What lit your fire?



  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    I think everyone that is actively losing was once in what I call... excuses hell.

    Usually there's a period of time where you're like.. okay. This is it

    What was your end of being out of shape motivation?

    For me, it was a job offer, a bet[high stakes] and a 24hrs 3 peaks Challenge, which has since morphed into 2 challenges. :explode: Booom!:explode: :smile:
  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    A picture of myself at my sons graduation day. I was way overweight, inactive, not feeling well and it showed in my face and body. Then I watched The Biggest Loser for the first time. I became very motivated at that time. I took the first step and joined Weight Watchers online, I now attend the meetings because it works for me best.

    Since, I've lost a total of 50 pounds and have become active until this week due to an unjury. I have 85 more pounds to go.
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    I was looking through my kids' baby pictures from when I thought I was fat...

    And realized how that looks skinny now...

    There's some pictures of me around the house when I was a nice, healthy weight, and I look soooo skinny.

    But it wasn't just some light switch. I finally got myself to a place where I'm more active than I had previously been. I started counting my calories 4 days ago, but today was my 8th day in a row at the gym and that has become more of a fixture to my day than a change I am suddenly ready to make - something I've been working for a year on accomplishing.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    That pic someone else snapped my have been it but I recall one of my kids asking when is it due....and I am a man.
    <<Old fat pic
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    My wedding pictures! :sad: :sad:

    ^^ THIS!! Thank god I was just the bride's maid, but still, it was BAD! I then referred to pictures from a year ago, 3 sizes smaller than I am now. I am over it. Also, being tired.
  • effervescent11
    effervescent11 Posts: 39 Member
    It was a combination of things. I stopped going on active outings, because I was too out of shape. I stopped dating, because a guy I started dating told me I was hot enough to bang, but not hot enough to be girlfriend material. From then on, I couldn't go on a date without being self-conscious and wondering if they were all thinking that. I was tired of the fat comments. Whenever someone lost an argument with me, they'd fall back on, "well you're fat", like that had any relevance to the argument. Most of all, I'm tired of feeling self-conscious everywhere I go. I need my confidence back.
  • twynklebell
    twynklebell Posts: 2 Member
    Not being able to walk up one floor at work without being out of puff... plus, my knee was starting to hurt when I was walking - which admittedly wasn't often! The knee pain went almost instantly and I'm now up to 10k steps a day.

    I must admit - I'm also fed up of not being able to shop in normal people clothing shops - so looking forward to that again!

  • Huppmanj
    Huppmanj Posts: 60 Member
    When I realized I was just 25lbs from weighing a quarter of a ton and found it next to impossible to find jeans with a button and zipper and pockets. Everything had not pockets and an elastic waste- YICKES!!!
  • Huppmanj
    Huppmanj Posts: 60 Member
    This is what I was facing!! Who thinks of that crap?!?
    LOL...that sweater cracks me up!
    Being forced to look through racks upon racks of clothes that are tents covered in sequins, glitter and flower appliques while my friends get to wear cute, stylish clothing! Nothing says "fat chick" like this:

  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    i will be blunt. I could not tie my ****ing shoes without sweating. I'm a DIY girl. I do my nails myself. Couldn't even comfortably reach my feet to give myself a pedicure. No.....no way is MY weight going to get in the way of the simple things that give me joy.
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    About 2 years ago I found out that I had a major coronary blockage. The blockage was in the LAD, commonly knows as the widow maker. They were unable to correct it with a stint so I underwent coronary bypass surgery.

    After they were inside, they discovered three more blockages. The surgeon told me that had they not discovered this and I had let it go until I eventually had the heart attack, there was practically no way I would have survived it.

    Luckily it was corrected with no damage to my heart since we caught it before the heart attack.
  • Sometimes it's hard to know how things got so out of control. I understand completely. And I often look back at the thinner me and wish I could just start over from there.
  • I have been dating a man that has a son who is morbidly obese at 13 (5"4 and 275 lbs). He is hungry ALL of the time. He really is. (His mom's side is VERY heavy - I think it runs in the family) I looked at how I am overweight, but do not have his hunger issue. I also look at what I am eating and a lot of it isn't good for me! It made me look at myself and how I have come across so many bad habits!

    Partly I want to lose weight to be an example for him as to how to make healthy choices. Maybe is he eats healthier, it will level out somehow. The other part is because I hate how I look. I hate shopping now and don't feel like I look good in anything. I used to have such a wonderful shape, and now I don't. I am over 40 and it won't be as easy, but I am in this for the long haul. It might take me a year to lose my 50 lbs, but that will result in the rest of my life being that much more healthy and able to do the things I want.
  • JDearman143
    JDearman143 Posts: 48 Member
    When the guy I was dating at the time said no to taking a picture with me and having it posted on facebook so he wasn't known for "The guy with the chubby girl"...

    Yup, at that moment it was all UP HILL! And a big screw you to him! =)
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Turning 60.
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    For me it was all about DYING!! I went in for a stress test and my heart stopped!! They had to jump start me back to life. I was determined not to let my health get out of hand again. Well that lasted for a bit and then I started back to my old way and ended up having another hospital stay. That was the end. Since FEB of this year I have been pretty faithful to the gym and am working my way to a 5k race in Oct. Im down almost 30 pounds.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    I avoid pictures like the plague.

    So when I see one that someone else took my confidence tends to.. well. Die.

    So you're a teacher then?

    Yes, I'm a teacher. I'm disappointed that the memories that my students have of me is of when I was overweight.
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    I was too self conscience to be comfortable being intimate with my husband... it wasnt fair to him... and I want to wear cute clothes :wink:
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    What lit my fire? Well, Mick was good but Jose Feliciano did the trick.

    Oh, never mind. I want my retirement to last at least as long as I had to work. Once you get to a certain age, having your BMI and your age similar numbers is not a good thing at all.
  • megan116xo
    megan116xo Posts: 40 Member
    I looked in the mirror, how i thought i looked and what I saw did not match up. I was also tired of family members calling me fat!