rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • pipertargaryen
    pipertargaryen Posts: 303 Member
    The only one I can remember is when I was doing a really ****ty job washing up, there was this really bitter old woman that had been doing this ****ty job for like 20 years or something. Anyway she was telling a story and said something along the lines of " my sons girlfriend who is really fat" - looks at me and says "no offence". Well I wasn't offended but I sure as hell am now...

    This was farther back in the thread, but that reminded me.
    Last year, I was stuck listening to this customer, an older man who I can NOT stand (not because he's an old man, I have grand old chats with a lot of older people at work. Just this guy is awful). I kept trying to look busy so he'd leave. I don't know what led to it, but he was saying something and said, "... Bigger woman... *looks me up and down*.. No offence." Seriously bro?
  • cookiekrunch
    cookiekrunch Posts: 65 Member
    You would be so much PRETTIER if you lost weight!!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I was wearing a bikini top and shorts when I went to visit family and my mom asked me "Are you really going to walk around with your belly hanging out?"

    Um. My body fat is 20%. I'm a runner. There is nothing "hanging" anywhere. I don't have rock hard abs, but I definitely don't have "hanging" anything and I think I have every right to wear whatever I want out in 90 degree whether as long as my reproductive bits are covered up.

    I'm not sure if it was jealousy or what, but I never forgot just rolling my eyes and walking away.
    I hear you. I run marathons, but even at my very lightest--even if I weighed 105 pounds my family would say that--and not out of jealousy, but because its considered inappropriate to wear to a family gathering. I wouldn't dare dress like that with my grandma and older family members around--i know better than that. They would tell me to dress like a lady or that "a woman is more desirable with something left to the imagination." I don't think it's an insult, just a more conservative way of thinking, esp. If you're around family and older folks. There's a time and a place for everything and appropriate dress for every occasion (now I sound like my mother) :-)
  • laurenisfitforlife
    laurenisfitforlife Posts: 71 Member
    A friend told me I was tons of fun to be around - another "friend" chimed in, " Yeah, she's tons of fun, like Shamu the Giant Whale." Needless to say, I was not impressed, since this "friend" was also over weight. :mad:
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    When I started this I said to my boss" I need to loose 15lbs" (was 183lbs height 5'8") his response was "more like double that"
  • kahulalui
    kahulalui Posts: 33
    Been happening to me since I was a child. Even though I wasn't even fat as a child. People are just sad beings.

    My take is they are not happy with themselves so they take it out on you.
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 298 Member
    Congratulations ( thought I was pregnant)
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    My heart breaks for all of you, I just can't believe people can be so rude and insensitive. Makes one realize why there is so much cruelty in the world at large. No empathy at all for the attacked person. My worst attack came because it was from a friend of 40 years and it wasn't so much what she said, it was the tone she said it in, she really snarled at me. I said I could never be as slim as she - 124 lbs at 5ft 5in. Me same height but 140 lbs. She said in the most nasty way, "you are FAT, we used to LAUGH at your big fat bum AND you've got jowls. (News to me, the jowls bit). The tone was awful, and I was pretty stunned. We got over it but it's stuck with me and I will never feel the same about her again.
    This reminds me of a story my mother in law told me. She bumped into a school friend she hadn't seen for many years and said to her 'Oh I didn't recognise you because you used to be so fat'. I pointed out how rude and considerate the comment was but she didn't care at all because 'it was the truth'. Truth or not, that's fecking rude.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    The rudest thing anything had ever said to me was, "you have the personality, but the wrong body." This is a former male friend of mine who I don't associate with anymore. :(
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Lady in line...yes at Mc Donalds...asked if I knew what I was having. I said um...I'm not pregnant. I'm just fat. She said oh...people thing my daughter is too. I said oh that is nice.

    You should have said "yes, I'm having fries and a burger, thanks for taking my order."
  • Nouurann
    Nouurann Posts: 183 Member
    When I was 13, this boy told me every guy in the school looks at me with disgust because I was so fat. I cried for days and faked sick for a week. Then later at 16, that same guy asked me on a date because by then I was thin, and pretty and stuff, and I told him that I still remember that, and that I literally hated him for it because words never hurt like that before, and he said "well you turned out hot, that was probably the boost you needed"
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I've already contributed to this thread once with the picture of the whale my coworkers drew depicting me =/ But I've had a bad day, and I feel better when I vent on these forums. So I'll throw in some more crap that's happened to me over the years just to get it off my chest.

    1) Age 9, homeschooled, overweight with short hair and meeting public schooled friends after school at the bus stop. A girl leans out the bus window and goes "Hey are you a boy or a girl?" and I go "Uhh a girl" , only 9 and thinking it should be obvious. Her response? "Did you say a hippopotamus???" Bus drives away with all the kids laughing at me

    2) Never picked for anything (dodgeball, three legged race etc) during youth group at church. The church youth leader usually ended up pairing me with one of the kids with disabilities. They were always very nice.

