What do you usually eat for breakfast?



  • OhJen2014
    OhJen2014 Posts: 5
    My favorite is what my daughter has named the Red, White and Blueberry Parfait. It's lowfat small curd cottage cheese topped with raspberries and blueberries. Yum! It really does look like a parfait if you put it in a fancy glass. I use a bowl for breakfasts, but did serve daughter and friend in the fancy glasses, and they loved. it.

    Good for the protein in the cottage cheese. The berries are healthy fruits as well.

    It's very filling and great in summer heat.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    @ilovemypitbull a 'full fry up' is an English term for a fried breakfast (fried eggs, 3 types of meat, sweet beans, fried bread, fried hash browns, fried mushrooms ect.)

    Sweet Jesus, that sounds delicious.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Lunch. I usually eat lunch for breakfast.
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    @OhJen2014 i tried the same thing, but with plain greek yogurt. I hated it, greek yogurt taste like sour cream to me!!! ill have to try the cottage cheese version, thanks!!
  • Even though I just started, what I have been having for breakfast lately is 100 calorie greek yogurt, 2 cups black coffee, and a banana. I try and fill up on water before lunch, but its difficult for me because I just dont like water If I should get hungry before lunch, I will have a 100 calorie cereal bar...LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    On strength training days: 3 scrambled eggs, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 3-4 small tomatoes, 1 cup fruit, coffee with 1-1.5 cups milk

    Other days: 1 cup yogurt or cottage cheese or 3-4 strips of bacon or 2 boiled eggs, 1 cup of fruit, coffee with 1-1.5 cups milk. Sometimes I add in a veggie, sometimes not.
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    @ilovemypitbull a 'full fry up' is an English term for a fried breakfast (fried eggs, 3 types of meat, sweet beans, fried bread, fried hash browns, fried mushrooms ect.)

    Sweet Jesus, that sounds delicious.

    Its amazing, but it can be like 1,000 or more calories x______x
  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    I got on pinterest and found a BUNCH of WW smoothies. they are all so delicious so far!!! I have a smoothie for breakfast everyday!!! ive lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and im NOT workin out yet
  • OhJen2014
    OhJen2014 Posts: 5
    I am a teacher, so weekdays in the school year start very early I have no time to cook or prepare anything in the mornings. So twice a week (Sundays and Wednesdays) I prepare the no-cook refrigerator oatmeals (from the site: http://www.theyummylife.com/Refrigerator_Oatmeal).

    They are quick to do in a sort of assembly line fashion. Make for 3-4 days worth. Then mornings are just grab and go. I have a 30 minute meeting every morning before students arrive. I eat mine then. Got lots of questions initially. Now many people I work with make them for themselves and family.

  • JonathanLepoff
    JonathanLepoff Posts: 46 Member
    do not eat bagels they are high in calories and simple carbohydrates. A bowl of oatmeal is always a good choice as is nonfat yogurt with fruit
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    On weekdays I'll have a greek yogurt before I get to work and some digestive biscuits when I get to work. I choose not to eat a lot at home because I use public transport and if someone with a bad smell goes in and I have a full stomach... it ruins all my day; it doesn't happen a lot, but I cannot know when it will happen.
    It's easy on the go. It takes 2 minutes to eat the youghurt and the digestive biscuits are easy to store at work.

    In weekends I always choose a big fat breakfast. Eggs in some way (fried with bacon, omlette woth smoked salmon, scrambled with mushrooms, make like ouefs en cocotte style, etc.) with toast.
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    I got on pinterest and found a BUNCH of WW smoothies. they are all so delicious so far!!! I have a smoothie for breakfast everyday!!! ive lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and im NOT workin out yet

    WOW!! You go girl!!!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    do not eat bagels they are high in calories and simple carbohydrates. A bowl of oatmeal is always a good choice as is nonfat yogurt with fruit

    What if she enjoys bagels and is able to hit her calorie and nutrient needs while incorporating them into her diet?

    Would you still tell her to arbitrarily avoid them? That seems silly to me.
  • OhJen2014
    OhJen2014 Posts: 5
    Yeah, I agree. I cannot eat Greek Yogurt. I do use it in recipes, but to just have a nice bowl of it -- sorry -- no way. If you like cottage cheese overall, then definitely try it. Very filling. My husband used to eat 3 single serving cups of flavored yogurts for breakfast. He often complained that he was still hungry by 11 and lunch isn't till 1 for him. I switched him to the cottage cheese and fruit. He loves it. His favorite is with cut up chunks of cantaloupe.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I have 1/2C Oatmeal, 1/4C blueberries and 1 TSP flax seed. I usually eat lunch @ 11:30.
  • Hikr56
    Hikr56 Posts: 128 Member
    I only have coffee and water during those hours. I usually eat "breakfast" (mostly consisting of foods typically eaten at lunch) between 11:30 and 1pm depending on my hunger level. I eat 1/3 to half my calories then, maybe a light snack a couple hours later. I have another coffee around 2pm followed by dinner between 5 & 6pm. One more snack with coffee around 7 or 8pm and I call it a day. :smile:

    This is Intermittent Fasting (IF) if you're interested, and I came to doing it because I generally have never liked eating breakfast. You can search the boards for more info. I've had a lot of success eating this way.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    ...they call it Breakfast is because your breaking the fast 'break-fast' of not eating all night, its to get your metabolism running
    We, not "they".

    Correct, it is breaking the fast, has nothing to do with day or night. It's simply a breaking of a fast, for some, that means lunch is the breaking of the fast. Breakfast is not a required meal, it is 100% optional, as are other meals.

