Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~I may end up with two rest days in a row, mostly because its tax-free weekend here and I have some clothes shopping to do plus house work. I sometimes disagree with certain things my trainer suggests; however, when it comes to muscle I tend to agree with him since it weighs more than fat and is more dense. I was benched for a month after surgery, so I'm sure I lost some muscle during that time. My clothes are fitting looser, so while the scale is showing a gain I feel like I've lost inches--need to learn to be happy with that! :wink: I've also been eating well below my BMR, I need to try harder to eat at least that--because of my activity, I need to make a more conscious effort to eat what my body needs. I'm planning to re-evaluate my TDEE and BMR this weekend and try to find the right balance. He's right from some level--I've always loved working with with numbers (guess its why I'm an accountant) so I have tendencies to obsess over them. He's trying to get me to ease off on myself a bit, since I tend to obsess if things aren't perfectly balanced. If you want a good laugh, I think of the daily summary on the home page as the accounting equation (just turned around a bit)--assets are food, liabilities are exercise and owners equity is my net). :laugh:

    @Tom~Zoe will love that its international cat day! I :heart: coming home to her every day and she's always so excited to see me--she helps me forget what a stressful day I had at work. She doesn't hiss or growl and really isn't that vocal with meowing, but she sure purrs like a diesel engine! :laugh:

    @Laurie~glad your test went well and the tech didn't see anything of concern, sorry you have to ease back a bit until you get your final results.
  • makekathshrink
    makekathshrink Posts: 5 Member
    100 miles in a month ..... Well I'm going to have to give it a go xxx
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: It really feels good to be back on track. I hit the gym 4 days and plan to go tomorrow. 5 days is plenty for me. While I’m dying on the elliptical again, I know I’ll work my way back up. Walking is at 3.5 for an hour, but it actually was feeling a “little” easy. Time to bump it up. Plus, I want to get back to swimming perhaps 2 days per week to mix things up. I did lose 8.9 lbs this week. Happy dance!!! There’s nothing like that first week of weight loss to get you in a positive mood. I’m excited to keep going and push through week 2. It’s good to be back and thank you guys again for your support my friends.

    @ Laurie70 – Hugs my friend!! Just a “little” hiccup, but I know everything is going to be fine. You’ve been patient. Eating right. Exercising consistently. You will not go back to your old ways there’s no way. This is your lifestyle now. We’ll worry about the exercise level after your results.

    @ Skinny/Karen – I was thinking exactly the same thing on so many of your points. It’s truly people like you, Laurie, Kah68, Lives2Travel, MowMow/Kris, and so many others that keep pushing me forward. I know some of you it’s taken a little while and there were some ups and downs along the way, but you keep pushing forward. I know I missed so many more, but you guys have given me so much inspiration and I know I’m not alone. Like you said, I will be dealing with this too for the rest of my life. I just need to first lose or get to a reasonable weight and then figure out how to maintain. Also, smiling at Gunnar at the salon. I bet he’s a handsome fellow now.

    @ GrandmamaKaye – Woo Hoo!! Laundry is done. I know you’ve been piled up for quite some time. It’s those little things that make us smile.

    @ TrulyDivyn/Dorrie – What??!!! Southern Nevada – I’m in Southern Nevada or Las Vegas I should say. Which casino? I moved from Atlanta to Las Vegas in April 2012 to work for Caesars Entertainment. I lasted 10 months – HATED it. Luckily, a new opportunity opened with Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop and I’m so much happier. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I had no idea you started at 386. You truly have experienced so many of these hills and valleys so many of us are enduring and then some. What an inspiration!! I’m so glad I crawled my way back to my group and you joined in the process. I can’t wait to get to know you better.

    @ Tlh0407 – I love my Kitchen Aid Mixer. It’s been used a TON that’s for sure and worth every penny. I remember my mom took a cake decorating class and we always had fun cakes for our birthdays. She tried to do one for sale and I remember she was a total basket case. She didn’t too to many because the anxiety got to her even though they looked great! I bet yours will look awesome!

    @ Brenda_1129 – Nice job with the trainer. I really enjoyed working with one, but had to let it go. She never had me running though. Thank goodness! I just wasn’t ready for that yet. She pushed me, but I was never so sore the next day I couldn’t exercise.

    @ Kah68/Kelly – I love the relationship you’ve built with your trainer. I know you get so much great advice and you’re working so diligently. You deserve all the support you can get. I’m not one to give advice right now on the ups and downs of the scale. Lord knows I’ve been a mess for awhile, but what I do know is your so faithful with your diary and exercise. Like I told Karen and Laurie, this is your lifestyle now and you WILL NOT go back to the old lifestyle. There’s no way. Will you still have to go through some ups and down? No doubt, but just look how much stronger and healthier you’ve all become. You can look back as a reminder, but know you’re always focused ahead.

