Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • oshanzo
    oshanzo Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. My name is Shannon, I'm 41 years old and have 160lbs to lose. I have been following MFP since the beginning of April and am struggling staying on track. I tend to do well for 4-5 months, then end up losing drive and gaining my weight back. I really want to stay the course this time. I can use all the support I can get! I have already gone over calorie goals the first two days of august so... My goal is to make goal 26/31 days this month.

    It looks to be a busy month with work and my son starts football practice every night from 7-9 this week. Dinners should be interesting! Wish me luck getting out of this feeling sorry for myself/throwing in the towel and bingeing kind of funk I have been in of late.
    Nice to meet all of you!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you everyone for the well wishes for my gma. As far as I know, she is still in ICU.

    Yesterday I went for a lovely run. I have been running in a different neighborhood, fancier with lots of woods and expensive houses. Saw lots of bikers, walkers, and runners along the way.

    Today I plan to do some strength training and tackle the housework.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ForeverDanielle - interesting about the melatonin - I've never tried it - will avoid it - thanks for the heads up@

    Laurie - did it rain on your 5K yesterday? I wondered if you had butterflies about running too - how did that part go for you as well?

    KAYE -AUGGHH! WRONG PART!! I'm pulling my hair out in sympathy!!! :noway:

    Skinny - yay for meeting your 100 miles in July :flowerforyou: - Your August goal formula looks so simple but will be a challenge for you!

    Kah - WOOT for you too for meeting your 100 miles in July! :flowerforyou:

    Brenda - that's the right attitude toward the August Challenge! I like that! "TO LOG MY FOOD, GOOD OR BAD" way to go!

    t i h - OMG - the secret things in the dresser drawer - ha ha ha :bigsmile: we all have those things don't we! When my mom passed, we found the most ridiculous halloween costume that in 1970 was scandulous! Nowadays no one would even blink! :laugh: Good memory!
    You have a great attitude toward the steps in the house - yep appreciate them!

    walkingQueen - WOW! You BLEW the mileage off the CHARTS ! EXCELLENT! :drinker: :heart:

    Melinaayla - Hi and welcome to this thread - you've found a great place to visit and get support!

    lelser60 - Hello to you - welcome aboard - here: I am repeating the August Goal (Challenge) for you. You choose whether you want to participate and to what extent you want to participate. You do your own recording and reporting as well.:

    Hooray for August! Here's the August Challenge:

    :heart: August CHALLENGE:
    WATCH YOUR CALORIES MONTH! Goal is to Track Your Calories…. i.e. Track the Number of Days you are under your Calorie Goal. (if you’re within 100 cal. you’re within your goal , if you don’t want to do that, INSTEAD your OPTION IS TO TRACK a particular food source) i.e, if you choose, personalize the Challenge by counting your macros or watching a particular item such as protein, salt, or sugars/carbs intake for the month. Your choice really - its about Intake and Nutrition this month. Keep your own records and post every week.

    KateIrving - great idea for your personal challenge! I don't remember welcoming you before - so welcome!

    Teresa - I'm definitely going to increase my daily activity bit by bit each day too. Yesterday my girlfriend, guy friend and her doggy and I ran around playing chase in their yard and it was so much fun - the dog is small and full of pep and he had a ball too. Our ages are 72, 63, and 51, - and the dog is 2. :laugh:

