
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Can I join to please. I'm 50 with rickety joints not helped by being overweight.
    September goals are to

    Lose 14 pounds
    Complete my food diary
    Not let my husband derail me with take away.

    We have a 15 month old greyhound who is about to get even longer walks. Normally I walk him about 20 mins twice a day.
  • anniebr
    anniebr Posts: 35 Member
    I love this group> I tried to put a tracker on my blog but can't figure it out. LOL> Love all the support. Have:love: a good day everyone. I will be sending lots of I am worth it and I am worthy of taking care of myself. :love: :bigsmile:
  • anniebr
    anniebr Posts: 35 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh theres my tracker......:wink::wink: :wink: :wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Denise from NC, welcome..there are a lot of others from NC on this thread….your goals sound very possible and ones that will help you lose weight and gain energy….Bump means “Bring up my thread” and is a way to keep your favorite threads at the top of the list of “My Topics”

    :heart: :smooched: Cynthia , Brandy, Sasha and I are sending hugs to you and your dog

    :flowerforyou: Chris from CT---starting with modest goals is what I did and then took baby steps to make additional changes……I think to create a ticker with your weight loss you click on “APPS” on the home page, then “tickers” and there will be directions.

    :bigsmile: Michele, I'm glad to hear that Bryan called you

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, you have to buy sweaters now because there won’t be many left by the time you need one.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, the last time I had a horrible itch that didn’t respond to anything topical, I took Benadryl tablets and they helped a lot with the itch and helped me sleep.

    :flowerforyou: Marcia, welcome…..I had great weight loss success in my 30’s then gained it all back plus more and then didn’t have success again until I found MFP in my 60’s

    :flowerforyou: Karen from AZ, it sounds like you’ve figured out a lot about this site….your goals sound great

    :flowerforyou: Discoqueen, I’m with you on needing to get back to weight training

    :flowerforyou: Erica from NJ, you have come to the right place….we will not only wish you luck, but encourage and support you every day.

    :flowerforyou: Tldavis from Kentucky, take your journey one day at a time and think of it as life saving and life enhancing and you’ll find the success you want…you will find motivation by reading and posting on this thread.

    :bigsmile: Linda C in N. Ontario, it’s good to see you back with us

    :flowerforyou: Anne, best wishes as you train for the triathlon

    :flowerforyou: Softblondechick, many people post their goals on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror or at the bottom of their post on this thread..for your goal of “Be Happy”, have you read “The Happiness Project”?

    :flowerforyou: Liz from NY, if you are truly a sugar addict, have you ever researched Gray Sheet Anonymous?

    :flowerforyou: Lesleychev, my fitness program centers around my Standard Poodles and their need to walk…..I started with 20 minute walks and gradually increased the time.

    :flowerforyou: Anniebr, you’ve made a great beginning….keep coming back here for support and encouragement

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: So far today, I’ve walked the dogs about 11,000 steps, attended a spiritual meeting with my hubby, worked on the new flower bed in my yard, done the plank for day one of the plank challenge I joined, cleaned the bathrooms, and am now waiting for hubby to wake up from his nap so I can fix lunch

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Mamahoeg
    Mamahoeg Posts: 1 Member
    Have been on this site for about two months now and just trying to stay motivated.
  • zee1957
    zee1957 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello my name is Zee I'm 56 years old I've been maintaining weight for the past 4 mos
    would like to lose 5 lbs this month,
    I plan to log more what I eat. I'm joining a online challenge with exercise for each day hoping I would get moving a little more.with bad knees it makes it little more difficult, but I have to try more.
    Happy Labor Day all.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    welcome welcome to all the new ladies... hop right in.. tell us a little about yourself. and we shall do the same...
    I am in central Connecticut,54 and still have about 30 lbs to go.. it took me years to put the weight on,and I dont beat myself up about things, the weight will come off eventually.
    mindful eating.. and exercise will help.. yes I am a sugar addict also.. if I dont have it in the house all the better..
    as I just ate 2 mini reeses peanut butter cups:angry:
    will add them to the log..
    that roast in the crock pot came out awesome.. DH really liked it, I just had a small bite of the meat and it was fork tender
    bought some hangers and all the clothes are hanging in my closet... I didnt buy any pants and the only thing I couldnt find that I would have liked to find were a couple of dresses.. oh well I will keep out on the hunt for them..
    well fall is upon us some of our leaves are starting to change.. Fall is my favorite season.. the season after that is NOT....
    DFIL was fine today except embarassed the heck out of us ,when one of the CNA 's walked by who was african american he said there goes one of the minorities :embarassed: I apologized to her for his behavior... and he kept asking if Tom(his son) was smiling.. asked that about 12 times lol.
    got him a lemon meringue pie and put his cookies out..
    came home and did the lawn, and now have a load of laundry in the wash...
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    bumb back soon!
  • Liz in NY welcome,

