rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • bermudamel
    bermudamel Posts: 212
    Pipcd: it hurt more than I can say. The last person who said it to me I finally snapped and replied "yeah and I almost died 4 years ago and needed open heart surgery because I had a heart defect nobody ever detected would you like to discuss that next?"
  • joyangbax
    joyangbax Posts: 37 Member
    That I was so BIG it looked like I ate a person.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    Nothing he actually said but my lame-*kitten* father brought me a pair of his jeans and told me to try them on. I told him I didn't want to but he insisted. I was about 16 years old at the time and not that heavy - probably about 125 or so. I put the danged pants on and they were way too big.

    He was disappointed and it took me years to realize it wasn't that he thought I was big but that he somehow thought he was as small as I was. In the meantime I suffered some really strong self esteem issues due to his continued behavior of this sort.

    When I did suffer from a weight problem years later, his disdain was palpable.

    Haven't had any interaction with him since 2001 and my sense of self is so much healthier!
  • ButterButtLou
    I have always been voluptuous, curvy, thick, fat, whatever, so I have always gotten negative and snide comments. One night, I was out with my friends and one particular man was hound dogging me ALL night. When we all shut the club down and it was obvious that I was not leaving with him (never gave him any reason to think I would) he said, "What's wrong with your stomach, are you pregnant? Oh no, you're fat." I had been fat all night and it did not bother him. It is 30 years later and still remember that.
  • mirandarutherford
    Life-long tubbo so far too many to count but my top three are:

    -"When are you due?" (never been pregnant)
    -"you'd be the perfect woman of you could just drop a few dress sizes"
    -"You aren't that fat for an American."

    (American living in the UK, i think he meant it as a compliment?)
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    I was in a wedding two years ago and a girl I had known since high school made a comment about my dress size. At the time I was a size 14. I saw her last weekend for the first time since that day and she made a comment about how much weight I had lost. She just couldn't believe that I had 50 pounds to lose the last time she saw me! Right. Why else would you comment? I'm sure she didn't even remember saying anything but I certainly did.

    And it wasn't me but I was out with a bunch of girlfriends at a club a few years ago. This guy was trying to make a serious pass on a girl with us who is married. When another friend made a comment that he should get lost, the guy said "You're just mad because you're the fattest out of all your friends." I can't even fathom saying something like that to someone!
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    The only one I can think of is this woman repeatedly screaming "FAT!" while I was taking a walk.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I get terribly sick when pregnant - like feeding tube sick. My 4th baby is 11 weeks old and when I was about 8 months pregnant a stranger told me that I looked sick, didn't look pregnant, was probably on drugs and killing my baby. I was so pissed my husband had to step in. I was starving but vomiting up everything I ate including water, had a picc line in my arm, a standing order for IVs, got my nutrition through a tube, was in beginning stages of kidney failure, and was in line at the pharmacy to pick up my hundreds of dollars worth of anti nausea medicine normally prescribed to chemo patients. I wanted to slap that lady for her "opinion" without knowing anything about me! I think anyone that without knowing you or where you came from is rude for giving their opinion on others weight.
  • taraleen
    taraleen Posts: 20 Member
    This past winter, I bought a car. The salesman made a comment about having a baby, but I thought I heard him wrong. Later on, he called me to follow up, and closed the conversation with, "And good luck on the birth of your baby!" I was NOT pregnant. I was mortified and embarrassed and sat in shock for a couple of minutes before I cried.
  • freedomwriter88
    freedomwriter88 Posts: 38 Member
    Always being "big", "fat", "husky", and simply overweight, I have a ton.

    I was mocked in elementary school, and someone started a rumor that I was pregnant. I was 11 at the time.

    My coach yelling, "Get down the court, fat a**," loud enough for everyone to hear.

    Lastly, I was walking on campus to an exam, and tripped and sprained my ankle. A car driving by yelled out, "Pig!"

    That was rather therapeutic.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Too many to count. One that stands out though happened when I was only 10 years old. I had an older sister that was really thin and popular. She brought one of her boyfriends and his buddy over one day, and I was outside on the porch sitting on the step. One of them looked me up and down and said "work out" while he gave me a nasty look. This is the same guy that said to me a few weeks later "your sister is so hot...what happened to you." I have never forgotten those two comments unfortunately. Still remember them clearly 28 years later.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I've had someone try to insist I take their seat on the bus...sorry, not pregnant just fat! And one time recently walking in the parking lot a man drove by and yelled "Lose some weight!". Thanks, you just ruined my weekend.
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    Lots of pregnancy assumption stories on this thread! I have told my husband sooooo many times you NEVER, EVER, NEVER ask a woman about being pregnant unless she has specifically told you she is! One of my worst comments is actually the opposite- I was working out at Curves, 7 months pregnant and chatting about baby things with some of the other ladies who were working out too when one commented, "Are you SURE you are pregnant? Like REALLY sure it's not just fat?" And she was totally serious, too. I laugh about it now, and maybe it was the preggo hormones but I was so hurt!!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    During the latter months of both of my pregnancies nobody said a word to me about it even though it was painfully obvious I was expecting. I think people were afraid to be wrong, lol!

    I had a guy tell me I was fat at a bar once and I punched him in the face. Not my proudest moment but I was drunk so...
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Keep running fatboy.... and I did.
  • kroady
    kroady Posts: 6 Member
    When I was in high school ( & not overweight at all), this one boy always called me Mrs. Piggy. I have never forgotten. I have also been asked if I was pregnant or just told blatantly that "you've gained weight."" As if I didn't know.
  • cyl544
    cyl544 Posts: 34 Member
    At my kindergarten sons field day and a little girl comes up to me and says "you're a big fat guy" and then laughed and walked away. A 6 year old.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I had an intern tell me "you are very fat! You should run until you are not so fat anymore." LOL
  • fallenangel316
    While on the bus a few months ago I had a gentleman offer me his seat. After letting him know it wasn’t necessary he turned to me and said “please.. you shouldn’t be standing in your condition”.. (he thought I was pregnant) part of me wanted to rip his head off.. but I just smiled and said “ok thank you”.. I didn’t want to scold him for something he didn’t know was wrong because he may never have offered another seat to anyone again. Needless to say it was a very awkward and uncomfortable bus ride home
  • CrappyMornings
    Before I lost the weight my SO's father met me at his mother's birthday party. She was turning 80 or something.. I came to meet the family, which I was so excited about! His father saw me, pretended to be happy..and then told his son when I went to sit down that he should "reconsider because of her weight..." This was a week after the same SO rescued me first flight out to Indiana from Massachusetts at 6am because of a violent situation and then drove my car which was a junker 2000 Plymouth Neon all the way back to MA with me! Haha. His father is an *kitten* but my SO has a good heart.