    OK - now I'm caught up to the top of Page 13 - yippee! Love you guys! Keep up the momentum!
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Hello all! New to thread. My name is Kande. I live in East Texas. 42 yo mother of 2 boys - 15 and 12. Struggled with weight since I was 10-11 yrs old. Have lost and regained so many pounds it's ridiculous. I am focused on nutrition and exercise this go round rather than a quick fix. Look forward to sharing this journey with y'all!
  • Deona143
    Deona143 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! Cindy here, I've lost 1 lb in 2 weeks. I feel that's not good enough. My doctors have switched me on and off about 6 meds for my health. The one I'm currently on causes weight gain. I've noticed my appetite has increased dramatically since starting it. Not good! Also, my ankles hurt so bad it's had to get on the elliptical or treadmill. So, I hope and pray this week goes well with eating and exercise. 100 lbs to go! I can do this :):happy:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Lost sheep report: I cannot believe this! 6 days in a row under goal! Granted, I spent about an hour last night talking myself out of a bowl of ice cream, only to pass through the kitchen and see the empty carton sitting on the counter. :tongue: It's probably a commentary on the low-fat menu I've been forcing on the other 2 members of the household.

    Though I wasn't able to work out yesterday, (translation: drive 20 minutes north to my gym), I did push shopping carts around for a couple of hours and run errands--my retail exercise. Dead fitbit is done charging, so now I can count steps.

    Sunday is always a hard day due to proximity to food all evening. Must get away from kitchen.

    Keep on trying everyone. We can do day at a time.

    GW >Marsha
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    @Teresa - I always freak out about my pt tests and meeting weight/tape standards but I know that as long as I do everything I can, I will be fine. I just have to push through.

    Sunday - Sharing: I have given wuite a bit of information about my personal life through my posts this week but I will sum it up. I am married and have 4 dogs, 2 step-children, and a grand baby. My husbanmd is wonderful although sometimes he does not think before he talks and that leads to some very harsh and hurtful words. I am in the army reserves and plan to make it a career. I am at 7 years so I have a long time to go before I can even think about retirement. I am also working on my masters degree in criminal justice. The good thing about my school is that it is all online and I make my own schedule. I should graduate next May which will be a HUGE relief and a lot taken off my shoulders and put on my resume!!! I love to bake and quilt but with everything else that I have going on, I don't have much time for either. Focsing on my health is also important to me as I do not want to end up like many people in my family. That is me in a nut shell. Pretty simple but very busy all the time.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    TrulyDivyn - WOOT! :flowerforyou: so happy for your losses! Happy Dancing with you!

    Tanya - agree with you on the effect of too many carbs and feeling s l u g g i s h......

    Hansea - AWESOME - 107 MILES - yep you killed it!! :love: and you're doing well on so many other fronts! I especially like how you defined your August goals. :heart:

    ForeverDanielle - workout tapes can be fun - I like Leslie Sansone's walking tape but they are not much of a challenge if you are already a great walker.

    Toots - man you ALWAYS have the biggest challenges in your world! Moving a house - ugh - back gone out yet?

    Skinny - sleep paralysis much be a frightening experience! How long does it last? What was it like the first time - can I ask? I'm just a curious person I guess!
    I can sympathize with your being turned down giving blood for a year. I used to donate a lot but now am on a med that they can't accept me - and I always looked forward to that reward donut!
    Push, push, push that new manager to get what you deserve!

    Susan - lady so sweet of you to try and post every day - why don't you shoot for 5/7 so you don't hate yourself if you miss? Honestly, I don't even have a job but I can't hit here every day - I just can't figure out where time wins over my goals!
    About me returning to work - doesn't look feasible in the near future - will not be considering for another six months until all health issues are settled. Nothing threatening - but complex.

    Hansea - enjoy the Wildernuts and your grandparents!

    littleShadow - ooh, nice trip ! Enjoy every minute - :flowerforyou: I had a kitty named Michigan once - aww she was sweet!

    Ohio4Me - great goals - working around your lymphedema like you're planning, is excellent stuff! How much traveling will you be doing? Oh, also I like the Carnation drinks as well. I use skim milk.

    Wagglesworth - Welcome. I do like your name - to me it sounds like something on Downton Abbey - very proper and British (Ok, Ok, I'm giving myself away!) We're here to support and encourage you !!!! just drop by daily or every other day and ask as many questions as pop in your mind!