    thank you so much for your insomnia advice. so many people have recommended Melatonin to me and it never, never worked for me. But maybe I was taking it too late. I am a night owl and very seldom even try to sleep before midnight. I do not think that I need a lot of sleep, but none or only one or two hours is just not enough, it leaves me drained. Since years I have a lavender linen spray, lavender soap and a little bottle with lavender oil. Does not seem to make a difference, only it smells good. Even my whole bedroom is in light lavender.:embarassed:
    And I cut sugar out of my diet nearly completely. I eat fruit though.

    About yo-yoing with your weight, I have that problem since menopause. I am convinced that beside the hormonal problems the main reason is the food we are sold today. I completely had to stop eating anything with flour in it. I realized that I was addicted to it and could not stop eating once the stuff was in my house. I pretty much only eat fresh food now, mainly fruit, vegetables, nuts and yogurt. Very little meat and absolutely no processed food.

    And one suggestion: Do not avoid the scale. It is better to face reality and get motivated to change it. Every time I avoided the scale I ended up over my cut-off point, meaning a weight which is not acceptable to me. It is so much easier to deal with five pounds than with twenty.

    Anne in the Mojave oven
  • Heather,

    Did not realize that you practice cannibalism in good old England. How do you have your bikers?
    Roasted, barbecued , boiled or pickled?

    Anne in the Mojave oven
  • bmullers
    bmullers Posts: 4 Member
    New again to the group. Hi from Dublin, Ireland.
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    Hello everyone; I've been AWOL because of lots of stuff going on. People who want to send good thoughts are welcome to do that, especially for my dog. He appears to have an abscess BEHIND his eye. That's probably the reason he has been so unhappy and just lying around recently: hoofdpijn. His eye is pushed out somewhat from its normal position, the third eyelid is red and so swollen that he can't see out of that eye. AND...that's the only eye he has any sight in: the other one is blind and this one normally has about 25% sight. So it's very scary. Yes, I have been in close contact with both his regular vet and his eye doctor. He's on strong antibiotics and we're driving 2 hours tomorrow so his eye doctor can make an ultrasound and/or ct-scan. Possibly there will be a drain involved.
    I have tunnel vision at the moment and am not thinking of much besides this.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    Sorry, screwed up that reply.
    Cynthia, hugs to you for you and your dog. Please know that my next statement comes from kindness and lots of (veterinary) experience: should your canine friend completely lose his sight, he will ultimately be OK. And hoofdpijn? I'm Dutch. Ik begrijp. Dogs, the amazing creatures they are, compensate shockingly well to loss of a sense. It will take an adjustment period. IMHO, your dog will be better off with no vision and no pain than with the discomfort of pressure within his eyes/skull.
    All best to both of you.

    Hello everyone; I've been AWOL because of lots of stuff going on. People who want to send good thoughts are welcome to do that, especially for my dog. He appears to have an abscess BEHIND his eye. That's probably the reason he has been so unhappy and just lying around recently: hoofdpijn. His eye is pushed out somewhat from its normal position, the third eyelid is red and so swollen that he can't see out of that eye. AND...that's the only eye he has any sight in: the other one is blind and this one normally has about 25% sight. So it's very scary. Yes, I have been in close contact with both his regular vet and his eye doctor. He's on strong antibiotics and we're driving 2 hours tomorrow so his eye doctor can make an ultrasound and/or ct-scan. Possibly there will be a drain involved.
    I have tunnel vision at the moment and am not thinking of much besides this.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
    Cynthia flowerforyou
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh there are so many new people!!!!! What opportunities we have to get to know them, make friends and help pass the word along on how successful MFP can be. also the fact that people can respect each other even though we take different paths to the same end point. If only the world could do it this way in politics.

    Cynthia, I am so sorry about what you and your poor fur baby must be going through. There is a lot of love there.

    Sylvia, please take care, may be time to see a doctor about that soon.

    Tldavis in Ky. Where do you live. I live on the other side of the Ohio river in Indiana

    Trying to decide where to go to eat for our wedding anniversary tomorrow. Charlie said to day that he is losing use of his left hand. His trembling seems to be a lot worse. He used to be able to stop it at will so he could do something but he is not always to do that now. I reminded him that I am sure when he sees the neurologist that his dose of medicine will more than likely be changed. I am so sorry he has to go through this. I just hope I can give him all the support, physically and emotionally that he has given me through out my years with MS.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Happy September.....I can just feel a big sigh of relief,knowing the worst of summer will soon be a memory.Welcome Fall,:flowerforyou: I love Fall,my fav season.

