rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • SheGlows
    SheGlows Posts: 520 Member
    My grandma told me I looked pregnant in my prom dress and proceeded to ask me if I was a whale.

    I asked how her diabetes medication was treating her.
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    Good thing ur on a diet I won't b squished in the future.
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    I got called a fat *insert racial slur*, by my crush. I deluded myself into not giving him any blame, in reality he was nothing but an *kitten*. Other than that I don't remember, i've gotten the "fatass/fatty" every now and then,since it was something i didn't deny myself it didn't offend me. I get more offended when people comment on what I eat.
    *I remember my friends saying "you'd be so pretty if you weren't fat", that stung a bit but i agreed so i got over it pretty quickly.
  • Chrysalisobel
    Chrysalisobel Posts: 152 Member
    "Are you sure your weight is THAT low?"

    A question that's been asked as if I haven't looked like I've lost any weight. A question that should be asked with my height (I'm 5'2") taken into account.
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    My soon to be ex wife said, and I quote, "Why would I want to have sex with you. I don't even want to look at you. You're a big fat pig." I played it off at the time, but I was devastated.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I've posted this on here before when the thread was older. Figured I'd repost.


    A group of my coworkers did this at one of my old restaurant jobs. They tore out a piece of a kids menu and colored it in with my name and everything, posted it in the kitchen =/ I laughed it off, but it was very hurtful, especially since it was a group effort. I started out at over 400 lbs and have been obese my entire life so I've had my fair share of mean comments and actions thrown my way. Don't ever think that what you say or do to a person won't stick with them after you're gone, that's not always necessarily true. I've had this picture for 8 years. It used to depress the crap out of me when I was younger, now I look back on it and I'm just glad I moved past that part of my life and don't allow poisonous people around me anymore.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    when are you due? I've gotten this a few times in the past. I can't have kids at all either. So thanks for making it that much better.

    I've gotten that a couple of times. The really annoying ones come from the family: either comments about my weight in the department store (when school-clothes shopping) or from someone who has no room to be yapping (a diabetic relative who's very overweight telling me I need "to wear a girdle").
  • Fitdoge
    Fitdoge Posts: 52 Member
    I sat in a Panera Bread having a rare treat (bread bowl) and some younger teens were across from me. They talked like I wasn't there, saying things like "Wow, I can't believe she can fit in ONE chair" and "ew, I ordered the same thing she did. I don't wanna be a fat cow!"
    I had to listen to them continue to mock and belittle me for the better part of my hour long lunch break. I could barely finish my food and left in tears. I wish I could say "I don't listen to people like that anymore", but I still feel like a cow. I've never had someone sit across from me and actively mock my weight before like that. They treated me like I wasn't human anymore.
  • chickwithpencil
    chickwithpencil Posts: 26 Member
    Our former landlady, when my mother and I went to rent a place from her, was like "you must take all the food away from your mother." When we mentioned to her that I had epilepsy, she told me "would it help if you lost weight?" After that, I ended up having to excuse myself and go outside, where I called her a few nasty names out of earshot. Had we not needed the place so badly... *sigh*

    I've had people say things about my weight before and I can usually brush it off. It's annoying, but I can deal. The moment someone brings my epilepsy into the conversation, I am no longer amused.
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    "You're a pretty lady but you're kinda big in the butt". I married this guy. He has since shut up about the butt.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    Since I've been an adult, I've noticed I get more negative comments when I'm going through a period of weight loss. Once I have made some progress that people notice I get asked if I'm sick and usually get told I'm losing too much weight when I'm morbidly obese. most of these people that say these things never knew me when I was skinny during my childhood and early 20s. I don't ever get these type of comments from people I knew when I was skinny. It doesn't make sense to me.
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    Mentioned this in another thread. I was 16 years old, 6'1", and probably about 250-ish at that time. I was at a Chinese restaurant with my family and we were waiting to be seated when I overheard a guy remark to his wife, "Damn, she could play for the Seahawks!"
  • MelpomeneTears
    MelpomeneTears Posts: 33 Member
    My father telling me "It's a good thing you're smart. You're not pretty enough to get a man to take care of you. Maybe if you weren't such a pig you could be pretty." Mind you, my father has always weighed more than me.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    One of my EX boyfriends, right before I broke up with him, said to me "you're not fat! you're just....just....overweight!"
  • GeorgieS1983
    One thing that sticks in my mind was my ex fiance saying to me after hanging the clothes on the line "you're getting bigger my love" and he'd basically indicate that he didn't want to get married until I got to my goal weight. All this while he drank mocha milk and ate pies.
    3 1/2 years later I have met an amazing man who loves me for me. I was explaining last night how I had joined up with this app and how it will hopefully motivate me so I can be fit and healthy. He didn't believe me when I said I had put on some weight (about 5kg) and said he didn't even notice and I'm just as beautiful as when he first met me.
  • charlottegirl14
    About 6 years ago, I was dating a woman that was my coworker. We were on vacation walking on the beach and she stopped, looked at me and said "I just don't think I can deal with your weight issue". While she said this, she was poking me in the chest and stomach. That was about the lowest I have ever felt in my life!

    She would have been walking home from vacation!!! Bee-uch!
  • charlottegirl14
    My soon to be ex wife said, and I quote, "Why would I want to have sex with you. I don't even want to look at you. You're a big fat pig." I played it off at the time, but I was devastated.

    This would really be the best motivation I know of to lose that weight and be sure she sees you with your buff new body!
    Nobody deserves that kind of comment. She has a much bigger problem than weight!!
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    Earlier in the year I hit my MFP goals but then was quite ill for about 6 weeks where my weight fell below 54kg (119lbs and 5ft 8in). I was asked as to which concentration camp I had been released from. That affected me and after I recovered from the illness my weight ended up higher than when I started on MFP. Only now am I slowly getting back to my target weight range.
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    I have never understood how people can be so rude and insensitive towards other fellow human beings. We have laws to prevent peoples prejudices based upon religious and ethnic grounds. Some will say not enough, maybe but that is a different debate. We have no laws banning "fatty" comments and we are almost told that we are fat it's our fault and we have to accept it and all the consequences of it. I was 329lb and extremely ill, no matter what people said to me I wouldn't listen to them although my body finally told me get sorted. I am now 168lb and still want to lose another 16-18lb in the next 6 months or so.

    A colleague used to call me "big fat al" that was when I probably weighed 200lb. In fairness to him I used to rib him with similar comments about his size as well this was more like mutual cajoling so no biggie to me personally.

    When I had lost 140lb, I shared my success on facebook in a slimming group I help admin. I had literally 2000 likes and hundreds of wonderful comments. The only one I can remember though was a lady who said "wow that's 10 stone how the hell did you get 10 stone overweight!"

    I have to say a child upset me the most although like most have said I kind of made light of it by pretending I didn't hear the comments, even though I really really couldn't help it as he was bawling it at the top of his voice in a crowed super market. I'm sure his father just felt like hiding behind the fruit and vegetables as I didn't hear his reply to the child who kept repeatedly asking "Daddy why is that man so fat"

    Anyone who watches or reads games of thrones should take notice of Tyrions advice to John Snow. This isn't meant to offend.

    “Let me give you some advice, *kitten*: Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.”
  • MissFlawed
    MissFlawed Posts: 89 Member
    My father when I saw him the past week.

    "Yeez, you are getting a tummy. Better lose it!"

    I'm 5f'3 and 119 pounds... Thanks dad.