K. You are welcome to join us if you want.

    Mel- Congrats on the loss and for having such a great week.

    Kelley- Glad you regaining your mobility. I also get to watch fireworks from my yard, so the show was good last night.

    I took my measurements today and I can report a decrease in my waist and a few other areas. Today, I had a nice bike ride 14.56 miles in about 1 hr 15 minutes. Then tonight I went for a 3.06 mile walk- phone was dying so I had to stop. It was a good walk and I even ran in a few places. Tomorrow, I plan to take advantage of the great weather and cool temps in the 80's to ride again. I might even hit the pool afterwards or try paddle boarding. Paddle boarding is the next thing I want to try. Paddle boarding- a long board that is a little wider than a surf board, you stand in the middle of the board and use a long paddle to move around. I am just not sure how I will do going from my knees to a standing position and turning around on the water.

    Had a nice 4th, went to a pool party before returning home to watch the fireworks. Use the pool to stay active by playing in the water with everyone else.

    Hope everyone has a great day on Sunday.
  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM


    Goals: 200 miles, 3720 AM (120 -2hr- min AM per day average)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/5: 2.9 miles
    Kind of rushed it. I wasn't ready for that much walking.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Oh man. both Friday and Saturday were equally lazy days! Friday I had an excuse because I wasn't feeling well after getting very little sleep, but today? Yeah, today was just lazy. Hubby and I went to a cook out with a friend of his that was in town visiting her boyfriend, and we sat around and talked and played Mario Kart for several hours. It was good times, but not a lot of moving around involved.

    Mileage for July 4 - 1.12 miles
    Mileage for July 5 - 1.12 miles (yep, only 2 more steps! lol)

    Hoping tomorrow will be a bit more active.

    Good night y'all!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. It rained all day here on the 4th. Brian and I ended up having a 5th of July BBQ instead. My bestie and her husband came down from Connecticut and spent the day with us. It was a lovely time.

    Toots - Congratulations on the adoption! Glad to hear your husband is doing better.

    Mel - Congrats on the loss that is fantastic.

    Lives, Hansea, Kah, Tracy - Thank you!

    Tom - I love all the days you are posting about. I never knew they existed. Very interesting!

    Laurie - I cannot believe you went biking in the heat and humidity. The heat doesn't bother me but the humidity is horrible for me. So sorry to hear about your car. That is frustrating. I am glad you went back, read your blog and realized how successful you really were over the past year! You should be very proud. Congrats on the decrease in measurements. That is always a wonderful feeling!

    Skinny - Sounds like you had a fantastic time in DR!

    Kaye - I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope you get some relief soon.

    Tanya and Tracy - I agree with the Fitbit active minutes not being correct. I just love when you are working your tush
    off for over an hour or more with sweat dripping off of you and it registers as 2 active minutes. :noway:

    Beth - So sorry you had a rough school year.

    Fera - I can relate to the lazy days. I have been having a lot of lazy days lately. I hate being in that rut because I feel like I am wasting my life away. But my body is telling me it is exhausted and needs rest. Right now I am listening to my body and doing what little bit I can do. I can't wait to get over this hump. It sucks. :frown:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I wanted to share one of my favorite summer salads. I made it yesterday for our BBQ and it was a big hit!

    Cucumber Mint Salad -
    ~3 cucumbers
    ~4-5 mint leaves (I have a chocolate peppermint plant that works well for this)
    ~3-4 cloves of garlic (Grated)
    ~2-3 Limes - freshly squeezed over salad
    ~ salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste

    Dice the cucumbers into bite sized pieces, seeds removed. This cuts down on how watery the salad is. Grate the garlic using a microplane over the cucumber. Dice up the mint leaves and toss in with some salt and pepper to taste. Squeeze the lime juice on top. Mix and chill for an hour before serving. This allows the flavors to mix.
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    I would like to start checking in here again. I need accountability. I am resuming C25K. W3D3 today.I am Nowhere near 5K in 30min, so I usually add some walk/jog to the end to get closer.
    Most of you probably don't remember me so here is brief intro.
    46 year old. FT Oncology Nurse in a busy Chemotherapy Clinic. Mom of a tween and a teen (soon to be two teens) Married 21 years. I am the only overweight & out of shape one in my family. It has been since the birth of the tween (13 years) that I have struggled with weight. 40 pounds after him....then 30 more with the untimely death of both parents...ugh. My Rock bottom happened last month, right before my 46th birthday, when I had a panic attack (first one since my early 20s) and wound up at the doctor. Found out I was hypertensive and placed on a low dose beta blocker. FREAKED me out...but since then I have not really done anything until restarting C25K three weeks ago. No real change in weight...YET, as I have not changed anything else ...but as of today....NO MORE EXCUSES! I am tired of looking and feeling the way I do. Thanks in advance for allowing me a soft place to land!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I can't believe it's Sunday already! And it's almost 2 pm...sigh. I need to get going on my housework...and the crock pot meatloaf I was supposed to make yesterday.

