Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well I am very excited with all the numbers that have been updated for the July Challenge. We have 12 people who have exceeded their goal for the month of July. I have a feeling that number will increase in the next day or two as the final numbers come in for July. As of today, we have completed 1443.7 miles and 199.07 miles this week.

    Skinny- I will send you the link for the course description it was on a very different site. I am also wondering how I will deal with the tunnel.

    I may be back later but now it is time to eat dinner so I can climb tonight.
  • Melinaayla
    Melinaayla Posts: 2 Member
    I am an avid ready and would love to write my own book one day!! Good luck in your weight loss. I need to lose 140 too!
  • lelser60
    lelser60 Posts: 21 Member

    I am new and this is my second day on MFP. I have about 150 pounds to loose from 300 to about 150.

    About myself, I am 54 years old. I have 4 adopted kids, 2 girls are now adults (adopted as special needs from US foster care) and they are now their own and 2 are 11 year olds, a boy and girl, adopted from Guatemala. I am single by choice, always single. I adopted kids as a single person. I currently live in CA and wlll move to TN when I retire in 3 years.

    Where can I find the August goals?
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    That is a great idea about how to challenge yourself to lose weight, and encouragment for exercise. Thank you I am going to do the same I am going to walk a total of 70 miles in August. with rate at least average of 108 steps per minute.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hooray for August! Here's the August Challenge: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    August CHALLENGE:
    WATCH YOUR CALORIES MONTH! Goal is to Track Your Calories…. i.e. Track the Number of Days you are under your Calorie Goal. (if you’re within 100 cal. you’re within your goal , if you don’t want to do that, INSTEAD your OPTION IS TO TRACK a particular food source) i.e, if you choose, personalize the Challenge by counting your macros or watching a particular item such as protein, salt, or sugars/carbs intake for the month. Your choice really - its about Intake and Nutrition this month. Keep your own records and post every week.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    That walking record, and I hope I can do that some day soon:love: javascript:add_smiley('love','post_body')
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    zzquil is just benedryl save yourself money and buy generic. That company should not get your money
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I thought I had migraines and it turned out to be stress. When my stress was lessened and I stopped taking Sudafed my headaches have really faded into the background. Good luck to you, it is a bummer to wake up with a headache every day
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    bump! :flowerforyou:
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    I love the new challenge and plan to use my Fitbit to keep me accurate with my calories. 100 calories is too much for me to be over. I need the discipline to hit my target every single day! So, goal is to not be in the red!!

    Friday fitness is that I want to continue walking and getting in more and more steps. I had a good workout on the treadmill at home this morning, but I have been way to sedentary at work. So, I'm off for a little walk!!
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello everyone and HAPPY FRIDAY!! It's also the 1st of the month, and my weigh in, I am very pleased to announce I went from 279.1 on July 25th (my birthday) and today it's 268.8 pounds!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!! This is extremely exciting and encouraging for me since I haven't seen the other side of 270 pounds in over a year!!

    Friday Fitness = DANCING as I celebrate my achievement...

    The August Challenge for me personally is to be within 100 calories of my goal of 1500 max per day. For the past week, I've accomplished that. So far today, I'm at 991 with 509 left for dinner and a snack if I want one. I'm just really excited, and doubly focused on ensuring I stick with this because I know it works....I also know it will slow down eventually and I cannot give up but remain focused and self aware...this is AWESOME!

    Have a great evening everyone...
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    It's a great start to August for me. A 2 hour hike after work, I am eating all the healthy stuff I was before I fell off the wagon 6 weeks ago, I feel better today, less sluggish! Too many carbs will do that!

    August goals:

    CALORIES: (2000-2400)

    8/1: 2381 in, ???? out

    PROTEIN: (over 120g)

    8/1: 129 g


    8/1: 17k steps, 45s plank, arm challenge DONE
    8/2: 17k steps, 45s plank, arm challenge
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome to all the Newbies! I look forward to getting to know you all. :flowerforyou:

    Laurie- My advice for running in the rain is to wear something that will dry quickly once you're done and are able to get out of the rain...and to hopefully have a set of dry clothes to change into that isn't too far away. At least at this time of year, it will hopefully be a warm rain if you get caught in it! Also, enjoy the free shower and remind yourself that it could be could be 80% humidity and scorching hot without a drop of refreshing rain in sight! Hope it's dry and cool for you, anyway. :smile:

