

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    Am I starting the new thread off?:laugh:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I noticed a MFP group with a 100 mile challenge for September. I think I'll join, since my walking has come to a screeching halt in August. I sure could use a little motivation. Anybody else doing it?

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 40 minutes of Personal Training with Jackie Warner DVD. Tomorrow the plan is to do a weight loss Pilates DVD. I honestly think weight loss is more a combination of exercise and nutrition (a lot of nutrition) and think the title "weight loss" is misleading. But that's just me

    Kim - that is so nice of you to let your friend stay in your guest room! You are truly a great friend to her

    Pat - what exactly did you mean by "Corky Bell is no more". Did you mean that you no longer go there or that it's no longer there? It doesn't surprise me one bit that Publix was chosen as one of the best places to work. Have you ever gone to Dixie Crossroads? I remember back when they had a playground for the kids. We must have gone there a year or two after they opened (1984). They were just featured on one of Emeril Lagassi's shows. No, I've only lived in NC for the past about 7 years. Was born and raised in northern NJ, moved from northern NJ to the Poconos (PA), then moved to southern PA for dh's job, after he retired we moved to NC.

    Alison - great loss. When you go to the restaurant, ask if you can get your veges without butter. That's what I do. Admitted, sometimes they can't since the veges come to them with the butter on them, but if that's the case, then they don't add any extra butter. Your adventure with you FIL sounds so sweet!

    Off to the farmers market. Unfortunately, the season is winding down so I don't expect there to be that much. Pretty soon I won't be going any more until next summer

    They had red okra!!!! Guess what's going in my salad???? I made the marinade for the chicken that we'll grill, only I didn't realize that it needed to marinate for 8 hours, I was thinking only one or two. So I guess we'll grill tomorrow. Had I realized this, I would have made the marinade last night. Oh well. Right now I'm frying up some crab cakes that I made last night and had in the refrig. Also made some of that "fantasy fudge". Only I used confectioners sugar since once before I used granulated sugar and it came out "grainy". I also seemed to need twice as much sugar to get the right consistency. Afterwards I'm going to juice some limes that were on sale. I juice them then put the juice in an ice cube try to freeze, then just keep it in the freezer so I always have fresh lime juice. Hopefully, lemons will go on sale soon.

    Took the sweet potato muffins to the people at the farmer's market. The guy who I bought the sweet potato from gave me a sweet potato. Really, I didn't take a large one since I'm the only one who'll eat it (Vince -- eat a sweet potato? Perish the thought)

    Cindy in OK - enjoy the show!

    Sylvia - is there any other kind of cat/dog other than a rescue????? My bet is that swiming doesn't hurt your hip joint because it's a low to no impact exercise. Walking is an impact exercise. I'm always surprised at how good a workout I can get in the water. It doesn't look like I'm working, but the next day ... boy do I feel it. I'm always surprised at how fast the water class goes by. Before I know it, an hour is up

    Going to post this now so that I can mark my spot.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Heather – yep! You are the first roll over post! :wink:

    Sylvia – I did not see that 100 miles 30 days 3.3 miles a day… hmmm I might!

    Michele – I am always freezing lime and lemon juice in ice cube trays, I also zest the lemon or lime and tuck the zest in a zippy bag in the freezer and then I am not buying a lemon in the winter for a ½ teaspoon of zest.

    I went to the farmers market here (ours is year round) and got some wonderful looking eggplant I have a braised garlic eggplant dish I love; and had kinda forgotten about until I saw this huge pile of Japanese eggplant (the long skinny ones) so I got some of those to do up - for tonight I think... and I got this peach, just one, our fruit has been really small this year - water issues but this one stall had these peaches they were averaging 3 pounds! it is huge! they were serving tastes so peachy! - some of the white peaches just taste sweet to me not peach flavor... but this is a beautiful yellow peach, with a real peach flavor.

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day 4 out of 30
    Walk 45 minutes a day 27 times out of 30
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 4 weeks done yeah!!!

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times
    Walk 45 min every day
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week

    Kim from N. California
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Bumping ... have a great Labor Day weekend, ladies. :love: :laugh: :happy: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Bumping have a great weekend everyone, see you in september:smile:

    juanita in sudbury ontario canada
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    Michele and Kim ... I just had a "duh" moment reading about lemons and limes! I usually buy lemon juice in those little squeeze bottles (I know ... shameful), but have found they contain sulfites... which son can't have. Never thought to juice and freeze the real thing! I freeze most things ... just never crossed my mind.

    Pat ... I was named after one of the girls in "Little Women" ... my Mother's favorite book.

    Kim ... you are a good friend indeed!

