Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cin6832
    cin6832 Posts: 1
    Hello all....New to the board and just starting this process (for the 999th time--lol). Had a wake up call this last week that made me sit up and think about the fact that I HAVE to start taking care of myself. I've been diabetic for probably 7-8 yrs and not doing what I need to do...kept telling myself that I'm fine...I'm a nurse, I know what I'm doing...until Wed when my A1C came back at 9.0! WTF!!!! Then I looked at myself in the mirror and said....what the heck are you doing??? I am. I'm currently at 351lbs....I have realistic goals.....I know that I haven't exercised...really years.

    1. Be accountable.....I'm using the food tracker daily (at day #5)--have under 1800 calorie/day goal
    2. Exercise---Starting at 3x/wk for cardio and 2 days/wk for circuit training. I gowith my husband who is training for a 5K. (He is very supportive).
    3. Drink more water....I'm shooting for 4-5 bottles/day, but do drink unsweetened tea as well.
    4. Be realistic---no more than 2-3lbs/week to start.

    I really want some advice. I have a family of non-veggie eaters (esp my step-daughter is in college). I know I need to increase the veggies.

    Do my goals sound realistic?

    I know that I'm not going to be perfect every day....but so far, holding at about 1400-1600 cal/day and increasing my protein.

    Thanks everyone!!!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    You all are so kind. Thanks for the anniversary wishes! 46 years today! :love:

    Church and Nat'l Lazy Day, so you know I didn't get a workout in, but I taught a class of 11 year olds and it sure felt like a workout.

    So far, goals met 10/10. Somebody tell the press!

    Oh newbies, your stories tug at my heartstrings. You are in the right place because there isn't a more caring and encouraging thread on MFP. Never give up. You will do this. :heart:

    I'm so excited! I get my hearing aid this Tuesday and the Dr. said it will help my tinnitus, also! I really need two, but am trying one to see if it's tolerable (plus they are $$$$$). Will be so great to hear dialogue and in situations with background noise. See what you have to look forward to, youngsters.

    Have a restful evening, everyone. Oh, if you can, look up. Super moon tonight--closest to earth this year.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, today was almost a terrible awful no good day. I had given myself a free pass for yesterday, but I took one today, as well. Its hard with so much company, 26 for dinner tonight, and that's just family that lives in the area. The only thing that saved the day was a nice 3 mile walk with part of the family this evening. The moon was amazing!
    I changed my profile picture to one of me with my granddaughter after the wedding. It is a not so gentle reminder that I still need to lose some more weight. I think that I should take more pictures so I can see what I look like. For some reason, I can't get the orientation right. There is also a picture of the wedding on my profile.
    I am also a daily weigher. I find that watching the daily fluctuations makes my expectations more realistic.
    Welcome to the newbies. You have had some tough times. This is a great place to find encouragement and support.
    I'm glad that I can start fresh tomorrow. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marsha (grammywhammy)--happy anniversary!! :flowerforyou: No view of the moon here as it's cloudy and rainy, but a friend posted a gorgeous shot of it from Eastern Oregon.

    @cindy--welcome! :flowerforyou: I think your goals are realistic, but don't get discouraged if you don't meet them all right away. For example, if you don't get in all of the exercise or water one week, just be happy you did better than you would have in the past and try again the next week. :smile: The key to this seems to be me making sustainable changes, and not letting a bad day throw you completely off track. As far as the veggies go, do you like them? If so, then just make them and if no one else in the family wants them, you will have leftovers for the next day. My husband and I often have different food tastes. For example, I love fish but he's not always a fan. So I make fish for myself to take to work for lunch. I also tend to eat a lot more veggies than he does, and if there are leftovers, I like to use them the next day in an omlette, or I'll mix them with some quinoa or brown rice and eat them for lunch.

    @laurie--crossing my fingers that you don't have to wait for the rest of your bloodwork. :flowerforyou:

    AFM--had a good day foodwise--120g of protein and I'm back in the black (or should I say green?:laugh: ) with my running tally.

