What was the 1st thing you changed?



  • maryalward
    maryalward Posts: 1 Member
    I began by eating a lot of fruits and veggies and eating 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. Plus love impact walking and exercise because I have arthritis so bad in my knees.
  • LaurLaur242
    LaurLaur242 Posts: 10 Member
    I started exercising moderately(walking/weights/pilates). I tried to eat "clean" as much as I could, but when that didn't work and the exercising started to wane. I signed up for MFP and joined a gym.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Portions and amount of calories. It was a shocker to learn how much I consumed!
  • Cut out soda completely, only tea and water.
    And protein shakes honestly, I thought protein shakes where only for body builders, but it helps satisfies hunger for longer periods at a time, as well as help with soreness from your workout, and honestly ever time I said I was going to work out before I would and wake up sore as heck and think.....HELL NO! but now I lost eight pounds and weigh 137 I haven't been that weight .....in forever!!!! I am so happy but this is not my goal and I will not give up!
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    No more sugar-laden creamers in my coffee. Instead: heavy cream! It was an adjustment, but now if Dunkin slips me a sugar-Mickey, it tastes terrible!
  • missnatlyn
    missnatlyn Posts: 15 Member
    A couple of people have mentioned using journals - do you do that on here via 'My Blog' - sorry if that's a dumb question.

    The first thing I'm changing is to consciously think about the calories I take in and the quality of the food I put in my body.

    This is not a dumb question at all. I actually am doing this! Its therapeutic to me. It is one of the few small changes I am making. The other two are to include more fruits and veggies into my meals, opt for more water, and more walking
  • missnatlyn
    missnatlyn Posts: 15 Member
    What was the first thing you changed in making steps to a better lifestyle? And go...

    Bought Dr. Bernstein's Diabetic Solution, tested ALL foods and logged the glucose reactions (not just for diabetics), ditched ALL grains because they spiked my glucose. That started it all and my feeling amazing began.

    I wonder if this would help with reactive hypoglycemia????
  • Portion sizing and understanding the calories in my food.

    I've suffered from EDNOS for the past 7 years, and getting my portions under control has completely changed my relationship with food. No longer is it a guilt-inducing constant in my life, and if I go for a slice of pizza these days, I don't hate myself for it.
  • missnatlyn
    missnatlyn Posts: 15 Member
    Quit smoking and drinking. I am a recovering alcoholic and quitting drinking is by far the toughest thing I've ever done. But knowing that I can live a life without alcohol and cigarettes just makes the exercise and diet so much easier!

    Amazing! Congratulations as well. I know food can be an addiction too but withdraws from that I'm sure are nothing compared to what you have been through.
  • eweadock
    eweadock Posts: 31 Member
    I started to care.
    It's not like I didn't know how to do it before, but every person has his or her own motivators. Finding your reason for doing anything will help you to carry it through.
  • missnatlyn
    missnatlyn Posts: 15 Member
    My head. I was messed up in there first...
    then it was my body...
    then it was my hormones...
    ... now I need to fix my head some more.

    I have started to journal daily in my blog to help my head. Also PRAYER is amazing.
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    My head. I was messed up in there first...
    then it was my body...
    then it was my hormones...
    ... now I need to fix my head some more.

    I have started to journal daily in my blog to help my head. Also PRAYER is amazing.

    While prayer isn't for me, I wrote in my diary daily from day one until I saw a doctor about my hormones :D After that it's been more like daily to weekly writing. It helped me immensely! I think it's time for my diary to start moving over to more health and exercise related topics!
  • stephaniemeow1996
    stephaniemeow1996 Posts: 3 Member
    I cut out meat, soda and fast food, I started eating less, I kept busy so I don't think about food all the time
  • My mind set. I decided it was time to do something. The rest just followed from there really.
  • peter_rotten
    peter_rotten Posts: 28 Member
    More water.
  • For me it was pretty simple, I got a much needed gym membership!