
  • 1. You shouldn't be squatting in the bathroom when you're "on the clock." If you are going to, you shouldn't do it in a restroom other people are using.

    2. Talk to HR. Your boss shouldn't have been having this conversation with you; HR should have. This screams of troll, tbh. Your boss didn't believe you? Why would a boss think *kitten* > squatting?

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Yeah, your boss has no right to accuse you of masturbating with no evidence. That's sexual harassment, to a T. If your boss is the *owner* of the business or there's no HR, I would consider a lawsuit.

    Uh, her co-worker was the one who complained. Her boss was addressing the complaint which is what he should have done.
    my boss called me in his office and explained to me that a co worker had heard me masturbating in the bathroom and it really disturbed her. I was in total shock trying to explain to my boss that i was just trying to get some quick squats in because i never have to time to exercise (because im always paper pushing for him) . He then said that he doesnt believe me and i need to do my personal business at home and not on the job and this was a warning.

    By "personal business" he could mean anything including doing squats in the bathroom. I agree with another poster who said that she must have been caught in some fibs before for her boss to not believe her. If this was a real situation (which I am doubting it is) her boss would more than likely have raised the concern/disgust of the co-worker (in an embarrassed sort of way), asked what she was doing and then told her to "just be cognizant in the future or do them somewhere else".

    ETA: And a lawsuit for what, exactly?
  • benchsquad65
    benchsquad65 Posts: 147 Member
    I do bodyweight squats in the bathroom at work all the time, helps me to relieve myself if I didn't get enough fiber in, and might get me a solid 20 minute break from work.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I died laughing reading this.

    This is why we don't do silly things at work or in a public restroom.
  • Ultium
    Ultium Posts: 7
    Forget the negative posts. This is straight up sexual harassment. Regardless of whether you should squat or not in the John, everyone is now talking about you in a sexual way at work. I would go to HR without hesitation and tell them you are making a sexual harassment claim. Your boss is way out of line here and should have walked a very tight rope when addressing this.
  • Lzbrg22
    Lzbrg22 Posts: 13
    I dont understand why everyone is being so mean about this. I guess I dont know what troll is either. i come on this site for motivation and inspiration to see how others are helping their health. I think the point was maybe trying to find a better way to find time to fit in a workout here and a little support as to how awful that was handled. After all the title DOES say EMBARRASSED at work so why make her feel worse? Anyway...sorry that happened to you and I hope for your sake it dies down soon enough. I would do what others said too and go to HR if there even is an HR department where you work. Not every place is that big. Good luck!
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Forget the negative posts. This is straight up sexual harassment. Regardless of whether you should squat or not in the John, everyone is now talking about you in a sexual way at work. I would go to HR without hesitation and tell them you are making a sexual harassment claim. Your boss is way out of line here and should have walked a very tight rope when addressing this.

    While she's at it she might as well accuse the person who supposedly heard her and everyone else in the office for that matter.

    Which one thing that was asked the OP never addressed: How did she know it was you?
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    When my stomach problems hit, the noises I make in the bathroom sound like I'm being tortured. If anyone reported me to the boss about it, I'd catch them in the bathroom and shove their head in the toilet. If no one actually SAW what you were doing, they have no right to assume what you were doing. And it's none of their business anyway.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    If the OP can "run stairs" for her exercise, she can do her squats in the stairwell.

    And I would much rather have my coworkers SEE what I'm doing so they can't make their own assumptions and be known as Ex-Lax lady or the office masturbator.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    1. You shouldn't be squatting in the bathroom when you're "on the clock." If you are going to, you shouldn't do it in a restroom other people are using.

    2. Talk to HR. Your boss shouldn't have been having this conversation with you; HR should have. This screams of troll, tbh. Your boss didn't believe you? Why would a boss think *kitten* > squatting?

    I wasnt on the clock yet. This is not a troll at all, my boss is arrogant and doesnt want to hear anyone elses side of any story. My co worker told him that i was masturbating and of course he believed it.

    Tell your co-worker you were thinking about her. See if she keeps spreading stories after that.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    I finally found a good reason to skip leg day.

  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    Your co-workers are horrible people and you boss is the worst. Just a bunch of idiots. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    I think everyone needs to lay off this OP. I have done various fitness challenges with a group of friends to help motivate us to keep moving and stay healthy. Multiple times we have done squats challenges, without a barbell (geez!). Sometimes we challenge each other to do 10 squats every hour... and yes, I have done these in the bathroom stall at work! Why don't I do them in the hallway? Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, but I can't be the only one who doesn't want random coworkers walking by and watching me workout; even if it is just for 10 or 20 or 30 squats. It's awkward. I applaud you OP for taking extra time to workout. I believe that working in little bits of additional exercise throughout your day is really important.