    This will be a busy week for me. I have Ipad training all day Wed. and Thurs. Then on Sat. I go to my parents' in chicago for our yearly neighborhood festival. Though I probably won't get to the gym, there will plenty of walking and maybe some dancing as well. :smile: I will spend the night at their house, and then hang out at the festival part of the day Sunday as well. Being realistic about gym time, but it's possible I'll fit in another day or at least a run outside.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + trainer
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 34
    100g of protein = 5/31 days
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Monday Check In: Good Morning Everyone! My weekend was a whirlwind. After yesterdays frustration about my 2 LB gain and all the great advice and perspectives that you all offered I am in a much better state of mind. I am going to keep pushing through and see what happens over the next few weeks. I put my scale back in the closet and will not pull it out until the 1st of the month. I think that will help me get out of my own way and focus on the workouts and not the numbers.

    How was your weekend?
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @mymowmow - Neelix is adorable! He's looking at you like he wants to say "Are you getting my good side?".

    @tlh - You're a good sister for offering your help even when you were very busy. I agree with your DH, your cake business will take off. The pic you posted of the tiger cake was impressive and I bet yummy.

    @ferafilia - Yay for the WHOOSH! I seriously need one. Been stuck at 182 for a while although I should say maintaining not stuck since I've had more than my share of days eating at a maintenance level. Time to get serious about losing the rest of this weight!

    @susan - Great week! I so admire your tenacity and dedication to your journey. I know how easy it is to just slide back into our old, comfortable behaviors instead of staying the course. Your example is one we all should follow. NEVER give up!

    @brenda - Darn scale can be so irritating, but you just need to keep going. I second what others have said, track your weight fluctuations. We all have them and when you see the over all trend is down despite the upticks, you can relax about seeing a higher number on any given day.

    @skinnyjeanz - Over due to Sangria? Totally worth it.

    @kateirving - Welcome to the best thread on MFP! Sounds like you've given so much to others and are finally going to take care of yourself. Check in often and reach out when you need support. This is an awesome group of people who have all struggled, failed and gotten themselves up and back on track.

    @teresa - Congrats on the 50 days! I totally understand the negative self talk. I'm a perfectionist. I admit it, but have really worked on telling myself that it's absurd to judge myself way more harshly than I ever would others. I'm human. I screw up and as long as I get back up and try again, it's OK.

    @tanya - Canoeing sounds so fun. Something I need to add to my "to do" list. DH probably won't want to try it, but my dog is always up for anything involving water.

    @laurie - Hope your TOM loss sticks. Your account of coach potato to athlete is awesome!

    @cin6832 - Your goals sound great! Just be careful not to attempt too many changes at once. It's all about creating a calorie deficit so your goal to be accountable and stay at your daily calorie goal is right where it should be at # 1.

    @grammywhammy - Congrats on 46 years and meeting your calorie goal every day in August!

    @kaye - Glad you avoided a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! And I love your statement " I'm glad that I can start fresh tomorrow". That is a blessing we all need every day.

    AFM - No walk this morning since it's pouring out there. I hope there will be a window after work to get it in. I'm pleased with all the choices for the laundry room especially the countertops which incorporate recycled glass. DH and I also went to the new outlet mall yesterday afternoon to check it out. I anticipate spending time there in the fall to put together a new wardrobe. I did buy some skinny ankle jeans at Talbots (size 12 yay!) and splurged on a raincoat at Coach. I've been a bargain shopper during the last 14 months of losing, but could not resist the raincoat since it's a classic and something I'll wear for years. It's a medium and even when I lose the rest of the weight, it'll still fit. Might have to go out in the rain later just to wear it!

    Have a great Monday.

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 8/10

    Good Days: 8
    Not so Good Days: 1
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 1
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy(tlh)~The cake turned out so cute, great job!

