Does anyone here eat real food?

Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
I'm looking for more ideas for my lunches and dinners, BUT I only eat things that could be prepared in an ordinary kitchen using items that our ancestors would readily recognise apart from minor diversions when I go out to eat! (Ben and Jerrys!):bigsmile:


  • Sofaa1
    Sofaa1 Posts: 19
    Chicken and sweet potatoes or green beans is my favorite food for lunch and dinner !
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    My lunches mainly consist of a grilled lean protein (pork loin/chops, chicken, turkey breast), sweet potato or rice, and a steamed vegetable (broccoli, frozen stirfry mix, green beans, broccoli/cauliflower/carrot mix, etc.).

    My dinners vary widely: taco bowls, grilled protein/veggies/rice or sweet potato, hamburgers, chili dogs, fish/veggies/rice or sweet potato.
  • rachswann
    rachswann Posts: 27 Member
    I cook up a big batch of ground turkey with mushrooms, peppers & onions on Sunday. You can put that on a salad, tacos, all kinds of stuff. I also steam up a big bag of kale. Never thought I would like kale, but I actually crave it, so good!! That's real food, no fat free crap or processed junk. Could also grill up some chicken breast to have on hand. I'm all about the prep! Good luck!
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    I seem to be eating chicken most days :( Gone off it a bit. Also organic free range is very expensive and I try not to eat factory farmed anything.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I think the only reason my ancestors didn't eat Ben & Jerrys was because it hadn't been invented yet. :happy:

    I take packed lunches to work which is usually a salad with a protein item such as boiled eggs, tuna, mackerel, cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc. (If I ate meat grilled chicken, turkey or steak strips would work well too).

    I also takes snacks like Greek yoghurt, fresh berries, protein bars, etc.

    My dinners are usually along the lines of steamed fish with vegetables and sweet potatoes, omelettes, homemade curries or stews, stir frys, etc.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    You may want to check out some of the clean eating groups. This thread may not end well. I'm not a clean eater, but the recipes are often pretty amazing.
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    I looked at the "clean eating" brigade, but that's a bit too faddy for me. Our ancestors ate white bread, just not at every meal!
    So my ideal is to try to avoid overprocessed food, eat things with an ingredient list I recognise and is in season if possible.
    As I'm in the UK, some of the suggestions will be a bit transatlantic for me and the available food market here :wink:

    (Currently new potatoes are in season, sweet potatoes aren't)

    Thank you for all your input so far. Please keep it up. Friend requests also wanted if you think we can motivate each other or swap recipes
  • georgiapeach46
    Real food is the only way to go. Lean meat, portioned according to your protein allowance. Fresh veggies, some raw, some steamed. Love broccoli, spinach, collard greens, bell peppers, cucumbers,zucchini, squash, fresh tomatoes. Carbs can be portions according to allowance: rice, noodles, pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes. Don't forget about fresh fish: We eat salmon and tilapia bought fresh from Kroger. Don't like the frozen fish because no idea how old it is. Fresh tastes much better. Sprinkle a bit of Mrs. Dash and some parmesan/romano cheese on top and bake. Delicious!
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    What is Mrs Dash?
  • geckospot
    geckospot Posts: 56 Member
    Mrs Dash = salt substitute
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks. I eat salt, so salt it is!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    All of my food seems to be real. Except desserts. Pretty sure at least some of those are imaginary.
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    If dessert is imaginary does that mean we don't have to log the calories?? :laugh:
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm pretty sure my ancestors did eat ice cream, because they had milk...might have been breast milk, but it was milk... mmm nutritious ice cream... :laugh:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm looking for more ideas for my lunches and dinners, BUT I only eat things that could be prepared in an ordinary kitchen using items that our ancestors would readily recognise apart from minor diversions when I go out to eat! (Ben and Jerrys!):bigsmile:

    So you won't use any modern appliances ie stove, oven, grill etc as our ancestors wouldn't recognize them?
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    I had a lovely meal planned last night only for my other half telling me he was taking me out to the pictures! So a 3 scoop Ben and Jerry's it was then. :bigsmile: :love:
    The loss of my dinner wasn't missed!
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    An ordinary kitchen using ITEMS our ancestors would recognised. Check for sentence construction before putting typing fingers in gear :tongue:
    I still use my grandmothers saucepans!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    An ordinary kitchen using ITEMS our ancestors would recognised. Check for sentence construction before putting typing fingers in gear :tongue:
    I still use my grandmothers saucepans!

    Industrial, Commercial, or Residential construction?
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member

    So you won't use any modern appliances ie stove, oven, grill etc as our ancestors wouldn't recognize them?
    I'm sure my nan used a stove and a grill