P90X - Don't Do It



  • JeanMargaret

    Thank you so much for being honest about it. I think most people hate to speak out against programs that claim to be so awesome. I'm thankful to see that there are some people willing to tell the honest truth, in their professional opinion, about the workouts.


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    P90X is an "Extreme" Home Fitness Program that may not be for everyone, Agreed!. However there is a fitness test at the beginning of the proram to allow you to gauge.
    just a thought..in order to DO the fitness test you'd have to have already spent the money and purchased the product.:wink:
  • cynthiaaknox
    I agree partially- I've started p90x multiple times but only made it to the 5th week. I love the workouts- but I TOTALLY agree about the meal plans- they're very difficult to follow. I'm running now, but next week will try p90x again, only replacing my meal plan with tracking my meals here. They need to simplify their meals- and, I did try many of the recipes - and most of them are TERRIBLE. I like the body for life guy's recipe book- they're wonderful - almost all of them I've tried and I like them all. AND, they're really easy. I am going to use this site to track everything.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Yay, not another lemming on MFP! Props to you and thanks for having some actual background to speak about (personal training qualifications) the downside of this workout.

    Burned Insanity from my sister, glad I did. It’s so uncomfortable and burning (lungs not body) that I'm glad it cost us $30 total to share (thank you Craig's List!). I started MFP at 22% bf and BMI 21 so it’s ok to actually enjoy the elliptical or regular resistance training once and a while and not have to jump on the band wagon of something else b/c you have 30+ lbs to loose.
  • burningstar28
    I thought P90X was awesome! (that was before I gained 20lbs so I might think differently now lol)
    He does talk too much though...but other than that I thought it was just tough enough to keep me interested and if I don't want to do the whole thing I just stop or skip ahead ....I didn't like the meal plans at all, but I do think the DVDs are a good boost once or twice a week...I didn't actually pay for it though, a friend burned it for me so for free it was pretty good lol....the ab ripper dvd is my favorite...
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    P90X is an "Extreme" Home Fitness Program that may not be for everyone, Agreed!. However there is a fitness test at the beginning of the proram to allow you to gauge.
    just a thought..in order to DO the fitness test you'd have to have already spent the money and purchased the product.:wink:

    I did the fit test to Insanity, did well, better than the girl who's completed the pprogram in some spots and worse in others. Then did the first workout the next day - nothing like the fit test and you did not get that endorphin high you usually do after a great workout. You barely get to breathe again without fluid in your lungs.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    P90X is an "Extreme" Home Fitness Program that may not be for everyone, Agreed!. However there is a fitness test at the beginning of the proram to allow you to gauge.
    just a thought..in order to DO the fitness test you'd have to have already spent the money and purchased the product.:wink:

    Not true. I found the fitness test for free online and printed it out :)
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    P90X is an "Extreme" Home Fitness Program that may not be for everyone, Agreed!. However there is a fitness test at the beginning of the proram to allow you to gauge.
    just a thought..in order to DO the fitness test you'd have to have already spent the money and purchased the product.:wink:
    This isn't true. It takes about 3 seconds to find the fit test online...for free. Just FYI. (Welly, we were posting at same time!)
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    the only problem I have with Jillian Michaels- and I love her workouts- is the repetition- I want to do one move and then go on to the next move...I don't want to repeat the moves again 3 minutes later- I find myself getting bored in that respect...that's my only criticism of her though....

    I agree with you! She does circuit workouts, I get SO bored with the repetition! BUT, staring at her rock hard body while working out keeps me going in hopes to look like her someday!

    That being said, I like P90x. It was what really kick-started my weight loss, and I always felt amazing. I can't afford to go the gym, and I think this definitely pays for itself. I just ordered Insanity, and I am SO psyched to begin! To each his own, I guess!!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    P90X is an "Extreme" Home Fitness Program that may not be for everyone, Agreed!. However there is a fitness test at the beginning of the proram to allow you to gauge.
    just a thought..in order to DO the fitness test you'd have to have already spent the money and purchased the product.:wink:

    What d'ya mean? The fitness test is offered for free, even on beachbody's website:

  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I agree partially- I've started p90x multiple times but only made it to the 5th week. I love the workouts- but I TOTALLY agree about the meal plans- they're very difficult to follow. I'm running now, but next week will try p90x again, only replacing my meal plan with tracking my meals here. They need to simplify their meals- and, I did try many of the recipes - and most of them are TERRIBLE. I like the body for life guy's recipe book- they're wonderful - almost all of them I've tried and I like them all. AND, they're really easy. I am going to use this site to track everything.

    When we did our 1st round of p90x, we hadn't yet found MFP. We followed the portion approach & really found it to be pretty easy once we got it down. The benefit to that approach was realizing exactly what an actual serving looks like! :laugh: and also eating more balanced choices. But about halfway through, we found MFP & then switched to just matching up the carb/protein/fat ratios with p90x. MFP makes the nutrition part soooo easy, I agree w/you 100%. WHen we finished our 1st round, we then started really perfecting our nutrition....eating even more clean, decreasing sodium, etc. But I credit P90x with starting us on that path.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I don't think that it is impossible to do, novice or not.