    Looking for recipes for homemade breakfast sausage ... we love Bob Evans but full of msg. Tried a recipe last night ... it was ok. Suspect I need a higher fat content n the ground pork ... but the spices weren't quite right either.

    Son had Botox injections again Thursday .... he was on his fifth day of significant migraine when he went in ... no headache of any kind the next day ... I'm still working on food triggers ... and no point in going back to preservatives and chemicals regardless of his headache status.

    Son asked me to read Jon Krakauer's "Into the Wild" with him .... his required summer reading for school. Have to confess it doesn't make sense to me to go off into the wild... but it did resonate with my son.

    Hope you're all having a good weekend!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all,

    My night was broken because DD woke up at 2am with a bad migraine; she was too nauseated to take the meds for a bit. I got back to sleep about 5ish and the phone woke me late morning; it was my gym friends wondering why I was not at IHOP with them. So I took a quick shower and went over there.......it was great (as always) to see them. One leaves for 2 weeks in Ireland on Wednesday so glad to get to say bye to her. DD woke up and h/a was thankfully gone. Yay, Imitrex.

    Held a plank for 1min 45 seconds.........pleased with that time as it's the first I've done one since I got the first cold, about the 3rd week of July. Time to get busy with exercise again, although, believe it or not, I'm still coughing up gunk. TMI, sorry. That second cold was really bad and it's been well over 2 weeks now............I'm more than ready for it to be gone.........seems like I spent the whole summer with a cold.

    Football!!!! Switching between ODU/Hampton U. and Va. Tech/ William and Mary games much to the distress of both DD and DH; neither one appreciate my football mania. When she was 3, DD could name most of the Dallas Cowboys, a fact she would rather die than admitt these days.

    Kim..........What a wonderful friend you are to offer a room in your home; things are really scary these days, so many are one paycheck away from homeless. Hope everything works out for your friend.

    Patcoh............Adorable baby!!!

    Sylvia..........Keep forgetting to tell you, I loved the Groundhog Day joke; got quite a giggle from that one. 100 miles??? WOW, maybe I'll try a personal challenge for 50 for Sept.; no way am I up for 100mi. Good for you!!!

    Best to everyone, enjoy your weekend.
    Oh, our highs are now upped again to low 90's on the forcast.............

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I had to post just to see the change in my ticker! :laugh: I'm heading out to the gym shortly (thanks for the inspiration, Rori). I'm still having to work at getting out and about. It's one of those "can't figure out why" things as I always feel better. Ditto of course with eating well. That I've got dialed in! (not bragging - cuz I know how vulnerable I am :smile: )

    I hope you all have a nice weekend. The sun is shining here but, at 91, it's still hot for me to feel ambitious about going outside. Fortunately, the gym is nice and cool.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Bump for now. Am officially done with work, so hopefully will get back to posting. Read all posts for motivation and to keep up on all of the news, challenges, ideas, and successes. This is the best group of women!! Be back soon.

    Deb A from CNY
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    My DH found this picture. They gave a camera to some apes and this is its selfie. :laugh:
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    lol @ Margaret:laugh: :drinker:
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Deb A, just noticed your before and after pics. What a difference 59 lbs has made. You look wonderful.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a nice brunch with mom,MIL and 2SIL.The weather is warm and in the 80`s.
    Son`s still in a lot of pain,with the back.Taking pain pills and muscle relaxers and icing.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kim and YannieJannie, my daily Fitbit goal is 10,000 steps, which is a little over 4 miles, so, if I managed to do that every day, it would be 120 miles. So, it seems doable. Even if I missed a day or two, I should be able to make it.

    I just made turkey enchiladas for dinner, and half a baked potato. But I made some flour tortillas, toasted in the skillet, for hubby and somehow managed to eat half of one. It just kind of fell onto my plate! Oh, was it yummy!

    Hubby is in the family room working on a puzzle I bought at a garage sale. It is shaped like a white-tailed deer and has pictures of more deer and other critters painted on its midsection. It had never even been opened, and now we know why. That darned thing is diabolical! The pieces are irregular shapes and it's totally impossible to put the edges together first. When we first got together, he wouldn't touch a puzzle, and now he does them without me. He says I've ruined him. I think it's good for him.

    Well, it's time to walk the doggies!

