Pet Peeves



  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Latest Peeves:

    - Going to the gym stinking like hot rotten garbage. Sure there's no point showering right before going, but at least baby-wipe those pits or something, dude!
    - You know that lane merges into this one up ahead. I know that lane merges to this one up ahead. There are signs saying so. So why are you matching my speed in that lane up until the very last second? Wish this didn't happen as often as it does!
    - People who think speeding is simply 'risking a ticket' instead of risking an accident that may kill them or others.
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    We all have little things thst drive us batsh*t crazy, right. What are some things you detest?

    I'm a bit of a Grammar Nazi. I was raised by an English teacher, so I tend to correct others when they aren't grammatically correct (it's a sickness. I know). One of the things that makes me want to scream is:

    I could care less

    COULD? Could means that there's a possibility that your level of concern is elevated above zero. Therefore, it's possible for you to care less. The correct phraseology is :

    I COULDN'T care less.
    COULDN'T means that it is impossible for you to have any less concern than you have currently. Zero fks given, if you will.

    Am I just a sicko, or are there other nit-pickers afoot?

    "Thst," is improperly spelled. Proper spelling would be, "that."

    Consider your nit picked.
    lol. Typos aren't grammatical errors. Their tyeping missteaks. Theirs a big diffurance
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    Omg that was so difficult! Need to wash my hands now. :frown:
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    The first that comes to mind is:

    people that say ax when they mean ask
  • Betherz82
    Betherz82 Posts: 200 Member
    When people say axe when they mean ask.

    When someone asks me to spell my last name more than twice and then ask if I'm sure it's pronounced how I said it.

    When people use the wrong your or you're and there, their or they're.

    People who lie about stupid *kitten*.

    When people try and start talking to a sales clerk when they're busy helping someone else.

    When people assume that my "real" name is Elizabeth when I tell them it's Beth.

    I could go on...but rambling also irritates me.
  • mredsolo
    mredsolo Posts: 5 Member
    I hate it when I go pee in toilet, I always have to lift the lid. Why can't the last person who use the toilet lift the lid so i don't have to.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    Trolls on mfp.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    People who eat/chew loudly to the point that it's downright smacking and just flat out noisy. It's especially horrible when at work.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    People who eat/chew loudly to the point that it's downright smacking and just flat out noisy. It's especially horrible when at work.

    OMG, Yes. I can barely eat around my mother because of this.
  • pjlove1
    pjlove1 Posts: 341 Member
    definitely when someone breaks wind in a hot and sweaty gym.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    definitely when someone breaks wind in a hot and sweaty gym.

    That's why you work out in the middle of the night.
  • People that have been on MFP for 5 minutes and post before and afters asking if anyone notices a difference
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    People that have been on MFP for 5 minutes and post before and afters asking if anyone notices a difference

    agreed. took me sixty pounds and 10 months just for people in person to notice. how in the h e double hockey sticks is people online going to notice
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member

    When I buy things and the labels don't come off easily.

    I hate when I buy things and the price tag doesn't come off easily. Irks me no end.

    Continuous beeping noises.

    People who cough in public and don't cover their mouths.

    Loud talkers on otherwise quiet trains.

    The coughing thing. Especially with TB being rife
  • jacksonkm2001
    jacksonkm2001 Posts: 11 Member
    Spitting in public, its disgusting and unnecessary. Even thinking about it is making me feel ill!
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    one upping
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    People that have been on MFP for 5 minutes and post before and afters asking if anyone notices a difference

    agreed. took me sixty pounds and 10 months just for people in person to notice. how in the h e double hockey sticks **IS**people online going to notice
    ffs tell me you did this on purpose
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    People that have been on MFP for 5 minutes and post before and afters asking if anyone notices a difference

    agreed. took me sixty pounds and 10 months just for people in person to notice. how in the h e double hockey sticks **IS**people online going to notice
    ffs tell me you did this on purpose

    yes im glad someone got the joke
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member