Female Endomorphs - Before and After Pics (And Tips?)



  • maryv83
    maryv83 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm so glad I stumbled across this thread. Who knew that my body type was so common? I'm short (5'0) with really wide hips and waist than my stomach. It's so awkward when I gain weight because it all goes to my waist and hips, but my waist is always small. I'm also pretty top heavy, so when I gain even 10 pounds, it looks like 20.

    Per doctor's orders, I have completely cut out grains and processed sugar. I still eat fruit, but only in the morning or afternoon after I eaten something with heavy protein. Cutting the grains has helped tremendously - no more brain fog, sleepiness at 2pm at work and I actually have energy to exercise. Doc says I'm not gluten intolerant, but I know that when I eat it, I feel it almost immediately, so we both agreed I needed to stop eating it. I'm also hypoglycemic, and with that... no more sugary sweets/foods.

    My best advice is limit the carby grain type foods - breads, pasta, rice, etc. They are bloat friendly, not weight loss friendly. If you have to eat them, stick with whole grain options. Feel free to add me. I would love to have more friends that are experiencing the same journey as me.
  • I'm an Endomorph with an hourglass shape. I'm just starting, so definitely no after pics to post, but this thread has been really helpful.
    I often play with my food choices & ways to help my body along. Two things I've found that consistently work: Drinking unfiltered apple cider vinegar before a meal (3T max, but as little as 2t helps - just drink it straight & get it over with) helps me slow waaaay down on the carbs; and drinking warm (or hot - your preference) water with at least 1T of raw honey first thing in the morning helps me eat less all day. (fresh squeezed lemon juice optional, but quite helpful).
    I can see the difference in my skin, my energy levels, and how many carbs I can 'tolerate'. ACV makes the biggest difference for me. If I drink it for 2 or 3 days at least twice a day, then cookies & other sugary delights don't agree with me at all & actually taste 'yucky' after the 2nd or 3rd bite. I'm definitely starting back on the ACV first thing tomorrow.

    Wish me luck!
  • amazinglyjae
    amazinglyjae Posts: 49 Member
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    This is my update post.. as of today, I am 20lbs lighter and have hit my goal of 20lbs. Best advice = start out small!

    Started Jan 1, Day 171 is today

    JANUARY 2013 ME:
    181.5LBS / 32% BF / SIZE 13 US/CAN
    33" Waist
    39" Hips
    39" Navel
    23.5" Thighs
    121.8 lbs of Lean Mass
    59.2 lbs of Fat

    CURRENT ME (6/20/2013):
    161LBS / 19.7% BF / SIZE 6 US/CAN
    28" Waist
    34" Hips
    32.5" Navel
    21" Thighs
    129.3 lbs of Lean Mass
    31.7 lbs of Fat


    Wow! Amazing job! :heart: Just curious, how tall are you? :)

    Thanks so much!

    I'm 5' 6"

    I guessed you'd be about my height, and I'm 5'7''
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member

    heres pictures of my back before and afters
    Wow! You look awesome! (: Good job!!
    I look quite a bit like you in your "before" photos. Hope I can look as healthy as you someday soon!

    thank you :) and believe it or not most of that is toning! some 5 pound dumbells and jillian michaels did the trick

    Even your eyebrows have shaped up!
  • I too just recently discovered the different body types and what it "means" to be an endomorph. It explains so many reasons why I have never beed able to budge the layer of fat off of my hips and thighs... no matter if I was riding my bike 150 miles/week or calorie restricting!!!
    I have been eating primal since the end of November... and I don't miss anything... except maybe the occasional pancake. It's so funny... all the years I spent eating 1200 low-fat carb heavy calories a day.... gross!!
    I am 43; 5'5 and 120lbs.. but its a fluffy 120... I have a very small frame. My calorie goals are 1640. I've had 4 babies... yikes.
    My macros are set to:
    I feel really good eating this way.
    I exercise in some way every day, weight train 3 days/HIIT cardio 3 days/ final day hike or walk at moderate intensity.
    I am entering my 7th week of continuous working out and am just starting to see some change in my body and strength. I have not dropped or gained a pound. I am not looking to lose weight, but to shed that squishy layer and build some muscle.
    If anyone wants to share meal tips, etc... please message me!
  • Fatlorenzo
    Fatlorenzo Posts: 101 Member
    Anybody else think they have this body type, and like to be friends? I'm on my weight loss journey, and would love to have more friends
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I haven't been logging food as much as I should be. I am also trying to pay more attention to when I'm actually hungry and not eating out of boredom. Yesterday I wasn't hungry at all but felt that I would just die if I didn't eat something. I knew I wasn't hungry, I wasn't tired or sluggish. Just felt like I HAD to have something to eat. I need to break that feeling.

    Weather is warming up finally!!

    Linny - my waist is slightly bigger than your and hips are the same. I'm hoping for some kind of movement down in the next couple weeks.

