Your biggest fat secret.



  • GuineaKitty
    GuineaKitty Posts: 97 Member
    It's was a thing between myself and two other friends who are big girls. When hanging out together and bored we would eat massive amounts of food to prove to ourselves and each other that its okay to eat that much. We didn't eat like that by ourselves only together. We know better now. I lost weight and one of my friends did too but the other is struggling with hers.
  • mimismommy11
    mimismommy11 Posts: 80 Member
    We had a fundraiser when I was in the 8th grade selling candy bars to help fund a trip to D.C. I was my best customer.
  • GuineaKitty
    GuineaKitty Posts: 97 Member
    That is why I have a love-hate relationship with Domino's.
  • When I was really poor and out on my own for the first time, rather than learning how to cook, I would just buy those cheap cartons of ice cream from Wal-Mart and eat that for dinner with a big wooden spoon, straight out of the carton. I'd been living with other people my whole life up to that point so I would always try to hide what I ate, but my first apartment alone and that's what I did.
  • My favorite fat story is wearing a pair of "spanks", (tight girdle) under a short skirt to a concert at the fair in the HOT summer time and when I had to go to the bathroom and peel that sucker back up, my hands kept breaking free from the material and wacking the metal bathroom wall. I sat and laughed in frustration. I sounded like I was wresting an alligator in there.

    totally LOL'd on that!! sorry! that was me on my wedding day!
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    Family sized bag of Doritos..... That's a meal right???
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    I also wear shorts under skirts to avoid chub rub.

    I also wear deodorant in "other places" so I don't get big-girl stink.

    I use to go through McDonald's or Burger King on my way home to work and home from work every day.

    I once had all of my socks in the same style and brand in either black or white so that I wouldn't have to take the time to sort them, because folding laundry hurt my back from being so large.

    At one point I only wore my ex-boyfriend's size 3XL t-shirts because I thought it somehow hid my size 26 body.

    I went to the renaissance faire with tights and spanx on under my dress and could barely get them back up after having to use the bathroom because I was so sweaty and they were so tight. I'm sure my friends were wondering why it took me 15 minutes to go pee in a fairly empty bathroom lol.
  • At my heaviest when I was 17 and 300+ pounds I was kicked off a roller coaster for being so large that the safety latches wouldn't hitch. Totally had to do the walk of shame off the roller coaster while all the other riders watched.

    this happened to me last year when i had to ride with my son...he wasn't tall enough to go alone, and i got kicked off because i was too fat....we both had to leave....sooooooooooo embarrassing! yet, a year later, and i'm JUST starting to do something about it :-(
  • Klines588
    Klines588 Posts: 1
    In high school I would pretty much eat all day, alternating between sweet and salty things.

    A normal day: at break was a burrito and doritos followed by chocolate chip cookies and orange juice. For lunch there was either a fried pizza pocket and soda or sometimes an "extremo buritto" which was just a gigantic version of the burrito I'd had at break. But this one I would add nacho cheese to. For last break there would be some type of sugar snack, usually a candy bar.

    I was overweight but not obese then. I didn't realize how poorly I ate until one day I saw a former classmate I hadn't seen in years. He said " I remember you!!! Burrito girl!! You ALWAYS ate burritos in class!"

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    When I was really poor and out on my own for the first time, rather than learning how to cook, I would just buy those cheap cartons of ice cream from Wal-Mart and eat that for dinner with a big wooden spoon, straight out of the carton. I'd been living with other people my whole life up to that point so I would always try to hide what I ate, but my first apartment alone and that's what I did.

    I actually did lose a little bit of weight when I was in college and living alone by eating ONLY scrambled eggs with mushrooms and bell pepper and cheddar cheese, chocolate bars, and Diet Pepsi. No it wasn't the healthiest diet around...2 or 3 chocolate bars daily...but I realize now that it wasn't quite as horrible as I thought it was. I basically thought I was binging every day and now I realize...I was probably eating a pretty decent level of calories and protein, even if the sugar and fat would have been pretty high.

    In fact, I was better off with that than when my best friend moved in and we started cooking "regular meals" (one casserole is particularly memorable as it involved chicken, 3 different kinds of cream soup, celery -- healthy!!!!! -- and a whole CAN of cashews) and going out to eat a lot. The weight came right back.
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    Someone above mentioned spanx. I would wear two pairs at the same time for extra compression...or maybe for one to smooth out the top fat rolls and one to squeeze in my giant gut. Even 175 lbs later I instinctively want to grab two. [Edit: NO WAY! The person above me went for 3, she's clearly smarter than me!]

    Cans of frosting, to be consumed atop vanilla wafers or graham crackers. I'd buy candles with it to make it look like there was a birthday cake involved. I have quite a collection.
    haha girl, I was joking!!! Today is my Friday, so I'm not even wearing my scrubs today. :smile:
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I worked at the mall when I was 16 and on lunch i would go to two or three fast food I would have lunch and then I may head to the next one right after for a snack...sometimes I third for dessert.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Me and my boyfriend used to get a pizza which already had double cheese on it, and then add extra quadruple cheese. If there was any left the next day when the cheese had gone cold and set it was about an inch thick.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    Oh god...this is going back to high school. My ex bf lived on the other side of town, and every night when I'd leave his house to go home I'd swing by Burger King and grab a snack (usually a bacon cheeseburger and a large order of french fries) for the way home, just because I was near it. Of course did the whole eating as fast as I could, hiding the wrappers in the bottom of the trash thing so my family wouldn't see!

    ETA: thinking about it, now when my bf and I order chinese food they give us enough utensils and fortune cookies for a small army-now it's just a once in a while treat though, and we think its hilarious!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    On some of my lunch breaks I would go to McDonald's and order a Big Mac Meal with a Diet Coke of course and eat it while sitting in my car in the McDonald's parking lot. I was too embarrassed to take it back to the office and eat it there.

    I still have my Big Mac Meals, just not as often and not sitting in my car.

    Edited to add another one:

    When I was still living at home I would sneak bags of potato chips by throwing them down my parents' laundry chute so they wouldn't catch me. :blushing:
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Fazoli's.. me and a buddy of mine would go there after working out.. eat a full pizza and of course a dozen or so of their breadsticks that were complimentary.. Haven't done this in a long time and I heard they tried to go healthy with their food.. so this was before that when they were dripping in butter and the pizza was awesome...

  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I use to eat a container of Dunkin Hines or Betty Crocker Icing in about 2 days! The taste was amazing.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    What's everyone's fat secret?
    I had a few. One of them was, I had a draw full of the same underwear. They are black and same brand and style.
    They were the only underwear that would stay up over my fat stomach and they were the only underwear that I could find that fit without looking like I was wearing a bog catcher haha!

    I bet everyone has a secret like that. When I think of my others I will post them! could go skydiving with my old underwear they were so big!!
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    Fat secret.... not sure it was so secret once i gained about 50 lbs in one year, but I hated college. I was popular in high school, but insecure. Going to college made me feel even worse about myself. I started at about 185 or so (so, overweight already) and peaked at 238 in about 12-18 months. I hated the thought of eating meals alone- in front of everyone, so I would stock up on junk food and hit up the vending machine (kind sized kit kats on the daily). It was a shameful cycle of binge eating and feeling horrible.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    One hot day I was at the store and felt so exhausted and dizzy I seriously considered using one of those motorized sit down carts. Really surprised that day wasn't my turning point, actually, but it wasn't.