    Grammy - little sheepie - you're no longer trailing the herd! Now stop calling your efforts lame! You have a LOT of pain just llike you said, and that limits your exercise. You're right, losing the weight will help, but until then, you do have limits. Respect them and use positive words to reinforce yourself. Tell yourself "Well done!" each time you do anything correct! One thing you can count on, you are LOVED here by us ALL!

    ebailey - such a mixture of news. So sorry your grandmother is hospitalized - we are all pulling for her and you and your family.
    It must feel great to have it announced to all your new position! WOOT WAY TO GO! :flowerforyou:

    dawnStep - hello and welcome -thanks for joining! Walking at 2 jobs defiintely puts you in the "ACTIVE" category of activity = you will do well (if you don't keel over from exhaustion :wink: )

    Brenda - what considerate words from your Commander - I think (from what I've heard from military folks I know) comments like that are its nice to have that support from a superior officer. so glad that's the situation for you! :bigsmile:

    J'Nette - hope your intake is high in protein like your concerns express. Maybe you'll start craving it!
    Oh man your cleaning goals are ambitious! I've been on my den for 6 weeks now! I find it so hard to part with stuff I actually don't need. Luckily my condo association is having a group garage sale Sept. 6 - and they are accepting donations!

    lelser - great august goals!

    Teresa - hooray for the 2 sales - that sure makes the day! I like the complaint jar idea too.:laugh:

    Kaye - oh so much on your plate - your patience is really being tried. Your sister and you discussing the increased stress due to going through your father's possessions - your idea of doing only part of it is a good idea. Also, have some good up-beat music and do it in small sessions and take breaks and try to laugh often through the tears. You will at least have each other for support. The memories will all be sweet, after all.
    There was only one heartbreak for me, and that was made up for when I found something else much later. My photo was missing from his wallet (they couldn't afford a graduation picture at that time) but I found he had saved all my letters and that made me feel SO GOOD! No other child had written to him as I did - so he had a packet of mine.

    Morgori -oh TOM - you slay me with your succulent pictures! I want to be your next-door neighbor who lives down-wind!

    Laurie - wow - such great race results - :heart: :heart: and to think how close you were to second place!! I'm so happy for you. Your anxiety before each race sounds like stage-fright that even great actors like Mike Douglas, who's in his 80's, still gets! Maybe think of it that way as something you need to anticipate having before each race....

    Becka - most people with a job or kids don't have time to do personals - Me, I'm retired no job - no kids - easy peasy for me!

    t i h - aww - Jacob sounds so nice !

    oshanzo - welcome Shannon! you'll find plenty of support and encouragement here. For one thing, we all have slumps but just keep moving forward through them - as long as we do that we are succeeding :drinker:

    sassynkp - welcome to another newcomer - as I've said to the others - we're here to support everyone!Must be tough with a name like Kande - just kidding! :wink:

    corick - Hi Cindy - egads you must be frustrated with the new meds! I've been in the same boat - gaining weight from a new med and having an increased appestat! You can only hope the med settles into your body and the side effect goes away - it should in time!
    I'm glad you have alternatives so you can protect your ankles.

    Brenda - thanks for the Sunday Share - your life is VERY interesting. Way to go on getting a DEGREE - WOOT! :drinker:


