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Need very strict friends : 1200-1300 calories a day



  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    You can totally lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks with daily exercise and diet. People on here bashing this are trolls, overweight, or don't even have real pics. I lost 25 pounds last year in 2 months so it is possible. I wouldn't recomen staying at that calorie level once you lose the weight though. Try uping it a little when you make your goal and weigh yourself daily to see what's the right amount of cals you need to maintain.

    I haven't seen anyone on here "bashing" her goal. Either way, it doesn't make their opinion any less valid. There's ALOT of people on here who have lost alot of weight who will give you the same answer. Yes, some people may be able to do it. But for most people, losing a little bit of weight (10-20lbs) too fast will usually be gained back, plus some. And that's based on experience from alot of people. I'm having no problem losing about 2lbs a week because I have a lot to lose, but I know that the closer I get to my goal, the slower it will come off.
  • chrs86
    chrs86 Posts: 151 Member
    You can totally lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks with daily exercise and diet. People on here bashing this are trolls, overweight, or don't even have real pics. I lost 25 pounds last year in 2 months so it is possible. I wouldn't recomen staying at that calorie level once you lose the weight though. Try uping it a little when you make your goal and weigh yourself daily to see what's the right amount of cals you need to maintain.

    I haven't seen anyone on here "bashing" her goal. Either way, it doesn't make their opinion any less valid. There's ALOT of people on here who have lost alot of weight who will give you the same answer. Yes, some people may be able to do it. But for most people, losing a little bit of weight (10-20lbs) too fast will usually be gained back, plus some. And that's based on experience from alot of people. I'm having no problem losing about 2lbs a week because I have a lot to lose, but I know that the closer I get to my goal, the slower it will come off.

    I understand
  • mw49429
    mw49429 Posts: 5
    I'm using a goal of 1200 calories a day. It's totally doable. Esp if you're doing some form of exercising daily or every other day. I like to run about 2 miles every other morning and then on the weekends I up the anty by taking a nice long hike or something like that, that's a great way to offset anything I've eaten. I make myself salads for lunch, although I must admit, taking 10 minutes to chop my own mushrooms, cucumber, avacado etc is kind of annoying and takes up my lunch break time, but 200-400 calories for a nice big salad with egg and dried,sweetened cranberries... even adding some strawberries or blueberries to give some nice sweetness to it, totally worth it. I don't eat a lot of unk food either, but I def love my cheese, but I just have to keep in check how much cheese I eat... Drinking lots of water helps with hunger feeling too..

    Don't listen to these other people, 1200 is average and you're only 22, you can do it!
  • wannabetrim2
    wannabetrim2 Posts: 7 Member
    Me too! Please add me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I have been on a 1000 calorie a day for almost 2 years.
    I am not on a diet, that is my new life style.
    Your goal is very do-able!
    I say go for it!

    Says anyone with an eating disorder....

    No. So much no.

    She's 62 years old. Give her a break. If it works for her, then let her do it. No reason to bash it.
  • I think this is doable but I also think 132 pounds for someone 5'8 is too thin, my opinion. I am 5'8 and was wearing a size 7/8 at 150 pounds which was thin enough. I wish I could make it back there but don't want to be pencil thin. Especially as we age, it just makes you look older. I try to stick to 1200 calories a day but it very difficult especially when you add in drinks, like coffee with creamer. I find 1400-1500 is more attainable. With exercise it will work.
  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member

    LOL...that's pretty much every forum, where everyone likes to argue about the right and wrong way to do things.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I've lost 40 pounds so far ( going from 165 to almost 125 pounds now) doing 1,100 to 1,300 calories a day. It doesn't work for everyone, but it has worked for me. Good luck!

    No one is saying it will not "work" for anyone - actually 1100 calories will "work" for almost anyone to lose weight (assuming they can stick to it). What they are saying is that it is a bad idea.

    Basically, you just trained your body to be able to survive on ~1200 calories a day (whereas before, it was probably able to survive - and not gain or lose - on more like 2000 calories a day). In order to accomplish that, your body very likely got rid of a lot of that pesky calorie burning muscle (because it knew there were not going to be enough calories coming in to sustain it, so much more effective to burn off the muscle than fat, which is "cheap" and requires fewer calories to sustain).