    @ Lives2Travel – I think the reason I smile with your Good Days, Bad Days, and Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days is I think of Alexander of course. I haven’t read that book in years to Cyrus. I may need to pull it out tonight for some smiles.
  • KrisN30
    KrisN30 Posts: 19
    Friday- I go on walks and am working on strength training when I'm not being lazy (I'll start that tomorrow) lol.I'll be tracking my calories in my journal and will track my exercise online :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! A friend of mine posted this article on FB. It's a quick read and pretty basic, but solid advice for newlings, and a good reminder for us oldies. For the most part, I'm good about following all but #7. :blushing:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello all. I am enjoying my new job but my companion (old boss now coworker) will be out on vacation next week. This week, I scheduled three interviews, 2 of them didn't show and the other I hired. It's been a good week in limbo. DH and I are in a bit of a tiff today. He had a bad day at work and is taking it out on me, causing me to have a ****ty evening. He told me we were going to the mall so he could get me new running shoes, but then we started arguing about getting his computer set up with internet and I decided just to start drinking and make dinner at home.

    Friday Fitness: I went for a 5 mile run this morning. It was my "retire the shoes" run. I should have rested, I skipped softball last night because I pulled something in my foot. This morning it felt fine, but after my run I had to wear my ankle brace and real shoes to work. Guess I'll be doing week 11 all over again also.

    I've been under my calorie goal every day this month!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I did a leg/butt circuit yesterday and am really feeling it today, which makes me feel that I worked hard enough... Yesterday it felt a little too easy. But no butt soreness which makes me think that I need heavier weights for the dead lifts or my form is off. My feet are feeling better still, and I went for a hike after work and was surprised when my fitbit vibrated at my 17k goal. I've nit reached that all week as I'm trying to rest the feet.

    I have a very annoying problem... I have a noise sensitivity. I don't like loud music, power tools, lawn mowers etc. I get very agitated. Especially in my house. I feel like I should not have to hear the noisy kids down the street in MY personal space. It's probably absurd, I know but my blood pressure rises and I feel generally agitated. I'm trying to "let it go" and try to ignore the sounds I find offensive but it's hard. And last night one of the houses on my street ran a generator all night. The sound bounced off a house on the corner, making it seem to come right outside my house. I sleep with the window open because I love fresh air at night and the cat goes in and out without waking me up. I had to wear ear plugs and I could still hear the generator. It was off for about an hour and now it's back on again. I feel like blowing up... I can hear it with all the windows closed, so I turned the TV up to drown it out, which is annoying in itself. :explode: :explode: I hope this doesn't last all weekend or into next week... I'm gonna lose a lot of sleep. And my sanity.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--sorry about the noise. Could you wear earbuds with some pleasant music that doesn't offend your hearing? That's what I would do. I don't have noise sensistivity, but sometimes at starbucks the other people talking will get on my nerves, so I plug in my music to drown it out.

    @erienne--sorry about your hubs being cranky. I don't blame you for calling off the mall visit--nothing worse than taking an already grumpy mand shopping! The cocktail was probably a better idea. :wink:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I've been under my goal every day this month, too, ebailey (sorry I don't know your name)! Hurrah to us both! It's a record for me.

    Tomorrow night is our anniversary dinner. I've seen the restaurant's menu on-line and realized that other than veggies, everything else is VERY high calorie. So I'm having minimal cals during the day, a short workout for the calorie buffer, and then will only have lobster with lemon, no butter, grilled asparagus, one roll with a teeny butter and a shared dessert. Oh, and appetizer will be fresh mozzarella with heirloom tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. Drinking only water. Beginning to think it would be easier to go to Chik-fil-A. I apologize if I'm making anyone hungry, but it helps if I publicly declare my intentions, then I'll be less inclined to stray.

    Tried again, and failed, to send emails to make fitbit friends. I think the problem is with their new dashboard. I'm giving up for now. When son has a chance, I'll have him try it. Honestly, if it weren't for him, I'd be lost in cyber limbo.

    103 here today. Feeling waterlogged. Stay cool, everyone.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just catching up - lots of posts - welcome to some newbies of course!

    Tanya - sorry about your noise problem - wish I could think of a solution that wasn't intrusive on you!

    Susan - you're exercise is more advanced than I thought and your weight loss is TERRIFIC! WOOT!

