Here are some of my tips!



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I wish it would flush lead.

    Damned indoor ranges.

    Personally, I'd like one for mercury.

    Didn't you know?
    Green tea flushes that.
    Because Japan.
    Because sushi.

    Run little Tuna, run.

    Worry not, the tuna will be gone soon enough anyways, and JOF, as a female of reproductive age, I have exactly ZERO sympathy for your tuna eating plight. :grumble:
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I am in, and seriously - this time I'd like to get through ALL the comments before it gets locked. I'm usually about 1/2 way through, click "next" and bounce out to the main menu because it's been shut down. Bah
    Open every page in a new window.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Just as an aside, what would you recommend to someone who has never eaten sushi before? Not a fan of shrimps or prawns, never tried crab, have no problem with smoked salmon and other cooked fish.

    The field is yours.

    I'd recommending that person take a look at the textures they like. Sushi is a very textured experience.
    Smoked salmon has made it into sushi.

    Personally, I'm not a fan of oily fish, so I avoid some of the fishier things like mackerel. Here's some things I would suggest to someone to try it:
    Nigiri - this is the piece of food on vinegared rice.
    Maguro - it's tuna, fairly good beef tartare like texture.
    Octopus - it's cooked, chewy, taste
    Tamago - it's a lightly sweetened omelet
    Inari - fried sweetened tofu pockets filled with rice
    salmon - because 'murica
    hokkigai - steamed surf clam, it's delicious and a good chewy texture
    tai - it's red snapper, lighter textured, and generally dressed with a little citrus vinegar, it's delicious

    Some things I avoid due to texture for new folks:
    uni - sea urchin roe, scallop

    Rolls -
    kappa maki - seaweed + rice + cucumber
    tekka maki - seaweed + rice + tuna
    godzilla - or some variant name, it's a rollow that's dipped in tempura batter and fried
    california roll - because why not?

    most restaurant rolls seem to be a variant of a dressed up california roll, so go from there. I'd avoid eel of any type though, personal preference, but I don't find it very good, texturally or taste wise.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Personal favorite:

    Sashimi Escolar, also called super white tuna. It is NOT actually tuna, and um.... well.... I wouldn't eat a huge serving of it. I've never personally had an issue, but there have been stories.

    But anyways, still my absolute favorite served extremely cold.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    HAHAHAHAHA. Just read about it.

    Generally, if I don't know the traditional japanese name for a piece of fish being used in sushi, I won't eat it. That also helps me avoid a fish I see cropping up everywhere.

    Tilapia. Sweet, a fresh water, farmed, trash fish as sushi? Good thing freshwater fish don't carry parasites that are zoonotic.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Seriously, it has the creamiest most buttery flavor and texture of any fish I've every tried, because it's packed full of indigestible lipids.... yea, don't care still eat it.

    I haven't tried tilapia as a sushi before, it's my go to fish for fish tacos and most other recipes where I want a light flaky white fish since I usually avoid cod etc. but I'll have to see if I can spot it next time I'm out.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So...anyone hit MFP Bingo yet?
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    So...anyone hit MFP Bingo yet?

    Not yet. No rage quit.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So...anyone hit MFP Bingo yet?

    Not yet. No rage quit.

    That one girl who was putting up bad studies sort of rage quit (at least the thread..supposedly). That might count, right? Unless she comes back then that covers the flounceButNotReally square.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This thread makes me think of:

    How does one have a Joined Date of 2011 and be 19 yrs old in 2014? Is there a way to keep changing your birthdate in your profile, and if so.....are they dedicated enough to keep up with it?

    Oh....where is the bingo sheet at again?
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    Good to know about Green Tea/Ginger Tea... I will have to try it.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    So...anyone hit MFP Bingo yet?

    Not yet. No rage quit.

    That one girl who was putting up bad studies sort of rage quit (at least the thread..supposedly). That might count, right? Unless she comes back then that covers the flounceButNotReally square.

    It was the second thread of the night that she said that too. (well for me it was night time anyway)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    How does one have a Joined Date of 2011 and be 19 yrs old in 2014? Is there a way to keep changing your birthdate in your profile,

    You can change it under settings and update diet profile.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Good to know about Green Tea/Ginger Tea... I will have to try it.

  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    Unfortunately OP, a lot of the "tips" you've given don't hold up very well to peer reviewed clinical study. I've done this for 30 years and in the beginning I followed a lot of what you posted........................................till I really found out it's mostly myth and anecdotal.
    While nutrition does matter, for weight loss it's going to be about calorie in/out (CICO). [/b]

    OP, :noway: I will be nice and go with the above answer.
  • changelife13
    changelife13 Posts: 15 Member
    Pre planning my meals and making them ahead. I have finally realized this is ESSENTIAL for me! When I come home from work..if I don't have my food ready to go...Forget About It!
  • pythonesk
    pythonesk Posts: 20 Member
    Here's another myth: drink tons of water

    Total hogwash. All it does is water down your intercellular fluids - sometimes dangerously.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Ooooooh! Water is bad! Eating is bad! Food is bad! Working out is bad!

    Wrong! You're doing it wrong! All of you are doing it wrong!

    This is not how any of this works!

    (Did I summarize this thread well?)
This discussion has been closed.