    It also likely drained some of your energy (food=calories=energy). So eventually, if not already, you will be more tired than you used to (which you will probably attribute to aging or lack of sleep or life circumstances instead of lack of food).

    The problem is that you have now made your body SO efficient, it does not need more calories. So if/when you go back to eating, say, 1500 calories (which before would have made you LOSE weight slowly since you were burning 2000), it will now think "Hey - thats 300 more than I need... lets hang on to that for future use since we dont know if she will eat tomorrow either!". And you will actually GAIN weight on the same number of calories you used to lose it at.

    Congratulations - you lowered your BMR! That is why everyone says "can you eat like that forever?" because basically you will have to in order to maintain the loss. You can raise it some over time, with adding muscle etc, but it will take longer than you think and more than likely you will slowly gain weight (i.e. fat) and end up back where you started. Only now, you have a lower BMR and traded some muscle for fat, so you will likely be a larger size than you were at the same weight before, and you will have an even harder time losing weight the next time. (YO-YO dieting is really bad for this reason! Losing weight once or twice in your lifetime is very different from losing the same 20-100 pounds over and over).

    So yes, 1200 calories "works" for almost everyone. But it is a pretty bad idea for the long haul. 2-3 months is all it takes to lower your BMR. You may look decent for this coming event or holiday, but the following ones will be the same thing over and over but harder every time.

    A much better idea? Calculate the TDEE of someone who is your gender, height, and activity level but who weighs your goal weight. If/when you ever make it to goal, that is the number of calories you should be able to eat in order to maintain that weight. Start eating a little less every week until you get down to that number (a little lower wont hurt for short times). Then, when you hit your goal weight (which you will, slowly), there is absolutely nothing to change - you are already eating at maintenance. Recalculate this every now and then as you lose weight because with all that extra energy (from FOOD) and losing weight making you feel better, you will be more active. So your maintenance calories at goal may get higher than you initially calculated if your activity level is higher than it is now.

    Train your body to use the food you give it for fuel. Dont train it to hunker down and become all efficient...
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I'm around that range but I do eat back exercise calories so it does go over sometimes. In not that strict on myself though; it doesn't matter how much, as long as I'm on a deficit is my kinda philosophy. You can add me if you want; I eat mostly whole foods. Mostly. :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I have been on a 1000 calorie a day for almost 2 years.
    I am not on a diet, that is my new life style.
    Your goal is very do-able!
    I say go for it!

    Says anyone with an eating disorder....

    No. So much no.

    She's 62 years old. Give her a break. If it works for her, then let her do it. No reason to bash it.

    Yesterday that poster consumed 4 grams of protein. Her muscles, including her vital organs, must be wasting by the day if her diary is accurate.
  • mswoodsy
    mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
    Hi! Our stats are very close, except I started in June at 151LBS, and my time goal is much longer. People are getting confused on here. YES your (our) goal is doable, nobody has denied that! However, what people are trying to tell you is that as a result you may become skinnier but not fit and healthy! If this is what you desire, go for it! Make sure you get lots of protein for that muscle repair! And, if you aren't already, consider adding strength training to your cardio! More muscle, faster metabolism, more (healthy) weight loss!
  • rescue804
    rescue804 Posts: 8
    I would love for you to add me. I need the inspiration! Thank you.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    You can totally lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks with daily exercise and diet. People on here bashing this are trolls, overweight, or don't even have real pics. I lost 25 pounds last year in 2 months so it is possible. I wouldn't recomen staying at that calorie level once you lose the weight though. Try uping it a little when you make your goal and weigh yourself daily to see what's the right amount of cals you need to maintain.

    I haven't seen anyone on here "bashing" her goal. Either way, it doesn't make their opinion any less valid. There's ALOT of people on here who have lost alot of weight who will give you the same answer. Yes, some people may be able to do it. But for most people, losing a little bit of weight (10-20lbs) too fast will usually be gained back, plus some. And that's based on experience from alot of people. I'm having no problem losing about 2lbs a week because I have a lot to lose, but I know that the closer I get to my goal, the slower it will come off.

    I understand that it would be harder the bigger you are and the more weight you have to lose. If your relatively in shape with 20-30lbs to lose it's different. Also as you lose weight your body can function and maintain at a lower calorie level. Good luck.

    I think you have that backwards. But don't pay attention to me, I'm just an overweight troll with no real pics or ticker.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    OP, yes your goal is attainable.
    Is it going to be hard? Yes.
    Are you going to be hungry? Yes.
    Will you have the urge to binge? Yes.

    But it can be done.

    People are only bashing on this because they want you to lose weight AND maintain that weight loss. Not gain it all back like most of us on here have done before. It's easy to say that you will maintain it, but it's harder than you think once you get there. With a smaller loss a week (like .5-1lb) you will be able to maintain it a lot easier.

    You're more than welcome to add me for support, but I will not hold you accountable for anything. That's all up to you.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I think you have that backwards. But don't pay attention to me, I'm just an overweight troll with no real pics or ticker.

  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    I've lost 40 pounds so far ( going from 165 to almost 125 pounds now) doing 1,100 to 1,300 calories a day. It doesn't work for everyone, but it has worked for me. Good luck!

    Basically, you just trained your body to be able to survive on ~1200 calories a day (whereas before, it was probably able to survive - and not gain or lose - on more like 2000 calories a day). In order to accomplish that, your body very likely got rid of a lot of that pesky calorie burning muscle (because it knew there were not going to be enough calories coming in to sustain it, so much more effective to burn off the muscle than fat, which is "cheap" and requires fewer calories to sustain).

    The problem is that you have now made your body SO efficient, it does not need more calories. So if/when you go back to eating, say, 1500 calories (which before would have made you LOSE weight slowly since you were burning 2000), it will now think "Hey - thats 300 more than I need... lets hang on to that for future use since we dont know if she will eat tomorrow either!". And you will actually GAIN weight on the same number of calories you used to lose it at.

    Her body, or anyone elses for that matter, will not THINK anything. We gain weight if/when we eat above our maintenance. If she sticks to that, she will be just fine. Learn more and then preach.
  • chrs86
    chrs86 Posts: 151 Member
    So I checked this TDEE stuff .
  • KandGRanch
    KandGRanch Posts: 131 Member
    Sounds like a plan! Add me!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    So I checked this TDEE stuff and it's saying 2983 calories per day. That's insane! What, I'm suppose to eat ten pounds of lard a day to reach that level? Even if I workout everyday I would hardly lose any weight and just gain muscle. So the minute I stop working out all that muscle turns to fat right. I was eating at that level without exercise and gained 30lbs so that TDEE is bull.

    Muscle cannot turn into fat.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I've lost 40 pounds so far ( going from 165 to almost 125 pounds now) doing 1,100 to 1,300 calories a day. It doesn't work for everyone, but it has worked for me. Good luck!

    Basically, you just trained your body to be able to survive on ~1200 calories a day (whereas before, it was probably able to survive - and not gain or lose - on more like 2000 calories a day). In order to accomplish that, your body very likely got rid of a lot of that pesky calorie burning muscle (because it knew there were not going to be enough calories coming in to sustain it, so much more effective to burn off the muscle than fat, which is "cheap" and requires fewer calories to sustain).

    The problem is that you have now made your body SO efficient, it does not need more calories. So if/when you go back to eating, say, 1500 calories (which before would have made you LOSE weight slowly since you were burning 2000), it will now think "Hey - thats 300 more than I need... lets hang on to that for future use since we dont know if she will eat tomorrow either!". And you will actually GAIN weight on the same number of calories you used to lose it at.

    Her body, or anyone elses for that matter, will not THINK anything. We gain weight if/when we eat above our maintenance. If she sticks to that, she will be just fine. Learn more and then preach.

    Wow, creative license, I didnt *literally* mean her body THINKS. Geez! Seriously?

    The entire point of the post, if you actually read it through, was that her MAINTENANCE would be lower than it would be if she lost it more slowly. Yes, eating above maintenance is the cause of weight gain - never said otherwise. I said her BMR would be lower, therefore her maintenance would be lower.