LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st CHALLENGE!!! PART 2



  • loulouBell72
    loulouBell72 Posts: 36 Member
    Good job on the chart :happy: Knapowell.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i thought i had checked in yesterday but i guess i didn't :frown:


    startin weight w/challenge: 231 :sad:
    current weight 224.4lbs :smile:

    which means 6.6lbs lost!! :laugh: YAY ME! congrats on every1 else! :flowerforyou:
  • I wondered what happened! I tried to post several times yesterday! I lost one pound last week for a total of 9 with 41 left to go.
  • Don't know if this was seen already or not but I saw the new thread and decided to repost.

    I lost 2 pounds this past week so now I am 356
  • Last Week : 237
    This Week : 235 :)
  • sarahmckinley
    sarahmckinley Posts: 23 Member
    I apologize if I left anyone off of the chart, or if I got any information wrong. If I have, please post your missing/wrong information, and I will update on the next chart.

    probably missing because i'm always late :(
    Starting: 210
    Week 1: 209
    Week 2: 208
    Week 3/Current: 207.5
    2.5 down, 47.5 to go to 160...

    down 0.5 this week...i have got to eat more and start taking my ambien again. I did do better on protein so that's good! At least I'm going in the right direction each week!!
  • delllis06
    delllis06 Posts: 18 Member
    I was late the 1st two weeks which is probably why I'm not on there I did weigh in on Friday 1/22 last week but maybe got missed cuz it was early.
    SW: 195
    1/8: 185
    1/15: 184.5
    1/22: 183.2
    12 lbs down 38 more to go
  • WeeFlower
    WeeFlower Posts: 18 Member
    I am so thrilled I have lost 5lbs in one week and not feeling hungry!!

    And I even enjoyed the exercise this week I am on to a lifestyle change.

    I am on cloud 9.

    I am motivated now!!!!

  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member

    with the hope that those of you who have not posted last week's weigh-in find the new thread.
  • Hi all. I started the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred yesterday and I am loving it. It is only 20 minutes and level 1 is great. I used 2 lbs weights but I think I need to increase it a lil. I highly recommend the dvd. I wanted to share something awesome that happened today. Last Fall in 2010 when Old Navy had all there summer stuff on sale. I bought a white half sleeve cardigan. It is XL. At the time it was a little too tight. So I put it in the closet and just well, forgot about it. I grabed it out this morning and thought oh geez this is too tight I know it. Well....I put it on and GUESS WHAT!! ITS TOOOO BIG! Wow what a great feeling. Has anyone else had this happen to you? Here is a great article I wanted to share http://www.ehow.com/how_4760429_quickly-lose-weight-drinking-water.html Its about drinking water. 64 oz is the standard but water consumtion is suppose to be based on your weight. So for many of us 64 oz is not enough. Drinking water can help relieve bloat caused by sodium. My challenge for the next two days is for everyone to drink as much water as your body is suppose to have. That way on weigh in on saturday you will be less likely to be retaining water.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
  • Hello well today is the day. I only lost 1lb i'm down to 219 and have lost 6lb so far. I have 44lb more to go and i'm ready.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Checking in early for 1/29/11:

    1/1/2011: 189.8
    01/08/11: 189.2 (-0.6)
    01/15/11: 189.2 (-0.0)
    01/22/11: 188.0 (-1.2)
    01/29/11: 187.0 (-1.0)

    Cumulative Loss: -2.8
    Distance to Goal (140): 47 lbs
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    checking in
    weigh in 202.5 lot 4lbs this week
    started this challenge at 217
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Ok everyone, I'm trying to stay calm.... I stayed the same this week. Ouch!! But I totally deserve it. I ate out 3 times, I was madly busy and barely got to the gym ... oh and I didn't track all my calories on about 3 days. But at least I know where I went wrong! I hope you all had a better week than me.
    Anyone up for an exercise challenge this week? How about 50 x lunges, squats, push ups and sit ups?! Or if anyone has a good idea for a challenge? Lots of love x

    Screen Name: 2Young4This
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 157.8
    8th Jan 2011: 157.2
    15th Jan 2011: 153.6
    22nd Jan 2011: 151
    29th Jan 2011: 151
    Lost in this challenge: 6.8
    Goal by Jan 31st, 2011: 119 (32 pounds to go - revised up from goal of 110 as I think this would be too skinny!)
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    Well after last week of no loss I have lost 4 lbs!!! I'm now 200lbs and 208lbs was my sw wohoo
  • KLJ456
    KLJ456 Posts: 25 Member
    creen name: KLJ456
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 197.5
    8th Jan 2011: 196.2
    15th Jan 2011: 195.5
    22th Jan 2011: 193.2
    29th Jan 2011: 192.7
    Lost in this challenge: 4.8
    Goal by July 1st, 2011: 149
    Pounds left to reach goal: 43.7

    I was happy with my .5 pounds lost this week. I was out of town for work for a couple of days and could not resist temptation (I even had cheesecake)! The big difference is that I got right back on track the day I got home and realized a couple if days being bad wasn't going to ruin all my hard work!
  • carlamorris
    carlamorris Posts: 29 Member

    a 1lb loss for this week. only 43lbs to go.
    mini success-about three weeks ago my sister gave me a pair of her pants that she could not fit into any more due to losing 50lbs. when i tried the pants on that day i could not even button them. As of this week they fit perfect. Yay!
  • EmmaR84
    EmmaR84 Posts: 103 Member
    29th January
    New weight 169lbs, 2lbs lost since last weigh in
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    This morning weigh in I'm at 263. That brings me down 2 lbs this week... and I've only got 39lbs to go!!
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