Can your SO access your phone?



  • ExtremePhobia
    I don't even lock it. Though we try to make a point not to go through each other's things. It's not so much for the phone logs as the browsing history. Doing so would have ruined A LOT of good surprises. And potentially many more to come.

    I guess that would be a good thing, right? We don't feel compelled to look because we know the other may have been looking at stuff that would ruin effort put into something for ourselves.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    My husband locked his phone, kept it on him while sleeping/showering/walkinganywhereawayfrommeforanyamountoftime. He forgot once, and I checked his phone to see if he had some pictures I had wanted upload to Facebook. Nope, entire folders of nudes and calls from his ex girlfriend. We are now going through a divorce.

    and this is exactly what every girlfriend is afraid of when he wont leave his phone anywhere even for a minute. the question is, can something like this really be innocent? it seems more like a 99% chance that hes got something to hide.

    There's a big difference between locking his phone as a general security precaution and keeping his girlfriend/wife away from his phone at all costs. If he flies across the room out of fear that you might pick it up to so much as check the time then yeah, there may be something more going on here.

    I don't find anything suspicious about locking the phone in general, but I do find it kind of suspicious if your s/o won't allow you to go in his/ her phone to get a number you might need, grab a photo,or for some other legit reason. That just wouldn't fly with me.

    glad to see that im not the only one who feels this way.

    id love to hear from the guys on this subject. do you ever lock your GF/wife out of your phone when you really have nothing to hide?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    no codes on our phones, my passwords are all written out and he has a copy of it "just in case" ditto with his.

    Nothing to hide.

    Do we go on each others phones...not normally...usually he is showing me some dirty pic he got from his twitter feed or I am showing in a pic I took that day.

    Sharing your life with someone involves sharing your life...boundries? why do you need to have boundries with the person you swore to love and honor for life? you share the most intimate parts of your life and a phone is off wow.
  • rfw24
    rfw24 Posts: 443 Member
    I do not lock my phone. My GF will use my phone sometimes because her's will die and she does not hide or lock hers either. But when I was married, things were different. Wife at the time locked phone, kept it with her or by her side at all times. I finally was able to see the phone bill and saw how many phone calls and text messages were sent to a certain number. After seeing this I did some more investigating and finally saw the truth. Moved out within two days and now officially divorced. You must have trust in a relationship, or it will never work.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    My husband locked his phone, kept it on him while sleeping/showering/walkinganywhereawayfrommeforanyamountoftime. He forgot once, and I checked his phone to see if he had some pictures I had wanted upload to Facebook. Nope, entire folders of nudes and calls from his ex girlfriend. We are now going through a divorce.

    and this is exactly what every girlfriend is afraid of when he wont leave his phone anywhere even for a minute. the question is, can something like this really be innocent? it seems more like a 99% chance that hes got something to hide.

    There's a big difference between locking his phone as a general security precaution and keeping his girlfriend/wife away from his phone at all costs. If he flies across the room out of fear that you might pick it up to so much as check the time then yeah, there may be something more going on here.

    I don't find anything suspicious about locking the phone in general, but I do find it kind of suspicious if your s/o won't allow you to go in his/ her phone to get a number you might need, grab a photo,or for some other legit reason. That just wouldn't fly with me.

    glad to see that im not the only one who feels this way.

    id love to hear from the guys on this subject. do you ever lock your GF/wife out of your phone when you really have nothing to hide?

    If I ever had something to truly hide I wouldn't do it on my phone, as mine is inspected frequently. I don't think I have anything to hide which is why my wife has access anytime, however she'll usually probe around until she finds something to fight about.
  • weightliftingaddict
    Absolutely. I wouldn't care. And he is the same.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I do not lock my phone. My GF will use my phone sometimes because her's will die and she does not hide or lock hers either. But when I was married, things were different. Wife at the time locked phone, kept it with her or by her side at all times. I finally was able to see the phone bill and saw how many phone calls and text messages were sent to a certain number. After seeing this I did some more investigating and finally saw the truth. Moved out within two days and now officially divorced. You must have trust in a relationship, or it will never work.

    Wow, sorry to hear that. I think that for most people, by the time they get to snooping phones and investigating numbers, the relationship is already done and the snooping is just to get peace of mind that they are RIGHT about devious behavior. I NEVER once snooped in my exhuband's phone or things even though I could have at any time since I knew his passcodes. I trusted him completely and I still do, he's just not the cheating kind and our divorce had nothing to do with trust issues. With my exboyfriend however I felt the urge to snoop in his computer and phone ALL THE FREAKING TIME because I just felt something was going on. I resisted snooping for nearly a year but when I finally gave in and snooped there were endless texts and emails with other women in addition to several online dating profiles. I pretty much knew he was cheating before I snooped but I didn't have any proof so snooping just gave me the confirmation so I didn't doubt myself or let him convince me that I was crazy for suspecting him. Now I'm married again and with my husband, there is absolutely no desire whatsoever to snoop in his browsing history, phone or whatever.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,129 Member
    I always lock my phone because I work with *kitten*.
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    If my SO was suspicious of my behavior, I would expect him to be man enough to ask directly for an explanation. Snooping is for little girls and people who already do not trust. If this guy was annoyed or concerned by her actual behavior around him, why not discuss that with her?