    Sunday Share 8/3/14
    Hi My on-line name is Robin but in real life I’m Ellen. I’ve been with MFP since August, 2010. I’m single, no kids, can’t work –on disability, and frustrated with myself for taking so darn long to lose this weight. Life should be a lot more fulfilling at age 63! And I live in Omaha, Nebraka one of the funnest citys in the world! Of course all of you want to come visit here – its on your Bucket Lists, right? Its home to Warren Buffett and the College World Series and the Henry Doorley Zoo – considered one of the U.S.A.’s best (oh, I know, every city’s is the best!_
    I can’t control the drugs I take encouraging me to hang onto weight, nor my health issues. What I can control is WHAT I EAT and my CHOICES OF ACTIVITY – I can increase activity to increase my over-all physical fitness and that’s what I am more interested in anyway. I would much prefer to out-run a robber than fit into a size 10 !
    I started at 264 and now am at 231 – I was as low as 203. Thanks for everyone’s support. I LOVE you guys!:heart:
  • TennesseeGeek
    TennesseeGeek Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone.....I'm new to the boards here. I'm looking for friends to support and motivate me. I like the goals on the board here and like to join. I have over 200 lbs to lose. I'm 5'1 and being short carries a lot of weight. I have lost 19 lbs already in 4 weeks. Mostly is water weight I lost. I want to stay on track. Please add me as a friend. Thank you.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy Sisters Day
    Today is Sisters Day! Did you know that 80-90% of all the people in the USA have at least one birth sibling? By the time we’re eleven years old we spend over 30% of our spare time exclusively with our brothers and sisters. It’s no wonder that they are the people who know us best!
    Sisters Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your relationship with your sister and tell her how much she means to you. Send a free Sisters Day eCard to express your appreciation and make plans to spend some time together. Grab lunch, hit the beach, or watch some home videos. Happy Sisters Day!
    I want to thank all my Sisters here on MFP for their help and encouragement!

    Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the truth, bending over backwards, lying down on the job, sidestepping responsibility and pushing their luck.” ~Anonymous

    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone! It's nice to read a little about each of you and get to know you all. I'm going back to working nights tonight after being off for 3 weeks. I will be on my feet the whole shift so I'm curious to see what my Fitbit reads. We take our lunch break at 4 am and I can't seem to adjust to eating a meal at that time lol so I will be taking a healthy snack instead of getting a honey but out if the vending machines as I did previously.
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    dawnStep - hello and welcome -thanks for joining! Walking at 2 jobs defiintely puts you in the "ACTIVE" category of activity = you will do well (if you don't keel over from exhaustion :wink: )

    I never thought about that! I'm nervous though about upping my calories :/ right now at 1430 and 275ish lbs 5'4.

    Just changed to active and it put me at 2100 calories.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Hooray for August! Here's the August Challenge: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    August CHALLENGE:
    WATCH YOUR CALORIES MONTH! Goal is to Track Your Calories…. i.e. Track the Number of Days you are under your Calorie Goal. (if you’re within 100 cal. you’re within your goal , if you don’t want to do that, INSTEAD your OPTION IS TO TRACK a particular food source) i.e, if you choose, personalize the Challenge by counting your macros or watching a particular item such as protein, salt, or sugars/carbs intake for the month. Your choice really - its about Intake and Nutrition this month. Keep your own records and post every week.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    My goal is to be 17 days under my caloric goal. Thursdays and Saturdays are my days off and Sundays are out of my control due to family activities.

    Personal goal is:
    7000 steps each day, starting tomorrow the 4th til the 10th
    8000 11th-17th
    9000 18th -24th
    10000 25th - 31st

    Also, sleep more that 5 hours per day (it is really hard for me :frown: )

    Last but not least, avoiding beating myself up on those not-so-great days and save up cash.
  • I am very happy and proud that you have made the first step into taking control of your happiness . Truthfully 100 LBS is not that hard to lose with focus and determination you can achieve the huddle in not time . But the result is not just with the weight lose but with how great you are going to feel after its all said and done . Good luck we are all here cheering you on ...
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Oh gosh the thread has really moved today! I can't read it all right now.

    @Laurie, congrats on your 5k run time. I sure as heck could not have sprinted at the end either. I'm going to try to run tomorrow morning, but the ball of my foot on the right is still bothering me a bit. We'll see how it goes.

    I usually look forward to a carb heavy dinner, something of substance. But I'm trying something different tonight. I made a huge salad with greens, carrot, cucumber, tomato, sauteed onions and red peppers (adds an amazing taste, could roast too), steamed broccoli, chick peas, feta cheese and balsamic vinagarette. Wow, it's yummy! It filled my salad serving bowl and has 19g of protein.