    Yes, the program can be boring, but so is trudging on a treadmill or elliptical or lifting weights. It's all in your perception.
    I don't think you should say that you are a trainer and that people SHOULD NOT try P90X. Let folks choose for themselves. This program has done me a world of good and I would recommend it to anyone SERIOUS about getting in shape. It's all about commitment and mind set, and no one says the program MUST be done in the 90 days. No reason to not incorporate in another work out option to counteract potential burn out.

    If any one is thinking about trying P90X, at least try it-then decide for yourself if it is for you. LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVE HAD SUCCESS WITH THIS PROGRAM. Why not you too?
  • TulsaTim
    I am a total P90X fan but I totally agree with everything you said. This system is not for people that will get discouraged easily.

    To those that are seriously going to try this system. Find someone that does use the system successfully and have them help you revise it for your needs. (OMG I don't want to do 30 minutes of downward dog every again)

    I haven't read completely through Tony's new book yet but supposedly he has a "beginners" section. Has anyone read through this yet to see if it changes anything?
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Great topic....I've been thinking about buying it, but pause each time I think about the money. It's a huge amount of money to just try a program!

    I do use the Jillian Michaels DVD and power walk and weight train on my own. Pretty cheap investments! I am wondering though if I should move "on to" the P90X or another Beach Body program (Turbo Fire, or Insanity, etc.)? I have been on a plateau for 4 months and have recently started to gain weight....Not inches. Just pounds. I am frustrated and concerned.....

    My question is: How do you know if you're ready to move on to P90X? What sorts of questions should I be asking myself? I'm getting HR up using JM DVDs....
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm in my 4th round of P90X. When I got it, I was VERY out of shape. I chose to follow the Lean version which, IMO, is more like P90X Lite. It made me realize how much I love exercise and made me realize how strong and powerful I am to get through it once, let alone another two times! Plus, I found the nutrition guide very helpful. FINALLY, a fitness program that helped with the nutrition aspect, too.

    I have also done Insanity, ChaLean Extreme (LOVE THIS ONE as a strength program), and Turbo Fire. Insanity isn't my thing...I'll never do another full 60 days of it. You know what, though? Other people love it.

    The key is to find that one workout/program that is your SOUL workout. One that you enjoy doing every single day. For me, I despise the gym. It's not my thing. I find it boring as hell. For whatever reason, I don't feel that way about P90X, CLX or my soul workout, Turbo Fire.

    So, can we discredit it because it's hard, or difficult? I don't think so...many people have had tremendous success using the program and have found their way to a fit lifestyle.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wow IndyFit. P90X is too hard, too long and too complicated for you?

    Glad that I don't waste my money with "personal trainers".

    AMEN! Think he was talking about the WEAK of mind who have no DISCIPLINE.

    Besides, just like the comments that are always made about Beachbody coaches and their "hidden agendas" this guy has one too. If people are doing Insanity or P90X and NOT going to a personal trainers where's his business? Hmmmm...

    I started the program(s) at almost 300 lbs and am currently on a 6th round (hybrid). Have completed P90X 3x's along with 2 hybrids. Yes, the workouts can get stale if you don't tweak them but they aren't "TOO HARD" if you work at your own pace, as Tony suggests.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Great topic....I've been thinking about buying it, but pause each time I think about the money. It's a huge amount of money to just try a program!

    I do use the Jillian Michaels DVD and power walk and weight train on my own. Pretty cheap investments! I am wondering though if I should move "on to" the P90X or another Beach Body program (Turbo Fire, or Insanity, etc.)? I have been on a plateau for 4 months and have recently started to gain weight....Not inches. Just pounds. I am frustrated and concerned.....

    My question is: How do you know if you're ready to move on to P90X? What sorts of questions should I be asking myself? I'm getting HR up using JM DVDs....

    Judging from what you've said, and taking a look at your profile, it looks to me like you're an ideal candidate for P90X. You seem to be in pretty good shape, although you want to lose those last few pounds, right (or recent few pounds)? Or maybe you're wanting to tone up more, or just get stronger & fitter? That's what it'll do for you. You're gonna have no problem with the YogaX based on your pics.

    I guess I'd be asking if you are wanting to be challenged. You sound like you've been exercising for quite a while but are in need of a new challenge. That's what P90X will do for you, I think. If you're in decent shape I would not be scared of it. It's challenging but it's not over the top if you're in reasonably good shape. Heck, I've seen overweight people do it - with the adjustments that he offers of course.

    I say go for it.
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    I started P90X at about 60 or 70lbs overweight. I knew going in that it was going to be tough, but it gave me something to work towards. It made me feel proud everytime I made even the smallest accomplishments. I never got bored, I got motivated. People are right when they say that it is not primarily for losing weight, but of course it happens. I succesfully completed it and I am so proud to ell people that I am a P90X graduate! No work out is for everyone but I do think that everyone can do this. Take the time you need, take the breaks, work hard and press play. It is a great program....for me....and many others.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    P90X is an "Extreme" Home Fitness Program that may not be for everyone, Agreed!. However there is a fitness test at the beginning of the proram to allow you to gauge.
    just a thought..in order to DO the fitness test you'd have to have already spent the money and purchased the product.:wink:

    No you can go online a do the fit test before you purchase!!!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Hm. I loved p90x....