How do you handle tantrums?

Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
I have a 1 1/2 toddler that loves to go wherever mommy goes. The problem is that she also wants to do exactly what she wants while we are out in public. Case and point being this weekend. I needed to go grocery shopping, and made sure my little one had a nap and a big snack before heading out. We get to the store, and everything is going great. About 15 minutes in, my daughter sees the rack that holds all the shiny plastic toys and starts screaming, "BUBBLES, MOMMA, BUBBLES!" I explained to her that we had bubbles at home, but obviously she did not understand that. Once we started pushing past that spot, she completely lost it. She started crying and trying to grab things to throw out of the cart. Even though I had a full cart, I was being given death stares by everyone in the store. I took what I had and checked out as fast as I could. I am a single mom, so going to do things like grocery shopping has to be done with my little one by my side.

My question is, what do you do when your child loses their cool? Simply leave? Wait it out? I am not inclined to just give her whatever she is crying for and expect her not to do it every single time she wants something. Is there something I am missing here? Also, there was no possible way of not walking by the toy isle, it was seated directly next to the baby/toddler section, those sneaky ...


  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Distract them with a toy or something to get their mind off the bubbles, while they're distracted, move away from the problem area.

    Out of sight out of mind is a great thing, enjoy it while it lasts :)
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Distract them with a toy or something to get their mind off the bubbles, while they're distracted, move away from the problem area.

    Out of sight out of mind is a great thing, enjoy it while it lasts :)

    Maybe bring bubbles from home?
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i typically throw myself down on the floor and kick and scream til i get my way.

    edit typo
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,218 MFP Moderator
    I think you did exactly waht you should have. You did NOT give in and give her what she was crying over (good job, Mom!), and you got her out of there as quickly as you could. Most people completely understand toddler meltdowns - don't worry about her having them in public, they're normal. :) Distraction IS a great thing (Darkguardian - super point), but even when they're young doesn't always work the way we want it to. If you keep NOT giving in, you guys will get past this stage. :flowerforyou:
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Distract them with a toy or something to get their mind off the bubbles, while they're distracted, move away from the problem area.

    Out of sight out of mind is a great thing, enjoy it while it lasts :)

    Maybe bring bubbles from home?

    That's a tough one, because then she could freak out over something else she sees and wants. But if she has a favorite toy or thing she's obsessed with (maybe it's bubbles) I would definitely bring that to any store. My little girl is only 14 months so the tantrums haven't started... yet.
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member
    Absolutely DO NOT give her what she wants.

    Mostly the way to deal with tantrums is to just ignore. Any reaction to the behavior encourages it, even negative attention is attention. If a child sees that throwing a tantrum gets them absolutely nothing, including no response from you, they typically learn pretty quickly that tantrums are not worth the effort.

    The problem is when you are in public you have to deal with the judgmental stares of all the people around you. And your child may be disturbing others (interrupting conversations, etc.) with the noise. When that happened with my kids I did exactly what you did. I wrapped up whatever I was doing quickly, and got my child out of there, all the while doing everything in my power to not encourage the tantrum in any way.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I would make sure, as you did, that it wasn't lunch or nap time. Then just keep moving, maybe distract them with their own toys.
    Honestly, when my son was 1 1/2 and my daughter was 3, we banned them from grocery stores for about a year. Drastic I know but everyone was happier, shopping was less stressful, we spent less money. Of course, I did lots of late evening shopping while hubby did baths and bed.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Explain to your child BEFORE you leave home where you're going and what you're going to get - i.e. - 'We're going to the grocery store - ALL we are getting is healthy food for the week - NO toys, candy, or presents.'

    Tell your daughter you KNOW she is a big girl, and she will behave herself on the trip.

    If she has a melt-down - remind her of the trip - why you're there, what you're getting.

    IF she continues - leave immediately - she gets a time-out at home.

    My daughter had one melt-down in a Target when she was around 2 - I walked away from her.