    You've obviously learned your lesson; maybe the bathroom stall at work isn't the best place to be doing 100 squats in the morning. As far as your boss's behaviour, definitely talk to HR.
    ^^^Best comment.
    Well done you... I think what you should do is carry on doing your squats everyday in the toilet but perhaps outside the stalls. The more people see you do this, the more they would know that you were not lying.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    So why not just do squats at your desk, or take a walk outside and do them? You should never be ashamed of exercising.

    I take 15 minutes a day (ok I try to) at work to go into our makeshift gym and do 15 on the Elliptical machine I make a point to call it my smoke break and get in people’s faces if they want to call me on it.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    If the OP can "run stairs" for her exercise, she can do her squats in the stairwell.

    And I would much rather have my coworkers SEE what I'm doing so they can't make their own assumptions and be known as Ex-Lax lady or the office masturbator.

    But again the question that the OP has not answered yet is how did her co-worker know it was her?
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    This story just ended my short stint of squatting in my office
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I want to tell the OP that now she know why I call my office-mates co-wankers.
    But I already shot that wad.

    Maybe we can get this thread stick'ied (alas I think the mods are going to snip it short.)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    IN for the squat shaming and repression.

    Remember ladies, touching yourself is evil. Squatting is almost touching.

    Yep. When you do A2G, the G tickles. And all manner of things can happen when your A is tickled by G.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    If the OP can "run stairs" for her exercise, she can do her squats in the stairwell.

    And I would much rather have my coworkers SEE what I'm doing so they can't make their own assumptions and be known as Ex-Lax lady or the office masturbator.

    But again the question that the OP has not answered yet is how did her co-worker know it was her?

    Agreed. OP has a peeping Tom in her office.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    Forget the negative posts. This is straight up sexual harassment. Regardless of whether you should squat or not in the John, everyone is now talking about you in a sexual way at work. I would go to HR without hesitation and tell them you are making a sexual harassment claim. Your boss is way out of line here and should have walked a very tight rope when addressing this.

    While she's at it she might as well accuse the person who supposedly heard her and everyone else in the office for that matter.

    Which one thing that was asked the OP never addressed: How did she know it was you?
    Her co-worker probably waited around in the toilet for her to come out. Seems really obvious to me.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    It's gotta suck to work with people who have x-ray vision.

    I think there's a lot more to the story than you're telling. If I heard strange noises from the bathroom, I would say something if they made me uncomfortable. If you know you make odd noises when you do squats, you should not do them where you're concealed- that saves you and prevents others from thinking you're doing something inappropriate.
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    How did your coworker know it was you if you were in a stall?
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    This story just ended my short stint of squatting in my office

    squats should be done in two places.... the bedroom and the gym.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    Is anyone else a chronic squatter?
  • Aw man, that totally sucks! I don't get why everyone is being so rude about this person's situation! Okay so doing squats in the bathroom wasn't a great choice, but it was a mistake! There's no need to be so mean about it ya know?

    And so some of you might not make odd noises during workouts, who cares? We are all different! And that coworker might have just had their mind in a dirty place because the OP might have just been groaning/grunting and those are not sexual noises! They are just noises that is expelled from the body when doing work

    Geez guys at least try to be understanding.
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
    It is probably best to squirt at home, not at work.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    The thing about stalls...

  • OP, I completely sympathize! I work at a carwash and don't always have time for a shower. So once in a while I'll strip down and walk through the system naked while it's running a test cycle. It's a win-win situation! I get a good cleaning (I just have to remember not to use the hot wax option. A car wash is no place for a brazzilian) and the machines get a first-hand check out.

    Like you, I too was accused of getting the wrong satisfaction out of my job. I was testing the vacuums right after a bath and someone reported I was getting the Monica Lewinsky option, and I wasn't, I swear!!!

    Long story short, go straight to HR, and/or find another job. I'll stick to my shower at home, and you should squat anywhere but a bathroom stall.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Ironically, my boyfriend is trying to get me to grok squat at work.

    At my desk.

    In my chair.

    While I'm with a client.

    Wow!! I thought my husband was the only one who wanted me to "squat" at work while in my chair at my desk.......... He's a naughty boy that gets what he wants..........


    Can't stop laughing..