    Skinny- I've been a part of a phone interview before...and it was terrible. We had a conference call where the candidate was on her line, the building manager and a couple staff members were in a conference room on a second line, the lead physician was in another building on a third line, the lab coordinator was in another building on a fourth line, and I was in another building on a fifth line...and I was also not able to get away from my other job duties, so I had to keep coming in and out of the conference to take care of patients. All I really heard was the physician doing his usual talk about the kind of doctors and the practice that the candidate would be working with. The only thing I heard the candidate talk about was her lofty future educational goals. I didn't even get to ask any questions. Anyway, no one was impressed by her (at least the other interviewers were able to hear the whole interview) and she didn't get the job. I hope your first choice accepts the job!:drinker:

    I killed my July mileage goal! Woo hoo! And I got a little closer to my sleep goal in July. Still tired. :yawn:

    July Goal: 90 miles

    7/1: 5.32
    7/2: 2.63
    7/3: 6.34
    7/4: 1.34
    7/5: 1.19
    7/6: 5.22
    7/7: 2.58
    7/8: 3.77
    7/9: 2.92
    7/10: 6.64
    7/11: 1.70
    7/12: 2.03
    7/13: 4.78
    7/14: 2.70
    7/15: 2.78
    7/16: 1.24
    7/17: 1.48
    7/18: 2.02
    7/19: 2.07
    7/20: 8.30
    7/21: 3.21
    7/22: 4.48
    7/23: 4.59
    7/24: 1.33
    7/25: 3.42
    7/26: 1.00
    7/27: 7.28
    7/28: 2.61
    7/29: 4.79
    7/30: 5.63
    7/31: 2.15

    Total: 107.54

    Sleep Goal: 20/31 days with 7 hrs

    Monday: Gym, Lift and Stretch-DONE
    Tuesday: Run-DONE
    Wednesday: Bike-DONE
    Thursday: Run/30DS-NOPE. Free weights instead.
    Friday: Rest-NOPE. WATP instead.
    Saturday: Bike-
    Sunday: Run-

    My August goals are to log EVERYTHING, stay at/under my calorie goal 26/31 days, and to hit my protein goal every day. I still use the MFP settings for macros, so my protein goal is only 67 g. However, when I look back at my past, I'm only hitting that 2/3 of the time. This month I'll work on hitting 67 every day, and then maybe in September I will increase my grams.
  • zzquil is just benedryl save yourself money and buy generic. That company should not get your money

    @kateirving- you are absolutely correct on that. The one I'm taking is actually the generic, I just wasn't sure what its called. I pretty much always buy generic, don't see any sense in spending extra $ on stuff that is the exact same as a cheaper version :happy:
  • @kah68- I have never heard of Sleepy Time Tea or Sleepy Time Extra Tea but I will have to try that out. I'm glad to know that I was not the only person that experienced the nightmares with melatonin.

    @trulydivyn725- congrats on the loss! you should be very proud of yourself :flowerforyou:

    For my Friday Fitness, well let see, I'm really not doing as much as I should. I do the stationary bike a little while and play baseball with the kids but I plan on really getting busy with it once they go back to school next Friday. My plan is to walk every morning, come home and do a workout video and then before i go to bed do the stationary bike.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    My Friday fitness is helping my sister move and clean. Yikes! It's hard work! Much better than a planned workout.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @danielle-- I also have difficulty sleeping and occassionally have episodes of sleep paralysis due to my irregular sleep patterns. I've never tried melatonin b/c I feared it might have an adverse effect. I've had bad sleep related side-effects from other medications/drugs. For example, when I tried using the nicotine patch to quit smoking many years ago, I had horrible nightmares and sleep paralysis. Your experience reinforces my decision to not try the melatonin.

    @hansea--wow, that sounds like a horrible interview experience. I can't imagine it's pleasant for the interviewee either. I felt kind of bad for the woman we were interviewing b/c she had no visual cues as to whether her answers to our questions were on the mark or not. Regardless, I could tell from looking at her resume that she wasn't a good candidate--not really sure why my boss even bothered to interview her in the first place, much less bring her to the second round. :ohwell: Great job surpassing that mileage goal! :drinker: Oh, and even set at 30%, my protein goal is only 70g/day if I do zero exercise. However, on days I burn a lot of calories, like today, it could be 170g. That's why I'm opting for a minimum of 100g each day to balance it out.