    I saw her get up - look around in disbelief - and run after me - no more tears.

    Never happened again.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I try to hold them in as long as possible, but sometimes I just can't help myself.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have a 1 1/2 toddler that loves to go wherever mommy goes. The problem is that she also wants to do exactly what she wants while we are out in public. Case and point being this weekend. I needed to go grocery shopping, and made sure my little one had a nap and a big snack before heading out. We get to the store, and everything is going great. About 15 minutes in, my daughter sees the wrack that holds all the shiny plastic toys and starts screaming, "BUBBLES, MOMMA, BUBBLES!" I explained to her that we had bubbles at home, but obviously she did not understand that. Once we started pushing past that spot, she completely lost it. She started crying and trying to grab things to throw out of the cart. Even though I had a full cart, I was being given death stares by everyone in the store. I took what I had and checked out as fast as I could. I am a single mom, so going to do things like grocery shopping has to be done with my little one by my side.

    My question is, what do you do when your child loses their cool? Simply leave? Wait it out? I am not inclined to just give her whatever she is crying for and expect her not to do it every single time she wants something. Is there something I am missing here? Also, there was no possible way of not walking by the toy isle, it was seated directly next to the baby/toddler section, those sneaky bast*$#s

    You had the right instincts. If you quietly leave a couple times she will learn that her tantrum does not get her the bubbles.

    Ignore the death stares, for some strange reason we tend to focus on those instead of the sympathetic people willing to help/empathize.

    In the future, EVERY TIME you go inside TELL HER you are NOT buying bubbles today. Then load up your cart completely with everything you need before gettting to that point. Hand her a different thing like a toy from home right when you are ready to push past that part. Hopefully it will distract her during that part. If she does notice and begins a tantrum, STEEL YOURSELF and just safely handle her while you pay and ignore anyone's looks or judgement of you. Then leave immediately and tell her that you had to leave the store due to her behavior.

    Even if you have to leave a couple of times WITHOUT your intended purchases, I had to do this with my older one and he soon learned that behavior does NOT work. Shopping became easier next time. It helps if there can be a reward upon returning to the car or home, sooner depending on how young they are and able to connect the behavior with the reward. Likewise if you have to leave the store due to bad behavior it must also be immediate and they must be explained that their behavior is the reason for your leaving. It accomplishes two things. It lets them know that their tantrums are not appropriate public behavior, and also you embarrass yourself in public less.

    That being said, I know it doesn't feel that way when it's happening but MOST people who have been parents before or grandparents or aunts/uncles are sympathetic and understanding and are NOT judging you.
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    Our rule of thumb is "we don't negotiate with terrorists." :wink: I have left many a store to deal with improper behavior. I don't care what anyone else thinks, but I don't want to raise children who think the world revolves around them and their whims. I don't try distraction. I will sometimes talk with them about it. I.E. Yes, those are pretty bubbles! Then, let them tell me about it for a short while. However, when it is time to go. I tell them and then we leave. You have to decide what method of discipline you are going to do and than stick with it. Consistency is so important. Children need to know exactly what to expect. We also sometimes practice at home behavior expected. I.E. If we are going to the store and I want them to walk by me, we practice holding mommy's hand or skirt as we go for a walk around the yard, driveway, etc. Proactive training helps in so many areas. It is always easier to train ahead of time then have to deal with explosions in the most in opportune times which children are so good at picking. :tongue: Best wishes!
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Take her down the spatula isle. Grab one off the shelf and go to town. Replace spatula. Problem solved.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I have mixed feelings about the "Ignore" in public part. At home, it's ignore all the way, sometimes if it's bad she gets sent to her room to be alone and trantrum it out. Either way, I refuse to have my kid disrupt everyone around us when we are in public because that is NOT the way humans should behave while out and about. Unless your at a bar or something :tongue:

