Would you date someone overweight?



  • Girlg0yle
    Girlg0yle Posts: 131 Member
    My husband and I are both overweight. (We were much thinner when we met years ago!) LOL

    And, my husband is still completely gorgeous - even with the extra weight.

    What she said :)
  • t4temple
    t4temple Posts: 36 Member
    Personality comes first for me. Off course you have to be attracted to the other person but weight is not a factor for me.
  • Happy_10yr
    Happy_10yr Posts: 287 Member
    I would and I have.....

    Dating someone who is in great shape is neat.

    For me the key is can we have a good conversation. Can we communicate on multiple levels? Discuss likes and dislikes, concerns, disappointments, etc.

    If you can communicate, what do you have??

    When I consider dating someone, I ask a very simple question: Fast forward 40 - 50 years, do I still find this person interesting?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I am attracted to tall men who are very thin with no muscle definition. I have never dated anyone overweight.

    I would date an overweight-to-a-point man if I saw the potential in him to be physically perfect with all the fat gone. He would have to be young enough to not end up with any loose skin, and not overweight enough to end up with loose skin.

    I am only attracted to young men anyway; I would NOT date anyone anywhere near as old as me, no matter how thin and tall he was.

    Oh jesus lord...

    We have a cougar on our hands...
  • _Disintegration_
    DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    If my wife doesn't find out.
    Now THAT was cute!! Good job for qualifying it...this made me SMILE!!
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Yes I would and I did before I got married. Most girls look better with some meat on their bones rather than a toothpick.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    SO for those of you saying that you would not..... what about if they were skinny to start off with .... you married or got very serious (for years) and they put on a lot of weight? You going to dump or divorce cause of that?

    I hope not cause that makes you shallow....very shallow. So shallow I hope you gain all your weight back & never get anyone again.
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    I am engage to a man that is overweight and I love him just the same. Size doesn't matter to me because he makes me happy, loves me, and treats me right. He is working on himself because he wants to. If he stayed the size he is now I would not care. It's the person that matters.
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    Absolutely I would and I have. Personality goes a LONG way with me, and I'm not a petite woman so I tend to gravitate towards men who are taller and make me feel comfy just being me. Helps if he's got big warm hands, and a wicked sense of humor too. If this describes you, and you're available...well...oh never mind...LOL!! This is SOOOO not supposed to be a dating site type of response!!
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Aside from the fact I'm already married .. supposing I wasn't.
    I must admit unless the heavy person I was in this alter world,
    was dating was actively working on losing their weight .. no.
    If they were trying to become healthy/fit .. yes.
    Fit, healthy people I think do better when they are with like
    minded individuals .. just my opinion ..don't throw any tomatoes.

    Personality and other factors do measure in but healthy, vital
    .. is pretty important.
  • Kazzam33
    Kazzam33 Posts: 210
    In my personal experience chubby chasers are sadly few & far between.

    My partner & I got fat together so technically the answer is yes.
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    I like my men a little thick, but not "scooter" big. Also, if I can't tell your gender when you take your clothes off. >> js
  • Tara_238
    Tara_238 Posts: 70 Member
    No, but only because I am married and I am sure my husband wouldn't like the idea of me dating anyone. But I have dated bigger guys way back when I was single and thin. wow that was many moons ago.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,359 Member
    If you can't pick her up don't take her home.

    My husband can't pick me up? Should he not have taken me home? Think you should clarify. Some have disabilities that render them unable to pick up an adult..No, I am no where close to obese either. I am smaller than he is.
  • mmd575
    mmd575 Posts: 88 Member
    I like my men a little thick, but not "scooter" big. Also, if I can't tell your gender when you take your clothes off. >> js

    I laughed at this! But I know I've been attracted to guys that could be considered overweight and others that are tall and slim. I guess it depends on the person I am talking to. But an obese person that's tough, I know I'm generalizing here but I just want someone who wants to get into better shape and take care of themselves and a lot of the obese men I know (not saying all obese men are this way) just don't give a *kitten*. And I don't want someone to discourage me from my goal.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,359 Member
    Yes I would date a teddy bear.. I don't want splinters, not to mention something about being in their arms makes me feel safe.. :)
  • lna_1981
    lna_1981 Posts: 696 Member
    Yes, but not obese. I've been very attracted to bigger men before. It is always about personality and how they treat me. I don't fall in love with looks but who that person is.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Yes. My ex-bf is pushing 300 at 5'8.

    You see women say this alot but always about an ex. The current guy they're with, almost never.

    Trust me, I would love to say him and I were still together.
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    I actually wouldn't at this point in my life. I'm too old and too cranky and put too much time into my health, fitness regimen and physique to open up dating to someone I'm probably not attracted to.

    There's the honest answer.