Any c25k newbies?



  • valb1983
    valb1983 Posts: 18
    Starting week 2 on Monday. So far so good :) I've noticed I'm already recovering quicker and my legs are not as sore on the days following runs now so all good. ( I'm sure that will all change as the weeks go on lol)
  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    Hey all!

    Glad to hear other people using c25k.

    I plan on starting w1d1 on monday (start of week so I can keep gonna go out and buy good shoes)
    Luck to us all.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i ramped up to c210k
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Just finished week one! Woot Woot!

    I can't believe i am really enjoying running. I am not as fast as I would like to be, but I figure, build endurance first then add speed.
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Oh also for those who use the ZenLabs app (which I LOVE) you can also use spotify for the playlists! I am not ashamed to admit it took me a while to figure it out, but it's super simple. Basically the app lets you run spotify and c25k at the same time, so you just create a playlist on spotify and then play it when you start the c25k app. You can also go back and forth between the two, if you need to skip to a more motivational song to push through the last couple of running min :happy:
  • TracyV125
    TracyV125 Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you! I'll look for the send button tomorrow when I do day 2.
  • lauranelson779
    lauranelson779 Posts: 18 Member
    I am restarting it. Over the winter I got to week 4 before our treadmill bit the dust. Yesterday I did w1d1. Not sure if I really got out of shape over the last few months or running outside pushing a jogging stroller makes that much difference. Next time the 4 year old is running to and I'm only pushing the 2 year old (I don't trust her running on the road.)
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    I am restarting it. Over the winter I got to week 4 before our treadmill bit the dust. Yesterday I did w1d1. Not sure if I really got out of shape over the last few months or running outside pushing a jogging stroller makes that much difference. Next time the 4 year old is running to and I'm only pushing the 2 year old (I don't trust her running on the road.)

    Is there a way to leave them both at home? I leave my 3 year old at home and get up at 6 am and make that MY hour of the day. He stays home with the family and I know there's no way he's getting up at 6AM.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    W4D1 nailed, and it felt good when I stopped, the last 5 min interval was a drag. Have fun
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    Just completed week 1. Hooray! And then I went and mowed the lawn and raked and cut bushes and cleaned yard debris. Will have to crash and burn in a few. Hope I make it to next week.
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    I finished week 5 this week and I've also signed myself up for a charity 5k in august ... not sure how I'll fare, but it's something for me to aim towards! :smile:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I just did workout 1, week 1 using the app and Pandora. I really enjoyed it. I won't link the app to MFP since I also wear a linked Fitbit and that should have better data than the app (since I'm slow).

    I did C25k maybe 7 years ago, when I was lighter and fitter, and back then at the end I considered myself a C25k failure because running had me at super high heart rates, right up to the end. I wanted it to make me comfortable running. So I don't have high hopes. But even if I have to work the beginning weeks over and over and over, it's decent interval training. I don't know what it is with me and running but I can do all other cardio fine but running just sends my HR sky high, always has, even at a snails pace.
  • plipsurt
    plipsurt Posts: 185 Member
    I've just done Week 3 Day 1. I have been really enjoying it. Found today tough but, then again, I also started 30DS yesterday. Good luck everyone!!!
  • valb1983
    valb1983 Posts: 18
    Week2 day 1 for me tomorrow. Bring it on !!! :happy:
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    I just did Week 1 Day 1 today and it felt amazing. I've NEVER been a runner..never thought I could do it or want to..but I am ready to really push into new things and am happy I am starting.
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm scheduled to do W3D1 tonight. I peeked ahead at the workout and I'm a little nervous about doing 2.5 minutes of continuous running. I did week 2 without any problems, but 2.5 minutes sounds like an awfully long time to me. Fingers crossed!
  • betty_2010
    betty_2010 Posts: 44 Member
    im on week 2 day 2 - well will be when i complete it after work... although i am only doing to run days a week if that makes sense
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Getting the app on my phone as we speak. Not sure how it is going to work with dragging 2 kids with me, but I will try! Wish I had a jogging stroller right about now! Anyone else doing it with their kids? I bet I could get my 4 year old to run the shorter times with me, otherwise he could ride his bike.