    3) Always cornered in the back hall of my old karate school by classmates who were all male and older than me. Poking my fat and saying things like "At least she has boobs" to which one of their friends would laugh and go "Boobs don't count if you're a fat***"... I was only 11 and only girl in the class

    4) Being an overweight pre-teen then an obese teen, hiding my rolls under guys clothing and usually had a short haircut. Only people (even at church) wouldn't just call me fat now, they started saying things like I was going to hell because I was "obviously a *kitten*"

    5) Having some random stranger sitting at the bar where I used to work say very loudly when I walked by "D***! Look at that huge b**** !!!"

    6) Having all my younger sisters tell me that they just prayed they "wouldn't end up like me when they were older"

    7) Having friends and coworkers I thought I was close to, tell me things like "I really really like you. I just can't do the whole fat girl thing though."

    8) Having my brother, who I've always considered my closest friend, pull a chair out for me "like a gentleman" at a birthday party with a bunch of mutual friends around... only to yell "TIMBER!!" as I sat down. None of our friends laughed or even smiled and I think he knew right away when he saw my face what he did was wrong. I got up right away, ran home crying.

    9) When the girl my ex cheated on me with sent me a text saying "I would've told you to your face what was going on but I was afraid you were going to eat me". Well I got that b**** back by facebooking her husband who was currently deployed, telling him the situation. Days later I got another text from her cursing me out and just saying psycho things because he was threatening to divorce her, she said she was going to kidnap me and throw me into a woodchipper!! All I said was "karma is a b**** , lumberjack" and that was that.

    There have been LOTS of these situations but those stick out the most. Nowadays I just remind myself that if someone is treating me sh**** that there is something wrong with THEM, not me. Normal people don't go around treating people that way.
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    Nowadays I just remind myself that if someone is treating me sh**** that there is something wrong with THEM, not me. Normal people don't go around treating people that way.

    Agreed. I've always been pretty good about not taking unkind words to heart. The flaw is with them, not me.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I was wearing a bikini top and shorts when I went to visit family and my mom asked me "Are you really going to walk around with your belly hanging out?"

    Um. My body fat is 20%. I'm a runner. There is nothing "hanging" anywhere. I don't have rock hard abs, but I definitely don't have "hanging" anything and I think I have every right to wear whatever I want out in 90 degree whether as long as my reproductive bits are covered up.

    I'm not sure if it was jealousy or what, but I never forgot just rolling my eyes and walking away.
    I hear you. I run marathons, but even at my very lightest--even if I weighed 105 pounds my family would say that--and not out of jealousy, but because its considered inappropriate to wear to a family gathering. I wouldn't dare dress like that with my grandma and older family members around--i know better than that. They would tell me to dress like a lady or that "a woman is more desirable with something left to the imagination." I don't think it's an insult, just a more conservative way of thinking, esp. If you're around family and older folks. There's a time and a place for everything and appropriate dress for every occasion (now I sound like my mother) :-)

    Nope. Agency over my own body always for one, I don't change for my conservative family members, they can walk right on out of my life if they can't handle clothing. And two, the comment was inappropriate infinitely more than my attire for the occasion was. The comment was very unlike my family, who got over dictating how my sister and I dress after we refused to surrender our gothic preferences, even though it made their "Christian" friends uncomfortable. They've adjusted to bustiers and microminis, so a bikini really isn't an offense. Also, for some reason, it was my body she disapproved of, even though I'm the only family member with a BMI in the healthy range. The icing on the cake- it was a bikini she had freaking bought for me. I just noped right on out of that room.
  • YukiAsuna
    YukiAsuna Posts: 12 Member
    Last year I sat next to a woman on the train on my way to work and she called me a "fat skunk". (No idea why.. I wasn't even sitting close to her and there was a lot of space between us). I cried all the way to work.

    One of my 5 year old students asked if I was having a baby. (Not pregnant). It was hard to explain to them that I was just fat.

    My ex (whom I was with for 7 years.. and I was overweight when we met.. we both were actually) eventually dumped me because friends he met at college teased him that he was into "those" kind of girls. He denied it was the reason but I knew it was one of the reasons. He only dated really fit and incredibly skinny girls after me.
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    My brother got home from being away for 2 years when I was 15. My mom said " isn't she cute?". His reply was " yeah, but she needs to loose about 20 pounds. I was about 165 and 5'10". He was 175 and 6'4". Freakishly skinny at the time.....
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    bump - more stories please.
  • LowCarbHighFatNat
    LowCarbHighFatNat Posts: 50 Member
    I got a 7 day pass to LAFitness Monday. Of course you have to sit and talk with a customer service rep for a few minutes. He said "I used to be chubby too....."
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    not really words but some construction guys where making pig sounds and oinking when I walked by this morning, made me crave bacon
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    'How do you stay so skinny when you eat all that ****?!'

    Doesn't sound so bad out of context, but I was having some comfort eating issues at the time because of exam stress and it made me really self-conscious of what I was eating :(