    @Susan~Great job last week! The weekend got away from me, so after losing track of time on Saturday and then my vacuum cleaner breaking on me I couldn’t work in the time to shop. :frown: Need to this coming weekend, though—tried on Fall clothes in my closet and all my pants fell to the floor! :laugh:

    @Kris(M0wM0w)~Neelix is a cutie! I had a black cat (really the color of cocoa powder in the sun) for 14-years, Cocoa, miss her so much.

    @Brenda~Didn’t you change your calorie allotment and increase your activity recently? If so, that could account for the gain—sometimes it takes our bodies a few weeks to get used to the changes we make. It WILL come off, hang in there!

    @Tanya~I weigh nearly every day too, but only track it once a week—I think it keeps me accountable though.

    @erienne(ebailey)~Hooray for new runners, I love Brooks (have Ghost and Glycerin currently)! I’m sorry for the migraines (hate them), I hope you find relief soon.

    @Tom~Wish I had seen your post about yesterday being a lazy day holiday, would have totally done that! I was on the go all day, don’t think I sat down until 8-9 last night.

    @Cindy~I think you have some very reasonable goals. Increasing your water would be a great step, also I think your calorie goal may be a little low—if you find yourself feeling tired and unenergetic you might consider increasing it, especially if you’re active. Like Karen (skinny) suggested though, don't try to focus too much at once.

    @Marsha(GW)~Hooray, you’ll probably be hearing all kinds of things (maybe even some things you don’t want to hear). :wink: My mom got hearing aids several years ago (hers pretty much blend in, so you don’t know she’s wearing them)—she told me they were $$$$$, insurance should cover those!

    AFM~Well the weekend was an epic fail, I think I only tracked breakfast and lunch on Saturday and just breakfast yesterday—I don’t know what happened, just busy I guess. Definitely not a typical behavior. I need to learn to schedule my time better on the weekends! On a positive note, I was active—long walk on Saturday on the incline trainer and then session with my trainer yesterday. I have an appointment this afternoon, so no workout today.

    August Goals:

    Calories (at or below): 8/30
    Macros (within 2%): 6/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday~Rest Day

    Short day for me since I need to leave early for an appointment, I better get busy. Have a great day!
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I am not familiar with some of the shorthand on the site. Someone has to put up a dictionary. But, what is TOM. Aside from my brothers name I couldn't think of what it means. Have an appt with my therapist this morning. I have been feeling good so I guess I am on the right track. I had a good long walk yesterday, and tried to focus on how I was enjoying being out. I have never been very athletic, and so never developed a real love of vigorous activity. I am trying to get into it gradually. Many moons ago I used to jog with a friend, she was much more into it, and it was easier to do with someone else. She had me train for a July 4 5K race and although we finished the race, we were behind the ambulance at the end of the race. Which gives you an idea of how fit we were. I would like to get to the point where I can hold a steady pace jogging without feeling like dropping and then maybe I will enter a race. This is one of my goals. Along with losing 72 lbs. Thank you for all the encouragement.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    I discovered this post two weeks ago and have not been back due to the fact that we had a family reunion for the last two weeks. I posted an exercise goal but that did not occur. I loved the will will not and later factor to the site. The only think I accomplished during the last two weeks was the will goal of not eating in secret or alone. So basically every day I only ate when I was around other people. It was really interesting to actually eat without any guilt! Amazing! Freeing! It really makes you stop and think about what you are putting in you mouth and allows you to enjoy or not enjoy the food but maybe the ability to eat anything you want without a feeling that it is BAD! hahaha Did I enjoy the food? Most of the time, yes, but I overeat alot and that is sad. Sad to treat myself so cavilierly and without love and concern. It was for me a real eye opener. Now what am I going to do about it? That is the real challenge. And that is why this post will work so well for me. It is all about choices and the way things are set up each one chooses what works best for them.

    So to rebegin after experiencing a new concept here I go.

