Fruit = sugar ... arghh!!



  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Yes, really.

    There is literally nothing in fruit that cannot be gained from vegetables, with less useless sugar.

    I highly doubt these folks are following a targeted approach of consuming sugars/carbs 30 minutes before an intense lifting session or cardio session.

    There is no other reason to consume that much sugar.

    _ _ _ _

    Our bodies are programmed to crave sugar after we ingest sugar. Because sugar actually used to be extremely rare, and was extremely valuable as a quick-burst fuel source for hundreds of thousands of years.

    That cannot be said in modern times, and we continually seek to find "excuses" for "needing" sugary fruit.


    Care to provide some data to back up your claims?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Since I move to North America, I am amazed at all the controversy about sugar...

    Sugar is not necesarily bad for you. First it depends what type of sugar, because sugar is not sugar.

    Glucose is a sugar and is a molecule easily absorbed by the body. Saccharose is a molecule a bit bigger but that can also be absorbed without too much trouble by the body.

    The problem arise when you start dealing with more complexe sugar molecult, like lactose.

    Fructose, like glucose is a monosaccharide sugar that is, like glucose, directly absorbed into the bloodstream.
    Element like high fructose corn syrup are though a problem. because it is not natural.

    In the end, all sugar molecule that are too complex to be assimilated by the body will be broken down into glucose.

    Doesn't hurt to know a bit of chemistry :)

    Actually, the simplier the sugar, the more potential "harm" to someone trying to budget their calories.

    The simplier the sugar, the easier it is for the body to metabolise it into the bloodstream and use for energy. (Great if you are in the middle of running a marathon btw). But if you are watching your calories, that means your body doesn't burn as much calories trying to metabolize that sugar molecule.

    On the contrary, the more complex the sugar, the harder your body has to work to make it energy. Thus the body actually burns more calories trying to make that energy. Great for someone who is trying to burn more calories so they can eat the same amount. Also, the more complex the sugar, the slower it will get into the bloodstream. The more time you get that "full sensation" and the longer stream of energy supply from the time you put that sugar into your mouth.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Nobody got fat by eating fruits.

    Just sayin'

    I gained 20 pounds in 2012 while eating a ridiculous amount of fruits...

    ...intentionally, by eating at a caloric surplus, but still, hundreds of calories of fruit each day.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubbles up in here, but sugar is sugar.

    Your body does not say "Oh, well THIS sugar came from an APPLE, so I'm going to treat it differently than if it had come from a CANDY BAR".

    It's still sugar. It still rots your teeth. It still stimulates the production of insulin.

    Fruit these days is absolutely ridiculous and has been bred over years and years to be more packed with sugar and less packed with fiber.

    The only outliers in this tend to be berries. They have sugar, but are still primarily fiber, and can be eaten in moderation. If you're worried about your vitamins and minerals, eat more non-starchy vegetables.

    Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.

  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.

    I don't know about this... :huh: Because when I used to eat all those chocolate bars and donuts, I craved even more sugary foods afterwards and kept going back for more but when I changed my habits and started eating more fruit, I stopped craving sugar... Like, completely. In fact, even though I do eat fruits every day, I can go on without it if I wanted to. It's not the same as when I used to eat cookies and cakes.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    You know what else insulin does? Helps trigger storage of fat.

    Seriously, are you here to troll?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    My chronic acid reflux is gone. My insomnia is gone. My acne is gone. My hair and nails are stronger. My poor circulation is no longer a problem. I no longer want to take a nap halfway through the day.

    I mean, everyone's really glad that you're taking change of your health and CONGRATS for finding what works for you, but.. Post hoc ergo propter hoc?

    "By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away."
  • justincook
    justincook Posts: 14 Member

    Most notably the part that reads: These experiments show that elevations in insulin produce increased hunger, heightened perceived pleasantness of sweet taste, and increased food intake.

    You know what increases insulin levels? Eating simple sugars.

    You know what insulin does? Helps trigger muscle development.

    Not sure where you get that. My understanding is it regulates the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. Specifically, insulin stop you from burning fat. Maybe Wikipedia needs to be updated.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Just in.

    Pepper your angus.

  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    Eat all the fruit, all of the time!

    I eat probably between 3 & 8 lots of fruit a day. So far today I've had a banana, 100g of mango & a nectarine. Will probably have some raspberries and/or pineapple before the day is over.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    My extreme limiting of carbohydrates and sugar is going REALLY well for me, actually - thanks for asking.

    My chronic acid reflux is gone. My insomnia is gone. My acne is gone. My hair and nails are stronger. My poor circulation is no longer a problem. I no longer want to take a nap halfway through the day.

    Dietary sugar and carbs are not necessary for health. Your body can create the necessary blood glucose for bodily functions from dietary protein.

