Girls - How heavy do you go for squats?



  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    140lbs 5x5. Will be at 145lbs 5x5 tomorrow morning.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    update for me since I haven't posted since January...

    After working on form and a deload after injury I got up to 160...hips were coming up to fast so deload to 145 again and did 3x5-3x8 for the week then up 5lbs rinse repeat.

    Happy to say I am at 170 tonight and do not forsee any issues with that at all. Looking forward to getting past 180 (march deload for form) just to say I got past it.

    Current weight 152 eating at maitenance because yet that makes a difference.
  • Venividivici2014
    Venividivici2014 Posts: 15 Member
    New pb for me yesterday at 95kg for 3 (210lbs). I'm 5'1 at 125lbs. Really pleased with myself!

    Normally use around 60kg if I'm doing sets of 12 or whatever. I've been squatting regularly for around 4 months and have only recently upped the weight after perfecting my form. Woop
  • Just got back in the gym today, first time doing squats though and I ended up doing 155lbs for 10 reps. Did 6 of these.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    if I am at a gym and have access to the squat rack, I usually do home with my dumbells I usually dial them up to about 30-35lbs each for a total weight that I hold of 60-70lbs....with my dumbbells however, my issue is usually with grip strength....I have to rest between reps because it gets hard to hold that much weight in my hands....

    Just saw this? Do you have your hands down (as in the DBs towards the floor rather than held on say your shoulders)?
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Working weight is 150 (right at body weight) and my current tested 1RM is 185.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm up to 150# for my low bar squats (3 sets of 5). I just started high bar, atg squats and can only do 115#, same sets. I'm 5'5" and 129#. My thighs haven't gotten bigger, just more shapely and defined. I've been doing to leg thing for 10 months now.
  • I use a bar, weighted..resting on my back/neck ..
    I have just maxed 100kg bar for Squats - though this is only 8reps. and to failure..
    i work my way up doing 25-30 reps on 20kgs
    20 on 40kgs
    15 on 60kg
    10 on 80kg
    manage 8 on 90kgs
    and squatted around 5kg on 100kgs ...

    though i then worked my way back down and completed alot of sets of 20kg bar ....
  • CardiC333
    CardiC333 Posts: 68 Member
    225 and moving up.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Your thighs won't get bigger if you're eating at a deficit. No matter how heavy you lift.
  • idratherlift
    idratherlift Posts: 1 Member
    Depends how many reps I plan on doing per set. I've been doing different # of reps each week for my main lifts (squat, deadlift, bench) and the last time I did low bar squats I did 5 for 175 for 4 sets but the last one I pulled out a couple more and about died. It's good to keep a schedule of how heavy you are planning to go on a certain day/week.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Lordy, animals!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    135x5x5 for now. Trying to work up to 150 by Halloween or sooner.
  • GuitarGirl99
    GuitarGirl99 Posts: 23 Member
    So inspired by all of your achievements!!!

    Me - 65 lbs for 3 x 4 in a front squat, with the bar supported on my crossed arms / collarbone area.

    It may not sound like much at first glance....but until about 4 months ago I couldn't even squat my own body weight.

    I'm using NROL for Life program.

    I have my own weights at home at this time. Its time to get my courage up and go face the weight room at the gym to learn how to use a squat rack because I feel like I'd progress in weight if I could get that bar up onto my back / trapezius area. I don't feel safe struggling to get the bar up and over onto my back with any more weight than this and also I feel like I couldn't safely bail out from under it if I need to. No time for getting hurt!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    215 x 5, 190 x 15 for back squats, 165 x 6 for Zercher Squats. I have feel like I probably can do higher than 215 but just haven't tried yet. I will soon :)
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    205 for back and 185 for front.
    IMO my legs have never looked better.
    I do stick to jeans with stretch- as the shape of my butt and my thighs does not match any conventional jeans.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    New PR to report (and Scottish record): 120kg/264lb at 61kg/134.2lb.

    Just started doing front squats on my new programme so nothing wildly exciting to report on those... give me a few months!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm using 15s right now, but thinking about moving up to 20s. I'm concerned that if I go much heavier, it will make my thighs bigger instead of leaner. I'm not sure there's any science to that thinking, though...

    Have you seriously missed all the threads on here?! They won't get bigger without a surplus and years of hard work.

    Go heavy! I was up to 154 but have had to cut back down to 132 due to form issues - my thighs are smaller (unfortunately)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Arggghh! I keep replying to old threads :ohwell:

    New PR to report (and Scottish record): 120kg/264lb at 61kg/134.2lb.

    Just started doing front squats on my new programme so nothing wildly exciting to report on those... give me a few months!

    Amazing PR! You do realise your just making it hard for the rest of us though :grumble: I've been thinking about competing at some point but it's just getting harder to catch up - most I've managed is 70 kg. haha seriously though, well done!
  • 60kg (132lbs) for 3 sets of 10 reps. Not sure what my max is though, I think I may need a spot partner for that :P
    lifting heavy will not make you bulky, it will make you lean.