

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    I'm planning to have a happy day.....i hope you are, too......I meet a friend for a walk this morning and she's going to tell me all about the surprise mystery week to Iceland that she planned for her and her partner.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I didnt get up at 3:15 but I did get to the gym...:bigsmile:
    everyone had missed me of course,but I only worked out for 45 minutes didnt want to overdue the sciatic thing and hurt myself more..
    I ran over to walmart afterward, and I was very good,picked up a few groceries and wouldnt you know it, :explode: the one thing I needed which I bought but the lady decided to forget to put in the bag, I didnt notice until I got home..
    I will keep calling over there to tell them that I will be back this week to get my money back as I will have to run to the store closer here..
    I had an egg white scramble with multi colored peppers,mushrooms and and an oz. of smoked cheddar, 1 slice of ezekel 4.9 cinnamon raisin toast and a cup of tea. had lemon water before I went and 24 oz of water at the gym
    one of the girls at the gym, who is extraordinarely buff and in the best shape invited me to her house with a bunch of others from the gym for breakfast on sunday told her I would bring fresh fruit
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hello yogurt makers!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    did what you all said (I thought) woke up to a big bowl of slightly sour milk.... no curdling.... no yogurt:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Kim in N. Cal
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    kim- I made the yogurt in the crock pot. Heat milk on high until it reaches 180 degrees. Turn it off and let it cool to 120 degrees then add about 6 ounces of plain greek yogut. Wrapped the crock pot in thick towels and placed it in the oven (turned off) overnight. Had great results both times I made it. Will be making more when we have finished this. DH also loves it. The way I understand it, the temps are important. 180 degrees to kill off any bacteria that may be in the milk and 120 degrees to allow the culture to work. I used a thermometer set to notify me when the temps were reached. Hope this helps. I will never buy yogurt again.

    Deb A in CNY
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good Morning,

    Mimi I read Salt, Sugar, Fat too. It helped me cut down on my sugar consumption especially ice cream. It also helped me cut down on the amount of cheese I eat. Even low fat cheese is still high in fat when you read the label.

    Years ago I read a book called Emotional Genius unfortunately it is out of print. It did have some interesting ideas on how to deal with emotions. A couple of points I have found useful is she describe that depression can be cumulative. Often times a series of things are going wrong capped off by the final blow. I took from this do what f you can change the things you can to help you cope and learn to accept those things you cannot. (similar to serenity prayer)

    For anger she talk about it being a boundary issue. A person who is abusive usually has this problem as does the victim.. When they become abusive they destroy the boundaries and often feel guilty afterwards (hence the apology). Her response to this is to think what must be protected (you if the person's anger is directed at you) and what must be restored ( healthy boundaries). A person with healthy boundaries will neither be abusive or a victim.

    Saying NO is a two letter word I strongly advice using well. What part of NO do you not understand is it the N or the O?

    I grew up in a family where healthy boundaries were not taught. I have had hard life lessons in learning how to establish healthy boundaries with others.

    II also learned from her the importance of shaking things off both physically and emotionally. Physically because when you exercise lactic acids builds up in your muscles. Shaking helps release this, so to prevent cramping. Emotionally because unhealthy encounters also leave nasty things behind. I find myself shake after a particularly upsetting encounter.

    What does this all have to do with weight loss. I find the healthier I am emotionally the easier it is to keep my weight in check. It also helps me stay calmer when the tough parts of life happen. Still working on this one.

    Have a wonderful blessed day all. You are all part of helping me to stay emotionally healthy. Thank you.

    Today I will nurture relationships, so tomorrow I will be healthier.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Got caught up from where I was either Sat. or yesterday. But feeling great had the best day with grandkids could walk and play with them Not lift them but it was just a great afternoon out at he cottage. We went out with the pontoon boat. They were jumping off in the middle of the lake. They had a ball. Told hubby he needs to put a little ladder for them to be able to climb out instead of him lifting them out. I asked if they were allowed to do that and they said they did it all the time with Dad. When dad showed up. Different story little farts lied to us. Oh well all is well and they had fun.

    So what procedure or heart surgery did they do to you. This stent they put in brought back my breathing. It's amazing how far heart health has come.

    Thank you to all that remembered me. It's wonderful to know someone cares.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies - bump for later.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 446 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today I did strength training for upper body, yoga and then treadmill. I have some soreness in my knee which I had surgery on a few years ago. Funny how the aches add up, I'm not listing all of them!:grumble:

    Sylvia, I'm so sorry about your friend's loss, what a terrible thing to happen. Many hugs for her, I'm so glad you were there for her.

    Alison, Kim and Yanniejannie, abuse is abuse. I was on the receiving end of verbal abuse growing up. I was in my thirties before I faced it and realized it was wrong and I didn't deserve it. What a surprise to those family members who were the abusers. They tried so hard to control me with guilt. By putting up with them and hoping they would appreciate me for always helping them no matter what, they thought I was weak. Walking away was the best thing I ever did for myself.