    That being said, I usually made a speedy exit, regardless of what we're in the middle of. The kid knows that she misses out on things if she starts getting uppity in public. She's 6 now, thank god, so the public tantrums have diminished almost entirely. hang in there Momma, sounds like you have a handle on it. It will pass soon.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    when my kids had tantrums I would walk away from them and ignore them. nine times out of ten they would stop to come look for me. IF it got too our of hand I would say nothing and just scoop them up and put them in their room and close the door. I never gave in. I would even do this at the store, of course I would just hide around the corner but kids wont do stupid crap for too long if only strangers are staring at them. Worked everytime for me. :laugh: There were many times that people would be like who's kid is that? and I would join them in their comments and be like I don't know, wonder where his mom is. Hahah... my kids hated that more than anything. Made them feel stupid when old ladies were all staring at them. Be patient, they wont be that little for long.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I will try distraction/redirection when it first starts up, but if that doesn't work I acknowledge that they are upset, reiterate that whatever they are screaming about isn't going to happen, stay calm, ignore it and finish what I am doing. I know it's frustrating having people glare at you, and even more irritating when they decide they need to "help" or offer "advice" (i.e. nasty comments), but it's a toddler, logic and reason do not apply no matter how well you try to prepare for the situation. I'm told this stage eventually passes. :laugh:
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I once told a friend that a mothers 'No' is not always a no to the question but a way to avoid the next one! Plan ahead!

    What I mean is that you may need to set boundaries at home for no other reason than to teach your daughter to respect them no matter where you are. If at home she is told no and guided to something else she will more than likely not have this issue when outside of the home.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Being a single parent sure has its challenges. You did the right thing. Ignore the stares. 18 months is a hard age. They are learning how to control their parents but dont fully understand the word no. They want what they want and they want it now whether its bubbles or their lunch and they are going do what they know how to do to get it. CRY...
    Ignore the behavior and aftef a few times of you being consistent it should settle down.
    Maybe bribery will work...if you are good in the store I will give you a treat ie grapes, raisins, a cookie in the car. Make it seem like a special thing.
    You will get thru this and the behavior will stop. Hang in there mamma. You can do it.

    A mom of 3 grown ups...
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I finish my grocery shopping and ignore the glares from the sanctimonious one or two in the store. Most people have been through the same thing, and a lot of them just feel sympathy for you -- believe me. I don't give in to my kids, but I'm not going to let them think they can terrorize me out of a store, either. I don't get a lot of time to shop, and if there are things I need, I stay and get them. When my daughter was three, she threw a huge tantrum in a store. I ignored it. When we got to the car, not only did she not get the thing she wanted, she learned that we weren't going out to lunch to get the pho noodles she wanted, either. I will take away the discretionary treats, but I will get my shopping done.
  • 03melissa05
    03melissa05 Posts: 44 Member
    I come loaded with a dum- dum's and fruit snacks :)
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    What I did when my daughter was that age, (and yes, I was one of those "bad mommas" who didn't do what the doctor told them- she still had her paci and bottle) I kept a paci with me at ALL times, a bottle and/or sippy cup and filled it up with something if we were going out- water, milk, juice, had snacks (Goldfish, Cheerios, Gerber Graduates, ect.), and some type of toys in the diaper bag. These were ABSOLUTE necessities to make sure I could distract her at any given time. If she started raising hell over something, and the paci didn't work, it was the bottle/sippy cup. If that didn't work, it was a snack. If the snack didn't work, it was a toy. If a toy didn't work, we parked the buggy and took a trip the bathroom where we had a nice talk about how you behave in public and what would be happening when we got home. 9 out of 10 times, the distractions usually worked, but on occasion, we'd end up taking a trip to the bathroom. There were times we didn't even get halfway there and she'd stop. Because she KNEW going to the bathroom for a talk meant she was in big trouble, that momma was MAD. Even that young, they can figure out when you're angry and mean business.

    As for people looking, let them stare, hate it for them, have they never seen a child before? Children have tantrums. Children have meltdowns. It's part of life. You're doing the best you can, don't sweat it.