Need very strict friends : 1200-1300 calories a day



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    "Full of nutritions" should have ended this thread, I'm sorry.

    OP, I wish you luck in your weight loss endeavors. And we'll still be here to give you pointers when you realize that sustainability truly is the key factor.

    P.S. I'm also glad that eating more wholesome food has lead to improving your acne issues. That's awesome!

    Well said.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    i dont know why people say this isnt realistic i,5.8 and started at 135 pounds and generally loose 1pound every 4-5 days and now im about 130ish,

    Because you're losing muscle, meaning that you'll end up lighter on the scale but look flabby. Weight loss isn't just fat, especially when you are eating as little as you are and getting as little protein as you do. Please check out the sexypants thread and consider a 0.5 lb per week loss with some strength training. That would lead to smaller measurements (clothing) and a tighter look to your body, even if the scale weight is higher than what you were aiming for. When you have little to lose, it's generally better to focus on your "goal body" than a "goal weight."

    This times 100. I haven't been able to work out as much because of an injury and I'm still losing weight, but I don't feel well and I know I'm losing muscle.

    Throw the timeline out. It puts too much stress on you when the scale doesn't reflect your hard work. Last week and ran and walked and I felt so good. I weighed and I was up 4 pounds. You can't trust the scale, I knew I hadn't gained any weight and it was most likely water. Now this week I have had to stay off my ankle and the weight fell right off.

    I started just like you and put stress on me that was not needed. Trust the system that works.
  • Lyndonbearsmommy
    Lyndonbearsmommy Posts: 1,083 Member
    I respect your opinion, just dont share it.

    Best comment i have seen in the forums for a long time... and thats even with the excuses for not having sex thread still going strong!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    the excuses for not having sex thread still going strong!

    Where do I find this thread? ;)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    <biting back dirty joke>
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    i would consider a more realistic goal that is less likely to end in failure and bingeing... but thats just me!

    I think its pretty realistic goal!!! if you think about it 10 weeks is 2 1/2 months... and its less than 10 lbs a month and about 1 3/4 lbs a week

    its not unrealistic its actually doable!!

    good luck!! you can do it!!

    wow - The maths fails on the forum recently have been epic.

    She wants to lose 20lbs in 10 weeks - that is 2lbs a week. converting to months then back to weeks doesn't actually magically lower the goal per week. :noway:

    And it is not realistic - if she does do it she will have lose a high % of muscle as well as some fat - lowering her BMR. And when she puts some weight back on - it will be ALL fat, then she will repeat - and each time she'll lose more muscle.

    This is why yo-yo diets are so bad for you.

    She's be better off aiming for a body fat % rather than weight as she is already at a healthy weight. Aiming for 1/2lb per week and doing some strength training to help retain her LBM so she'll look amazing at her chosen %

    But hey, if you want to encourage someone to do something that will more than likely result in failure then be my guest. :noway:

    The rest of us will still be here posting links and trying to help people lose the healthy way - lose fat not muscle and not starve themselves to get there. :flowerforyou:

    Wouldn't it be great if it were a requirement for these "I need to lose X pounds by Y date - who is with me!" threads that everyone who signed up for them had to come back and report their results, with open diaries and honest logging? Wouldn't it also be great if those people who found the goal too restrictive and unsustainable had the humility to admit this to those people who tried to give them advice and help along the way?

    I am sure there will be people signing up for this who will be successful, particularly those with more weight to lose, and undoubtedly many of the people trying to restrict to 1200 calories will lose some weight if they adhere to that. I just wish that those who do struggle with it, who find it unsustainable or have negative outcomes, would own up to it on this particular thread, so that people who think these "quick fix" methods are a good idea may think twice. Because all the people here currently giving dissenting opinions are automatically labeled as trolls.

    Couldn't agree more.

    But don't forget the fact that we're all jealous as well :laugh:
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I was consuming roughly 2800cals a day when I first started and working out 4 days a week. About 2 weeks ago after only losing 4 pounds I decided to get serious and started walking to the gym and going everyday. So now I'm around 3-4 pound loss per week. And if you didn't notice I joined last year and lost 25lbs in 2 months so I know how to lose weight trolls.

    well when you lose the other 26 on your ticker, come back and let us know!

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    do you think he's now editing his ticker!?

    His diary is hidden now.

    Good on you Chris :drinker: If more folks kept their diaries closed there wouldn't be near as much bashing on the forums!
  • yelusa
    yelusa Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in
  • I honestly didnt read the comments from page 3 on, cos I cant believe how much you wrote while I had my workout :D

    Despite the somewhat unfriendly comments in the beginning, I appreciate you guys for the invested time in this thread!

    Sorry if I didnt add anyone, I just received so much requests that I can barely handle it.

    You can still add me if you want. :)

    I think the thread achieved its purpose. :) I am happy I found so much people willing to support me.

    Wish you all determination and willpower for sticking to the calorie limits. :)

    Make more love and squats or both, write less *****y comments <3
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Couldn't agree more.

    But don't forget the fact that we're all jealous as well :laugh:

    You're just guilty of not giving validation when that's all that was really wanted.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Wish you all determination and willpower for sticking to the calorie limits. :)

    Do remember to report back on your success, initially, and a few months after you're done. ;)
  • Wish you all determination and willpower for sticking to the calorie limits. :)

    Do remember to report back on your success, initially, and a few months after you're done. ;)

    I will :)
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Wish you all determination and willpower for sticking to the calorie limits. :)

    Do remember to report back on your success, initially, and a few months after you're done. ;)

    I will :)


    If you do it in this thread we'll see when you bump it :bigsmile:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I was consuming roughly 2800cals a day when I first started and working out 4 days a week. About 2 weeks ago after only losing 4 pounds I decided to get serious and started walking to the gym and going everyday. So now I'm around 3-4 pound loss per week. And if you didn't notice I joined last year and lost 25lbs in 2 months so I know how to lose weight trolls.

    well when you lose the other 26 on your ticker, come back and let us know!

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    do you think he's now editing his ticker!?

    His diary is hidden now.

    Good on you Chris :drinker: If more folks kept their diaries closed there wouldn't be near as much bashing on the forums!

    Yes it true. Us haterz and jealous types wouldn't be able to point out that someone may not be giving the best of advice because they are only eating 500cals a day.

    Of course when your diary is hidden I wonder what you are hiding. :laugh:
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    To the girl above: I dont know if my post was the best, all I know is that I wanted to show you I dont want to go into some cheap discussions. I really appreciate every opinion, even if it is different from mine. Just dont want to turn the thread into a discussion board how something is unrealistic. I prefer to actually do it, even if I actually fail.

    Some comments sound a bit hater-y. :)

    As for my binge problem: no, it was due to a bad break up. I broke up with my boyfriend. :)


    P.S. Excuse me, English is not my native language, so I guess I make a lot of mistakes :D
    To be perfectly honest, your English is not the problem.. Your defensive tone--( "I respect your opinion....just don't share it") bordering on condescension to well meaning and well thought out advice however, is.
  • SarahDD2235
    SarahDD2235 Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone can add me as well! I need the motivation! :) 1400 calories a day here ;)
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I was consuming roughly 2800cals a day when I first started and working out 4 days a week. About 2 weeks ago after only losing 4 pounds I decided to get serious and started walking to the gym and going everyday. So now I'm around 3-4 pound loss per week. And if you didn't notice I joined last year and lost 25lbs in 2 months so I know how to lose weight trolls.

    well when you lose the other 26 on your ticker, come back and let us know!

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    do you think he's now editing his ticker!?

    His diary is hidden now.

    Good on you Chris :drinker: If more folks kept their diaries closed there wouldn't be near as much bashing on the forums!

    Yes it true. Us haterz and jealous types wouldn't be able to point out that someone may not be giving the best of advice because they are only eating 500cals a day.

    Of course when your diary is hidden I wonder what you are hiding. :laugh:

    Have you ever considered just for one moment that just because a diary is closed does not mean the person is hiding something? Twice on this thread, folks who were not the OP who only made comments were attacked for their diaries. What they choose to eat and how much is not yours or anyone else's business UNLESS they ask for help. They did not ask for any help so their diaries should not have been up for discussion. End of...
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I was consuming roughly 2800cals a day when I first started and working out 4 days a week. About 2 weeks ago after only losing 4 pounds I decided to get serious and started walking to the gym and going everyday. So now I'm around 3-4 pound loss per week. And if you didn't notice I joined last year and lost 25lbs in 2 months so I know how to lose weight trolls.

    well when you lose the other 26 on your ticker, come back and let us know!

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    do you think he's now editing his ticker!?

    His diary is hidden now.

    Good on you Chris :drinker: If more folks kept their diaries closed there wouldn't be near as much bashing on the forums!

    Yes it true. Us haterz and jealous types wouldn't be able to point out that someone may not be giving the best of advice because they are only eating 500cals a day.

    Of course when your diary is hidden I wonder what you are hiding. :laugh:

    Have you ever considered just for one moment that just because a diary is closed does not mean the person is hiding something? Twice on this thread, folks who were not the OP who only made comments were attacked for their diaries. What they choose to eat and how much is not yours or anyone else's business UNLESS they ask for help. They did not ask for any help so their diaries should not have been up for discussion. End of...

    Ohhhhhh you said end of, does that mean I don't get to comment now?

    Both people said the target calories were fine - both people are severely restricting their calories. I think that is pretty relevant to the discussion.

    And yeah - normally it is because people are hiding something.


    since you're the diary police I'll stop... Oh... no... wait. :laugh: :noway: :laugh:
  • I'm 1200 a day too, will add you all :)
  • Well I'll add SOME of you guys, if that's what this post is still about?!