    Best wishes to all for a great week.

    Cindy in OK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member

    I agree sometimes walking away is the best choice. Proud of you for being strong!

    Reminds me of the Kenny Rogers song: You got to know when to show 'em, when to hold 'em, when to walk away, when to run.
    Sometimes running is a very good thing.:heart:

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    Hello all: Hope you all will have a great week. We have a good one planned with the DGD, lots of swimming and other activities, one day at the water park. I love the wave pool. My DD has bought a fitbit and challenged me to 10,000 steps per day. I will give it my best shot but I think she has an advantage in being at work as she is storeroom manager and walking around a good deal during the day.

    Linda - Glad to see you back and that the stenting went well and you are feeling better.

    Jane - Hope the housing thing works out for you soon. The mobile home could be nice. we lived in a doublewide for a couple of years and it was quite comfortable. The only thing I disliked was the color scheme. Everything was olive green, carpet, tile, appliances, everything. I understand the new ones come with neutral floors and white walls so that you can decorate as you wish.

    I was off the prednisone but the sarcoidosis symptoms seemed to have returned so I called the doctor and he has put me on a steroid burst. I see him in August, suspect I will be on the prednisone until then.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I would love to see the sites through your eyes. It would be great to have pictures to see. :flowerforyou:

    JB: I love your garden photos, and I did find the quinoa photo. What a beauty! My son asked me if I was going to grow some, and the answer is no. I don’t have room for plants that size. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: DH enjoyed your mother in law joke, & I smiled, too. My MIL hated me for decades and found many ways to let me know it. I’d never have abused my dog that way,:noway: but I do understand the sentiment.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I like to eat fish, but don’t like to fish. I don’t want to put the bait on the hook or take the fish off of it and I don’t think it is fair to ask that of the people I’m fishing with. I’m happy to cook fish after someone else has cleaned it.:wink:

    Joyce: I’d be happy to get the teen friend along with the DGD. It gives you the time with your DGD and also a glimpse of the sorts of people who are her friends. I hope you’ll like the friend and feel like she’s a nice person.:flowerforyou:

    Linda in N. Ontario: I’m happy you’re back and happy you had a good day with the DGCs. I’m thrilled the stent you had put in has helped you so much.:flowerforyou:

    Time to start my day. I don’t have anything in particular planned other than helping my son with his boat project as needed.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Took Violet to swimming lessons,got my 60 min walk in.Yay!!
    Have a good one
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello again all,
    I just picked up some hours at the fitness center in one of the other Y's. I'm so excited about this because I want to stop working the desk and spend more time with the wellness area of the Y. This could be a great opportunity. Had to share. Plus it is extra money to put away for my vacation.

    Margaret, Thanks for sharing what you have learned. I didn’t grow up in abuse but ended up in two abusive relationships as an adult. I’ve learned a lot and agree on shaking things off, boundaries setting and how emotions are tied in with weight loss. I would love to date and find a person to share lives with but still find 20+ yrs later that I have trust issues, I think with men and with trusting my own judgment when it comes to men.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, just two hours until I get out of here.
    Patty, OH
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon! I had a wonderful morning. The kids came over and rode their bikes for a couple of hours. It was such fun to watch. The older DGD needed training wheels so hubby put some on and away she went. She was a little timid, but that's to be expected. She is 10 and has not ridden a bike before. The good news is that I had to RUN to keep up, so I got some good exercise. The middle GDG had her training wheels removed last time and was a little unsteady then, but today she was doing really, really well. The little guy was just a little rocket on his tiny bike. When his chain fell off we decided it was time to stop. So I got to enjoy them a good long while and then send them home. That is so nice!

    I got my phone and computer issues all figured out, so I'm really happy about that. It takes a few more steps now to do the same thing, but isn't that always the way it works. New technology means more work.

    OK, maybe it's just me. Sometimes these daily jokes just don't make any sense at all, and today is one of them. Can somebody explain it to me?

    Here is the joke:


    In a beauty contest among birds, the finalists believe it or not were a chicken, an ostrich and a flamingo. And soon after the show, the judges were unanimous in reaching the final choice. And guess who won? The chicken, of course! The judges admitted that both the ostrich, and flamingo legs were beautiful, but the chicken had prettier laid eggs.


    I hope you are all having a great day!

  • FLRN88
    FLRN88 Posts: 4
    Oh, Oh, I just found this board - can I join?? I am 55 (UGH) - just trying to get back some strength after being ill for a month and spending 7 days in the hospital. Need to lose about 15 pounds, but more than that, need to gain some balance and strength.

    I have a 12 year old, and two older kids - my oldest daughter is married & lives in VA (husband in the Navy) with my two grandsons. My son is single & Lives in Clearwater Beach, FL.

    Always looking for groups "my age"! Jamie
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    I'd like to join, too....newly 50 (one month ago) and back to MFP to drop the 30 pounds I gained in the last few years. My name is Marilyn; I am an at home wife and parent living in the desert southwest. I love my English Bulldog Boo Radley and SCUBA diving.