    August goals:

    CALORIES: (2000-2400)

    8/1: 2381 in, 3090 out
    8/2: 2370 in, 3008 out
    8/3: 2373 in, ____ out

    PROTEIN: (over 120g)

    8/1: 129 g
    8/2: 127 g
    8/3: 135 g


    8/1: 17k steps, (20,018) 45s plank and arm challenge DONE
    8/2: 17k steps, (18,412) 45s plank and arm challenge DONE

    This week:

    8/3: 17k steps, 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit ALL DONE
    8/4: 17k steps, 55s plank, 25 min run
    8/5: 17k steps, 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit
    8/6: 17k steps, 1m 10s plank and arm challenge
    8/7: 17k steps, 3X circuit, arm challenge
    8/8: 17k steps, 1m 10s plank
    8/9: 17k steps, 1m 25s plank and arm challenge
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I had a nice bike ride this morning for about 1 hour and went almost 9 miles through Kinder Park. It was a challenging ride with the same hills that I ran yesterday. Then I went and brought new running shoes, this time I went with a slightly lower weight shoe.

    Sunday share- I am Laurie, 44 years old and have on this journey for 4 years. I started at 268 lbs and now I am down to 195 lbs. I lost most of the weight during the first year and a half and have managed to keep it off. I still have between 20-40 lbs to go just not sure where I am stopping. During this time, I have been increasing my activity level, changing eating habits and have increased my energy level. During this journey, I have discovered the joys of exercising (stress relief), rock climbing, biking, swimming, hiking, running (not my favorite but it helps to lose weight and live longer). I like being active and I get bored when I don't have stuff to do that is active. I teach middle school science.
  • Kenasam
    Kenasam Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I'm not sure if I'm posting at the correct location in this thread, but here goes. According to your chart, Sunday (today) is a day to tell something about myself. I am female, 66, and have experienced the yo-yo effect all my life. Dieting, getting slim, looking good and feeling good, then reverting to poor eating habits and gaining it all back plus more. But I am at it again and am very determined. The "My Fitness Pal" app on my phone is quick and easy to use and keeps me on track and makes it so I don't forget what I have eaten during each day. It also helps me to plan ahead better than what I used to do regarding meal planning.

    I like the concept of a forum where we can vent and support each other throughout our weight loss plateaus and journeys.
  • lelser60
    lelser60 Posts: 21 Member

    It is 7 pm here in CA and I am exhausted but really did no physical activities or exercise today. Got my 2 kids packed and off to violin/music camp by 2 today. Then pealed and diced 20 pounds of peaches (eating only one peach) to freeze for fresh peaches in the Winter. That is pretty much for the day. Not sure why I am sooooo tired.

    I now have about 80 pounds of frozen peaches to last through the year. My kids LOVE to make oatmeal with peaches all Winter long...and with fresh frozen ones they do not add sugar. And its well worth the extra blister I earned today.

    I get organic food delivered every Thursday. It is what ever the farmers send us, but we can order extra of certain things in season and the past 3 weeks the extra item included peaches. So I bought 100 pounds of extra peaches in the 3 weeks they were available as an extra. Now they are done until next year. So the blisters on my fingers should heal soon.

    I will try to get to know each of you, but will start with a few at a time.

    Shannon, when my kids have scouts or sports in the evening we try to eat before they go and do 'fast cooking' dinners--stir fries, chicken almond salad, or things that can cook in the crock pot and be ready whenever. Also lots of things that can be made into sandwiches or burrito fillings in a crock pot can also easily of on top of lettuce and be a salad if you want to choose something different or lower in calories for you. You can do it, just come up with a plan ahead of time for each week so you are not tempted to go with fast and high calorie.

