The Zumba Crew - January

iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey friends :) A while back I started a thread for Zumba lovers to get together and chit chat, and I thought that I might as well start it back up since the chatter about Zumba has really been picking up with the new video game and dvds.

SO - If you love Zumba, or want to know more about it, this is the place to ask questions and chat about what you like or don't like about Zumba!

Feel free to introduce yourself and make some more mfp friends with a common interest! ~Em


  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    My name is Krystle! I love Zumba! I have the DVDs and have going at it for about 2 weeks now. I am definitely thinking about becoming a Zumba instructor once I get to my goal weight. My favorite DVD so far is the Sculpt and Tone...going home to do that and Cardio Party tonight!

    Its the one form of exercise that I enjoy doing and it doesn't even feel like I am working out! So excited about this new journey and looking forward to having a smaller waistline and having some fun doing it!
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I am getting ready to head out to Zumba right now. I absolutely love it and the instructor is a good friend of mine.
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    Hi I'm Amy and I looooooooove Zumba! :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I had one class and liked it so much I signed up for 10 more. :)

    I was going to go tonight, but my Zumba-girls aren't going. That's ok. I needed a light exercise day anyway. We'll go later in the week.
  • Hello!
    I'm Mallory & I'm a Zumbaholic.

    I started in July & I'm OBSESSED! I absolutely hate when I have to miss classes for any reason.
    I just got the video game & it's amazing as well!

    I can't even express my love for this exercise! :heart:
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Hi, I am Stacy, and I am a Zumba-freak. I just posted a blog about giving up Zumba for a while, due to time constraints, though I will most likely get the Wii version in the next few weeks, classes at the dance studio are out for a while. Some things are changing in my life so that I may not have to work full-time anymore, and if it works like I plan, I will get cert'd to teach Zumba. I will be back in classes in March, I don't know about April yet.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Justg started zumba wii today,goes alittle fast ,will take some time to get the steps but will stick to it .:bigsmile:
  • lanie13
    lanie13 Posts: 55
    I <3 Zumba!
  • Zumba is the most fun excercise ever! I have been taking classes for 6 months and have just ordered the dvd set - I am totally addicted!
  • I love Zumba. I finally found it for the WII and use it everyday. I let a couple of girls at work borrow it and now they are hooked too. It's a great workout.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I started the Zumba DVDs before Christmas and I really like it...
    Its a fun work out. My favourite DVD is the LIVE one I love how the audience reacts...they are having a blast
    I love the idea of this group....

    Question: I do not have a HRM so I've been logging the Cardio DVD with the same calories as Aerobics General and the Scuplt DVD under weight lifting ...but for 40 mins it tells me I'm only burning around 175...which I seem too what do you guys use to log the Sculpt DVD???
  • Hi! I just got Zumba Fitness for the Wii! I posted the below post this morning but it is already far down on the list! Thought I would try again on here!! Thanks in advance for any input! :) ....

    I was hoping to see if I could get feedback from anyone that may have Wii Zumba Fitness and that tracks their calories burned with a HRM??
    I realize that everyone would burn differently and would depend on difficulty level and how hard each person is working out but I would appreciate any input so I could get the best guess for me!!
    I would appreciate ANY feedback!

    Thanks again!
  • I'm a Zumba nut too! I started last summer and am totally addicted. I go to class twice a week, but also have the DVD's and just got the Wii game. I haven't tried the game yet, but the kiddos don't have school tomorrow so I'll get my chance then.

    = )

  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Just started Zumba on the WII myself it is a little difficult learning the steps and I often feel all clumsy while doing it, but I love it!
  • Octomonkey
    Octomonkey Posts: 72 Member
    I've heard of people talk about zumba but I have no idea what it is. Feel like I'm missing out :P Is it some kind of dance exercise?
  • I just found classes around her for $7 a class...gonna try it out soon!!!
  • HI!!! I love love loooove Zumba!!!! I got my roomie to participate as well and so far she likes it. in 45 min of cardio party I burn anywhere from 500-700 calories depending on how much energy I put into it to peak my heart rate. Its an awesome workout and I love how I feel like Im in a salsa club!!
  • diamond419
    diamond419 Posts: 23 Member
    I totally LOVE doesn't even feel like exercise.. I feel like I'm dancing and having a blast...Then later, I feel the effects!! LOL... Best program in the world!
  • I do Love ZUMBA... It is so much fun and a great work out. Is there anyway we can add ZUMBA work outs to the exercise list? I have been doing ZUMBA for eight days and I can already tell a big difference!!!!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    We just bought the Wii game and played it for the first time on Saturday. I wasn't impressed with the "training" aspect as it seemed to have a glitch and jumped what I'm sure were some important steps, but the routines themselves were very fun and were a real workout for both me and my husband. We are very uncoordinated and have zero rhythm, so we must look really stupid, but we're moving around, getting our hearts pumping and after three times are starting to get the routines. I wish that they were a little longer (we're really winded after the 20 minutes but I feel like we should go longer to maximize the raised heart rates).

    If we didn't look so ridiculous, I'd be looking for Zumba classes in Toronto!
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