    Off to read...
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I’ve been gone for a week or so. Going to read through some of the pages to try and catch up. I love to read when I go to bed and would print them off and read them then but I’m sure I would run out of printer paper in a hurry as this group is so active! I’m not much for sitting at the computer for any length of time, I find it hard on my back and side.
    I was at a rug hooking and art show over the week end and was pleased to have someone actually show an interest in one of my rugs. I have only done rugs for myself and family. I am hoping to get back into doing some quilting this fall.
    I bought a “fitbit” last week and am playing with it this week trying to decide weather to keep it or not. I need to try to be more active and do more walking even though it hurts but they say walking helps with the pain of arthritis. My problem is one knee is bone on bone. I am on the waiting list (it’s a 2 year list and I haven’t been on it a year yet!) I called the other day to get a cortisone shot and the Dr. said I can do it but if they call you for surgery they won’t do it if you’ve had a shot, so rather than take the chance I’ll hope this flair up ends soon.
    Beautiful day here in Nova Scotia, weeded the garden this morning and having some Swiss chard with supper tonight.
    All the best to everyone.

    My July goals:

    Walk or go to the pool at least 3 times a week
    Track my foods
    Eat more vegetables
    Say every day “I will do this”

    Cathy in NS
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 446 Member
    Hello Jamie and SCUBAMomofTwo, you just joined! This is a great group. Come by often to visit.

    Cindy in OK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy Monday!!! Cloudy and dull here; showers in the area. Line dance tonight; don't think I'm going, just not in the mood so far today.

    Welcome newbies
    hang on to your hats, it moves fast around here!!! Join in, comment, make friends, and add to the discussions!!!

    Cindy.........Hats off to you for ending people taking advantage of you!!!.

    I said before that I've walked away from relationships; there are some things we have the power to change for our own emotional balance or survival and some things we need to deal with as best we can ( I admitt, I'm really NOT good with the serenity stuff. ).........for the time being anyway. I think there's sometimes confusion (and guilt) in defining what constitutes abuse and deciding just what we CAN change. I had a long time friend who would often upset me, would say the most startling things and when you would ask what the ER dr. said (for example) it would turn out she didn't go, when she had just told you about a very serious medical event............you never knew if she was going to be angry or happy when you called (and the anger came through loud and clear on the phone, nevermind that it wasn't you who made her angry to start with), had an absolute meltdown hissy fit if anyone dared to call on Saturday morning..........and refused to take the simple step to unplug the phone or turn off the ringer.......everyone on the planet was supposed to know this was "her" time. It got so old......same patterns over and over..........it was a 30+ year friendship and after the third time I reminded her that she wasn't mad at me and I didn't deserve to be on the receiving end of her anger in our phone calls..........I dropped her, just dropped her............period...........and my life is much better for it. I still get emails...........I don't open them...........phone calls occ.............I don't answer. The end.......over....finished....done. On the money aspect........ My dad, who could be crazy blunt sometimes, said to me once when I was debating a life change that would have negative financial implications........."You know, the hearse doesn't stop at the bank."

    Mimi.............Thanks for the info on 23andme; I've thought of having that done a dozen times...........your post nudges me a little closer. That's amazing B12 info!!!! Tell you dad "congratulations" on his hole in one from me; belated, I know. Wonder if SuebDew read that
    she used to drop in here and post and golfed almost every day. Hope you are feeling well today!

    Margaret............Love the litttle fairy child garden marker, just adorable! Your post this am was very wise!!!!

    jb.........OMG........12 lbs. of blueberries!!!

    Lesley...........Kudos to you for doing the maze walk with your friend and finding your peace. Our emotional balance seems more and more important to me these days. Sounds like you had a great day.

    Once again, I'm thrilled so many of you checked out (and enjoyed!!!) Straight No Chaser on youtube!

    Best to all and hi to everyone I missed!

    PS...........Bummed out about James Garner dying; really, really liked him..............
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends and Belated Happy Birthday, Katla.

    Yesterday playing tour guide for a friend who was in town just for the day was the most fun I've had in long time. Road trip along the 'Peak to Peak' scenic byway from Denver to Estes Park was spectacular, and I have been up this route many times. We made a 'pit stop' at a casino in Blackhawk, and just for grins and giggles played a slot machine, and doubled our money! Woooowhooo! Once we got to the town of Estes Park, we grabbed brunch in a restaurant overlooking the river that appears in my new profile picture. I had the fish tacos, but didn't consume the tortillas. I had hoped we see some large wildlife like elk and/or big horned sheep, but no luck there. However, we did get up close to a hummingbird staying very busy going from flower to flower. Small wildlife = Big joy.

    We had an easy and fast flight to LaGuardia today, and now that I'm unpacked and ready for work this week, I'm off to get in a walk and some yoga before dinner.

    Stay well,
    Rori from Briarcliff Manor in Westchester County, NY