Any c25k newbies?



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    And you will never know if you keep talking yourself out of it. What do you lose by doing W1D1? You miss 30 mins of your life. JDI
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    Yesterday I had my first set back and I'm really disappointed. I am on my fifth week of C25K. I repeated week 3 so I am currently on week 4. We also went on vacation this weekend through Wednesday. I was really proud of myself because on Monday (while on vacation!!) I did the W4D1 workout on the treadmill in the hotel fitness room. Unfortunately, the day I should have done W4D2 was Wednesday, the day we spent driving home from the vacation. I could have gotten up early and done the workout in the hotel, but I was really hoping to run outside at the park that evening when I got home. But then my husband decided we needed to swing by his mother's apartment on the way home and that ate into our drive time. By the time we got home it was almost 8pm and I had to do laundry so I could get up at 5:30 the next morning and go to work. :-(

    So anyway, yesterday (Thursday) when I got home from work I tried to do the W4D2 workout. I did not succeed. I did the first run (3 minutes) fine but then by the time I got to the second run (5 minutes) my calves were really hurting. I tried to push through it. I even stopped and stretched out my calves. But it didn't help. After only 2.5 minutes into the second run I had to stop and walk the rest of the way. Actually I was limping the rest of the way because my left calf hurt so bad.

    I basically did more of a walking workout than a walk/run workout. I stretched really well afterward. I'm a little stiff today but it isn't hurting like it did last night. I have plans tonight so I won't be running, but I plan to get up Saturday morning and try again. I'm really thinking about pausing with W4D1 again and then repeating week 4 next week.

    I don't know if it was because of the extra rest day due to vacation, the fact that I didn't stretch my calves beforehand, because I'd only drunk four cups of water during the day, or that it was pretty hot outside, but something made yesterday much more difficult than usual. I usually really enjoy the workout, but yesterday i thought I was going to die!
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Yesterday I had my first set back and I'm really disappointed. I am on my fifth week of C25K. I repeated week 3 so I am currently on week 4. We also went on vacation this weekend through Wednesday. I was really proud of myself because on Monday (while on vacation!!) I did the W4D1 workout on the treadmill in the hotel fitness room. Unfortunately, the day I should have done W4D2 was Wednesday, the day we spent driving home from the vacation. I could have gotten up early and done the workout in the hotel, but I was really hoping to run outside at the park that evening when I got home. But then my husband decided we needed to swing by his mother's apartment on the way home and that ate into our drive time. By the time we got home it was almost 8pm and I had to do laundry so I could get up at 5:30 the next morning and go to work. :-(

    So anyway, yesterday (Thursday) when I got home from work I tried to do the W4D2 workout. I did not succeed. I did the first run (3 minutes) fine but then by the time I got to the second run (5 minutes) my calves were really hurting. I tried to push through it. I even stopped and stretched out my calves. But it didn't help. After only 2.5 minutes into the second run I had to stop and walk the rest of the way. Actually I was limping the rest of the way because my left calf hurt so bad.

    I basically did more of a walking workout than a walk/run workout. I stretched really well afterward. I'm a little stiff today but it isn't hurting like it did last night. I have plans tonight so I won't be running, but I plan to get up Saturday morning and try again. I'm really thinking about pausing with W4D1 again and then repeating week 4 next week.

    I don't know if it was because of the extra rest day due to vacation, the fact that I didn't stretch my calves beforehand, because I'd only drunk four cups of water during the day, or that it was pretty hot outside, but something made yesterday much more difficult than usual. I usually really enjoy the workout, but yesterday i thought I was going to die!

    That sucks. They say you should never stretch before your runs only after. Do you normally stretch before? That may be the root of your problem. Missing 1 day shouldn't hurt your progress that much. I know I suffer more in the heat but it's usually a breathing thing. Do you have a foam roller to stretch out the calf and shin muscles good? It's worth a try also. I know I had a few runs where my calves seemed really tight but I luckily managed to persevere through. I'd say try that day again and see how it goes, but I wouldn't go backwards after you have worked so hard to get this far :) Let us know how it goes!!
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Finished week 7 day 2 today!! Yay, was a long week of recovery after I strained my *kitten* muscle, but things seem to be settling back into place. The beginning was tough but mind over matter and I pushed through and got to the cool down before I thought I would. I try to use landmarks around me to decipher. I thought I'd have to run to the corner or slightly around it but it was over before then. (Victory dance) Glad to be back at it hitting the streets. I missed running this week!
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    That sucks. They say you should never stretch before your runs only after. Do you normally stretch before? That may be the root of your problem.

    No I don't usually stretch before the run because I've heard that you shouldn't stretch beforehand either. But these calves were like bricks. I have had tight calves before, but the last couple of previous runs I did some ankle rolls and some wall calf stretches before I left my house and it seemed to help. (I have a job where I sit at a desk all day.)

    I don't have a roller (I've thought about getting one). But I do a lot of stretches afterward and that usually takes care of it. It is *during* the run that is my problem. I'm hoping yesterday was just a fluke and tomorrow I'll be back on track.
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    Just did my first 10 min continuous run today. It went better than I expected. I am learning that the further I get into the C25K the more the effort transitions from a physical one to a mental one. Today my body was fine with it; my brain kept questioning my sanity.