    Bye for now.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Off to bed early after a pleasant day spent with my hubby and pets.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful overcast NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 18,000 steps today ----90 minutes work in the yard---250 squats (day 30 of the 30 day challenge)



    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    August Resolutions---with end of the month comments
    *yoga once a week---failed miserably
    *plank twice a week---2 minute plank at least twice a week
    *make a new line dance CD---finished and using it in my class
    *weight training once a week---failed miserably
    *18,000 steps a day
    at least this many and often more

    September Resolutions
    *get the big hole in the back yard ready for planting bulbs
    *seek opportunities to be kind
    *participate in a 30 day plank challenge

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • Akinom523
    Just a quick hello, hoping everybody is enjoying the weekend!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, my rings started getting loose some times in the winter and when I took my gloves off my rings stayed in them. So now I wear them on a gold chain around my neck. I really can't see my fingers loosing anymore weight so I need to get the rings re-sized now. About the birthday party for the little one. I don't think our grand kids have ever had a birthday party on thier birthday. Trinities in August 11th. We celebrate it at the end of August when they come up to go to the amusement park every year. Ellies is Nov 14th. We celebrate it on Thanksgiving when they are here. There is no way they would have the money to come up for their birthday and my Mom and sister always helped us celebrate it. Even though Mom is gone now I wouldn't do that to my sister. But the kids love it. It makes them feel more special. And we never have Christmas on the 25th. With as many families as we have they can't all manage their schedules to get here that day. Plus it allows each family to go to their inlaws house which makes them all feel good. One year we had it in February, our girls thought they were the most special kids on earth. They were the ONLY ones in their class at school that had Christmas that day. Plus you can get some great after Christmas sales to decorate your house and buy gifts at a wonderful price. An event is what you make of it, not the day it actually occured. It's what's in your hearts.

    Allison, I think the Sandman has forgotten about me living here:grumble: I have slept poorly almost every night. I worry about tonight since I have to actually set the alarm for tomorrow morning. I'm not like most of you women here. I like to sleep until at least 11 but Sundays it is 8:30 and I need it to be earlier so I can get to Sunday School

    Beth, just be glad that your son wants you to read books with him. So many kids not only don't want to read books but don't want that interaction with their parents. Plus you are knowing what kind of books they have your child read in schol

    AHHHH, books. I love the old classics. I have several on my Nook. I love it that both my grand children do to. They are happiest with their nose in a book.

    My daughter had her annual work picnic today. They had a lot of events during the day and then had a supper and free tickets to the ball game. We have a base ball team that is part of the Frontier league. If you watched 'A league of their own' it was filmed there. I think the stadium is the 3rd oldest baseball stadium still standing. The scene where Tom Hanks was peeing for such a long time? Yep, filmed right here. Anyway the teams name is the Evansville Otters and they are having a decent season and we had free tickets. Well it has been raining alll day, more like a drizzle by this evening. So we looked at a white tarp on the filed for over an hour and there was no word on when the game would start. so we just left. But they didn't have a very good selection at the picnic. O know I could have rought me some fresh veggies. So I had a grilled 1/2 pounder and cut it in half, a whole bun, hold the cheese please, veggies on the bun. There was no salad dressing offered. But they had yummy potato salad or Grippos potato chips. I took 1 Tbsp of the potato salad. But my silly daughter put the desert on my plate, a packaged rice krispie treat! It was good!!! But I didn't buy any thing at the base ball stadium.

    You know when I couldn't find my Quacker Oats granola with almonds and honey and got the Kashi go lean crunch? At first I didn't like the taste of the kashi at all. But they were out of it at the store the last time I went so I got the Quacker thing again. I coulnd't believe how much I didn't liek it and actually preffered the Kashi instead. The Quacker product just seemed like it tasted like mush and the Kashi had such a fuller flavor plus was crunchier. And I LOVE my texture in my food.

    I was so happy that I was able to take my heart monitor off yesterday and send it back. Well today I found out that I forgot to send the charger and the waist band holder thingy!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Beth – isn’t funny how sometimes you can’t think of the obvious thing? :laugh: Happens to me and I am like you DUH!!!

    Margaret – LOL on new profile pic!!

    Sylvia – I looked at the last few days (with fitbit) and I have done 3-5 miles every day… I’ll finish posting here and go find that challenge and sign up. :smile: I love puzzles, my mom often had one going and I loved working with her on it.

    Joyce – sounds like you made reasonable choice with what was offered, and now that I am doing less desserts (I still have them- but not twice a day- more like every so often) do the desserts seem better to you? They do to me, but I am also more picky – If I am spending that many calories it better be good. :love:

    Spent 3 hours this evening moving pictures from my camera on to a hard drive, organizing them and setting them up to go to off site storage… I do a remote full back up of my hard drives every day, as part of my business so my pictures go too. Tomorrow I hope up get my business facebook page updated. I thought I would do it tonight but did not know this would take so long….

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day 4 out of 30
    Walk 45 minutes a day 27 times out of 30
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 4 weeks done yeah!!!

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times
    Walk 45 min every day
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week

    Kim from N. California

    EDIT!!! :smile: I just joined the 100 mile challenge! thanks for finding it Sylvia and bringing it to our attention.