    Cindy, Wish I had something easy to help with your ankles and medication issues. I am in the same place but with legs/knees and medication. I wore braces on my legs as a kid and it really hurts if I walk too much or too long. So I just go for short walks and try to add to the walking by parking a little back from the stores, etc. But it sure does hurt if I over do it and then I want to take a few days off from walking at all, so I try to do a little more at a time and not over do it.

    TennesseGeek, welcome here, I want to retire in Crossville Tn in 3 years. Are you east/west or mid Tenn? I have 150 pounds to lose, so we can do this together

    Kandee , welcome to the group!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I love the August challenge. It has really helped me to refocus on what I am eating.
    There are so many new people joining us that I feel I need to introduce myself again. I'm Kaye from western Idaho. I am 70 years old, have been married for 49 years. We have 7 children with spouses, 14 grandchildren, plus some steps and fosters. You will notice that most of my posts involve my family. They are a big part of my life. I also love all kinds of needlework, word puzzles, and reading. I also usually enjoy cooking for my family. But sometimes I get tired of trying to think of what to fix!
    It will be 2 years at the end of this month since I started on MFP, having done the yo-yo thing for years. I am following a very simple calories in/calories out plan. I use portion control rather than restrict what I can eat. That being said I have been really stuck since March. I'm hoping this August challenge will get me moving again. Every day I am thankful that I found this thread shortly after I started. The friendship and accountability here are wonderful.
    Laurie, I'm glad your 5k was a success. Your dedication to being physically active is inspiring.
    Make it a good week, everyone. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @lelser--wow, that's a lot of peaches! I would be tired too!

    @laurie--yay for new running shoes! What kind did you get? I have a hard time finding light shoes with enough support for my very high arches. :ohwell: That's an awesome time for you 5k--glad the weather held out for you.

    @tanya--that salad sounds delicious!

    @helen--I also have a hard time sleeping for more than 5 or 6 hours a night. :yawn:

    @tom (morgori)--I love seeing your daily posts. That was sweet what you said about us being your "MFP sisters"--thanks right back at you bro!

    @robin--the first time I remember having an episode of sleep paralysis I was a kid--maybe 10 or 11 years old. Of course I had no idea what it was, but I had the classic descritption of feeling like someone was standing over me and being unable to move or speak. At first I thought my mom was in my room, but then the face kind of morphed into something scary when I tried to talk to her. I remember thinking it was a ghost for quite awhile afterwards, then I forgot about it until I had another episode--probably 10 years later and did some research. Found out about sleep paralysis, and when I read the description, I immediately remembered the "ghost" from my childhood and put 2 and 2 together. My very worst episiodes involve nightmares that I can't break out of b/c of the inability to move or speak--and then when I finally wake myself up and am able to move, I have to remember not to fall asleep on my back again or I will slip right back into the nightmare state. Now that I know what it is, it's not nearly as scary as the first couple of times it happened--and it doesn't happen often. I've had perhaps 10 episodes in my lifetime, and a couple of those were definitely medication/drug induced (like the nicotine patch example I mentioned before).

    I had grand plans to do a bunch of personals and then the evening got away from me. :blushing: So I will just say welcome to all of the newlings, and I'll catch those I missed on the next round.

    Saturday Success:
    I've made my protein goal all 3 days so far. I also have a calorie surplus going into day 4, and I haven't even made it to the gym yet this month, so I suppose that's something. Even though I haven't formally exercised, I've done a lot of yard work and also burned some calories dancing at a festival last night. Tomorrow I have my "fun" yearly wellness exam, but I hope to get to the gym afterwards.

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings--I'm Karen--HS English Lit teacher from Chicago. I started close to 250, lost the bulk of my weight within the first year, a bit more the next year, and managed to keep it off for the past year and a half. Now I would like to move below the 180s where my body (and brain) seems to have settled--I would like to lose somewhere between 20-30 more lbs. and then reassess.

    I have my health assessment with the new PT at my gym scheduled for next Monday evening, so I will see what he says as well regarding where I should be weight-wise.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 102
    100g of protein = 331 days