    Keep a water bottle with you all the time. I bought one that I can stand taking everywhere with me and isn't much fuss to drink out of. That's helped a lot.

    I have lots of trouble hitting the protein macro. I at least try to get at least 50% of the way there every day.

    I take protein shakes, for I have been advised to eat 70-100g of protein a day. I'm less bloated, and feel a lot more energetic. My carbs, follow naturally. Usually, 180-200g a day.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • BUMPING! :)

    Thank God I found this message board about ENDOMORPHS! I am a true Endo…I am apple shaped, stores fat easily, gain muscles fairly, big-boned and pretty strong :) I started my fitness journey in Summer 2007 and was able to successfully lose 50 lbs, dropped from size 12 to size 4 in 4 years. Slowly but surely…NO SHORTCUTS.

    My lowest weight was 133lbs/Size4/18% Body Fat in 2011.
    My lifestyle was:
    =working out 5-6x/week (sometimes 2x/day)
    =lifting heavy 2x; 1x moderate weight
    =cardio kickboxing 2x/week
    =HIITs 3-4x/week
    =walking almost everyday with our dogs (30mins-1hour)
    =eating 90% clean at 1,800 calories/day

    Come 2012, I was:
    = working out 3-4x/week (mostly lifting)
    =lifting heavy 2x; 1x moderate weight
    =HIITs 2-3x
    =Stayed active everyday.
    =Eating 90% clean. No more tracking of calories/ macros (FREEDOM!!!)
    I was 155lbs/Size 6…but loving my curves and toned body :D


    Come 2013-2014
    =still lifted 2x/week heavy + 1x/body pump
    =1x/week HIITs
    =2-3days/week walking with dogs.
    Still active and moving BUT started eating 80% clean, more cheats here and there. I ate a bite-sized chocolate, 1-2 pcs a day too…went back to that BAD and addictive habit. I ate more calories (even healthy food) than I should so I started gaining fat. I am pretty strong. I have developed great traps and stronger abs (though cuts aren't visible)

    BUT I look bigger with the muscles gained PLUS fats gained :/

    I want to stay STRONG but want to lean out a bit. I don't really have an ideal weight or dress size but I have an ideal LOOK. I know that losing 20lbs will make a big difference in the way I look, how I carry myself (carrying excess fats isn't fun) and I know losing that fat will make my muscles SHINE :D I want to see cuts!!!

    I want to end being an ENDOMORPH---I want to be an ANIMORPH :D So I am planning my meals and will be increasing my activity everyday. I will log my food and eat 1600cal on non-lifting days and 1800-2000cal on lifting days. Will make sure I nail the macros!!! No rush nor overnight success. I want to be able to deadlift 235lbs and bench 115-135lbs by end of the year!!! I CAN DO THIS :)


    Thanks for posting your stories, progress and insights <3

  • MiraKy
    MiraKy Posts: 3 Member
    Another diet plan for endomorph females


    They don't tell anything new but still being interesting
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    Another diet plan for endomorph females

    link deleted spam

    They don't tell anything new but still being interesting

    Spam reported, this member is posting the same link in each of their posts.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Another diet plan for endomorph females

    Edited to remove link

    They don't tell anything new but still being interesting

    Spam reported, this member is posting the same link in each of their posts.

    I reported her too. Just a tip - when you report a post, they might get deleted, but your quote won't, so edit your post to get rid of their link, that way it doesn't live on in your quote :wink:
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    Thanks, I had deleted the link in the others...but had forgotten about this one
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Thanks, I had deleted the link in the others...but had forgotten about this one

    LOL, i just had to edit my post, as I ironically didn't delete the link!
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
  • nubiennelady
    nubiennelady Posts: 14 Member
    I second the recommendation to try the Whole30 program. It has helped me identify which foods I'm sensitive too and which make me bloat and struggle to lose weight: grains, and too much dairy (I can have about 1 ounce of full fat cheese per day). The first week is rough because you are weaning your body off of processed sugar, dairy, grains and legumes (I have mild sensitivity...okay, they just make me fart). Once you do a round, you should reintroduce and assess how your body reacts to certain foods. I get headaches from grains (even whole grains).

    I am the slowest loser and in one round of Whole 30, I lost 7 pounds and 2" from my waist. I backslid over the Christmas holiday and my belly got big again (up 2" + 1"). I'm finishing a round of Whole30 now and I'm down 1.5" in less than 30 days.
  • nubiennelady
    nubiennelady Posts: 14 Member
    Whole30 Round One Results (7lbs lost and 2" from my waist in 30 days)

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Just a quick clarification: somatotype descriptions are a myth. People definitely have different genetics and shapes, but somatotyping doesn't hold up under whether one overfeeds or underfeeds. Eat over TDEE consistently you get overweight. Eat under consistently you lose weight or just stay skinny.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    bump only because at the moment I'm too tired to read and reply.
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