    @tanya--great job on the protein goal today! :flowerforyou: I wish I liked smoothies b/c I know protein powder would really help me reach my goal more easily.

    @truly--awesome job getting into the 260s! :drinker:

    @laurie--thanks for the link--a lot of great information about the race!

    @tracy--sorry your husband threw out his back. Hope you get your dressers moved and the bedrooms in order soon!

    @brenda--Yes, if you already entered your activity level as light, then you should stick with the 1930 the TDEE calculator suggested.I just wasn't sure if you entered activity or left it as sedentary.

    @tom--your post about minority donors made me sad b/c I usually donate blood regularly. However, b/c of malaria risk in DR, I'm banned for a full year! :cry: I've thought about joining the bone marrow registry, but haven't followed through yet. Being half Mexican, I know there is a profound need, and though I'm not quite selfless enough to donate a kidney to a complete stranger, I wouldn't lose anything I might later need from donating marrow. I just need to complete the registration which includes sending in a cheek swab for DNA matching.

    @kaye--it's nice that you could get some laundry done while watching the grands.

    @erienne--sound like great August goals. :smile:

    Friday Fitness:
    Well, we got a new manager at my gym, and this is the 3rd in the year I've been there. The first wasn't very approachable--he either spent all of his time in the office or working on his abs. :laugh: Then a few months ago he disappeared and a woman showed up. She put up all sorts of signs about how accessible she was, but she contrasted these with a lot of signs stating her rules about entering the office, using things like fans and cubbies, etc. She also didn't seem very personable or approachable. This new guy hasn't made any changes other than to put up a sign with his picture and contact info, and I haven't been there to see him during his work hours so no idea what he's like in person. However, today I received an email from him offering me a heath assessment that is included in my membership (neither of the other PTs offered me this). I'm going to take him up on it--I already emailed him back with a few days I'm available, so just waiting to hear back when he can meet.

    I didn't make it to the gym today, but I spent almost 4 hours pulling weeds and took gunner on 2 walks, so lots of activity.

    Also, nagcyn's question about activity level made me realize that I'd never changed mine to sedentary at the start of the summer like I usually do. :noway: No wonder I haven't been losing despite my increased exercise! I changed it today and my calorie allowance is now down to 1390 if I don't work out. I'd say that's motivation to get to off my butt! :laugh: I will stick with this until school starts on the 22nd, then I will change the activity level back to lightly active.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 62
    100g of protein = 1/31 days
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I’m determined to check-in at least once a day. I’ve missed you guys!! It’s not been the same not knowing how things are going with you, your families, your daily ups and downs whether with food, exercise or life in general. I started from page 1 so I’m caught up and this weekend I’m staying connected. As I read through pages, my heart was feeling full seeing you guys asking about me. This is what friends are for and I’m so thankful for you. Tearing up right now. LOL!!!

    @ RobinB – It sounds like you had a great vacation. 40 years? I always find it so sad we never see relatives unless weddings or funerals. With work, it’s so much work before and after you go, but the break is always so worth it. Also, saw your post on mimosas – yum!!!!

    @ Amber – I need to improve my water intake as well. I can drink quite a bit, but I need to add lemon or just something to give it a little flavor. What types of books do you write? I’m not sure how I didn’t catch before that you were an author. Very cool!

    @ Mel – I saw your post about swimming. It’s great exercise and works your whole body. I was a lifeguard YEARS ago. After my shift, I would turn off the lights, turn on the pool lights, blare the music and swim for an hour. It was total relaxation for me. I need to get back to that.

    @ Robin/Ellen – I saw a post regarding resumes about 2 weeks ago. I’m really behind, but my advice is bullets. Like Kelly said the simpler the better. Nowadays for some positions companies are getting hundreds of resumes. You want something easy to read, one page or minimum two, etc. . . if you shoot me your personal e-mail through a private message, I don’t mind sharing my resume if you’re interested.

    @ Tom – Darn! I missed National Junk Food Day on 7/21. LOL!! It seems I’ve missed a LOT of National Days, but loved seeing Mutt Day. We had an awesome mutt growing up named Blackie. Also, you made me smile seeing our picture with Laurie. Thank you!!

