rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    When I had lost 140lb, I displayed my latest photograph on a facebook slimming group page and got hundreds of nice comments. 1 comment ruined it all for me by a troll who said "oh my god 10 stone, how did you get so fat in the first place"
  • Thatslimgal84
    come to India folks.. u are sure gonna hear comments ruder than all this!! :(
  • Thatslimgal84
    today at work a guy just commented on my weight gain. i told him how i had lost almost 40 kg last time and he just laughed out loud!! like how I ever got so fat in the first place!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    That is extremely rude, do you have HR in your office /
  • lissdawn
    lissdawn Posts: 70 Member
    Where to begin. I had met a guy online through a friend on FB. He saw some of my posts on her wall and thought I was funny and started messaging me. We were both single and interested and started making plans to go for a date. I told my friend about it and that I was interested etc, she went on and on about how he's a great guy, so fun, we'd make a great pair etc. A few days later, I found a note in my inbox from her, going on and on about how I am such a great girl, that I'm hilarious and amazing etc, but that I should know that I am really obese. How I'm super pretty but need to lose a lot of weight, and that she'd hate to see me waste my time with someone I couldn't possibly be attracted to. It was meant for him, she sent it to me by mistake. To this day, I don't know what hurts more, the actual comments or the sabotage by a supposed friend. I haven't spoken to her since.

    Back in high school was dating this guy, we'll call "x". I went outside to catch the bus after school and one of his friends was there waiting too, along with another guy I'd had a crush on the year before (and he knew it). X's "friend" started going on about how he can't understand why X was with me, then got very graphic, how having sex with me must be like riding waves, all my blubber must move like a tidal wave etc. I literally broke out in tears sobbing and he just laughed even harder. The other guy that was there just goes 'come one man, that's rude'. To this day just thinking about this brings back the pain of the humiliation.

    In general it's the comments/assumptions from people that don't know what they are talking about that blow me away. Coworkers who look shocked when I mention hiking on the weekend, they get a look like I've got to be lying. I've lost 35 lbs but it's not all that noticeable yet to others, but a good friend at work made a comment the other day about how my face looks thinner, and I said thanks, I've lost a bit of weight, and another colleague within earshot goes 'REALLLLY'???????....SMH.
  • Thatslimgal84
    That is extremely rude, do you have HR in your office /

    Hes the HEAD of HR! :(
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    "Your thighs are like tree trunks"..The most painful thing was it was true :/
  • CMarieVirginia
    "OMG, I didn't know you were pregnant!"

    I was not.
  • Thatslimgal84
    dont know why people just assume its ok to poke a rude joke on overweight people like its absolutely alright!!
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I haven't had as many as most - the majority or rude jabs came from my mother.
    But there was one guy I went to uni with who said to me 'Now that we've moved to the fourth floor - you might finally lose some weight walking up all those stairs.' - I can laugh about it now.
  • Oxxygi
    Oxxygi Posts: 250 Member
    "No one ever will love you"....
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    My brother, when I was in primary school, told me "you have more rolls than a bakery." Knowing him he probably heard it and thought it was funny and said it without really thinking of the consequences but for a kid always teased about her weight, it's always stuck with me since he was someone I admired more than anyone.

    Unfortunate but thats actually from Little Britain.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    My father used to call me Porky or Pork, all the time. I never was fat or pudgy or the least bit overweight - but he would tell me I was getting fat. I had that "tweenager stomach" that came a bit before puberty and didn't leave until I was done growing. But at one point, when I was about 11, I was convinced I was pregnant, thanks to his remarks about my fat belly. (I didn't even know HOW anyone got pregnant, I just figured I caught it somehow. My parents never talked to me about sex, I didn't know anything about it or your period until I had it in health class at age 12. Now I know why my daughter's school does that class with kids in 4th grade...)

    He never stopped calling me Pork, even when I was 5'6" and weighed 127 lbs.

    Then after I got pregnant (for reals, with my hubby, and I knew how to do it, LOL) he made remarks about it being like watching Elephant Walk when I went by.

    He always assumed he was funny. He wasn't. When I got really fat following my pregnancies, he kind of stopped the remarks.

    The only other person to make a rude comment about my weight was my former boss - I saw him post-partum in a store after having my 3rd child. He slapped my arm and said "Packing on the pounds, aren't you?" And I said "Well let's see how you look if you have 3 children and 4 pregnancies in a 5 year span." He said "Oh! Congratulations." And left.

    And since I'd figured out how to get pregnant so well, I needed to figure out how NOT to get pregnant, lol.
  • Deps
    Deps Posts: 31 Member
    Unfortunate but thats actually from Little Britain.

    This was years and years back. I think it's actually just a rude saying which has been going around for ages (though I don't know how old Little Britain is?)

    The worst thing is, when someone you admire says that to you, it just never goes away and I know for a fact he has no memory of it.
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    This has probably come up before, but I've had strangers pat my belly and ask when I was due…on 3 separate occasions.

    I've never been pregnant. : /
  • april_recharged
    april_recharged Posts: 16 Member
    There are some mean people in this world... I've received my share of rude comments but some of these I've read this morning make my heart ache. Especially the ones coming from parents... gee whiz. :frown:
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    My heart breaks for all of you, I just can't believe people can be so rude and insensitive. Makes one realize why there is so much cruelty in the world at large. No empathy at all for the attacked person. My worst attack came because it was from a friend of 40 years and it wasn't so much what she said, it was the tone she said it in, she really snarled at me. I said I could never be as slim as she - 124 lbs at 5ft 5in. Me same height but 140 lbs. She said in the most nasty way, "you are FAT, we used to LAUGH at your big fat bum AND you've got jowls. (News to me, the jowls bit). The tone was awful, and I was pretty stunned. We got over it but it's stuck with me and I will never feel the same about her again.
  • pickleRH83
    pickleRH83 Posts: 33 Member
    "I always said I'd never date a girl with fat arms" when I was 19...needless to say I'm rather glad I'm no longer with this one, and I was only a size 10-12 at the time but my lack of self confidence at this point in my life unknowingly sent me on the path to weight gain through emotional eating throughout my adult life...
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Just remembered another.
    I was at a club dancing with my g/f when a guy I'd never met put his arm around my shoulder and said "I LOVE fat bottomed girls".
    I said Yep - I like all of the Queen songs"
    Exit deflated *kitten*.
  • blairwithredhair
    blairwithredhair Posts: 11 Member
    My dad, 6 months before my wedding last year: "You need to work harder, you don't want to look like a stuffed canoli walking down the aisle."

    My mom, last week: "You could be so pretty. My heart just breaks for you, it is so upsetting to see you this way. You look like a stuffed sausage is wearing your skin!"

    Oh, within 3 months of getting married, 4 different people (two clients, two strangers) asked me when I was due. As in pregnant. I wasn't (and am not) pregnant.