    A jogging stroller might be a good investment especially if you plan on sticking with it after you complete the program. Getting a child to behave on a bike for 3 miles is going to be exhausting. Check out craigslist!
  • lubylu37
    lubylu37 Posts: 25 Member
    I have run before no major distances though but seemed to plato at 15mins couldn't seem to get past it no matter how hard I tried. So getting back into it via the C25k app and on week 2 day 2 and feeling good, I find it great that I'm not looking at the distance and the time as it vibrates and tells me what to do, so I just do as I'm told, which works well. I run on a treadmill as I suffer with shin splints when running outside, may venture out when I've built up some muscle.
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    So last night I did the W3D1 workout. I was okay with the week 2 workouts, but to be honest, I was pretty nervous going into last night's run. I really didn't know if I could handle running 2.5 minutes continuously. Well, I'm here to say I DID IT!! It was a challenge, but I just tried not to look at my app too much and just jog until it told me to walk. I'm keeping it slow and focusing on my breathing. At one point I'd been running and I looked down and I only had 14 seconds left to run. Seriously? Piece of cake! I was really excited.

    I share this to encourage those who are still on week 1 or 2. When I started, running 30 seconds was a challenge. But last night I ran for 2.5 minutes and, while it wasn't what I'd call easy, it was definitely doable. The secret is small increments of change.

    I am so excited! This program really does work!
  • valb1983
    valb1983 Posts: 18
    Week2 day 2 for me in the morning, a bit nervous as been having palpitations and dizzy spells on and off for months. Have had two since yesterday :/
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    I did Week 3 Day 2 today… I had started C25K and went on vacation last week, I had every intention of getting in my runs but it didn't happen. I can already tell that I have lost some of the endurance that quickly, so I may need to repeat this week before moving on to Week 4 to get back in the groove.
  • primdaisy
    primdaisy Posts: 21 Member
    I just finished wk 5, only had to repeat one day due to taking time off because of injury. I am going to start wk 6 on Thurs. I never thought I would be a runner, but @ 52 yo, I am now a runner. I have signed up for an annual race in our area called the Buckshot run, but only doing the 2 mile race. I really like running and hopefully can keep advancing. Good luck to everyone out there. You can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • yearningathlete
    yearningathlete Posts: 1 Member
    I Just finished Wk 1/Day 2 and havnt felt this motivated in a long time. I have never been a runner and always envied those who could. My goal is to lose 40 lbs that i gained during my pregnancy and never lost. Anyone is Wk 1 right now and want to be myfitness pal :)? I can use all the motivation i get.
  • Deaglan42
    Deaglan42 Posts: 1 Member
    Just finished week one, and started week two yesterday. I think I made my knees cry with a combination of bad trainers, awful technique and 50lb of cake storage, so I'm planning to take a weeks break and do some swimming instead.

    I've actually enjoyed it so far. Enough to be feeling a little guilty for taking a break so soon into it...

    On the bright side though, shiny new trainers ;-)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I am on week 6 day 2 and LOVING the program. I was never a runner before at any point in my life but this program has changed all of that. Now I actually look forward to running. Crazy!! I thought the first few weeks of the program were the hardest as I got acclimated to running. Somewhere around the end of week 4 I really started to feel like a runner and by week 5 I was totally hooked. Just signed up for a 5K while we are on vacation in August and another in early September to do as a family.

    My 8 year old recently expressed interest so I have started doing the program with her on my "off" days. She just completed week 1 day 2 yesterday and did a lot better than I did at the beginning!
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Completed week 6 day 1 yesterday, worked up a nice sweat. feels strange to go back to smaller intervals after completing a 20 minute run days ago. My legs felt pretty tight so I'm going to have to look into better stretching techniques.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I did Week 2, Workout 2 yesterday. My Fitbit says my total daily burn was 1550 calories. Ha! If I hadn't walked/run those 2 miles it would've been under 1400? Crazy. And probably impossible given a BMR over 1300. But no wonder I lose super slowly averaging 1400 calories in food.
  • kristeng035
    kristeng035 Posts: 1 Member
    I started W1D1 on July 8, I can't believe I actually did it. Once I got home I was out of breath and so proud of myself. It made me realize that the person holding me back from doing this was me, I was my biggest obstacle but not anymore! Today after work I will be starting Day 2, I do wish I had a running partner. Good luck to everyone, You CAN DO IT!!!!
  • chelsie_1984
    chelsie_1984 Posts: 46 Member
    I started the c25k just over a week ago. I finished the first week and thought I could move on to the second. Well, I don't think I was ready to. So, I am back to week 1 until there are no needs to stop and catch my breathe during the runs. Good luck!