    You metabolism is always running. The whole concept of "jump starting" your metabolism is myth.
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    either cereal with fruit and almond milk or low fat yogurt with fresh fruit and hemp seeds added
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm usually NEVER hungry until the afternoon. But lately Ive been forcing at least some OJ and 2 slices of toast with butter or a bagel with cream cheese, or cereal with milk. If I wake up extra early and have a lot in the fridge I will make a full fry up which i know is bad.

    Anyone have any tips on food thats healthier or a healthier way to prepare breakfast?
    What do you eat and drink between 6am and 11am?
    And is it better to eat a full meal or just one or 2 things?

    IMO, forcing yourself to eat leads to problems later. I'm usually up well before 6 AM but my normal choice between 6 AM and 10 AM is water and coffee. Around 10 AM I have Greek yogurt with hemp hearts. Whether you eat or not is entirely a personal choice as is whether you drink anything other than water.
  • kevinuc74
    kevinuc74 Posts: 35 Member
    During the week I generally eat cottage cheese and a quaker instant oatmeal (switch up flavors) with a cup of coffee first thing when I get to work. On the weekends, I generally make scrambled eggs (3 or 4 egg whites with 1 egg) and turkey bacon. Sundays I reserve for having something else sometimes whether it's pancakes, bagel, waffles, etc.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    "Fiber One"Cereal
  • Irishsquid62
    Irishsquid62 Posts: 83 Member
    Trying to cut back on carbs. Typically two eggs fried in a little olive oil and a microwave turkey sausage patty. Quick and easy and keeps me satisfied until lunch.
  • Arle24
    Arle24 Posts: 3
    I love to have a Meal Replacement Shake in the morning, its fast and I can go drink it in the car on my way to work.
  • newyorkmo
    newyorkmo Posts: 32 Member
    during the week, i often resort to packaged preportioned breakfasts - jimmy dean d-lights sausage egg and cheese (250 cals) or similar sandwich by lean cuisine, or a breakfast quesadilla from smart ones (230 cals if I recall). on weekends i'll poach an egg and nest it in kale and chickpeas or make a one whole egg, 4 egg white omelet with a bit of graded parmesan and tons of spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes. I try to make sure breakfast is high in protein and not so much carbs so that my blood sugar doesn't spike...
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Whey Protein
    Oatmeal ( I grind it to a powder)
    Frozen Mixed Fruit

    Blend & drink on the way to work. I'm not a morning person and I've found this is the best grab and go breakfast for me.

    On the weekends , when I go for a run, I usually have a banana (if it's going to be a long run) otherwise nothing.
  • newyorkmo
    newyorkmo Posts: 32 Member
    "Fiber One"Cereal

    does that keep you full until lunch?
  • newyorkmo
    newyorkmo Posts: 32 Member
    Trying to cut back on carbs. Typically two eggs fried in a little olive oil and a microwave turkey sausage patty. Quick and easy and keeps me satisfied until lunch.

    what brand of turkey sausage patty do you use? been on the lookout for one that is lower in cals...
  • jgsimon1
    jgsimon1 Posts: 61
    I have a few standard breakfasts that I try to stick with.
    Quaker Protein Oatmeal packet (either the banana nut or cranberry almond) with 1/4 c organic milk.

    2 Low Fat Multigrain waffles with organic peanut butter and strawberry jam (this is a good one if I run short on time and need to eat in the car)

    Cheerios with Protein (either the honey oat or cinnamon almond) with 1/2 c organic milk.

    Oats and Chocolate Belvita bar

    Any of the Special K cereals are delicious with some organic or almond milk.

    sometimes with any of those options, I'll add some fresh fruit.....whatever I have available (strawberries, blueberries, bananas or raspberries)
  • Cheeseburger85
    Cheeseburger85 Posts: 63 Member
    I break my fast at about 1pm each day. I usually try to keep it around 500kcals as I don't work out until 4:30. So that being said, I often buy precooked chicken or turkey breast and make a wrap.

    I was never really hungry in the mornings but forced myself to eat big breakfasts and didn't really like it. I read up on Intermittant Fasting. I find it works for me. I am not an expert and am not offering any advice. It just works for me.

    This is the source I use:

    I hope I have added enough disclaimers above to avoid being tarred and feathered....
  • newyorkmo
    newyorkmo Posts: 32 Member
    I'm usually NEVER hungry until the afternoon. But lately Ive been forcing at least some OJ and 2 slices of toast with butter or a bagel with cream cheese, or cereal with milk. If I wake up extra early and have a lot in the fridge I will make a full fry up which i know is bad.

    Anyone have any tips on food thats healthier or a healthier way to prepare breakfast?
    What do you eat and drink between 6am and 11am?
    And is it better to eat a full meal or just one or 2 things?

    For me, the breakfast you're forcing yourself to eat (high in sugar and carbs and low in fat/proteing, except for the cream cheese) would send my blood sugar sailing and then crashing and likely cause me to be famished later. if you're deciding to to try to eat breakfast, i'd recommend toast over bagel and add cream cheese to that or add some nut butter to it to give it a bit of staying power. and an orange instead of the orange juice (then you get the fiber and other nutrition, not just the sugar).

    that said, I don't think you have to eat breakfast if you don't want to, unless you find that the addition of it helps with satiety later in the day. maybe experiment a week of breakfast and a week without and see how your hunger levels are? If they are the same with/without and you're not a fan of breakfast, why force yourself?

    good luck!