    As far as we know,the Corky Bells on Rt 1 in Fl closed for good. DD was told it came from family problems,so their Dad ( owner) decided to close it down.We've seen that happen too many times.

    Going to read a couple pages back .....if I can find it. :laugh:
    Welcome newbies.
    Tomorrow is laser surgery on 2 nd eye,so won't be on till a couple days after.
    Hope everyone had a nice Labor Day. Pat
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Saw the strangest thing in our garden today. To begin with, DH planted cosmos and marigolds very late and they are just blooming now (and, boy, is he ever proud of them!!). Now, I know that marigolds come in all varieties and shades but one of his is not quite 3ft. high---I'm no giant but it comes to my waist!!! Never ever saw one so tall!!! Today a yellow swallowtail was on the tallest marigold and along came a hummer............the butterfly chased the hummer off repeatedly, something I never would have guessed............and a dragonfly just sat on another marigold and watched, never moved through all the flutterring, divebombing, and fuss. It was quite a treat.

    Update on Gwen, for those who remember me writing about her...........she's now completely on her own again, handling her med layout, driving independently, and everything. Such a cautionary example of the wonders of todays medications........and how a good family dr. can untangle it.

    Very quiet day here; DH goes back to work tomorrow. My eating the past 2 days has been not so great, but a day or two won't undo all.

    Sylvia............How's your itch???

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    well I am charging the fit bit again, and darn it.. it better work.. I cleaned the contacts, and when I reset it last time it finally decided to charge.. havent had it on for about 3 hrs and really havent sat down much so dont even know how to count that oh well..
    So nice to see all of you new ladies~ welcome welcome.. you will so enjoy hanging out here. I cant think of a better group of friends than we have right here.. we are scattered all over the world,but share a common bond..
    Barbie is our ring leader bless her heart.. she is a super duper dog walker and always gets the thread started every month.. we would be lost without her:heart:
    I have taking the last 3 days off from official exercise ,so I will see what I am up to tomorrow morning...
    I am just soooo happy with my purchases today.. you know those sweater's that dont button and hang and sort of flow down the front? I got 3 of those.. an orange one, a blue one and a gray one.. I dont do well with button up shirts because of the girls so I got pull on shirts and sweater's a few zip up ones..
    well I am having my slimming tea again.. it has senna in it, which I have had mixed reviews on.. I dont use it all the time, but every once in awhile...
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Welcome all new ladies!

    Drama alert~ Do not read any further if you want a drama free day.

    I feel the need to connect now; a pox on drama! Tanya caught baby daddy cheating on her and of course came over in hysterics. She texted the other girl threatening her (oh, fabulous move dear mother-to-be who will be fighting for custody). During the most recent fight (yesterday while he was wasted) he said he'd never give up custody of the baby.

    Now she plans to move out into a house with 4 guys (oh, another fabulous move). She says she does not have the ability to apply for welfare or housing assistance because like all government agencies, they are open during the day. She has already refused WIC and a free car seat for those reasons. While she was here both boyfriend and other grandmother called her constantly so she finally answered and left to go see what the BF has to say for himself. He didn't even come with her on Saturday to pick up the baby furniture from the next door neighbors; they had to take them to their place since she has a small car.

    I have given thought to having her move in here but we always said once you are gone, there is no coming back. Plus then I know she'd procrastinate on getting assistance to get her own place and wouldn't move out at the deadline. Then we'd be kicking her AND a baby out. Plus things are so much better here without her. I hate to say it, but she was totally disruptive.

    Poor DH and DD#2 are stuck just north of Rockport MO, going 10 mph in a one lane construction zone that is lasting forever. I just wish they'd get home.

    *heavy sigh. Thanks for letting me rant. Meg from Omaha where strangely enough, it is not raining at the moment!

    Michele: where did I put those sharp objects a couple weeks ago???
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Had a great active summer but quit logging food and weighing/measuring, so am up a few. Damn, I thought I was done (ha, ha, the truth is we're never done, right?). Am looking from inspiration from this group, so let's help each other... I have not slacked off on exercise, thank God, so continue to go to the Y about five days a week, taking aerobics, step, weights -- and loving the difference it makes in how I feel: energized, in good spirits 99% of the time, sleeping well, and feeling younger (instead of older).
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member

    Baking sweet potatos for dinner to go with grilled pork loin and veggies. I've been lurking and working. Started on a Christmas stocking for DS#1's sweetheart. And we've been invited to spend Christmas with their family, too. They've been talking marriage and children and all related topics. So precious to see them!

    Gail, metro ATL