

  • kegrip917
    kegrip917 Posts: 14
    I am a newly-returned MFP member... hoping to meet some new friends here. So glad to see a women's age 50+ thread!

    My name is Karen, and I'm 52. I have about 60 lbs. to lose and have just embarked upon a low-carb, high protein diet. It's worked for me in the past, and I hope it will work again. I've watched my weight creep up since going thru menopause, and I'm at the point where I want MY BODY BACK!

    My hope is to get back in shape via 2-3 x per week cardio and swimming. I often have to force myself to get out to the gym, but I'm always glad when I do. I also walk my dog, which makes us both happy :)

    I hope to lose enough weight to fit into my "regular" clothes again, not just yoga pants and long t-shirts - lol!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    lcarrollccc1, I started running a few year back thinking it would help because Zumba, walking and weight training alone weren't doing it. NOTHING. Ran my first 5K at the same weight I was when I started training 3 months prior.

    I also just finished 10 weeks of T25, plus additional cardio and weight training. NOTHING. All the while, logging food, counting calories, eating clean, healthy balanced meals and snacks.

    Have seen my doctor on numerous occasions, bringing my food and exercise log and got no where. I'm not willing to go on HRT.

    All I've managed to do since is gain about 17 pounds over those 4 years of hard work and effort.

    What I THINK I'm seeing in this Biggest Loser plan is, because I'm following it, I'm not snacking at night (even though I used to count my snacks into my calories), I'm eating much cleaner (I was falling off the wagon over the past year) and like it or not, the high protein/low starch holds some merit.

    Time will tell.....

    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Wow! Very bad weather here this afternoon; we were out at a movie.........aware we could slightly hear thunder in the theater but no idea how bad the storms were. Got home through flooded streets to no power which is extremely unusual, neighbor said it had already been out an hour.........in 30 yrs. in this house, through all the hurricanes, we have only lost power for about 20 min. at most. Tornados a couple miles south, near our bank (!!!) (did not touch down) and just northeast of me (did touch down, quite a bit of damage) in a friends' neighborhood---he had nothing ruined............tv news said a mass causalty bus was deployed there, for injured people at the site, though I have the impression most were minor injuries. Also heard of large hail in the area. Kind of glad that I was totally unaware of it and in a part of the city that just got rain when it was happening.

    In other news, caved and blew most of my remaining cals on a dish of ice cream. However still under on cals for the day.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I managed to get in 10772 steps yesterday. Could have done more but cut 2 mile walk short to call into neighbours' for a phone number and catch up. Needed number of electrician who installed our heat pump. He is coming next Thursday but thinks pump is on its used by date of 8 years. Argh more expense as we are churning through wood here now winter and colder than I remember.
    This was the THIRD time granddaugher came to visit. Last year she was suicidal and we got her through that and sent her home after 2 months with CentreLink payments at 21 that she should have had when 16 and left home. LAST time we help, 3 strikes and she is OUT.
    I was working in Toronto, Canada for 3 months in 1999. Suddenly the hospital went VERY dark and a huge whooshing sound. Guys around said it was a tornado but we were safe. HUH!. It touched down near the Eaton Centre, 2 blocks away and near the airport. Wondered if the residence was OK, yes all OK. Scary enough.
    Have done Jeannette Jenkins' Bikini boot-camp before breakfast and off to do Bob Harper's kettle-bells. Will walk 2 mile this afternoon.
    My cals are 1746 total but have added 3 snacks and it all looks healthy enough. Will see.
    Making a beef casserole with cheesy dumplings in slow cooker for dinner. Never done this recipe before and hope OK. Did not put onions in so dog can have a serve for her dinner too.
    Will catch up later, reading posts though
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi everyone.:flowerforyou:
    I'm baaack! :blushing: been away for a couple months, and guess what? I gained 10 lbs.
    Yes, back on track and hope to lose it.
    I saw an old acquaintance who looked wonderful, she's probably 66 and looks like an aerobicized 40 year old. She said I could lose 25#. She said, "You can lose 25#. That's doable." Well, I am going to try hard and reduce my calories to 1000 like Hanford Rose. Her photos and stories are incredibly interesting and inspiring.
    Yes monopause is the worst!

    Good to be back.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    I hope to lose enough weight to fit into my "regular" clothes again, not just yoga pants and long t-shirts - lol!

    Even if I lose the weight I'd like to and get my smokin' hot bod back, I refuse to give up my yoga pants and baggy tees :laugh:
  • kegrip917
    kegrip917 Posts: 14
    Yoga pants forever! How do you make those emoticons?
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Dragonfly ... you'll find this is a very friendly and sincere group of ladies.