    @ Laurie – Well, it seems like I’ve missed a major car issue. When I read transmission somewhere it made me cringe because I’m afraid my car days are numbered. My car has been awesome, but it’s definitely not sounding or driving like it use too. I really can’t complain though since its 14 years old with193,000 miles. I haven’t had a car payment in YEARS and don’t want to start either. Also, I had to chuckle at your post about the butterfly. This is one tough stroke and 4 lengths – holy cow!!! The one I cannot do is the breast stroke. Arms are fine, but the frog kick I can’t put the two together. It takes me forever to get to the end of the pool.

    @ Skinny/Karen – Please tell Garetie I said hello!!! It sounds like you’ve been keeping yourself busy this summer. I know school is right around the corner though. I can see your list now with all you’re grading and sitting at Starbuck’s. Cyrus doesn’t go back until 8/25.

    @ Queen – As we both know, baby steps. It’s great you got the walking routine now just the food and you’re right on track. Keep up the good work!!! Also, I saw your post on adding sit-ups. Have you ever used a stability ball? I started doing my sit ups on that and found it really helped. It took a few times to get used to it and keep my balance, but helped my core a lot too. So I’m finally toward the end of the posts and saw your recap story. Again, I’m so proud of you. You’ve definitely had your fair share of hills and valleys, but love seeing you on this path. You go girl!!!!

    @ LittleShadow – I’m reading last week’s post so I hope you found some relief with the ENT. Hopefully, by the time I read this week you’re feeling better!! Also, nice recap and profile picture. Good for you!! I’m so proud of you and that was a huge leap of strength to post in your bathing suit, which is too cute. You’re doing awesome!!!

    @ Tanya – Boy, I can relate about the not logging. After I lost my 700 day streak, I think that sent me in a downward spiral and I haven’t gotten back. I finally started back so here we go again. We can do it!!

    @ Hansea/Amanda – Loved your Wednesday Wish last week. If ice cream could burn calories, I would be a SKINNY MINNY!!!! I also saw you’re “egads” comment about the vending machine nuts. I like almonds, walnuts, etc. . ., but definitely measure them out. While it’s good fat and protein, they still pack a whammy for sure.

    @ Kah68/Kelly – Well, I missed your thumb incident, but glad to read it’s healing and you can start lifting again. I saw your post about trying to grow your hair out. Me too, but I don’t have a choice. My last student at Aveda really messed up one of the sides. I don’t know if I distracted him or what, but the cut makes no sense. Two instructors even checked it throughout the cut, but somehow he just chopped. Needless to say, I wasn’t too happy. Also, I want to be in your zone and wish I could find it.

    @ L2T – You cracked me up with your bra fitting. I don’t think I’ll ever have that problem. This is actually one of my gifts to myself when I lose 100 lbs and that’s getting the twins reduced, lifted and whatever they need to do. LOL!! Both times I lost significant weight like 75 and 80 lbs the twins didn’t go down. I know most women they do, but not me.

    @ Teresa – I look forward to getting to know you. You’ve got me chuckling about your post on the co-worker and bashing him upside the head. I’ve got a few of those myself. Loved the Pita nickname. I had never heard that before, but it’s hysterical!! I also believe I may be really early on pre-menopausal crap too. Mine is the opposite and I thought I was bleeding to death today. I even had to leave work due to an accident. I couldn’t believe it. So not happy. I guess it’s time to address with my doctor. Sigh.

    @ Kaye – Hello my friend!! When I was still in Atlanta, I had 10 trees taken down, but they sound more like skinny shrubs compared to your gigantic one. Wow!! I also read your post about the credit card charge. Thank goodness these companies are getting so much better at detecting fraud. I know my AMEX calls all the time with even the littlest things. Better to be safe than sorry.

    @ Nettie – It’s going to be so fun hearing about your journey. I had such an easy pregnancy up until about 28 weeks and then everything kind of escalated. Cyrus was actually born early at 32 weeks. I never in a million years thought I would have a preemie, but he was pretty big even 8 weeks early. I was very careful as well and only gained 15 lbs, but I also didn't have the last 8 weeks and those last 4 is when a lot of people really pack them on.

    @ Aimee – I can’t wait to post those same comments once I’ve lost my weight. I definitely had a giggle at quite a few. I bet others could share their insights too of things they have experienced as well.

