Short People Losing Weight



  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
    4ft 11
  • mreffle
    mreffle Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5'0", with a small frame - narrow hips, apple shape. I did weight watchers years ago, went from 138 to 110. That took about 6 months, and I have been above and below 110 ever since. I got back recently onto MFP at 119, now at 117, working down to about 113, healthier than 110. Just so my nice clothes can fit better.

    I think if we 5-footers lose or gain 5 pounds, its noticeable, where it would probably not be on someone who is 5'8.
  • Sizethree4Ever
    Sizethree4Ever Posts: 120 Member
    5'0" 45 years old, I have lost 14 pounds in about 7 months.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    5'1.5" here, and yes, that 0.5 was very necessary. Any weight gain or loss is dramatic on us short people.... But it can def be done :-)
  • in_memere
    in_memere Posts: 1
    5'1" age 73 I have lost 10 pounds in about 2 months. Unable to do much physically (just walking when the weather permits). Anyone have any good advice? So far all 3 of my doctors are pleased with my progress. I am going on a cruise in Sept. and am trying to lose weight as I expect that I will be putting on a few lbs. then.
  • Bump
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    5'0 here
    SW - 178
    CW - 163
    GW - 130
    I have never been big until 4 yrs ago. Sick of it so the weight has got to go!
  • malissia007
    malissia007 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'1" and it is really hard to lose weight! (But super easy to gain it). I'm currently 122lbs. My lowest has been 114 (three months ago), but I went on vacations (Including honeymoon) and easily packed on the pounds again. My highest weight ever was 138 about 5 years ago, and I hate looking at my old pictures - at the time I didn't see myself as that big, but now I can see it in pictures. Us shorties show everything!

    I am trying running again. Seems that if I run everyday or every other day, then the weight melts off. Getting back into running is hard. I'm walking a lot of times, but each day it gets easier to run more. I also find that switching between a lot of different cardio machines at the gym helps me - so I don't get bored, and it works different muscle groups. I'll do 10-15 minutes bike, 10-15 minutes on the stairclimber, and then 15 on the elliptical.
    Please add me as a friend if you see this - I need support!
  • paquitoBoston
    paquitoBoston Posts: 38 Member
    4'9, losing weight is so hard!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Necro thread
  • WolfenPride
    WolfenPride Posts: 13 Member
    5'7 here, a bit taller than most of the people in this thread but I'm also male. From what I'm told that's quite short for a guy... I've let myself go very badly- over 250 atm D: but honestly I'm even more insecure about my height. I see so much short-hate for men and it makes me feel awful. I shouldn't ask, but do ladies really hate all guys under 6' as much as they say? I'm wondering if it's even worth the trouble to try and drop the 100 pounds I need to lose...
  • AnnTheGoldfish
    AnnTheGoldfish Posts: 4 Member
    4'8'' here! I currently have .8 pounds until my current goal, but I'm thinking I may go down another 10 pounds. I've lost 7.6 pounds since January.
  • ooBombshellBeautyoo
    ooBombshellBeautyoo Posts: 232 Member

    I am 5'3" and have lost 30 pounds over 2 years. At this point I have put the scale away and am just toning everything up this next year. I lift, and do HIIT cardio 5-6x a week. I also still count calories (especially carbs for me).
  • jlc102980
    jlc102980 Posts: 137 Member
    5'2" and lost about 30% of my body weight in 6 months with CICO and workouts.
  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    5' 2 " lost about 60 lbs and have kept it off for 2 years. Started tracking again to work on getting leaner. Yes, it sucks that as a short one we don't have as many calories :(
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5" need to lose 38-43lbs
  • shaybee377
    shaybee377 Posts: 42 Member
    5' 2" here! I have a fairly small frame, so I don't carry extra weight well.
    HW: 137
    CW: 112

    I'm trying to cut a tiny bit more and lose some of this extra fluff, and then I plan to build up some more muscle! I carry most of my weight in my hips/thighs, and I have a good bit of cellulite as well. I do a mix of weights (upper-lower body split) and cardio usually 5x a week. I'm also slowly but surely breaking the binge/restrict cycle by tracking macros and eating at a slight deficit.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    The wonderful thing about being short is that just a few pounds can make a HUGE difference!
  • nihilisasimpson
    nihilisasimpson Posts: 3 Member
    5 foot 1.5 and trying to lose 33 lbs!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    5'7 here, a bit taller than most of the people in this thread but I'm also male. From what I'm told that's quite short for a guy... I've let myself go very badly- over 250 atm D: but honestly I'm even more insecure about my height. I see so much short-hate for men and it makes me feel awful. I shouldn't ask, but do ladies really hate all guys under 6' as much as they say? I'm wondering if it's even worth the trouble to try and drop the 100 pounds I need to lose...

    You don't want to hear my response.

    I'm 4'11" and I wouldn't date someone who is 5'7".
    My husband is 5'10" and I wouldn't want him any shorter.

    3 reasons:
    1. I'm attracted to taller/broader men; gives me that 'safe' feeling.
    2. In social settings, I wouldn't want my spouse to be the shortest man. It's just social mores, like being the Alpha monkey in a group.
    3. I want tall genes to off-set my short genes. I don't want a short son. (I'm pumping my 12years old son tons of nutrient-dense food to make sure he gets all that needs to be closer to 5'10" like Daddy, instead of like me.

    But I would truly suggest you do lose the weight, so that you don't have 2 strikes (being overweight and being short) against you. Then maybe it'll just be finding women who likes short men.
    Also, it'll be healthier for you to be at a healthy weight.

    Thank goodness that not all women are like me.
    Good luck.