    The human body would be a real piece of **** if it hadn't evolved a metabolic pathway for dealing with carbohydrate restriction. (Which, before agriculture, was about 85% of the year)

    We have very little idea what carb sources were eaten pre-agriculture because they break down in the gut pretty quickly and don't leave bones etc, so we rely on the discovery of 'mummified' corpses in bogs etc.

    For example - in northern Europe, the flag iris produces a very edible, very carb-rich tuber and it is found at almost every still or slow moving water source. Do you think that pre-agricultural man did not know this? Just because we no longer eat certain foods and they have not been eaten for so long they are not remembered in folk-memory or historical document does not mean they were never consumed.

    (Reasons Paleo is bollocks no.274 )
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    LazerMole are you aware of the Fruitarian movement? Quite a number of elite athletes have gone away from simply vegan to exclusively fruit. None of them are overweight. I guess they're all exceptions to the rule...
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    Most notably the part that reads: These experiments show that elevations in insulin produce increased hunger, heightened perceived pleasantness of sweet taste, and increased food intake.

    You know what increases insulin levels? Eating simple sugars.

    You know what insulin does? Helps trigger muscle development.

    Not sure where you get that. My understanding is it regulates the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. Specifically, insulin stop you from burning fat. Maybe Wikipedia needs to be updated.

    You're welcome.
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.

    Fruit is not a gateway drug to more sugar for me.
    I've never binged on fruit and I don't crave more sugar from other sources when I eat it.
    Right now, I'm enjoying the cherries and cantaloupes that are particularly tasty at this time of year.

    Now, if we're talking cakes, donuts and ice-cream, well then yes, those lead me to seeking more sugar.

    Not fruit.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My extreme limiting of carbohydrates and sugar is going REALLY well for me, actually - thanks for asking.

    My chronic acid reflux is gone. My insomnia is gone. My acne is gone. My hair and nails are stronger. My poor circulation is no longer a problem. I no longer want to take a nap halfway through the day.

    Dietary sugar and carbs are not necessary for health. Your body can create the necessary blood glucose for bodily functions from dietary protein.

    The human body would be a real piece of **** if it hadn't evolved a metabolic pathway for dealing with carbohydrate restriction. (Which, before agriculture, was about 85% of the year)

    We have very little idea what carb sources were eaten pre-agriculture because they break down in the gut pretty quickly and don't leave bones etc, so we rely on the discovery of 'mummified' corpses in bogs etc.

    For example - in northern Europe, the flag iris produces a very edible, very carb-rich tuber and it is found at almost every still or slow moving water source. Do you think that pre-agricultural man did not know this? Just because we no longer eat certain foods and they have not been eaten for so long they are not remembered in folk-memory or historical document does not mean they were never consumed.

    (Reasons Paleo is bollocks no.274 )

    Cattail roots and sprouts...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Most notably the part that reads: These experiments show that elevations in insulin produce increased hunger, heightened perceived pleasantness of sweet taste, and increased food intake.

    You know what increases insulin levels? Eating simple sugars.

    You know what insulin does? Helps trigger muscle development.

    Not sure where you get that. My understanding is it regulates the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. Specifically, insulin stop you from burning fat. Maybe Wikipedia needs to be updated.

    All the damn back and forth on MFP. Stick around. You'll read more original research than you would to get a Master's Degree.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Nobody got fat by eating fruits.

    Just sayin'

    I've never known anyone to live on fruit alone?

    That's my point.

    Please do list the single type of food that makes people fat. Is it grains? dairy? vegetables?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Nobody got fat by eating fruits.

    Just sayin'

    I've never known anyone to live on fruit alone?

    That's my point.

    Please do list the single type of food that makes people fat. Is it grains? dairy? vegetables?

    It's that last whatever type you put in your mouth once you went over your TDEE for the moment.

    Hell, it could be that Weight Watchers Sante Fe Chicken if you went over your cals for the day.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Nobody got fat by eating fruits.

    Just sayin'

    I've never known anyone to live on fruit alone?

    That's my point.

    Please do list the single type of food that makes people fat. Is it grains? dairy? vegetables?

    It's that last whatever type you put in your mouth once you went over your TDEE for the moment.

    Hell, it could be that Weight Watchers Sante Fe Chicken if you went over your cals for the day.

    Impossible WW food never made anyone fat. Ever. It's mathematically impossible because WW makes foods for weight loss...just like fruit is "healthy" because it's fruit which makes it healthy and therefore, it's impossible for it to make anyone fat...

    ...because science...

    ...and stuff.

  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I will never understand the religious fervor that some low-carb people try to whip up. If it works for you, fantastic. Go to town. But why do they feel compelled to try and convert everyone else?