    @ Skinny Karen (hee-hee) & Laurie – I can’t wait for NYC!! Thank you so much for doing the research. I need to pull my weight, but I’m just letting you guys be my travel agents. I don’t arrive until 3 so I may need you guys to grab my packet, which should be OK don’t you think? I’m getting super excited. I know I’ll be exhausted since our convention ends that Friday night, but I don’t care. I’m going to enjoy our girls weekend!!!!!

    @ Tlh/Tracy – So happy for you guys!!!! I know it’s been a tough year with so many ups and downs with selling your house and waiting for the right house to come along. It takes time, but you will be settled before you know it. Thoughts and prayers to Jacob and the youth on their mission trip. Often life changing for many students.

    @ ForeverDaniel – I struggle with sleep too. I actually have sleep apnea and have the whole machine/mask, but tired of feeling and sounding like Darth Vader. LOL! It really did work when I wore it, but I truly hate the thing. I will use melatonin on occasion and luckily no nightmares for me. I also use a sleeping aid from Natures Made that I get in the health/wellness section of the grocery store. It’s listed as a natural sleeping aid and I’ve had really good luck with that one as well.

    @ Brenda – Good job making the commitment to work with a trainer. I know Kah/Kelly and Laurie have worked with trainers for quite some time and always gave me some really good advice about the pros/cons when I was working with one.

    @ Trulydivyn – Woo Hoo!! Happy dance for you and your loss. You’re such a loser!!!! LOL!!!

    For those of you I didn’t mention, I promise to get to know you and will start supporting you as well.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    August Challenge. Since I've been completely MIA with logging, exercise, etc. . . it's time to take control and get back on track. Here are my goals for August and I'm really going to push myself.

    1) Eating - My goal for this month is to stay within 100 calories +/- of my 1,500 calorie goal each day.
    2) Exercise - I will do 60 minutes of exercise at least 5 times per week.
    3) Water - I will get 64 oz before Noon and before I'm allowed a Diet Coke. Goal will be at least 100 oz each day.
    4) Protein - I will try to eat at least 100 grams of protein each day.
    5) Accountability - I will check into Robin's Thread at least once a day. I may not get to personals every day, but I will at least post my daily status.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Susan- It is so good to see you back! :happy: Great goals for August....accountability is a huge one. Hope you have fun at the race with Karen and Laurie.

    Skinny- I hadn't thought much about the protein also going up with exercise....and I have MFP set to sedentary and add all activity calories that I get off my Nike fuel wonder my protein goal is so low. Yesterday, my goal increased to 107 after I added my activity, but I hit 92 g for the day so I call that a win!
    Sounds like a good omen with that email about the free assessment and the new manager starting at your gym. Maybe the third manager's the charm! How very Goldilocks and the Three Bears...:laugh:

    Toots- Moving and cleaning? Feel the burn! You're a good sister. I hope she appreciates the help. :smile:

    ForeverDanielle- Your kids go back to school next Friday I thought mine were starting pretty early this year...Aug. 28th. We usually start after Labor Day.

    AFM- Saturday Success! I took my monthly measurements this morning, and I am down 2 inches overall! And, in an unprecedented move, my chest measurement increased by a quarter of an inch! Sorry, L2T, my girls grew....I am up 2 lbs overall for the month of July and it all went to my bra? Or it's all the chest flys I've been doing. :laugh:

    The scale also started heading back in the right direction this morning...down about a pound.

    And it's the first morning of my vacation! I worked the last 12 days in a row, so it's extra satisfying to wake up this morning and NOT have to get everyone up and dressed and head out the door. We're going to be getting a lot of errands done today and get packed for a camping trip. We leave tomorrow for a few days up in the wilderness. We come back on Wednesday. Thursday is my daughter's 7th birthday, and my parents also happen to be hosting my sister's three children for the week (They live out of state and get a Grandma/Grandpa week every summer.), so we'll be meeting them at Bay Beach in Green Bay for a cousin day of fun on Thursday. Friday is party prep day and next Saturday is my daughter's "prince and princess" themed birthday party. Sunday I will pass out from exhaustion and revel in all the memories made. :heart:
    But, first, I am off to cross-train! My bike ride awaits!

    Have a great day, everyone!