The Zumba Crew - January



  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    I wanted to make a little note about those of you who feel that Zumba wouldn't work for you because you have 'two left feet' or no coordination. Guess what?! It doesn't matter! What is really important is that you keep your body moving and your heart rate up! No one is there to judge you or to tell you that you did it wrong, and really to be honest, everyone else is so busy looking at their own self or feet that no one is even watching you.

    The more classes you attend the more comfortable you get with the moves, and until you get the hang of how the moves work you can just march in place or do jumping jacks or whatever to keep your heart rate up. If you feel uncomfortable going to a class, try to get your hands on the dvds, use youtube or one of the games so that you can get an idea of what the moves are like.

    Try it, you'll like it!

    I've been checking for the Zumba on Wii. My lovely husband has said he will buy me the Wii and the Zumba game. I'm looking forward to giving it a go.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Certified Zumbaholic here! I used to go to class five days a week but then $$ got in tight and I had to stop going to the gym. Boo! One of my instructors really wants me to get certified. So, if I achieve my goal in a set amount of time, I'm actually going to look into trying to go to Miami and get into a certification class with Beto! Michelle (the instruction I mentioned) and her husband attended Beto's certification class in Miami.
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    I purchased Zumba for the Wii yesterday and let me say i am absolutely in LOVE with it! No other game system workout has made me sweat and feel as great as I did yesterday. I am excited to do it again and even thinking about joining a class! I'm a new found Zumbaholic!
  • jenblwr
    jenblwr Posts: 53
    Add me to the list of Zumba lovers! I've been going once a week since last summer and love it! Wish I could go more often!

    I'm thinking about getting the DVD's to do at home, as I know it's such great fun so I'd probably stick with it - my only problem is that I have a small living room (not much space for moving around)..can anyone with the dvd's tell me if it's possible to do it in a small space? Thank you!
  • I know i would love Zumba if i ever went to a class and i have only tried it once at home through you tube. I do plan on buying the Zumba dvds & the Zumba for wii in the next few weeks. I workout at home so those would be perfect. Now im going to go and see if i can find a class near me...last year i couldn't because i live so far out in the country:ohwell:

    really excited about it the dvd's though! :smile:
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    Add me to the list of Zumba lovers! I've been going once a week since last summer and love it! Wish I could go more often!

    I'm thinking about getting the DVD's to do at home, as I know it's such great fun so I'd probably stick with it - my only problem is that I have a small living room (not much space for moving around)..can anyone with the dvd's tell me if it's possible to do it in a small space? Thank you!

    I am also loving the Zumba! I've been meaning to try it since early last year, but the timing with work and other obligations never made it possible. But I just started last week and I love it! I found out that my gym offers classes 4x a week for free (well, its included in my membership) and so I'll be going there from now on. I also go the DVDs and will likely be trying it on Kinect to see how I like that. I love that I can burn so many calories in something that doesn't feel like work!

    As for your question about the DVD's I have a small condo myself and not a whole lot of space to work in, but you really don't need that much room. A lot of the moves can be slightly modified (i.e. moves where you need to travel to the left or right) to simply stepping etc. to fit your space. I say just try it, I'm sure you'll figure out a way to make it work!
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    I love Zumba I hae both sets of Zumba Dvd's. I've been doing it since Oct. 2010 & have seen great results. :)
  • last night I tried the Sculpt & Tone along with the flat abs dvd and it was awesome! I am tryting to follow the 10 day fat-blasting plan and today is day 3. I will go to class tonight because as great as the dvd's are (and they are) there's nothing quite like being in a class with a great instructor.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Certified Zumbaholic here! I used to go to class five days a week but then $$ got in tight and I had to stop going to the gym. Boo! One of my instructors really wants me to get certified. So, if I achieve my goal in a set amount of time, I'm actually going to look into trying to go to Miami and get into a certification class with Beto! Michelle (the instruction I mentioned) and her husband attended Beto's certification class in Miami.

    you can do what I did: become certified and teach. Then you don't have to pay to go, you get PAID to go!! And it makes you stick to it because other people are relying on you to get their workout.
  • Hey friends :) A while back I started a thread for Zumba lovers to get together and chit chat, and I thought that I might as well start it back up since the chatter about Zumba has really been picking up with the new video game and dvds.

    SO - If you love Zumba, or want to know more about it, this is the place to ask questions and chat about what you like or don't like about Zumba!