    We had a nice holiday. The parade of lights on Thursday night was cool again. And my husband made $30 selling water/soda/popcorn at the parade to donate to the middle school building fund.
    Friday, we had a friend over for a cook-out and then brought her to a sweet location for watching the local fireworks...except...the city canceled the show. Oops. The wind was over 10 mph and the wind direction would have blown the fireworks/debris at the crowd of spectators at the park. The good news is that because of geography, we can also see the neighboring city's fireworks from where we were. Their show was not canceled, again because of geography. (The wind blew their fireworks AWAY from people and out onto the water.) So, we did see their fireworks on Friday night.
    Saturday, they were going to try to have the fireworks show, but again...too windy. Now we don't know if they'll just pick some random summer weekend, or if we'll just have a huge show next year. ;)

    I was lazy Saturday. I think I just let my Friday rest day spill over into a 48 hour thing. Ha! I made up for it with a terrific 4 mile run this morning. I love feeling strong! (Slow, but strong..hehehe.)

    July Goal: 90 miles

    7/1: 5.32
    7/2: 2.63
    7/3: 6.34
    7/4: 1.34
    7/5: 1.19

    Total: 16.82
    Sleep Goal: 20/31 days with 7 hrs

    Sunday: Bike to Work-DONE
    Monday: Gym-Lift and Stretch-DONE
    Tuesday: Run-DONE
    Wednesday: Bike Ride-DONE
    Thursday: Run and 30DS-DONE
    Friday: Rest -DONE
    Saturday: Bike Ride - NOPE :(
    Sunday: Run -DONE

    Now...for next week:

    Monday: Gym-Lift and Stretch
    Tuesday: Run
    Wednesday: Bike Ride
    Thursday: Run and 30DS
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: Bike Ride/Swimming?
    Sunday: Run
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks JNettie!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM

    42.5/ 1057

    Goals: 200 miles, 3720 AM (120 -2hr- min AM per day average)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @hansea, fera, & nettie--I can relate to feeling lazy! :blushing: I walked gunner and then weeded for about an hour today; otherwise, I've done very little today except lounge on the couch watching TWD marathon.

    @allie--great to see you back!

    @kaye--sorry to hear about your pneumonia, but it sounds like you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    @laurie--awesome NSV with the smaller measurements!! :drinker: My friends and I wanted to try paddle-boarding on vacation, but our resort didn't offer that as an option.

    @toots--glad to hear about the adoption progress and your husband's improved health. I didn't log at all while on vacation and am also having a hard time remembering to do so again.:ohwell:

    @kelley--that's great that you have more mobility with the splint--I hope it makes food prep (and life in general) a bit easier.

    @mel--sounds like a great week!

    @beth--sounds like you've had a rough year at work. As much as it stinks that you and your colleagues will have to find new jobs, it sounds like the school did the right thing in closing down if it was as bad as you've said. i hope your farm plans work out and I am sorry to hear about the loss of your pup, ruckus. Gunner is only 8, but I already have moments when I think about how hard it will be to lose him. I don't think I'll ever be ready, and like you, I know my heart will ache for him when he's gone. As laurie mentioned, we will be in NYC for the Tunnel to Tower 5k at the end of September. It would be awesome if you could join us.

    @teresa--over 7 lbs in just a week and a half is an awesome start!! :drinker:

    @tracy--sorry to hear about your house troubles. My sister just went through the same thing--found a house and the appraisal came in too low. They were able to get a second appraisal that was more in line with the actual value and it all worked out. I hope the same for you.

    @robin--a friend and I tried ocean kayaking on our trip and I thought of you and your thwarted efforts to try the activity. It was a double person kayak, and I hope someone with a cell phone handy captured our efforts to get into the kayak while fighting the tide. It took us several tries--my friend flipped the boat on the first try, then my flip-flops kept falling off and threatening to wash away, and we almost lost both of the oars several times as well. It must have looked hilarious! :laugh: Once we finally got settled in the kayak, it was sort of fun. I think I would enjoy the activity more if I actually had someplace to go--like down a river or across a lake--but in the ocean all you really do is go in circles trying not to get to far from shore.