    Follow the August challenge of staying within 100 calories of goal calories each day
    Post food choices each day
    Eat three meals and two snacks in public that will stay within calorie range
    Attend my Silver Sneakers gym class two days a week
    Do 30 minutes everyday of exercise four days a week; bike or walk

    Will not
    Sneak food
    Pile up extra goals to make myself feel better about wanting to lose weight

    More exercise

    Nice that I can begin again.
    Great site and love reading how everyone is conquering their stress and achieveing their goals. Will check in tomorrow.
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Kate, TOM means time of the month. So many women gain weight when they are on their period. I also gain when I ovulate, which explains my almost 2 lb jump on the scale this morning. Glad it wasn't yesterday when I record my weekly weight!! :noway:

    I'm heading off to work and will post more later! Have a super day everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Weekend was good and very relaxing. House is clean. Laundry is done. I relaxed by the pool all day Saturday then Cyrus and I went to church Saturday night. On Sunday, Cyrus went to the 51’s (Las Vegas’ AAA baseball team) with my sister so I had the day to myself. I took Morgori’s/Tom National Lazy Day to heart and didn’t do a thing. I caught up on the DVR with some shows and just read all day. It was nice.

    August Challenge: I feel good about the month. The one thing I need to keep improving on is my water intake. I’ve been under or at my calories all month. I’ve exercised at least 5 days each week and logged on MFP every day. Everything is good just need more water.

    @ L2T– I hope you took some before and then some after pictures of the laundry project. I’m glad everything is right on track and can’t wait to see it! I’m glad you stayed on track this weekend. Me too!! Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot. You mentioned two of my favorite places, Talbots and Coach. You can’t beat them for classic lines, which never go out of style. I don’t shop too often, but we have a Coach Outlet near us and always find a great deal.

    @ Kateirving – Thank you for just giving us a little glimpse into your life. Wow! It definitely sounds like it’s time to take care of Kate. It’s so hard to watch our loved ones suffer, but often the ones people forget are the caregivers. It’s such an emotional drain as you’re trying to take care of the ailing, but keep others spirits up too. I have a dear friend whose 40-year old husband is dying of cancer (colon, liver and lungs). Her son is about to start his freshmen year in college and her daughter a freshmen in high school. She’s trying so hard to be strong for the kids even though they know their dad is dying and she’s trying to be strong for him. It’s just tragic. I think this move will be good for you especially to be near your friend and give you a chance to rebuild too. Very proud of you! I had to chuckle when you asked about TOM, which Teresa answered. I often refer to it as Aunt Flo. We basically have Morgori/Tom and often another guy will pop on, but basically we’re just a bunch of women and some of us still battle the dreaded monthly cycle – yuck!!!

    @ Cblue315 – We’ve had quite a few discussions lately about the scale. Some have to weigh in daily while others once a week or even monthly. I use to be a daily one, but couldn’t handle the anxiety of the fluctuations with water, Aunt Flo, stress, etc. . . I’m moving to once a week and that’s it. I figured if I keep eating less and exercising more the weight will come off eventually. I know one woman who lost close to 200 lbs and she hardly ever got on the scale. She just knew her clothes were loose, she wasn’t getting winded going up stairs and people were commenting. I think the first time she got on the scale after the initial weigh-in she was down 50 lbs. Seriously. I could have NEVER done that, but she never let the scale control her.

    @annem6806 – Welcome! You’ve found one of the best groups on MFP. Of course, I’m a “little” biased, but everyone is very supportive and provides great insight. The thread can move a lot during the week (we can be a chatty bunch), but the weekends are much quieter. Enjoy your journey and take it one day a time.

    @ Teresa_3266 – I think a LOT of us feel the same way. While we’re happy with our losses, we want them ALL gone tomorrow. Like you said, we didn’t gain them overnight so there not all going to be gone overnight either. 50 days is great and you’re doing awesome! Keep up the GREAT work!!

    @ ebailey – You did the right thing and logging the cookies no matter how bad it was. You logged it and now you move on. Like you said, tomorrow is another day. I’m proud of you!