    AFM - I ate the kiwi tonight and enjoyed it very much - plan on buying again. Also tried the very black grapes now being sold and they are great too!
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    Can anyone recommend an accurate scale? I tried a digital and had no consistency with it. I don't want to spend a fortune.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Kate... I have a weight watchers scale, bought it at Walmart for about $30. Very accurate, I know because it reads the same as the very fancy and expensive Tanita scale I weigh on at physio.

    Just wanted to pop in and say I saw a new low on the scale this morning!!! I'm so excited... Just goes to show you that weight loss truly is 90% diet, 10% exercise. I'm eating properly/under calories 90% of the time, the exercise makes up for the 10% when I'm not. :laugh:

    Oh, and the generator went on all night, and is still going now. Bylaw office is closed until Monday, which is when I will call to make a complaint. Our after hours solution is to call provincial police.. I don't really want to do that, it seems harsh to me. I will be out of the house as much as possible this weekend and will buy more earplugs for sleeping. But come Monday... Watch out!

    Met protein goal 8/8. I'm over calories 2 days out of 8, but not by much... A few handfuls of nuts or crackers at night only because my stomach was still growling but in the grand scheme of things still in a deficit. If I'm hungry, I'm going to eat.


    Sunday: 17k steps(20,858), 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit ALL DONE
    Monday: 17k steps(14,177) 55s plank, DONE 25 min run NOT DONE
    Tuesday: 12k steps,((12,788) 1min 10s plank and arm challenge DONE, 3X circuit (NOT DONE but did 1 min wall sit)
    Wednesday: 12k steps, (13,484) 1m 10s plank and arm challenge DONE
    Thursday: 12k steps, (13,259) 3X circuit, arm challenge BOTH DONE
    Friday: 12k steps, (18,113) 1m 25s plank DONE
    Saturday: 15k steps, 1m 25s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick update since I'm out the door to take the dog to the groomer and then to Home Depot.

    Hope everyone has a Wonderful, Fabulous, Just Great, Very Good Day!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 6/8

    Good Days: 6
    Not so Good Days: 1
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 1
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Excellent article, thanks for sharing. I’m also guilty of #7.

    @Tanya~I’m noise sensitive too. A few months back they were repairing the parking lot outside of my office at work, I thought I would go crazy over the noise of the jackhammer. I like Karen’s suggestion and maybe wear some earplugs that muffle the sounds—I wear some anytime I vacation with my family, to block out snoring and noises from the hum of generators, etc. Hooray for a lower number on the scale!

    @erienne(ebailey)~I’m sorry DH had a bad day at work and came home taking it out on you. Glad you got your run in, I hope he woke up happy today and you can get your new runners.

    @Marsha(GW)~Happy Anniversary, dinner sounds absolutely fab—enjoy! :bigsmile: PM me your email address and I’ll see if I can add you to fitbit—or look on your Fitbit profile and post your url, I’ll add you. Yep, it was HOT here yesterday—more today. Guess we can say summer finally arrived! :laugh:

    @Susan~Thanks for the kinds words. Awesome loss this week, so happy for you!

    August Goals:

    Calories (at or below): 7/30
    Macros (within 2%): 5/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Run DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk or Run DONE! (Sauna instead)
    Thursday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~Sauna (rest day instead) DONE!
    Saturday~Rest Day (incline trainer instead)

    AFM~Did take yesterday as a rest day, heading to my trainer’s studio in a bit though to walk on the incline trainer (up to 40% incline). Its tax-free weekend this weekend so going out this afternoon to do some clothes shopping. I need another dress for my cruise in October, plus some workout pants and a couple of other things—hope to find some good deals. Working on grocery list right now, so hope to finish that up as well. Going to be hot, hot, hot here today. August in Texas, gotta love it! :wink:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. I hope you are all starting off with a fabulous weekend. Mine plans to be uneventful but that is okie dokie with me. My ankle is coming along. I am doing physical therapy a couple days a week on it now. It was pretty sore last night but looking back at the last few days leading up to it I realized I might have over done. The upside I have almost got my front and back yard whipped back into shape after a month or so of neglect. Today my son and I are going to be tackling the garage but he will be doing the more physical stuff and I will be doing the smaller detail stuff and organizing. I cant wait to get it back to the way it should be again. I got all the drawers in my desk cleaned out and organized yesterday so for my organizing chores I am starting to make some progress. I have two closets and the bathroom cabinets left to do. Might tackle some of that tomorrow.