    Feel free to introduce yourself and make some more mfp friends with a common interest! ~Em

    Hi! My name is Shavonne and ever since I started Zumba last month I am hooked. I'm also thinking about becoming an instructor once I hit my goal weight. Right now I do the dvds & i have it for xbox kinect which is too much fun. I also love it cause it burns alot of calories. Hopefully soon I'll be going to the live classes - heard the classes were even better.
  • jenblwr
    jenblwr Posts: 53

    I am also loving the Zumba! I've been meaning to try it since early last year, but the timing with work and other obligations never made it possible. But I just started last week and I love it! I found out that my gym offers classes 4x a week for free (well, its included in my membership) and so I'll be going there from now on. I also go the DVDs and will likely be trying it on Kinect to see how I like that. I love that I can burn so many calories in something that doesn't feel like work!

    As for your question about the DVD's I have a small condo myself and not a whole lot of space to work in, but you really don't need that much room. A lot of the moves can be slightly modified (i.e. moves where you need to travel to the left or right) to simply stepping etc. to fit your space. I say just try it, I'm sure you'll figure out a way to make it work!

    Thanks FM - I'm going to order them soon....really wish I had the time/money to go to more I know that's the best way of doing it - but I'm hoping the fact that I love it will keep my motivation up at home too! :)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    me neither and I am hugely out of shape but I bought the dvds for home and will use those until I can keep up with them then try a class (for the life of me I CANNOT calypso on my left leg- weird, I know)

    Not weird at all...I am from the Caribbean and I cant Calypso for the life of me...the movement does strange things to my knees so I just march on the spot and dance around for that segment
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I asked for, and got, Zumba for my Wii for Christmas. I got it out the other day and find out real fast, I have much less co-ordination and rhythm than I thought! :-) I've never done any type of dance and have problems following along with line dances, lol. I got about halfway through the tutorials before I gave up. I also got Just Dance2 and I'm having fun with it, but also can't follow along. I guess I just need to get out the Zumba and go for it, right?
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    I'm attending my first Zumba class tomorrow night! I found a community based organization that does $7 classes, so I plan to go at least once a week. And after hearing all of the reviews, I'm thinking I may want to buy the DVDs.
  • kkozak
    kkozak Posts: 2 Member
    was just looking at the zumba for the wii what do you all think of it? is it worth the money?
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm heading out to zumba again tonight right after work. I am pretty sore from last night but it's so much fun I can't wait to go again. I have been going since last July. We just finished up the Body Studio (name of the establishment I do zumba at) Challenge. It was our own little version of the Biggest Loser. It cost everyone who participated a $10 entry fee. We started 90 days ago and every 2 weeks the instructor took our weight and measurements. Last night was the final weigh and measure and we will find out tomorrow who the top 10 were. As of last weigh-in/measure, I was in 10th place. Top 10 get cash prizes and punch cards for free classes. I'm super excited to see how everyone finished up! The next one starts on February 1st and I plan to participate in that one and my goal is to finish in the top 5 this time. Wish me luck :)
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member

    I'm Claire and I'm a Zumbaholic!! There seems to be quite a lot of us :bigsmile:

    I just pre-ordered the Wii game and I'm quite excited about it!!! I have the DVD's and love them. I get the calorie burn and don't feel I'm working out which is a bonus!!

    Zumba love :heart:
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I'm Zumba-ing first thing in the morning, and it really gets the heart pumping and makes going to work easier! I have the Wii version and will probably get the DVDs. I've done it five days in a row now, and I'm finding that it's actually making me more tired as I go on. I think I'm getting the steps more right now, so that's why it's making me more tired. I have absolutely no rhythm and look ridiculous out there, but it's getting my heart beating and the sweat is dripping off me. We have a very small living room and both me and my husband were dancing together on Saturday & Sunday so it doesn't require a lot of space.

    I don't recommend the tutorials on the Wii. It seems that there is something wrong with the disc so it skips huge parts of the tutorials. One second you're just moving your feet and then it says "great job" and she's doing a full body routine. Very frustrating. I just put on the class part and dance along with her! No one is watching or judging so just have fun!!

    Quick question for those on the Wii -- is anyone else having a lot of problems with the "cool down" session? I don't know why, but I get very little of that right out of the routine, but I do very well in the full routines. It's keeping me from finishing that "level" (I pass two easily but always end with half the power bar for the final level.)
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Can I join this group? My husband JUST got my Zumba DVD's for my birthday (they arrived late and so I got them yesterday). I haven't had a chance to try them yet, but I'm really excited to start!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I asked for, and got, Zumba for my Wii for Christmas. I got it out the other day and find out real fast, I have much less co-ordination and rhythm than I thought! :-) I've never done any type of dance and have problems following along with line dances, lol. I got about halfway through the tutorials before I gave up. I also got Just Dance2 and I'm having fun with it, but also can't follow along. I guess I just need to get out the Zumba and go for it, right?

    I suggest skipping the tutorial and go straight to the basic workout...I have the DVDs and I too couldnt get through the tutorial...I did the basic workout and found it was not too bad..I didnt get all the moves at first but I just kept moving and as you go along you'll get better
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