    Next friday is the intimidating 20 minute run for me. Must find way to distract my brain from it.
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Just did my first 10 min continuous run today. It went better than I expected. I am learning that the further I get into the C25K the more the effort transitions from a physical one to a mental one. Today my body was fine with it; my brain kept questioning my sanity.

    Next friday is the intimidating 20 minute run for me. Must find way to distract my brain from it.

    It's amazing right? Mind over matter! Re the week 5 day 3: YOU CAN DO IT!! I find getting lost in my music can help it go by. I started singing to the songs and before you know it, the time is gone! I also find once I start having the mind bend start, I stare at the road I'm running on instead of ahead of me and it seems to go better. But every runner is different :happy:
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    Yes; its very interesting. The primal part of the brain is saying; "hey; nobody is chasing us and we are not chasing food; stop this insane running" while the higher level functions of the brain are saying "there is a reason for this effort; just deal with it". Its actually a fascinating thing to think about.
  • plipsurt
    plipsurt Posts: 185 Member
    Hi, had to abandon ship for now due to a stress fracture in my foot :( Good luck to you all!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi, had to abandon ship for now due to a stress fracture in my foot :( Good luck to you all!

    Hi you have sympathy, I have had injuries in the past which have had an impact on my athletic pastimes and it frankly sucks. At least when it mends it will be stronger

    Good luck
  • sjeffr
    sjeffr Posts: 33 Member
    I just finished week 6 day 1 yesterday. After completing the dreaded 20 minute run on week 5 day 3 I feel ready to do anything! Well at least for now, until I look ahead at week 7 probably. lol Seriously though, I was so nervous about that 20 minute run, I even thought about it the night before when I was going to sleep. I was so amazed and shocked that I was able to get through it. This plan really does work. It's like everything just clicks at the right time and what you think is the impossible becomes possible!

    Anyway, good luck to everyone! I'm glad I found this thread, I dont know anyone IRL who is doing the program so it's nice to hear from other folks who are in the same boat.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Honestly once you have done the 20 minute run, my personal belief is that the rest is relatively simple. The big issue for me on the 20 minuter was my mind not my body.
  • lisahm777
    lisahm777 Posts: 12
    I did week 5 day 3 today . . . and I really did it!! I was very nervous going into it because the furthest I had ever run consecutively was 1 mile (on Sunday). So I started off planning to just do my best. After I had been running about 15 minutes I told myself that I could quit at 20 since the instructions said 2 miles or 20 minutes. When I hit 20 minutes, I was at about 1 3/4 miles so I made myself continue. It took me 23 minutes, but I did run 2 miles.
  • Cynical_Kat
    Cynical_Kat Posts: 4 Member
    I've just started week 2, after repeating week 1 a few times. Feel free to add me, always looking for other like minded people to encourage/chat. :smile:
  • Ashleighxtine
    Starting this tomorrow after my best friend told me about it. Very nervous. Trying to make sure I get out of bed and not just hit the snooze!!! Always looking for more friends to help keep inspired. :)
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    Just finished W1D1! Got a side stitch almost right away so I know I've got a lot of work to do... I can do this. :)
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Just finished W1D1! Got a side stitch almost right away so I know I've got a lot of work to do... I can do this. :)

    If you get cramps, puff them out kinda like the breathing techniques they teach you for labour if that makes sense.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    WOW! So much amazing progress here!

    I completed Week 8 Day 1 last night and was very proud of myself, a full 28-min run is something I've NEVER done in my life and unknowingly I did the first 15 mins or so @ a .8 incline, guess I hit a wrong button, but oh well!

    That being said I noticed someone gets tight calves during a run - I stretch them before, along with my thighs, it's the only thing that keeps me from hurting myself during the runs.

    Keep up the good work everyone! You are doing Amazing!
  • OldSportOldsport
    OldSportOldsport Posts: 275 Member
    I'm just starting - on the third day of week 1 today. I'm doing it on the treadmill instead of outside, setting it as 3.2km/h for the walk bit and 5.6km/h for the run bit. Are these okay speeds or too slow? (I should mention that my legs are kind of short and the 5.6 actually feels like a run to me - I sweat a lot during it).
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm just starting - on the third day of week 1 today. I'm doing it on the treadmill instead of outside, setting it as 3.2km/h for the walk bit and 5.6km/h for the run bit. Are these okay speeds or too slow? (I should mention that my legs are kind of short and the 5.6 actually feels like a run to me - I sweat a lot during it).

    How do you feel whilst doing it? On the run phase you should be able to hold a conversation, if not you are going too fast. You can always go faster if you feel it is too slow bearing in mind the above comment. However I found that running outside meant that I listened to my body, the first 4 weeks I did on a treadmill (aircon broke, I went outside, no intention of running inside again at the moment). I went slower outside when I was not dialed in to a pace on the dreadmill. YMMV. Most of all enjoy it.