    @ Laurie – I always find it so fascinating how each of our bodies are so different. I’ve had to accept my weight loss for what it is and different things truly factor my loss/gain. I can’t get focused on how quickly someone else loses weight because we are different. Last week was a big loss, but for a few reasons. It was my first time logging, exercising and staying under calories for a while so that first week back I was expecting a bigger loss. But, it was also the week right after my TOM and I always lose big that week. The second week I should lose 2-3 lbs. The third week I’ll lose maybe 1 or maintain. The week of Aunt Flo I’ll gain 1-2 lbs. This has been my weight loss pattern for the past few years no matter how much I change up my schedule. It’s the strangest thing, but that seems to be what my body is doing. Now this is the schedule when I’m doing everything right. The past few months were so out of whack so that of course was out the window.

    @ Skinny/Karen – Your health assessment will be fine and you have nothing to worry about. Again, think where you are today compared to just a year ago. You’ve done GREAT and I know everything will go fine with the trainer.

    @ Kah68/Kelly – Woo Hoo!!! Let those pants drop. You rock!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kate- TOM does refer to time of the month, you might also see it referred to as Aunt Flo, Red headed cousin visit etc. It does mess with your weight.

    Other common abbreviations:
    DD- dear or darling daughter
    DH dear husband
    DS-dear son

    GG- grandson/ GD granddaughter

    Today, I am waiting for the test results from the echocardiogram. I also went and hand blood tests done today so that will be another wait for a few days. I am not as worried about the blood test through so that is helpful.

    The best compliment I received today was from the receptionist for the blood work. She was looking at me and at the diagnosis of obesity and overweight and started shaking her head and laughing. I asked what was so funny and she said that the Dx and what I see does not match up. Then she saw my drivers license picture and said "is that really you." I replied yes, and that the picture was taken about 5 years ago before I lost 70 lbs. She was amazed at the difference and could not believe it. Even other people in the office were commenting. She was the first person who has commented on the fact that my drivers license picture does not look like me anymore.

    I love the fact that I have hit 70 lbs lost. I am almost at the overweight mark about .5 pound to go, so technically I am still obese according to the numbers. However, I am so much healthier now than ever before.

    I am praying that I can either swim tonight or go for a run. I have a lot of extra energy today and I need to get it out.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning MFPer’s.

    Yesterday I cut the grass and smoked a turkey breast, Beef Brisket, and some Cherry Bombs and watched some football, great day for me.

    Cherry Bombs:
    Smoked Chicken Cherry Bombs

    Prep time
    30 mins
    Cook time
    1 hour
    Total time
    1 hour 30 mins
    Little balls of chicken, cherries, habanero pieces and flavored inside and out with my rub and sauce for that perfect super bowl or anytime snack that will drive you and your friends wild.
    Author: Jeff Phillips
    Recipe type: Appetizer
    Cuisine: Hot Smoking
    Serves: 12-15
    • 2 lb ground chicken*
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 cup bread crumbs
    • 15-18 fresh cherries, pitted (seeds removed)
    • 2 habanero peppers, cleaned (seeds and veins removed)**
    • 2 TBS crumbled blue cheese (optional)
    • Jeff's rub (Tom’s Rub adjusted for diabetics)
    • Franks Original RedHot Sauce
    • Jeff's sauce (Morgori’s BBQ sauce adjusted for diabetics)
    Prep Cherries and Habanero
    1. Chop 18 fresh cherries very fine and set aside
    2. Chop two cleaned/deseeded habaneros very fine and set aside (only use one habanero if you don't want them to be very hot)
    Mix it up
    1. Fold in bread crumbs, rub, blue cheese (optional), eggs, cherries and habanero to ground chicken
    Form & Season Cherry Bombs
    1. Form 1-inch cherry bombs from the chicken mixture
    2. Pour some rub in a plate and roll the 1-inch balls in the rub to coat lightly
    3. Insert a toothpick into the center of the cherry bombs
    Smoke the Cherry Bombs
    1. Smoke the chicken cherry bombs at 225°F for about 1 hour or until they reach 165°F in the center
    Make the Special Sauce
    1. Mix up some special sauce for the cherry bombs using one part Jeff's sauce (Morgori’s BBQ sauce) and one part Franks Original RedHot sauce
    Finish up and Serve
    1. Drizzle the sauce on the smoked chicken cherry bombs or serve on the side for dipping

    Happy Presidential Joke Day
    Today is Presidential Joke Day, which is celebrated every year on August 11. No, it's not a day to make wisecracks about the president (that's the other 364 days). This is a day to salute presidents with a sense of humor.