    Another lousy day with my eating ... going to bed before I make myself really sick!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of the Power Fit series that I have. Actually, it involved 3 DVD's -- all using the band. There are two more in the set and I THINK they're cardio so I'll do them Sunday. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the deep water class.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Karen - doesn't it feel so good when you fit into smaller sized clothes, and don't think you would?

    jane - good luck on your boob squeeze

    katla - I knew that a friend of mine wanted gluten free, so I thought I was being so smart and I made gluten free cookies. Only that's when I found out that she's also lactose intolerant! But lactose intolerant people can use margarine? I can probably use that in cookies for her instead of butter. I have found that a lot of the "gluten free" foods to be high in sugar, too.

    Viv - so sorry you bumped your toe and then fell. Hope those bruises heal quickly. Do hope hubby feels better fast

    Kim - glad DN will be going to college. I don't know how someone can make it today without a college degree. We are supposed to talk to Denise's counselor tonight. From what she said a while ago, to get her ECE degreee, she'd have to take something like 10 more classes. Otherwise she'd get just a general Associates degree. I'm going to push for the fact that we'll pay for the degree (actually, we'll pay for a bachelor's degree in full for her just like we did for Bryan and Jess) but only if she's a full time student. We're not going to pay forever, we're not made of money. This is getting rediculous to me, here she is 26 years old and she doesn't even have her Associates degree. To me, some of it is because Pete's mother cosigned for the apartment, which kept her up in PA, so she was only taking 2 courses per semester. I bet she says that she doesn't want the degree. But what kind of future will she and maybe Pete have if neither of them have any sort of degree?

    Cynthia T60 - last night Vince came into the bedroom and Lance was letting me hug him and he was laying on me. Vince thought for sure I'd give him his insulin this morning but I didn't. He needs to know that every time I go near him it's not to give him insulin. But I will give it to him tonight. Baby steps. Jessica just told us that she'd be here Friday so he'll go back with her. Another change for the poor guy.

    Deb in CNY - glad you're safe but so sorry about those others

    Patty - the other day at the grocery store for the first time ever I found organic peaches. Previously, I could only get them when I went to FL. So I'd buy, buy, buy, then bring them home and freeze them. Unfortunately, they weren't all that great, which is surprising since the organic strawberries, I think, are better than the non-organic ones. If you offered me a slice of pizza or a good, juicy peach, I'd choose the peach each time.

    Meg - the first thing will be that next Monday (the 21st) we need to take Lexi to the hospital for the radioactive isotope treatment. Wish Vince had made it for 11 so I could go to the extremepump class. I know that it's going to be tough for him leaving Lexi there. He's special to her, she's been thru so much, being badly abused, dislocated hip, air leaking out of her trachea, having to go to NCState to have the polyp in her ear removed since it was so far down in her ear, now this. I really want to be there for him.

    dragonfly - hearty welcome! Take care of yourself

    Alison - glad Homer made it OK, now you take care of yourself.

    Pat in OH - thanks for the great post.

    WooHoo .... Lance let me give him his insulin tonight....and I didn't even get a growl. We're making progress. Then he came out into the kitchen and let me pick him up and hug him. Now THAT'S something. I'm going to see if I can give him his insulin tomorrow morning and evening.

    Exercised, and then I was so tired I took a nap, then went to the Newcomer lunch (I had a small grilled chicken salad), came home and went in the pool. It started raining so I came in and made chocolate truffles for Jess to take back with her. Talked to Denise, seems she needs only 4 more classes for her degree. In a way, I'm sad because I was sort-of hoping it would be more and I was prepared to say that she needed to be a full time student, so she would need to move here. Oh well....I'm just sad in that I know that she'll never go for her Bachelor's, even tho we're prpared to pay for it in full for her. The furthest she'll get is her Associates. To be honest, in a way that'll hold her back some. I can't help but think about her future -- she'll probably never own a home or anything. But I also have to realize that it's her decision. Had dinner, then went to Lowes. The riverrock under the deck didn't solve the drainage problem, if anything it made it worse. But I really didn't like the mulch -- it always ran off the slope onto the grass below it. Just cut up the truffle bars. I'll go to the farmer's market and get her some corn on the cob Saturday, then cook it so she can take it back with her. I was planning to make tofu (shhh..don't tell Vince) manicotti so all she had to do is bake it (she can do that while I'm at church), but I may wind up making that tomorrow. Not sure if I'll go to mahjongg tomorrow or not -- depends if Vince needs me to work outside.

    dragonfly - you're posting just fine. I have no suggestions as to how to lose weight during menopause, I hear ya how hard it is.

