pet peeves at the gym



  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    I have a pet peeve and it does affect me so don't be telling me to mind my own work out as that is what I am trying to do.

    My gym has three sections: one with treadmills etc, one with weights and another separate open section with the yoga mats skipping ropes etc. There is this one chick who for some unexplained reason likes to drag all the freaking equipment like the medicine balls, skipping ropes, yoga mats, those big *kitten* ball thingys from the section they are in to right in front of the dumbbell racks taking about about 3/4 of the length of the racks and then proceeds to do a cardio circuit. It makes it difficult to get to some of the dumbbells as her skipping rope is flying all over the place plus the fact that her little set up takes up as much space as about four or five benches. I haven't said anything yet but I am getting to my breaking point. The fact is there is a WHOLE other empty section where all this crap actually lives where she could do this without getting in the way. Why the **** is she bringing all that crap over to the weight section???. I can't understand her logic unless she wants to look at herself in the mirror, which she can't do half the time as she is on the floor being obscured by the dumbbell racks or she just wants dudes or girls or whatever to notice her. It ****s me off to no end and considering there is a designated section for that **** I don't get what the hell she is thinking. I would go talk to the trainers but there aren't any there at that time of the morning. It has happened every time I have been at the gym this week and I feel it is entirely inconsiderate to everyone else trying to lift weights.
    Also, I hate it when people don't rer-ack their weights. That is bull****.

    Guilty as charged. But hey, my PT was the one that taught me to pull together a few things in one area for a mini circuit. And right now I am in the middle of Shortcut to Shred from, which has me in the weight area or on a weight machine replacing my rest periods with intense cardio, doing it with little to no breaks.. I have to skip rope for a few of them. I am very aware I might be annoying and hate it, but I'm on a mission. It is only a 6 week program so I'll get off their nerves soon. I also try to go at the times the least people are there.
    Sorry. :ohwell:

    For OP, the old re-rack the weights. The other day I was in the middle of the non-stop workout and had to re-rack each and every machine I used. UGGGG!! :angry: It messed up my flow and timing. And one more for those lying around on the cardio machines, if you can't hold your own body up on a cardio machine you are using it wrong! Slow it down until you can stand up for yourself and work up to the speed where you can handle it. You look ridiculous and get zero benefit from taking 50% of your weight off your work.
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    omg!! Cyborg, you have me crying!! :laugh:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    1) Not wiping your butt sweat off when you're done with a machine. I've wiped an especially sweaty looking seat once because the girl that had just gotten off didn't and..................apparently she was on her period.

    I just threw up in my mouth.

    Just like a lot of other folks here, folks not re-racking their weights really grind my gears.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    People who complain about grunting or noisy deadlifts
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in the "re-rack your weights" club.

    I find it hilarious, because there's always folks who squat 1 plate and leave it up there. I don't do compound lifts at the moment (damn bum knee from running), but I keep an eye on the squat racks and if someone hasn't been back in there using that plate for the last ten-fifteen minutes, I'll walk on over and - in all of my 5'0" of tiny Asian chick glory - take those plates off and re-rack them. If you can squat it, you can sure as hell re-rack it. Keep my squat rack clean, you muppets.

    I also clean the entire TRX room after I'm done using it - taking down the dip-bar-apparatus-thingy and the platform apparatus and rolling away the tires and stacking the jumping boxes. What's with how messy early morning fitness classes are in the Y, anyways? Doesn't "respect the facility" also mean "clean up after yourself"? It's nice for me, though - gives me something to do during my rests between exercise sets.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    People who complain about grunting or noisy deadlifts

  • caribear1984
    caribear1984 Posts: 203
    I'm in the "re-rack your weights" club.

    I find it hilarious, because there's always folks who squat 1 plate and leave it up there. I don't do compound lifts at the moment (damn bum knee from running), but I keep an eye on the squat racks and if someone hasn't been back in there using that plate for the last ten-fifteen minutes, I'll walk on over and - in all of my 5'0" of tiny Asian chick glory - take those plates off and re-rack them. If you can squat it, you can sure as hell re-rack it. Keep my squat rack clean, you muppets.

    I also clean the entire TRX room after I'm done using it - taking down the dip-bar-apparatus-thingy and the platform apparatus and rolling away the tires and stacking the jumping boxes. What's with how messy early morning fitness classes are in the Y, anyways? Doesn't "respect the facility" also mean "clean up after yourself"? It's nice for me, though - gives me something to do during my rests between exercise sets.

    Thank you for cleaning up after the inconsiderate people. I clean at a YMCA, and sometimes it is hard to get into a certain area to clean it.

    I also have the pleasure of unloading all the bars and machines in the weight room, and I have considered putting up signs that say "If you're strong enough to lift it, you are strong enough to put it back. Sincerely, the cleaning lady."
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    This one girl was walking around naked in the locker room and then used a hair blow dryer to dry off her pubes! and then she sat down and picked/dug at her toenails. disgusting. THE GYM IS NOT YOUR HOME

    OMG - that is SO gross
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    Men they make noises like dinosaurs when they benchpress.

  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member

    Guilty as charged. But hey, my PT was the one that taught me to pull together a few things in one area for a mini circuit. And right now I am in the middle of Shortcut to Shred from, which has me in the weight area or on a weight machine replacing my rest periods with intense cardio, doing it with little to no breaks.. I have to skip rope for a few of them. I am very aware I might be annoying and hate it, but I'm on a mission. It is only a 6 week program so I'll get off their nerves soon. I also try to go at the times the least people are there.
    Sorry. :ohwell:

    For OP, the old re-rack the weights. The other day I was in the middle of the non-stop workout and had to re-rack each and every machine I used. UGGGG!! :angry: It messed up my flow and timing. And one more for those lying around on the cardio machines, if you can't hold your own body up on a cardio machine you are using it wrong! Slow it down until you can stand up for yourself and work up to the speed where you can handle it. You look ridiculous and get zero benefit from taking 50% of your weight off your work.
    Thing is she doesn't use any of the weight machines. It is so perplexing. She was in this morning but I was gone before she got off the treadmill.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Men they make noises like dinosaurs when they benchpress.


    I'm totally going to make dino noises at the gym today.


    What's that noise? A velociraptor on arms day!
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Okay this is embarrassing but I feel goofy wiping down the machines as I doubt I have ever dripped a drop of sweat in my life. I get a sheen of sweat but no dripping drops - obviously not working hard enough.
    You wipe not just for sweat clean-up but because germs are gross and have no place living on an elliptical handle. It's etiquette.
  • JaimieAG
    JaimieAG Posts: 48
    People who use the equipment as park benches.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    The people who jack up the incline on the treadmill and then hang on for dear life.

    Actually, I happen to find that not so much a pet peeve as incredibly hilarious.
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    Ran into that one woman who likes to spend more time on her phone than actually working out. She sat on one weight machine texting away for over 10 minutes (I know because she was on there for my entire warmup) and then she went to another machine for almost 30 minutes. I know that because that's how long I had to use the other machines before she moved so that I could use it. I should have said something, but I knew she'd eventually meander off to another machine. When I left, she was still texting away on one of the treadmills.