    Tanya congrats on the loss. Sorry you are having problems with the noisy generator. Thankfully I have never had much problem with noise. Probably cause I come from a very large loud family:laugh:
    Kah it is good you are getting some rest. You tend to work very hard. Have fun shopping today.
    Grammywhammy I am so glad you had a nice anniversary. Congratulations.
    Skinny ty for sharing that article. Everything in there was oh so true.
    L2T have fun on the remodel shopping. I love doing that kind of shopping but only with the hubby not by myself. I am not real great at visualizing things so I give him an idea of what I want and he helps me make it happen:smile:

    Well it is almost time to go pick on my son till he gets up. Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello to all.
    My name is Lori. I have about 100 to loose. am down a total of 52.5 over the last 2 1/2 years.
    I am once again motivated and have lost 14.5 since June 1. Decided to try a personal trainer this time. He introduced me to MFP. Or really he just said: "GET ON MFP, I'll be checking on your logs weekly".

    What I will do:
    Log all food, the good the bad and the ugly
    Log all activity, accurately

    What I will not do:
    Cook all my meals

    Do a tri-athalon, I have never run for exercise but plan to at some point.

    NSV this week. Made an exercise plan for this coming week as my trainer is on vacation.
    Today - Walk 5 miles
    Sunday - Body Pump 60 minutes, swim 40 minutes
    Monday - Core works 30 minutes, swim 45
    Tuesday - Elliptical 45, swim 30
    Wednesday - Elliptical 20 minutes, resistance workout 30 minutes, swim 40
    Thursday - Body Pump 60 minutes, swim 40 minutes
    Friday - Elliptical 10 minutes, personal trainer 45 minutes, swim 40

    Never in my couch potato days did I ever believe I would be doing this.
    My husband and I are dedicated TV and snacks.
    I want to live longer, buy clothes on the regular racks and be able to go to the farm market and walk the entire 1/2 mile and back without taking a breather on a bench.

    I know this is getting long but after reading some of the posts I feel really motivated, encouraged and just good about myself.

    Thank you to all of you brave MFP members, you have made my day!:flowerforyou:
  • Nagyca
    Nagyca Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe it's the full moon tomorrow, but my kids are all over the place. So I decided to take them into the woods. It's been really hot all day and we had to get away from the sun. About 2 hours later the storm started to build up. In the begining I wasn't worried, because we were about 15 min from home. Then the thunder and the lightning started and I freaked out. So I picked up my 2 year old son (12kg) and grabbed the hand of my 4 year old daughter and we almost ran home. AND it wasn't a problem for me. I carried Mark for 15 minutes with one hand and pulled Iris with the other, so even tough the scale hasn't moved much this week I saw that my body is changing and I AM getting more fit. I just can't stop smiling ;))
  • frances_bacon
    frances_bacon Posts: 35 Member
    Hello all,

    I hope this finds you all well. Is it too late to join this group? I have roughly 130 pounds to lose. I started logging all my food and exercise on the 1st of August and have lost 3.1kg/ 6.8 pounds (I was a bit heavier than my original starting weight) so far.

    What I will do:
    Continue to log all food and exercise
    Eat clean at least 80% of the time

    What I won't do:
    Slip back into old (bad) habits if I have an off day

    I am allowing myself to eat something very naughty twice a week, as long as I only go over my daily calorie intake once a week, and remain under my weekly calorie intake limit.

    I'm also giving myself a 100 day exercise challenge just now, wish me luck!
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Happy Saturday. I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I have been holed up in the office working on my school work. I still have to write a term paper but I am taking a little break to say hello to you all!!

    @Kah~ My HRM is supposed to be water/sweat proof but I truely believe that the problem is the sweat. My husband did order a new battery for it just to see if that is the problem. Hopefully it works soon. I would really like to have accurate counts.

    @Dorie~Thank you for your inspiration.

    @Jean~This trainer is no joke. I was so sore yesterday and today is worse. I would normally workout anyway but my knee is very swollen and it hurts almost as bad as when I initially injured it. I will be taking the rest of the day off and maybe go for a swim tomorrow.

    @Marsha~Happy Anniversary!!

    Welcome Lori and Frances!

    Saturday Success: I made it to the gym 3 nights in this week and stayed under my calorie count. I am shooting for 4 but 3 was a hard feat with the minor changes in my schedule this week. As for the calorie counts, I know that I need to do better. Isn't that the point of logging, so you know what you can see what you are eating and make appropriate changes?
  • KrisN30
    KrisN30 Posts: 19
    I found what it is like to be positive when trying to lose weight. I have no idea what I have accomplished yet because I am gaining weight but I am trying to lose the weight that I've gained. i found that I wasn't as big 5 months ago so i feel crappy for not losing any weight but gaining 4 pounds. Anyways, I am going to try again and try to keep my motivation and stop being so hard on myself.

    Actually, I do have things to be proud of now that I think of it. I ran my first race in 2009 (although I came out dead last lol) and I did lose 95 lbs before the 30 packed on.