    No, people in relationships do not have to share everything. I see that as juvenile.

    Specifically, I think most phones come automatically with a passcode entry system. I find it annoying for my personal use.

    I agree with the person who said some conversations are private to protect the OTHER person's privacy. I have teenagers, and some of my friends have pretty salacious lives.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    If my SO was suspicious of my behavior, I would expect him to be man enough to ask directly for an explanation. Snooping is for little girls and people who already do not trust. If this guy was annoyed or concerned by her actual behavior around him, why not discuss that with her?

    In my case, I WAS suspicious of my exboyrfiend and I resisted the snooping urge for a year and I probed and asked and discussed and each time he denied everything and tried to make me feel guilty for even ASKING such a thing. By the time I snooped, there wasn't any trust left. The snooping and finding the "evidence" was just the confirmation I needed to give myself the peace of mind to move on.
  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    No SO for me.....When I did have one I will let her go through it but snooping was not aloud period....thats Bull ****z
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    My husband and I have access to all accounts and phones BUT we never snoop or invade the others privacy. He may answer my phone or vice versa but only if the call was expected and its family or friends (cookout at brothers "can you pick up _____?"). 17 years together and we don't read each other's conversations or even feel the need to know beyond a " how are they doing?" Unless it involves the both of us.

    We both even have hide it apps on our phones; kids and nudes don't mix so our dirty pics we move to a hidden app.

    For those that snoop and call it curiosity, it may be but it also sounds codependent. I love my husband as his own person and have no desire to police him or be privy to every second of his day. Him and I have a right to be our own person and have conversations that don't involve the other. Even just asking "who did you talk to today?" And "what was said?" Seem unhealthy to me. If something is going on with someone that I am aware of I may ask if there has been any news, but on a daily basis I could careless who my husband speaks with...that is his business, he will share if he wants...when we talk.

    I also never open his wallet, unless it was an emergency and he stays out of my scares him.

    We also give and respect our children's privacy.

    If one of us felt the need to snoop, that would devastate me because at that point I would know our relationship was in real trouble.

    I make sexual jokes and stuff I have no issue telling him these things so there would be nothing to find. We are both adults though and have no need to answer to anyone about every conversation we have.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    My boyfriend and I both have locks on our phones for security, like many people do but my boyfriend is free to use it any time he wants to and I can use his phone any time as well. I have never "checked up" on him and he never has on me. If you feel the need to do so, there are bigger issues to deal with in your relationship that a locked phone.
  • emkayelle91
    emkayelle91 Posts: 846 Member
    He has access to mine, although I don't get access to his. :ohwell:
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    I never lock my phone.
    There is nothing on it that matters if anybody sees it. I do not do banking or emails from my phone and there are hardly any photos on it. It is a smart phone but about the only Internet sites I go to are the weather site or the TVs guide.

    I don't mind if my husband answers it if it rings or checks an incoming text.
    Sometimes I even leave it at home when I go to work ( I know, shocking, a whole 8 hours without a mobile phone :tongue: )

    What I don't get are people saying they have personal text conversations with other people - why don't you just delete the conversation afterwards? If you need to protect the other persons privacy or something.

    Perhaps I'm missing something because I don't use mobile phones or text messages for this type of conversation. :indifferent:
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member

    I have to agree with this. But maybe this is why I'm still single. I wouldn't have anything to hide in a relationship and they could look all they want, however, I would say texts between my friends and I are off limits, not because I'm hiding something but my what my friends share is their business to share it NOT mine. What they tell me is in confidence even if it's just what time we're meeting somewhere. Chances are I'd tell my SO where I was meeting someone and who, but any info my friend shares with me in a text/email is their business. If I found out I told my BFF a secret and she let her SO read that info, I'd be kinda pissed off. Even if I like the dude, even if I know he wouldn't do anything with the info. I shared that with my BFF, NOT my BFF and their SO.

    Why do people think/want to know every single thing their SO said in the course of a day to someone else? Seriously, I say some pretty boring things all day.

    Agree with this 100%
  • fit_war
    fit_war Posts: 985 Member
    He has access to mine, although I don't get access to his. :ohwell:

    :noway: ..........
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member

    What I don't get are people saying they have personal text conversations with other people - why don't you just delete the conversation afterwards? If you need to protect the other persons privacy or something.

    Perhaps I'm missing something because I don't use mobile phones or text messages for this type of conversation. :indifferent:

    To me...the question would be why do I have to erase my conversations because someone wants to read them. I am close to my sister in law and she vents about my husbands brother to me. My husband having knowledge of her feelings could put him in an odd position when talking to his brother.

    Picture an old house phone.....if every time you wanted to chat with someone and your spouse picked up another line and listened.....that would be creepy..... Would you want them to stop or should you start sneaking around to use the phone so you can't be spied on?
  • emkayelle91
    emkayelle91 Posts: 846 Member
    He has access to mine, although I don't get access to his. :ohwell:

    :noway: ..........

    Yeah, my thoughts, too. :grumble:
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    Me and the hubs can access each other's phones. He has better apps than I do, LOL!!!! No reason to put a 'code' unless the kids can use these phones and try to purchase apps, which is what my daughter tried doing!!!:)