    Jan - how horrible for those people! Glad you're OK. What movie did you see?

    Leston (Leslie?) - one of the DVD's that I have use the kettlebells. Well, I don't have any so I just use a dumbbell.

    Going to get ready for bed then hope Lance and Shadow let me cuddle with them.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Forgot to mention..."and another one bites the dust, and another one bites the dust...

    No, I'm not talking about a person...I'm talking about another tube of sunscreen....lol

    Michele in NC
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    You can do it. It's just calories in versus calories out. Remember that a calorie is a calorie regardless if it comes from carrots or cookies, protein, fat or carbs.

    No weird diets just watch your calories.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hi! just joining in… not quite 50…soon!! 6 months! lol!!! my goal is simply to exercise 5 -6 times a week and enjoy it! lol!!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi again! I went to my friends house tonight for our little painting party. Her grandbaby had surgery to remove the tumor which was on her back, but they aren't sure they got it all, so more surgery may be coming. She said they are optimistic, but apparently this is a rare cancer of some kind that does not normally have a good outcome. Fingers crossed that she will be ok.

    On the plus side, my friend has a brand new puppy named Winston. He's 10 weeks and totally adorable! He's a miniature schnauzer, and his hobby is untying shoe laces. I told her she would need to search my bag when I left to make sure Winston had not "crawled in".

    I'm going to have so much fun tomorrow! After swim lessons I'm taking the little guy home and the girls and I are going to Joplin for a girls afternoon. We are going to have lunch, then to Kohls where they have tons of girls summer stuff on clearance and I have a 30% off coupon too.

    Dragonfly, welcome! Yes, losing during menopause is REALLY, REALLY HARD! All of us here are in that same boat, I think. That's what makes this group so great.

    Gloria, I don't think I've ever had a smoking hit body. Well, maybe I did once, but then I woke up. My yoga pants make me feel skinny! But I like my tshirts a little tighter these days.

    Meg, have a great time in Colorado!

    I forgot who asked, but to add an emoticon, go to the upper right of the text window where you type in your message, there is a little thing that says "Add Smiley". Click on that and a row of emoticons appears across the top.

    Here's the joke of the day:

    A newsboy was standing on the corner with a stack of papers, yelling, "Read all about it; Fifty people swindled!” Fifty people swindled! Curios, a man walked over, bought a paper, and said, "Hey kid, this is an old paper, where’s the story about the big swindle?” The newsboy ignored him and went on calling out, "read all about it; Fifty-one people swindled!”


    Good night ladies!
  • MollyMamaBear
    MollyMamaBear Posts: 6 Member
    I am back :love: :heart:
    I was Mollybesweet.
    I had to make a new account.
    All who had me on their friends list .
    please re add me.
    Molly in beautiful WV
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Just got back from dancing disco outside at a downtown park. We had a blast.

    DH nephew e-mailed us with news about DSIL. She is still i\n ICU but feeling well enough to complain about her son nagging her. The shoe is now on the other foot. So hopefully this is a good sign.

    Thoughts and prayers for those effected by tornadoes in NY.

    The biggest thing that helped me lose weight was to read labels and learn what a true portion is. I was eating too much because I thought I was eating one portion but it turned out sometimes I was eating as many as two or more. Logging helps me because it made me think about what I eat. I am currently maintaining. If I go two pounds over my goal weight I start to log.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OK, ? here. What is a hosta. I have read several of you having it.

    Drogon fly, I have seen all your posts but just now got on and read through 3 pages. I am sorry you feel you need to go somewhere that is friendly. I think we are the friendliest group here on MFP and I guess we should be ashamed that no one commented on your first post especisally since you are new. Please come back often. And yes, I hate that jumping food that just happens to make it into your mouth. It's usually Milky ways with me.

    kegrig, you get the emoticons by clicking on to the 'add smiley' that you will see in the upper right hand corner when you are writing a post. It isn't there when you are just reading, just posting:flowerforyou: I just sent you a flower!!!