    Sunday Share:
    For the new folks, I'm karen--a hs english lit teacher from chicago. I've been on robin's thread (under it's various names) since July of 2011, just a few months after joining MFP.

    My vacation was wonderful--the perfect mix of activity and relaxation. A couple of highlights were a catamaran trip to go snorkeling on Friday, ocean kayaking on Sunday, and of course the wedding on Saturday. I will get some pictures posted soon. I uploaded one from my phone using the app, but it's not showing up here. :grumble:

    I really need to get to the gym, so that's my goal for tomorrow--this 1 or 2 miles a day won't get me to my 100 mile goal. I'm no math wizard, but even I can figure that out. :wink:

    July Goal = 100 miles

    7/1 = 3 miles
    7/2 = 0 miles
    7/3 = 2 miles
    7/4 = 2 miles
    7/5 = 1 mile
    7/6 = 2 miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- I also have problems uploading pictures from my phone to this site. I gave up and just upload to my laptop then upload to the site. Ocean Kayaking- wow that would be challenging getting in the boat. Sounds like a great vacation, looking forward to seeing the pictures.

    Allie- I am glad you are back and visiting our thread again. I have started running and will most likely complete the electric run on July 19th. We could meet up there if you wanted. The weather and heat at night will determine if I run the whole thing or walk part of it. How far are you from the O's ball park?

    Kaye- Take it easy on your way back pneumonia is nothing to mess with and you want it gone completely.

    I can also relate to being lazy. This weekend after exercising all I have done is lay around until I made myself get up and move. I just was not feeling well. The temps have been in the 80's but the humidity is coming back.

    Today, I went on a 10 mile bike ride and my legs were not happy. Not sure what was going on today but it was slow ride compared to yesterday. I just glad that we took the easy way up the big hill instead of the long slow route. They are feeling tonight and I even mowed the lawn before we enter another heat wave of 90+ degrees. Of course, I am starting an outdoor class tomorrow so hopefully the heat won't impact me to bad.

    I am Laurie, a middle school science teacher. I started this process in 2010 and found the MFP app early in 2011 followed by Robin's thread in 2011. I started this process weighing around in 268 lbs. I lost about 70 lbs and now I am hovering around 194-197. So I am below 200 lbs. I would like to reach 188 lbs. This month my goal is to increase my level of active minutes. This is working since it is also providing an incentive to go for an evening walk if my activity has been lacking today. This suggestion came from my trainer and I don't want to disappoint her much less give her another reason to give me "homework" when we are not meeting. My activities have become increasingly varied and include such things as walking, kayaking, swimming, rock climbing, running etc.

    Exercise plans for next week
    Sunday- bike ride-Done
    Monday- trainer workout plus ecology class -hiking and walking
    Tuesday- rest day- class
    Wednesday- canoeing during class- gym or swim
    Thursday- class- hiking, canoeing
    Friday- class (canoeing) and rock climbing
    Saturday- swimming
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thank you for your concern about my health. The pneumonia has responded well to the antibiotics. I feel that is pretty much gone. I was, however, left with a very sharp pain near my shoulder blade on the right side. I suspect that it is a pinched nerve because I have pain radiating down my arm and significant weakness in my right hand. My son-in-law is a pt assistant. He worked on me yesterday and today. I'm going to call a chiropractor tomorrow. I have 4 rather tricky blouses to make for the bride's maids for my granddaughter's wedding on August 9th. I can't even start until I get better use of my hand.
    I took a break from logging while we were on vacation, and I know I have gained. Then being sick, I haven't gotten started again. Tomorrow morning it's back on the wagon.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a mileage update:

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)
    7/4 - 3.92
    7/5 - Rest Day
    7/6 - 2.70
    7/7 - 4.72 (2.70 walk and class)

    Total: 24.24
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning. Busy morning, so just a mileage update for now—will check back later.

    July Mileage:


    Total: 13.47/100 Miles
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! It was a super busy weekend work wise and of course I had to be all hormonal on top of it all. To say I was cranky is a bit of an understatement. My boss and I got into an argument, I almost went postal on a co-worker (who totally deserved it!), and I even snapped at my sweet husband. Ugghhhh!! My eating wasn't the best but I was down 1.5 lbs this week. So not a total fail. :ohwell:

    The holiday is over and this is a fresh week. I hope everyone has an awesome day! :flowerforyou: