Herbalife? Anyone try this to aid weight loss?



  • SydKaty
    SydKaty Posts: 75 Member
    I have been doing Herbalife for about a week and found a difference in my energy level and overall inside feeling.

    I have done WW - eating "real" food as other people and have been successful; however, I have also been unsuccessful because some of the "real" food gets me in trouble.

    With Herbalife, I find it's structured to tell me what to eat, when to eat and ensuring that I get the right amounts of protein, sugar and carbs. I still eat real food when I'm not having a shake.

    All the talk about the cost of the program makes me wonder ... You pay for the food you eat, regardless of where it comes from. I found that making the shakes with milk makes me intake more calcium, which a woman needs for strong bones - something that I used to hardly drink, other than the coffee I had in the morning. Speaking of coffee - I hardly drink it anymore. I used to have it for a JOLT of energy in the morning, but now I don't feel the NEED to have it for that reason. Now it's the sole reason for the flavor enjoyment.

    With any changes, you have to make it a lifestyle change. Calling it a "DIET" makes it so restrictive and when you fall off the DIET, you feel like you've failed.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have been doing Herbalife for almost 2 months now. I started on January 15th 2014 and I'm in LOVE with it!! I started with 200lbs, I'm currently at 183lbs meaning I've lost 17lbs in total. Before i started Herbalife i didn't have any energy at all, i was lazy all the time, lost of headaches, stress, it was just HORRIBLE. After using Herbalife, all that has changed. I'm super active, do different workouts through out the week like Zumba, Workouts at parks & bootcamps as well, no more stress, I'm the most energetic person EVER! My goal is 130lbs, i know ill be there before the lovely summer gets here.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Wanna know something cool?

    I did the same thing just with real foods & hard work.

    Enjoy feeding your bank account to the mouths of the rich who could care less about their customers.
    Your comment was really mean and discouraging, what happened to encouraging people on and keeping each other on track instead of being rude and disrespectful. Not everything works everyone. We are all here because were all trying to lose weight.

    Here here! these people I swear do a search for Herbalife just so they can go trolling.

    Really? I swear people search "it" to bump the threads to look for more people to try to sell to.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Herbalife does what people says it does.

    No it doesn't
    Yes I agree you can eat healthy and get the same results. However, there are so many vitamins that you don't get in what you eat combined all day.

    No there aren't
    It actually costs more at a grocery store for all the vegetables and fruits you would need to equal what you get out of Herbalife.

    No it wouldn't
    The first week I noticed my focus and energy were way better than they have been. Its just a life style choice...any diet you do you have to diet and exercise...

    No you don't
    I personally love how I feel on Herbalife! And people saying it is a pyramid scheme obviously don't know what one is. That doesn't mean its a bogus diet that's all about money and who's selling under who. Hense pyramid.

    It's a pyramid scheme. People are promised they can make a salary by selling overpriced goods, that are actually all about recruiting more and more people under you
    If it works it works end of story.

    In the long term, it doesn't.

    You're killin' me, Iron! :laugh:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Maybe we should all just back out.

    Maybe we're delaying the inevitable colapse of the pyramid scheme.
  • flyred77
    flyred77 Posts: 1
    I just throw a carnation instant breakfast in with my shake or a scoop of any protein powder if I am low for the day.
  • jozefsan
    jozefsan Posts: 5

    as personal trainer and dietician i wouldnt recommend herbalife diet at all, and in all fairness not shakes diet at all. our bodies didnt been designed for this type of food (shakes)

    meaning : you need food, real food and keep calories in right number, you can support your calories with shake or two a day, but as supplement and not main meal.

    also breakfast is most important meal of your day, so bite the bullet and eat in morning and gradually lower portion during day till you get to small dinner meal.

    as for herbalife and all crap companies who claim miracles, its bul**** to hit market with overweight people, who are desperate to loose weight and will pay lot money for crap like herbalife. example, professional bodybuilder need really good supplements, so why they dont use herbalife if is so good ? because is not good at all.

    ou and if they give you shakes to try? dont forget this people get paid for every product what they selling, and pretty much every seller is brain washed by crap from herbalife how amazing it is, but true is other way round, herbalife is not welcome in any kind of sports, and that should ring bell to anyone why nobody want their product if they compete.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    I was on herbalife and still am taking the supplements but I am getting so BURNED OUT on the shakes ....I figured if i just use the supplements (total control cell u loss and thermobond) and sometimes the tea i might still have some benefits of losing but MY MAIN FOCUS is to keep learning how to eat healthy and "clean" and doing my HIIT/TABATA workouts and running... i have to keep reminding myself that if the weight comes off slow thats ALOT BETTER than it coming off too fast!! is it ironic that i have NOT been using the shakes for almost a week and a half and just ate healthy and last week i lost 3 lbs where with the shakes i had hit my plateau? lol Real food and exercise is the only way. There is no miracle cure for weight loss, except to get off your butt and work hard for every kilo you need to lose.
  • mollybuck
    mollybuck Posts: 64 Member
    Key idea in this post- she sells this and is pushing you to try this. You can buy the product and it might work. One day you probably will get sick of it and blow all the good work in an orgy of binge eating. Time and time again in the success stories I read about people who had to teach themselves to eat healthy, started clean eating, and basically treated themselves as the valuable human beings that they truly are. We all want a quick fix, or a "jump start", but the truth of the matter is that we live in the real world, with temptation at every corner. Build up your inner strength and don't use these "meal replacements" as a crutch. I think the results will last much longer that way, perhaps for the rest of your life.
  • ttpersonaltrainer
    In one of your links there's a legal disclaimer before access to it explaining how the company who created the video will GAIN from shares if Herbalife shares fall. Not a balanced opinion there! There have been concerns about the amount of lead levels found in most whey protein powders not solely Herbalife.
  • ttpersonaltrainer
    The ideal way to lose fat & keep it off is through healthy eating and exercise. That's a no brainer. But, I've found that some people just won't/can't seem to do that. It's a sad fact of modern life that we can't.
    Having been a sceptic, I finally checked out Herbalife and found it ticked all the boxes because of the people I'd met in the gym who lost fat on it. I'd say it works out only for people who won't cook or have time to create healthy breakfasts & lunches.

    It does exactly what it states on the tin and gives them the nutrients and protein ratio they need to help lose fat - alongside a healthy exercise programme - while eating nutritious real food too - they will see a permanent weight loss.

    In an ideal world we wouldn't be taking ANY supplements, protein powders, vitamins or weight gain/loss products but sadly this isn't an ideal world. Herbalife is simply another manufactured solution to a real problem many of us have. (It should ALL come from whole foods)

    So, yes it works for weight loss. (Not for everyone, but neither does any supplement work for all.)

    It isn't as expensive as you think! Just over £3.00 a day for breakfast, lunch per month. (Add up what you'd spend on junk for a month for breakfast, lunch and see!)

    Yes you will put the weight back on - Unless you move onto a balanced diet & fitness regime for life. (You HAVE to accept you'll have to do this)

    I've been a personal trainer for 15 years, don't sell Herbalife personally but can tell you I've seen it work numerous times.

    Hope that helps. :-)
  • kittyoates
    First of all, I would like to say you can absolutely make a whole foods meal for less than the cost of an herbalife shake. My husband and I have a $100 per month grocery budget and I don't eat refined sugars at all. I've added up costs of our dinners before, and many come to less than $1 per person.
    Secondly, if you're going to buy a MRS, why go with one that is 1/3 sugar? If a cannister of Herbalife costs $60, then $20 of that is for sugar. If you really need the sugar to sweeten your
    Shake, buy a sugar free one from the grocery store (cheaper than herba) and add some sugar that you bought from the store for a lot less than $20/lb.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    AVOID HERBALIFE!!!!! :mad: :angry: :explode: :huh: :devil: :sick:

    Aside from their MLM scheme & shady business practices, their products have been proven to be dangerous.
    Read the 2 articles under "journal articles" here, about liver damage (hepatotoxicity),
    as well as the article under "recent information" about lead levels.

    Save your money, spend about half of what you'd waste on their crap on real foods instead.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    My intention was to maybe use one as breakfast - as I am not a breakfast fan. I just feel so blah when I eat breakfast - or like millions, I "have no time."
    I'm really not a breakfast person either, but after reading several pieces of research (summarized & linked to in my blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/MKEgal/view/2014-06-10-some-studies-about-weight-loss-667818) saying that eating breakfast, and specifically eating about half your calories at breakfast, leads to more weight loss, I've forced myself to do it.

    My usual breakfast is a glass of milk, serving of carnation instant breakfast, piece of whole wheat bread with peanut butter & jelly, and a banana. Very fast, simple, nutritious, about 600 cal.

    2 scrambled eggs with 0.5 c onion, 0.5 c mushroom, 1c spinach, and 0.25 c shredded cheddar cheese rolled up in an 8" tortilla is just under 400 cal. Add a glass of skim milk & it's about 485. Add an ounce of sausage to the burrito & there's another 90 cal, 575.
    That's all pretty fast too - saute the sausage, onion, & mushrooms together for several minutes. When they're done add the spinach for another minute, then pour on the eggs, turn off the heat & stir it another minute. Sprinkle with cheese, put into the tortilla, and there you are. Clean-up takes 2 minutes with a nonstick pan.
    While you're waiting for that to cook, pack your lunch.

    1c nonfat vanilla greek yogurt + 1 c fruit (I chose raspberries) + 0.5 c dry quick oats + 0.25 c chopped walnuts is 500 cal.
    As a bonus, this travels well, so you can throw it together & take it on the bus or train to work, or eat it at your desk.
    If you want to make it the night before, when you're packing lunch, put in the yogurt, then the fruit, then the nuts, and finally the oats on top, so they'll stay dry.
  • wildbusdriver57
    wildbusdriver57 Posts: 6 Member
    I used to sell herbalife years ago. I was on the quick start program formula 1, 2 & 3. It did help me lose about 25 lbs in about 3 months, without changing too much of my eating habits, but when I went off it I gained twice as much back. That was 20 years ago. Now I'm in my 50's and I'm losing weight faster just watching my calories and carbs. (I've lost 37 lbs in 3 months). I've thought about going on the shakes again, for breakfast. the chocolate was really good and it filled you up and you stayed full a long time. Hope this helps. If you go on herbalife make sure to change eating habits too so when you go off of herbalife you'll still be eating healthy and won't gain your weight back. Good luck
  • sarah1238luv
    Herbalife is bomb it really helps with my sweet tooth or if u can find a herbalife bar where they make it it will help when ur bf goes to fast food you stop there and get urs the first time I thought it was gross but oh man was I wrong I love it...try mixing flavors to like chocloate protien mint and coffee yum
  • Linseyloo1001
    Hi there, I've been doing herbalife for 3 weeks. To be honest I haven't had any probs infact I'm loosing body fat as we go on a special computerise scales so it measures everything and tells you what your loosing ect. I have got got results so far and I am in-control of my eating for once! I believe that not one thing works well for everyone and it can be expensive if your using more than just the shakes. I am feeling so much better and and looking a lot better. What ever programme or diet you do it needs to be something you can go forever and stick to because if you over eat you will gain weight after any diet. My only thing is that I'm very fussy and don't like many of the flavours but I don't like normal choc milkshakes and strawberry milkshakes anyway but I love mint choc and vanilla with coconut milk. You do eat real meals and snacks I drink or eat 5-6 times a day every 21/2 hours I have a physical job.
    I've only been doing it 3 weeks do in still new to this. I love herbalife it's working for me ????
    Good luck to everyone on your weight loss journeys. We are all different and do what works for you
    All the best
    From Linsey x
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Haven't scanned the rest of the thread, but here's my gig...I lost 30lbs in a month on HL about 18 years ago. Gained it all back of course because for foodie me, that's just not a sustainable lifestyle. Then there is the expense, which if I shop well, can get more real healthy food for my buck. I have heard that it's "super bad for you", but that's never stopped me from partaking in stuff before, so hey. I'm a little surprised it's still around and so popular to be honest. All that being said, the energizing iced tea blend (powder) they made was ace. Pure drinkable meth.
  • loriebahde
    loriebahde Posts: 30 Member
    i will worn you to stay away from pricey quick fix anything. all of those sells scams are the same, plexus, shakeology, and nameless others. i keep a jug of muscle milk protein shake in my kitchen for just when i don't have much time or i don't really want to eat but need the calories. i always have spinach, and other veggies and fruits to juice and add into a shake. chia seed adds fiber to help me . i get it a sams club for 14 dollars for 2 lbs. the cheapest i can find. belvita or 2go bars have helped with breakfast can get at any grocery store. the thing i learned when i became a mother is to always, i will repeat, always have snacks on hand. when i go any where the minute we get down the road my daughter is starving. so instead of stopping at the big Mc or the like i began bringing snacks. we all feel better by having the choices of a healthier snack that fills you up and does not suck your energy or blow your calories for the day. if you want to try the shakes then do it. i however don't know the cost but it is cheap for me to eat healthier and to make my own out of what i have in the kitchen.
  • meghellfire
    meghellfire Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in my second week using herbalife. Fully understand there is no quick fix, however this gives me motivation that I was having a hard time giving myself. We have a Shake bar in my town, so instead of going to fast food I stop by and get my aloe shot, tea and take my shake to go. I have a hard time not over eating, and half the time i go for that quick fast food fix. So for me when I pay 6 bucks in the morning for my healthy shake meal it keeps me on my game the rest of the day. I think to myself as my next meal approaches "Megan you just spent 6 dollars this morning, don't blow it now by getting something that's unhealthy." My sister in law lost a ton of weight in 8 months and is looking hot, and she is still maintaining using herbalife. I lost 4 lbs my first week so far.
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