    The day was created in honor of an infamous joke cracked by President Ronald Reagan on August 11, 1984. During a sound check before a Saturday radio broadcast, Reagan said, "My fellow Americans. I'm pleased to announce that I've signed legislation outlawing the Soviet Union. We begin bombing in five minutes."

    “Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable.” ~Zig Ziglar

  • KrisN30
    KrisN30 Posts: 19
    Lost 8 oz this week. :) after a while of not losing I'm very glad I'm getting there! :)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Checking in. I actually gained weight since starting up again, but I that's not completely usual in this process. So I'm not upset, just slightly annoyed. It's still utter chaos over here as we prepare to travel and try to come up with the final 9,000 dollars we need. My apologies for not doing personals or dropping in as much as I should. I can't wait to be able to focus better on getting some of this weight off.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @ L2T– I hope you took some before and then some after pictures of the laundry project. I’m glad everything is right on track and can’t wait to see it! I’m glad you stayed on track this weekend. Me too!! Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot. You mentioned two of my favorite places, Talbots and Coach. You can’t beat them for classic lines, which never go out of style. I don’t shop too often, but we have a Coach Outlet near us and always find a great deal.

    I LOVE both those stores and the new outlet has both. Everything at Coach was 50% off their already reduced prices and Talbot's was 40% off everything in the store. I don't know if those specials will continue or if they were for the grand opening, but either way it was nice to get a bargain or two!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Checking in. I actually gained weight since starting up again, but I that's not completely usual in this process. So I'm not upset, just slightly annoyed. It's still utter chaos over here as we prepare to travel and try to come up with the final 9,000 dollars we need. My apologies for not doing personals or dropping in as much as I should. I can't wait to be able to focus better on getting some of this weight off.

    Girl, with everything on your plate, I would just try to maintain and not worry about losing right now. Thoughts and prayers heading your way for the finances to appear, safety traveling abroad, and the adjustment of adding a new family member. We can't wait to hear all about it and pictures too!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ L2T– I hope you took some before and then some after pictures of the laundry project. I’m glad everything is right on track and can’t wait to see it! I’m glad you stayed on track this weekend. Me too!! Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot. You mentioned two of my favorite places, Talbots and Coach. You can’t beat them for classic lines, which never go out of style. I don’t shop too often, but we have a Coach Outlet near us and always find a great deal.

    I LOVE both those stores and the new outlet has both. Everything at Coach was 50% off their already reduced prices and Talbot's was 40% off everything in the store. I don't know if those specials will continue or if they were for the grand opening, but either way it was nice to get a bargain or two!

    My Coach is always 50% off most of the time or at least they run the special a lot. Plus, the purses last forever. I'm carrying around a lime green one that has been great all summer. Talbot's does carry plus sizes, but I still struggle with some of their sizes not fitting. One day I will be buying from the regular sizes and cannot wait. When I get down 100 lbs, one of my treats to myself will be a nice outfit from Calvin Klein. Again, classic lines that will always be around.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well I have read all the updates and happy to see the weight losses and NSVs. I will not be doing any personals as I sitting in the hospital with my iphone. My daughter had thrown up once in Friday am and them constantly from overnight Friday thru Saturday. When I got home from church on Sunday, she wasn't able to stand up or lie straight. Took her to ready care and they sent us on to the ER. After an exam, he felt it was appendicitis and the tests confirmed. She had an emergency surgery last night around 9:30. Apparently, it had ruptured and was larger than most adults. She is having a tough day and has had several doses of morphine. Tough to watch. I've had junk food from vending machines last night and cafeteria food today.