    Went to see the nurse practitioner this morning for my 2 week B/P check. I mostly talked about my sister and she gave me good advice. It just happens to be the same advice you guys have given me. I also broke down and broke my sister's confidence tonight and called my brother. He is a minister and knows all about keeping something in confidence and I also know he will be praying for me, her, her doctors and my poor husband who has to deal with me through all of this. When I talked to Norma tonight she seemed pretty clear and level headed. Her and her husband had had a heart to heart talk either last night or today. He had done as I had suggested and called her doctor today and gotten the correct list of medicines she is to be on and together they have got her medicines all organized. They also have a plan which they think will be adequate (?) that everytime she is going to go out, she will call him as she leaves, when she gets there, when she leaves there and when she gets home. They are also going to look into the life alert type device that also has a GPS built into it. I agree that both of those things are nice, it just doens't take care of the times when she is confused while driving since she or anyone has any control over when they will happen. But I can't get them to understand that. It would solve my problem that I need to get back to the Y myself if I would pick her up and we would drive together. She says no. It seems like I am being her driver and caretaker and she needs me more as a sister right now than a nurse checking up on her. I told her that there is nothing better than 2 sisters going to the Y together. But she still says no. My brother suggests I go see my BIL i his office and sit and talk to him. The nurse practitioner agreed with me about the HIPPA laws and that I can call and give information to her doctor. But right now both my sis and BIL are in denial and they think their plan will work. I am glad thought that they have had a heart to heart discussion about this and not just swept it under the rug. I plan on having a good time with my sister tomorrow. It jsut won't be me escorting the invalid disabled person to get an x-ray done. It will be the two of us going out and having fun.

    Oh, nurse practitioner wants me to see either her or the doctor in 3 months. I am actually going to e able to see my doctor in October!!!!! It is unusual to get in with him. But I feel that if you are paying the doctor's fee you need to see the doctor. I pay the same co-pay to see his NP. Plus he knows my sister and understands what kind of a person she is. Right now she is very angry at her pain specialist because he ordered this medicine combination that her regular doctor was so upset about.

    Joyce, Indiana where the weather is wonderful
  • zeethan
    zeethan Posts: 7
    Not 50 yet, but it's staring me down. As I age I realize being healthy is the best thing I can do for myself and my family. Also as things slide south, I feel a real sense of urgency to lose the exxtra pounds and kick the sugar habit.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I agree that no weird diets are needed.

    However, I have also found that for the same amount of calories, you can have many more veges and fruits (so you are full longer and sooner) than cookies. Also, veges and fruits are higher in fiber, so take longer to go thru your system, so they keep you full longer.

    Then again, sometimes you just need that cookie. Try to have a vege or piece of fruit and then that cookie.

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am in a pickle....think that hip pain turned into sciatic pain ,woke up with a mega leg cramp around my calf and ankle, all on the same side,all on my left side..
    to say I am in pain is an understatement.
    how the heck can I get out and exercise with all this going on:grumble:
    did get 8 hrs of sleep in , which is amazing,
    Homer had 8 teeth pulled so the anesthesia is still wearing off.. staying close to mom and dad..
    when we went to pick him up at the vet last night there were 2 whippet's they were adorable...one's name was Stoney, the other I cant remember.. but they wee friendly and were coming in for shots
    I have to work tomorrrow.and then mixed up hours next week because the other assistant is taking monday off..
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Alison: poor Homer; hope he’s feeling better. My cat had almost no teeth at the end and he ate just fine. You could always soak his dry food for 10-15 minutes if he eats better that way. Good you are resting your hip a little.

    Kim: my guy has a birdbath at his house; I told him about the penny. He’s going to look into it.

    Sylvia: glad you’re feeling better, but I sure hope someone can get to the bottom of your dizziness – soon! Re dogs: I used to “threaten” a friend of mine that her puppy would fit in my suitcase.

    Meg: yep, around here there are several people who do chiropractic on horses and smaller animals. Some of them are vets as well. Since my dog has “issues” (instability in his back, arthritis in at least one elbow, and an amputated toe) I like to have him seen once in a while to (I hope) minimize pain and secondary problems.

    Deb: so sorry about the tornado deaths in your area; happy to see that people are working together to provide help.

    Jane: keep after that townhouse!!

    Susan: you didn’t ask my advice, but…1000 calories is too low. I admire Hanford Rose for many reasons, but this is one thing I wouldn’t imitate. At the very least it invites frustration and binging, and it’s very hard to get enough nutrients on so few calories. I’d think about it again if I were you. Patience is your friend.

    Gloria: you go for that smokin’ hot bod, girl!

    Joyce: so sorry about the family problems. It’s hard.

    We had very weird weather around 3:00-3:30 this morning. Thunderstorms, but not like I’ve ever experienced them before. Usually it’s thunder, lightning. Then after a bit: thunder, lightning. But this was literally constant thunder and lightning. Hard to explain how weird it was. No severe damage in this area, luckily. About 15 miles from here a tree was hit by lightning and fell on a shelter at a bus stop, killing the man inside.

    Hope to have a relatively quiet day, puttering around. I'm tired.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou: