Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I had a horrible week all around. TOM for me was this week and I only went to the gym twice. Then as far as food goes, I was good one day and bad the next. Never went over my calories, but definitely wasn't eating right. I had gone up in my weight too - from 169 to 171.5 pounds. But yesterday, I got up and checked the scale and I was, and still am, at 168. Last month I went up four pounds and then came back down. This time I only went up 2.5lbs. and then ended up losing a pound somewhere. Go figure.

    I go back to the gym tomorrow. Haven't been since Wednesday. I know it's going to hurt. Oh well, I'll be back on track by the end of the week so it's all good.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Good luck with getting back on track! We can keep each other strong as we face tomorrow...let's stay within those calories and burn a bunch during exercise!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I am new to this site. I just joined yesterday. I have about 150 lbs to lose and then some but I am starting with that.
    I am starting at 297 and would like to at least get to 150. I would love to make that by sept of 2009 but I am sure that is pushing it. We have a big Disney trip planned and 8 days there I need to be in shape. LOL I am so glad for this thread. The one thing that I really need the help with are my sodas. I am so addicted to pepsi and dr pepper. I did really good yesterday and only drink one 16 oz bottle. OF course that is considered 2 servings. OH and I love wendys spicy chicken sandwiches..... Gonna have to stay away from there. I would eat those all the time if I could. SOrry to just go on and on. Im a stay at home and live on the top of a mountain.... Dont see many people unless I go to town which usually means Walmart because there isnt many other places to go lol.

  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    I am new to this site. I just joined yesterday. I have about 150 lbs to lose and then some but I am starting with that.
    I am starting at 297 and would like to at least get to 150. I would love to make that by sept of 2009 but I am sure that is pushing it. We have a big Disney trip planned and 8 days there I need to be in shape. LOL I am so glad for this thread. The one thing that I really need the help with are my sodas. I am so addicted to pepsi and dr pepper. I did really good yesterday and only drink one 16 oz bottle. OF course that is considered 2 servings. OH and I love wendys spicy chicken sandwiches..... Gonna have to stay away from there. I would eat those all the time if I could. SOrry to just go on and on. Im a stay at home and live on the top of a mountain.... Dont see many people unless I go to town which usually means Walmart because there isnt many other places to go lol.


    Welcome Connie,
    May I make a suggestion on your soda's change from regular to diet then slowly take yourself off of those. I was a 15 year Diet coke drinker and I just went from diet cokes to tea with splenda. It tastes sweet and I get my caffine too. I started at 263 and I am trying to get to 165 and see what I look like there then I am going to maybe go to 155. I know where you are. I have been there and I am losing from there. I was a size 24 and now I am a 16 I am very happy. The people here are great and we will all help you on your jouney.

    Okay my check in
    okay I did not have such a great weekend as far as eating goes ( well okay i was up to some of my old habbits) I went to a cook out at my friends house and then I went out on a date lastnight and well he took me for mexican food and that is my weakness. I went over my calories but I am notfeeling to guilty about it I just start over today. I have not even come close to a scale today. I am too scared. but i did have a great date it was a first date and those are always awkward but this one was great we had so much fun. He was a perfect gentleman.
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    Christy, where are you??!! I'm usually just a lurker here (as I also have 50+ pounds to lose) and have loved your enthusiasm and support for those struggling. I noticed you haven't posted since late July - I hope you are well and feeling good! Good thoughts going out to you, thanks for all you've done in this thread, hope you post up again soon!

    Be well.....Mike :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • anniec
    anniec Posts: 23
    :frown: Just checking in for the week-end and before the hurricane hits. We live in SW Fl so say a prayer for us, I remember charlie. Anyhow I'm not doing real good, I haven't really been exercising at all and not loging my food. I think I'm within my limit but it's hard to know without keeping track. I hope all of you are doing well, I know the week-ends are hard but hang in there. Love to all and be blessed, Connie

    Quote for the day

    "The thing always happens that you believe in, and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
    ~Frank Lloyd Wright

    Hi Connie.

    Please hang in there and take care. I will say some prayers for you and your family.

    I haven't been around for awhile bc I went waaaaaaaaaay off the wagon. I'm so disappointed in myself. I had 2 good weeks. And I've been embarassed to post on the site bc I screwed up. Ugh! Have to really try to get back on track. Just so down. I know, baby steps. Keep on keepin' on and eventually the food will get under control.

    God Bless you and yours with safety in the coming days. When you can, please let us know how you are doing.

    Keep on, keepin' on!! :flowerforyou: <hugs>
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey everyone, its nice to see all of the new people and Christy you need to come back, we miss you.

    My week has been crazy, i had a terriable tootyh ache and thats all I focused one, I have not been over in calories but I have been eating crap so I need to get back. My tootyh is good now, I went in friday, no medical insurance though so that was a fun (LOL, JK) day. Gotta love throwing money away $1200, crazy ****, anyways hope everyone is doing while.

    I have slowed down due to the start of saggy skin, I figure I will give my body a little while to check up, I would rather be where I was then skinny with saggy skin everywhere. I was losing about 2.5 - 3 a week though I am going to go for 1 lb a week for a while and let everything tighten up a bit.

    Oh my boyfriend was so sweet today, we went to a BBQ this weekend with my dad and his new wife and their friends anyways his friend had a little thing that tracked her steps, I still dont know what they are called and I was talking to her about it and how I really want to get one that dose calories too but have not had the time to reserch them or the money to want to buy one and I really did not want a watch one, anyways I get home from work today and he researched them and went and bought me the best one he could afford and flowers, thats so sweet.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Just checking in on this 'lovely' Tuesday! Just wondering how's everyone doing. Sucks here, can't get my motivation to exercise:sad: What do you do to get it kickin? Oh, and welcome to all those new around here, not been here too long myself but, LOVE IT!

  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Sara when you figure out how to get motivated will you pleaseeeee tell me. I have had a bad weekend for the last two weeks on my eating and NO EXERCISE. I want to get motivated. I may have gained some weight I will not even look at the scale right now. I have lost 3/4 of an inch but I really don't know if that is real or not but I will take it. I put on my daughters size 14 jeans last night but they are stretch denim and I was happy last night but I have got to get out of this rutt i am in. I have been hanging around friends and they are telling me it is okay to eat what you want every once in a while (2 weeks in a row) i have gone to their house for cook outs. And then I had a date last night and the night before and he took me out for mexican food Sunday night and then BBQ last night and a movie and then he bought popcorn OMG i have been eating terrible.

    HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!
  • Hello all! i like this topic and plan to keep up with it. Best wishes to all of you!
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've been absent from this forum for a bit. Business travel keeps me busy and also presents me with a little bit of a challenge to stay on my plan. I have a long history of eating poorly on the road and..... old habits are hard to overcome.

    I am keeping at it and hope you all can find some strength when you need it. I know that I always the same for myself.

  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Hi all! :flowerforyou: You are reading the words of a truly super sized man! I need to loose 60 lbs, and have been here for about 3 weeks so far. I lost 3 lbs into the second week, but this week only lost 1/4 lb? Anyways, my pants are decidedly feeling looser, wooo hooo! :happy:
    But yeah, us Big Dawgs, have a bit of a different journey than some of the wonderful people that don't have quite so much girth (and such) around the name-your-least=favorite-body-part. :drinker:

    Oh, on a side note, from a newbie here, one thing I do to keep me motivated is to keep my Food Diary up on my screen ALL day long! I'm a geek, and do quite a bit of business via the web, so each and every time I jiggle the mouse, I see how many calories I have burned, and how many I need to consume. It REALLY REALLY helps me to plan my day with regards to both exercise, and eating.
  • dee1
    dee1 Posts: 9
    I'm in!!! 120 to go! will it ever happen?
  • net60
    net60 Posts: 5
    thank you......i have never thought of it that way.....i to have a lto to lose..looking at the big picture i get from now on it is "just for today"
  • Hey Christy!

    Sounds great! I've been having a problem the past few days with late night binging. It's like I'll be all ready for bed and just want a taste of something and lose control and undo my whole day's progress!

    HW: 230
    CW: 179
    GW: 135
    2nd GW: 115
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Hello everyone,
    It is thursday and I am checking in. I am not changing my ticker till next Thursday, That is when I weigh in with my DR. but if I am correct I have lost 3 puonds this week but I am not holding my breath on that one I have been eating out alot. I am very happy I met a great guy and we have been dating BUT he takes me out to these great restraunts and well I want to eat the good stuff. WEll I have told him that I can't continue to eat bad like this so he has invited me to his house for dinner and he would cook :love: that is awesome. I am ready to have a man cook for me:smile: Antway he said he would cook something healthy so I would not feel so bad.

    Good LUck to every one.

  • Hey Christy!

    Sounds great! I've been having a problem the past few days with late night binging. It's like I'll be all ready for bed and just want a taste of something and lose control and undo my whole day's progress!

    HW: 230
    CW: 179
    GW: 135
    2nd GW: 115

    I go through the same thing a lot! or sometimes i just want to stuff my face and not stop! I usually don't ruin my WHOLE day, but im over my calories it's just not as bad as it was before. I'm working on finding a way to get over it :X
  • Hi All! I'm new to the forum, just signed up this week, but I have about 103 lbs to loose to get to my goal weight of 165. I'm so glad this support group is here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! :flowerforyou:
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Hi All! I'm new to the forum, just signed up this week, but I have about 103 lbs to loose to get to my goal weight of 165. I'm so glad this support group is here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to our group you can do it just look at my before and during pics and you can see that it is possible and I know if i can do it ANY ONE can. I have been big my entire life and now i want to look better for me!!!

    I know you can do it and we are all here for you.

  • zoepane
    zoepane Posts: 209
    :tongue: I'm in need to lose over 100...Zoe
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